OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Tryonecumslopper may need an intevention....Help Him Fakey Jakey

What made you say that? I'm still new here but I found it more of these called themselves conservative but are fake like Jimbowie or airplanemechinic just to name a few that are dishonest.
Just because Trump say it's good is good. Just because Trump say it's rigged it's rig. Just because Trump say it's bad it's bad. This is becoming a norm.

1. Trump called all these polls rigged because he is behind ...... His followers say it's rigged....... Then he is ahead by 2 points here in Florida. He is bragging that he is winning. It's not rigged...His followers say it's not rigged.
2. Trump hiring foreign workers. When these foreign workers taking over American jobs. And that's okay. At the same bitchin about illegals taking over jobs.
3. Russian has always been the enemy.... For some reason Trump followers it's okay to kiss Putin ass. And being called puppet. And that's okay too.
4. His foreign policy sucks, his economy policy sucks but that's okay.
5. Russian hacking into American enterprises..... His followers denied it and that's okay.
6. Using his power to just grab pussy and that's okay.
That is fucking ridiculous.

Maybe I can bring this up also that Trump is accused of raping a 13 year old girl. Schedule to appear in court Dec. 16/16 in NY. Let see if this is also acceptable.

Trump lawyers given court date over lawsuit alleging rape of 13-year-old

1. The polls are rigged, oversampling democrats completely unrealistically.
2. Did Trump somewhere say that he should not be able to hire foreign workers?
3. Russia has always been the enemy... so NUKE THEM? Yeah I think not...
4. His foreign and economic policies of peace and prosperity are a win of epic proportions.
5. There is no evidence of Russia hacking into anything, except maybe for the DNC leaks. He hasn't denied anything...
6. Yes, the women wanted that, because Trump is a successful, famous, tall, alpha male. Everything you aren't.

You have not answer my post. What made you say Tyrone and Jake are fake?

From your post.
1. That's pure bullshit. He is ahead by 2 points here in Florida and suddenly it's not rigged. Try again.
2. Sure Trump can hire anybody. But Since when it's acceptable that foreign workers can take over American jobs? If I lay you off and hire foreign workers. I'm sure that is acceptable to you. Try again.
3. Russia the enemy? I strongly suggest you update yourself.... So it's acceptable to you to kiss Putin ass or called putin puppet?
4. His economic policy are blasted by independent well known economists rated as F but I don't see anybody blasting Hillary economic policy and republicans also despised your role model. His foreign policy is sucks. Try again.
5. Yes 17 agencies confirmed that Russia are behind all these hackings.
6. Wow dude....... You support a president as a role model that bragged and use his power to JUST grab anybody's pussy. Bullying.......... And that just tells you who are Trump supporters. What made you think all women likes that? When there are 13 ( remember I said 13 not 12) women that came out and accused him of sexual assault. Is this the kind of abusive and bullying role model for our kids This sums up people like you who adore and fascinated of celebrity despite with his inability to lead.

AND .... ......... I can assure you 100% I am far far better looking than your obese role model. And I don't have problem dating married and single women even with a wedding ring in my finger.
Last edited:
Tryonecumslopper may need an intevention....Help Him Fakey Jakey

What made you say that? I'm still new here but I found it more of these called themselves conservative but are fake like Jimbowie or airplanemechinic just to name a few that are dishonest.
Just because Trump say it's good is good. Just because Trump say it's rigged it's rig. Just because Trump say it's bad it's bad. This is becoming a norm.

1. Trump called all these polls rigged because he is behind ...... His followers say it's rigged....... Then he is ahead by 2 points here in Florida. He is bragging that he is winning. It's not rigged...His followers say it's not rigged.
2. Trump hiring foreign workers. When these foreign workers taking over American jobs. And that's okay. At the same bitchin about illegals taking over jobs.
3. Russian has always been the enemy.... For some reason Trump followers it's okay to kiss Putin ass. And being called puppet. And that's okay too.
4. His foreign policy sucks, his economy policy sucks but that's okay.
5. Russian hacking into American enterprises..... His followers denied it and that's okay.
6. Using his power to just grab pussy and that's okay.
That is fucking ridiculous.

