OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

you can't reopen something that was never closed idiot ... its not if she wins, its when she is elected president there won't be a impeachment at all ... no matter how many times you get on your knees and pray, it won't happen with it ...
You're defending that crooked bitch and you call me an idiot? Thanks I'll take that as a complement coming from a moron like you.
Have you Trump supporters ever asked yourself why the Nazis and the KKK are so enamored of Trump such strong supporters of Trump/ Gee I wonder what they see in Trump ...

Neo-Nazis hatch racist voter suppression plot to hand out ’40s and weed’ in ‘ghettos of Philly’
Donald Trump has repeatedly told his followers to monitor polling places on election day — and some of his most devoted white nationalist followers are heeding his advice.

The KKK is and always has been a Democratic Party organization Uncle Tom Democrat and traitor to your race...

(hint ..who funds the KKK .. do some research)

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Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'
Source: The Hill

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said on Wednesday that he is more concerned about the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency than he is at the prospect of his team losing fans over his support for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

“When it’s all said and done, I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president, because I care more about the future of my family, my children than I do about my pocketbook," he said in an interview on NBC Sports Radio’s “The Newy Scruggs Show.” "And if it means we play to empty arenas, I’m down with that."

“Maybe I pick up some fans. Maybe I lose some fans. I don’t know," he continued. "I’ve heard it from both. I’ve had people say, ‘There’s no way I can support you. I won’t go to another Mavs game.’ And I’ve had people say, ‘You know what? We’re buying Mavs tickets.' "

Cuban added that his team will not be staying at any Trump hotels while traveling this season.


Read more: Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'
Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'
Source: The Hill

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said on Wednesday that he is more concerned about the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency than he is at the prospect of his team losing fans over his support for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

“When it’s all said and done, I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president, because I care more about the future of my family, my children than I do about my pocketbook," he said in an interview on NBC Sports Radio’s “The Newy Scruggs Show.” "And if it means we play to empty arenas, I’m down with that."

“Maybe I pick up some fans. Maybe I lose some fans. I don’t know," he continued. "I’ve heard it from both. I’ve had people say, ‘There’s no way I can support you. I won’t go to another Mavs game.’ And I’ve had people say, ‘You know what? We’re buying Mavs tickets.' "

Cuban added that his team will not be staying at any Trump hotels while traveling this season.


Read more: Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'


Mark Cuban must be trying to get into Clinton's Elites Club. Go suck her d*ck, Mark and then turn around and grab your ankles.
Katy Tur is not a reporter! She is a propaganda mole for the Crooked Hillary campaign!
I told ya so. The real racists are in the Democratic Party.

"In the video, prominent Ross donor Benjamin Barber expresses his opinion about blacks who vote Republican by comparing them to Nazis.

“Have you heard of the Sonderkommandos? Jewish guards who helped murder Jews in the camps. So there were even Jews that were helping the Nazis murder Jews! So blacks who are helping the other side are seriously fucked in the head. They’re only helping the enemy who will destroy them. Maybe they think ‘if I help them we’ll get along okay; somehow I’ll save my race by working with the murderers,’” said Barber at a fundraiser for Ross on the Upper West Side of New York City on September 19, 2016.

Project Veritas Action thought it was important to share Barber’s words with African American Republicans in North Carolina. They expressed outrage over the comments that were made at the Ross fundraiser.

“I think that Deborah Ross has shown her true colors. If this is not a, if that…what you just showed me is not racism and condescending and basically calling blacks stupid and ignorant and saying that we are voting against our own self-interest if we support any republican. I am appalled. I am in incensed. Deborah Ross should be called to task for something like that,” said Bishop Wooden, a black voter in North Carolina."

Top Democratic Donor at Ross Fundraiser: Blacks Are “Seriously F***ed in The Head”
Top Democratic Donor at Ross Fundraiser: Blacks Are “Seriously F***ed in The Head” | Project Veritas Action
Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'
Source: The Hill

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said on Wednesday that he is more concerned about the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency than he is at the prospect of his team losing fans over his support for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

“When it’s all said and done, I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president, because I care more about the future of my family, my children than I do about my pocketbook," he said in an interview on NBC Sports Radio’s “The Newy Scruggs Show.” "And if it means we play to empty arenas, I’m down with that."

“Maybe I pick up some fans. Maybe I lose some fans. I don’t know," he continued. "I’ve heard it from both. I’ve had people say, ‘There’s no way I can support you. I won’t go to another Mavs game.’ And I’ve had people say, ‘You know what? We’re buying Mavs tickets.' "
Cuban added that his team will not be staying at any Trump hotels while traveling this season.


Read more: Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'
Yawn. Cuban is just like Trump. A wealthy, arrogant, megalomaniac. None of those types can get along because of their egos. Just look at Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Larry Ellison.
you can't reopen something that was never closed idiot ... its not if she wins, its when she is elected president there won't be a impeachment at all ... no matter how many times you get on your knees and pray, it won't happen with it ...
You're defending that crooked bitch and you call me an idiot? Thanks I'll take that as a complement coming from a moron like you.
Yep I defending Hillary where you're defending that dumb fuck trump??? thanks I too will take me defending Hillary as a complement t... you see when you call her crooked Hillary, it reminds me when he call John Casich, Jeb Bush, Ted cruse, Marco Rubio, Carly Florina, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, well every body that ran against him as crooked fill in the blamd.. they problem you have is you're too stupid to realize who the real crook is and its not Hillary ...
cant stand the truth HUH !!!!!:lmao:oh, By the way, that article was from the state department ... you do realize the state department are the ones who classify documents don't you??? thats the problem with you deplorables you're too stupid to understand what you read..
Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'
Source: The Hill

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said on Wednesday that he is more concerned about the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency than he is at the prospect of his team losing fans over his support for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

“When it’s all said and done, I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president, because I care more about the future of my family, my children than I do about my pocketbook," he said in an interview on NBC Sports Radio’s “The Newy Scruggs Show.” "And if it means we play to empty arenas, I’m down with that."

“Maybe I pick up some fans. Maybe I lose some fans. I don’t know," he continued. "I’ve heard it from both. I’ve had people say, ‘There’s no way I can support you. I won’t go to another Mavs game.’ And I’ve had people say, ‘You know what? We’re buying Mavs tickets.' "
Cuban added that his team will not be staying at any Trump hotels while traveling this season.


Read more: Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'
Yawn. Cuban is just like Trump. A wealthy, arrogant, megalomaniac. None of those types can get along because of their egos. Just look at Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Larry Ellison.
you are stupid ... how many women has trump raped 1 that we know of ... today she will come out to the press ... how many women has cuban grab by the pussy ??? we know trump has 11 and more to come... how many times has Cubin filed bankruptcy ??? well I guess you can see why we can really say you're one dumb fuck ...
This is why foreigners shouldn't hop on American political boards. Their opinions are completely uninformed. It's already been proven that Hitlery Clinton used the Clinton Foundation to put the U.S. government up for sale to the highest bidders.

This is why the US needs an IQ test before you're allowed to vote. Of course, if that was the case Trump's poll numbers would be running at about 2 per cent of those eligible to vote under such circumstances.

And no, Dimwit. Nothing has been proven. Not even close. Stones and Alex Jones rambling on air doesn't make fact.

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