OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Tryonecumslopper may need an intevention....Help Him Fakey Jakey
Huma's emails on a shared device, dope.

You are NOT supposed to share TS or Classified with anyone (w/o clearance). I would doubt Wieners ankle bracelet would allow him to go to 7-11 let alone read military secrets.

Work emails are all captured and SAVED (by work) when you use work equipment. You don't get to DELETE and choose what to keep.

If you want personal email on work use another site (Yahoo or Gmail).

Who says they were classified?
well they all came off her unsecured server

so she responsible for everyone of them
Its a "nothing burger" that is why Clinton is saying show what you have concerns about

you cant possibly know that

whatever there is there is enough for a referral

and more then enough for him to make the statement

so you can sit there and bitch and moan all you want

he says he did the right thing
You mean other than the fact the ones coming forward have nothing to gain by it? Or that he even said to Little Billy Busy that he can touch them int he puss y and they won't do anything about it because he's famous? You did him say that right? He hasn't denied it. That fact you are giving him a free pass is of no surprise. He could rape a nun at this stage and you guys would give him a free pass.

And what about the emails? Did they put the US in danger? No evidence.

She did something stupid. That's not corrupt. That's not me saying that. That's US law.

You do know that he was illegally recorded, right? California is a two-party consent state, meaning in order to record someone both parties have to know. Trump did not know, and thus the recording was illegal. If he was smart he would sue the network who recorded him illegally.

Yes it's illegal..... that is if you use it in the court of law against anybody. But you can record or film just about anybody.

Did they know that your role model will run for President 11 years in advance? Did Trump knows that he will run for president when he was talking to Stern? Talking about his daughter's piece of ass etc. etc.
you cant possibly know that

whatever there is there is enough for a referral
I quoted him saying he does not know what is in the e mail..his words his own words how do you know ...

Whoever recommend that he search the place up most likely has an idea. The FBI is not trolled that easily, it's the FBI...

They will be correcting the wrong judgement they made. It probably is an offence that she didn't hand over these emails.
you cant possibly know that

whatever there is there is enough for a referral
I quoted him saying he does not know what is in the e mail..his words his own words how do you know ...

Whoever recommend that he search the place up most likely has an idea. The FBI is not trolled that easily, it's the FBI...

They will be correcting the wrong judgement they made. It probably is an offence that she didn't hand over these emails.

his staff have a good idea what is on there

that is why they referred it to him

my words asshole

fuck you
You are "internet pussy" weak sad Bimbo ..its a nothing burger and you know this LOL
Hillary Clinton Demands FBI Release Any Information It Has On New Email Investigation


the feds already knew that huma was loose and fast with classified emails

so blow it out your ass

On page 3 of their 11-page report, the agents detail how they showed Abedin a classified paper on Pakistan sent from a State Department source which she, in turn, inexplicably forwarded to her personal Yahoo email account — an obviously unclassified, unencrypted, unsecured and unauthorized system. The breach of security was not an isolated event but a common practice with Abedin.

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