Maybe I can bring this up also that Trump is accused of raping a 13 year old girl. Schedule to appear in court Dec. 16/16 in NY. Let see if this is also acceptable.

Trump lawyers given court date over lawsuit alleging rape of 13-year-old

1. The polls are rigged, oversampling democrats completely unrealistically.
2. Did Trump somewhere say that he should not be able to hire foreign workers?
3. Russia has always been the enemy... so NUKE THEM? Yeah I think not...
4. His foreign and economic policies of peace and prosperity are a win of epic proportions.
5. There is no evidence of Russia hacking into anything, except maybe for the DNC leaks. He hasn't denied anything...
6. Yes, the women wanted that, because Trump is a successful, famous, tall, alpha male. Everything you aren't.

You have not answer my post. What made you say Tyrone and Jake are fake?

From your post.
1. That's pure bullshit. He is ahead by 2 points here in Florida and suddenly it's not rigged. Try again.
2. Sure Trump can hire anybody. But Since when it's acceptable that foreign workers can take over American jobs? If I lay you off and hire foreign workers. I'm sure that is acceptable to you. Try again.
3. Russia the enemy? I strongly suggest you update yourself.... So it's acceptable to you to kiss Putin ass or called putin puppet?
4. His economic policy are blasted by independent well known economists rated as F but I don't see anybody blasting Hillary economic policy and republicans also despised your role model. His foreign policy is sucks. Try again.
5. Yes 17 agencies confirmed that Russia are behind all these hackings.
6. Wow dude....... You support a president as a role model that bragged and use his power to JUST grab anybody's pussy. Bullying.......... And that just tells you who are Trump supporters. What made you think all women likes that? When there are 13 ( remember I said 13 not 12) women that came out and accused him of sexual assault. Is this the kind of abusive and bullying role model for our kids This sums up people like you who adore and fascinated of celebrity despite with his inability to lead.

AND .... ......... I can assure you 100% I am far far better looking than your obese role model. And I don't have problem with married and single women even with a wedding ring in my finger.

All of your reasoning riddled with logical fallacies. I don't even care to respond, the quality is sub first grader. For the first point, the polls ARE over-sampled, that's a fact. I don't understand how you jump to Florida from this fact. You are an extremely retarded individual.
No--that's not correct. Comey has been accused by many, including Trump of being a junk yard dog to Hillary Clinton. He has got to be the most incompetent agent out there, as he was well aware that Huma was forwarding emails to her server in order to print them out. IOW--he could have easily had access to all these emails one year ago, in fact they could have been sitting on his desk, as far as anyone knows, and he now decides to make a statement about them, 10 days before a National Election.

That is AGAINST standard protocol for the DOJ & FBI to release that kind of "vague" information within 60 days of an election.

No clarity, except for a statement that these emails may not be significant to anything. I imagine his head is going to roll on this one.

Funny. In July Comey was a hero to the left.

Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk

In July the RWnuts around here wanted him shot for treason.
and if this time he finds reason to prosecute, then its obvious he hid the facts last time, and if he still does not find reason then he is still trying to cover up.
either way he has proven to be a traitor only following orders from the obama administration
E-MAILS!!!!!! bfd, dupes...
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.
Funny. In July Comey was a hero to the left.

Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk

In July the RWnuts around here wanted him shot for treason.
and if this time he finds reason to prosecute, then its obvious he hid the facts last time, and if he still does not find reason then he is still trying to cover up.
either way he has proven to be a traitor only following orders from the obama administration
E-MAILS!!!!!! bfd, dupes...
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.

How is this relevant?

Oh, it isn't... deflect, deflect...
In July the RWnuts around here wanted him shot for treason.
and if this time he finds reason to prosecute, then its obvious he hid the facts last time, and if he still does not find reason then he is still trying to cover up.
either way he has proven to be a traitor only following orders from the obama administration
E-MAILS!!!!!! bfd, dupes...
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.

How is this relevant?

Oh, it isn't... deflect, deflect...

It's relevant because people like you think your baseless accusations count as substantive factual evidence.
Funny. In July Comey was a hero to the left.

Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk

In July the RWnuts around here wanted him shot for treason.
and if this time he finds reason to prosecute, then its obvious he hid the facts last time, and if he still does not find reason then he is still trying to cover up.
either way he has proven to be a traitor only following orders from the obama administration
E-MAILS!!!!!! bfd, dupes...
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.
and just like Trumps taxes, to date nothing has been proven to indicate the kenyan is a citizen.
In July the RWnuts around here wanted him shot for treason.
and if this time he finds reason to prosecute, then its obvious he hid the facts last time, and if he still does not find reason then he is still trying to cover up.
either way he has proven to be a traitor only following orders from the obama administration
E-MAILS!!!!!! bfd, dupes...
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.
and just like Trumps taxes, to date nothing has been proven to indicate the kenyan is a citizen.

See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.
and if this time he finds reason to prosecute, then its obvious he hid the facts last time, and if he still does not find reason then he is still trying to cover up.
either way he has proven to be a traitor only following orders from the obama administration
E-MAILS!!!!!! bfd, dupes...
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.

How is this relevant?

Oh, it isn't... deflect, deflect...

It's relevant because people like you think your baseless accusations count as substantive factual evidence.

Yeah, FBI's accusations are baseless..

The kool aide... it's so strong.
and if this time he finds reason to prosecute, then its obvious he hid the facts last time, and if he still does not find reason then he is still trying to cover up.
either way he has proven to be a traitor only following orders from the obama administration
E-MAILS!!!!!! bfd, dupes...
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.
and just like Trumps taxes, to date nothing has been proven to indicate the kenyan is a citizen.

See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.
and if this time he finds reason to prosecute, then its obvious he hid the facts last time, and if he still does not find reason then he is still trying to cover up.
either way he has proven to be a traitor only following orders from the obama administration
E-MAILS!!!!!! bfd, dupes...
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.

How is this relevant?

Oh, it isn't... deflect, deflect...

It's relevant because people like you think your baseless accusations count as substantive factual evidence.
baseless accusations like those that the left is currently employing when referring to Trump.
Lets just start with his being in Russia's pocket.
E-MAILS!!!!!! bfd, dupes...
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.

How is this relevant?

Oh, it isn't... deflect, deflect...

It's relevant because people like you think your baseless accusations count as substantive factual evidence.

Yeah, FBI's accusations are baseless..

The kool aide... it's so strong.

There are no accusations. Show me one incriminating email, so far, from Huma's laptop.
E-MAILS!!!!!! bfd, dupes...
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.
and just like Trumps taxes, to date nothing has been proven to indicate the kenyan is a citizen.

See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.
E-MAILS!!!!!! bfd, dupes...
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.

How is this relevant?

Oh, it isn't... deflect, deflect...

It's relevant because people like you think your baseless accusations count as substantive factual evidence.
baseless accusations like those that the left is currently employing when referring to Trump.
Lets just start with his being in Russia's pocket.

So now you confess that your accusations are baseless.
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.
and just like Trumps taxes, to date nothing has been proven to indicate the kenyan is a citizen.

See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

This does not refute the argument that she is under serious investigation... are you starting to get it yet? Does it register?

No one has stated there has been any emails shown yet... try to keep up! In fact even the source is not known, just that there was a credible recommendation. She is done.
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.
and just like Trumps taxes, to date nothing has been proven to indicate the kenyan is a citizen.

See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.
Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.
and just like Trumps taxes, to date nothing has been proven to indicate the kenyan is a citizen.

See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

This does not refute the argument that she is under serious investigation... are you starting to get it yet? Does it register?

She is? And if she was, so what? Has the Gestapo taken over?
Tryonecumslopper may need an intevention....Help Him Fakey Jakey

What made you say that? I'm still new here but I found it more of these called themselves conservative but are fake like Jimbowie or airplanemechinic just to name a few that are dishonest.
Just because Trump say it's good is good. Just because Trump say it's rigged it's rig. Just because Trump say it's bad it's bad. This is becoming a norm.

1. Trump called all these polls rigged because he is behind ...... His followers say it's rigged....... Then he is ahead by 2 points here in Florida. He is bragging that he is winning. It's not rigged...His followers say it's not rigged.
2. Trump hiring foreign workers. When these foreign workers taking over American jobs. And that's okay. At the same bitchin about illegals taking over jobs.
3. Russian has always been the enemy.... For some reason Trump followers it's okay to kiss Putin ass. And being called puppet. And that's okay too.
4. His foreign policy sucks, his economy policy sucks but that's okay.
5. Russian hacking into American enterprises..... His followers denied it and that's okay.
6. Using his power to just grab pussy and that's okay.
That is fucking ridiculous.

Maybe I can bring this up also that Trump is accused of raping a 13 year old girl. Schedule to appear in court Dec. 16/16 in NY. Let see if this is also acceptable.

Trump lawyers given court date over lawsuit alleging rape of 13-year-old

1. The polls are rigged, oversampling democrats completely unrealistically.
2. Did Trump somewhere say that he should not be able to hire foreign workers?
3. Russia has always been the enemy... so NUKE THEM? Yeah I think not...
4. His foreign and economic policies of peace and prosperity are a win of epic proportions.
5. There is no evidence of Russia hacking into anything, except maybe for the DNC leaks. He hasn't denied anything...
6. Yes, the women wanted that, because Trump is a successful, famous, tall, alpha male. Everything you aren't.

You have not answer my post. What made you say Tyrone and Jake are fake?

From your post.
1. That's pure bullshit. He is ahead by 2 points here in Florida and suddenly it's not rigged. Try again.
2. Sure Trump can hire anybody. But Since when it's acceptable that foreign workers can take over American jobs? If I lay you off and hire foreign workers. I'm sure that is acceptable to you. Try again.
3. Russia the enemy? I strongly suggest you update yourself.... So it's acceptable to you to kiss Putin ass or called putin puppet?
4. His economic policy are blasted by independent well known economists rated as F but I don't see anybody blasting Hillary economic policy and republicans also despised your role model. His foreign policy is sucks. Try again.
5. Yes 17 agencies confirmed that Russia are behind all these hackings.
6. Wow dude....... You support a president as a role model that bragged and use his power to JUST grab anybody's pussy. Bullying.......... And that just tells you who are Trump supporters. What made you think all women likes that? When there are 13 ( remember I said 13 not 12) women that came out and accused him of sexual assault. Is this the kind of abusive and bullying role model for our kids This sums up people like you who adore and fascinated of celebrity despite with his inability to lead.

AND .... ......... I can assure you 100% I am far far better looking than your obese role model. And I don't have problem with married and single women even with a wedding ring in my finger.

All of your reasoning riddled with logical fallacies. I don't even care to respond, the quality is sub first grader. For the first point, the polls ARE over-sampled, that's a fact. I don't understand how you jump to Florida from this fact. You are an extremely retarded individual.

Logical fallacies..... Like what?
Dude..... All I told you are facts and realities. You came down to insult because you have *NOTHING* to counter act. Your post are just pure moronic, delusional and bullshit. You are nothing but a lightweight.

From Trump speech yesterday he bragged that he is ahead by 2 points here Florida. This time it's not rigged. The same poll he called it rigged about 4 days ago. You are a good example of a low informed Trump supporters.
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.

How is this relevant?

Oh, it isn't... deflect, deflect...

It's relevant because people like you think your baseless accusations count as substantive factual evidence.

Yeah, FBI's accusations are baseless..

The kool aide... it's so strong.

There are no accusations. Show me one incriminating email, so far, from Huma's laptop.
Again with a show me demand that even the least intelligent here would know to be impossible to show.
If it was incriminating it would be considered a confidential document, therefore, it would not be available to any of us here to use as proof. If by chance there was someone here that was privileged to the information, they would still not be able to show that proof because they then would be guilty of mishandling confidential materials.
I suppose in this case we will have to wait and see what we are told by the media.
The constant request for proof that you know would be illegal to produce is somewhat tiring and does little to bolster your position.
based on the facts that we have had shared with us from the government, I would say there is ample reason to suspect that hillary mishandled certain documents.
The question now is will Crooked Hillary file lawsuits to postpone the Nov. 8 election? Or will Crooked Hillary file lawsuits after the election when The Donald wins?
and just like Trumps taxes, to date nothing has been proven to indicate the kenyan is a citizen.

See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

This does not refute the argument that she is under serious investigation... are you starting to get it yet? Does it register?

She is? And if she was, so what? Has the Gestapo taken over?

So what indeed.

This person's IQ must be less than 60.

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