OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

This is why foreigners shouldn't hop on American political boards. Their opinions are completely uninformed. It's already been proven that Hitlery Clinton used the Clinton Foundation to put the U.S. government up for sale to the highest bidders.

This is why the US needs an IQ test before you're allowed to vote. Of course, if that was the case Trump's poll numbers would be running at about 2 per cent of those eligible to vote under such circumstances.

And no, Dimwit. Nothing has been proven. Not even close. Stones and Alex Jones rambling on air doesn't make fact.
It's been proven by records you dumb-shit. You have no idea what is going on in the United States and it shows.
you are stupid ... how many women has trump raped 1 that we know of ... today she will come out to the press ... how many women has cuban grab by the pussy ??? we know trump has 11 and more to come... how many times has Cubin filed bankruptcy ??? well I guess you can see why we can really say you're one dumb fuck ...
Look....I know you're desperate for your government handouts billyerock1991, but lying about things won't help your cause any. We know that Donald Trump is a dirt-bag. We know that Mark Cuban is a dirt-bag. While it wouldn't surprise me at all that Trump raped a woman, there is absolutely no proof of that at this time. While it wouldn't surprise me at all that Mark Cuban has raped a woman, there is absolutely no proof of that either at this time.

If you didn't nominate the most unethical, criminal, pathological liar you wouldn't have to resort to lying because you're freaked out at the thought of her losing.
you are stupid ... how many women has trump raped 1 that we know of ... today she will come out to the press ... how many women has cuban grab by the pussy ??? we know trump has 11 and more to come... how many times has Cubin filed bankruptcy ??? well I guess you can see why we can really say you're one dumb fuck ...
Look....I know you're desperate for your government handouts billyerock1991, but lying about things won't help your cause any. We know that Donald Trump is a dirt-bag. We know that Mark Cuban is a dirt-bag. While it wouldn't surprise me at all that Trump raped a woman, there is absolutely no proof of that at this time. While it wouldn't surprise me at all that Mark Cuban has raped a woman, there is absolutely no proof of that either at this time.

If you didn't nominate the most unethical, criminal, pathological liar you wouldn't have to resort to lying because you're freaked out at the thought of her losing.
looks like your the desperate one here ... where have i ever said I want government hand outs??? oh thats right i remember trump loses a billion dollars and doesn't have to pay taxes for 20 years... thats was one big gubment hand out huh ??? are those the gubment hand outs are ypu speaking of ???? you speak of pathological liar ... so far according to politico every thing trump has said so far is a lie ... everthing he has said about hillary was a lie ... now you're try to call me freaked out over the thought of hillary losing??? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa you are a loser ... when the woman comes out to the press today who trump raped ...I bet he will be tap dancing all over it
hillaqrys emails.jpg
are you mentally ill?

amazing the garbage you alt right loons believe.

The real amazing thing is that you dumbass Moon Bat Libtards are giving this Crooked Hillary a pass on being the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to ever run for President. Mind boggling, isn't it?

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for that asshole Obama's "hope and change" so we know you aren't exactly the best and brightest.

poor uneducated trumpster.

yes, everyone except for uneducated white males (the only demographic you win) is stupid.

i think you have it backwards. but that's no surprise from alt right scum.
He's right, jillian. The people voting for that corrupt bitch can't be too smucking fart.

and yet it's trumpsters who are uneducated.
go figure.

but you are amusing.
I'm not surprised someone of your caliber would think that. :)

you mean smarter and more accomplished?

are you mentally ill?

amazing the garbage you alt right loons believe.

The real amazing thing is that you dumbass Moon Bat Libtards are giving this Crooked Hillary a pass on being the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to ever run for President. Mind boggling, isn't it?

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for that asshole Obama's "hope and change" so we know you aren't exactly the best and brightest.

poor uneducated trumpster.

yes, everyone except for uneducated white males (the only demographic you win) is stupid.

i think you have it backwards. but that's no surprise from alt right scum.

Everyone who votes for a criminal is kinda dumb...

you mean like scum who bribes prosecutors and doesn't pay taxes?


Trump hasn't ever committed tax fraud you idiot.

jeeze you're a moron. first, your orange sociopath has never shown you losers his tax returns. second, what do you think it is to lauder money through his foundation and use it for his personal bills?

thank you for once again proving why the uneducated angry white males think the clown is an acceptable candidate for president.
This is going to be a bombshell

I think investigating dumb Donald's Russia ties should have been the bombshell. but I guess people who don't give a damn about who sits on our Court can't be expected to care.
Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'
Source: The Hill

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said on Wednesday that he is more concerned about the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency than he is at the prospect of his team losing fans over his support for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

“When it’s all said and done, I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president, because I care more about the future of my family, my children than I do about my pocketbook," he said in an interview on NBC Sports Radio’s “The Newy Scruggs Show.” "And if it means we play to empty arenas, I’m down with that."

“Maybe I pick up some fans. Maybe I lose some fans. I don’t know," he continued. "I’ve heard it from both. I’ve had people say, ‘There’s no way I can support you. I won’t go to another Mavs game.’ And I’ve had people say, ‘You know what? We’re buying Mavs tickets.' "
Cuban added that his team will not be staying at any Trump hotels while traveling this season.


Read more: Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'
Yawn. Cuban is just like Trump. A wealthy, arrogant, megalomaniac. None of those types can get along because of their egos. Just look at Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Larry Ellison.

This is ignorant. Trump and Cuban are not alike. Cuban is trying to get in with the elites while Trump is independent. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are/were part of the elite. Have no idea of Larry Ellison.
What if copies of Hillary's deleted 30,000 emails are in those 650,000 emails, she deleted them not knowing someone else already had copies of them.

why would someone else have them? Again, this is sounding more and more unlikely.

Hillary was only Secretary of State for 4 years. If she had 650,000 emailes, that meant she was sending 500 emails a DAY.

You posting drunk?

Let us go slooooowww for you to understand

Hillary deleted 30,000 emails sent and received..using bleach bit

Huma was a top aid to hillary

They found 650,000 emails on her husbands computer..some of Hillary's emails to or forum huma could be on there, ya know some of the 30,000 missing.

Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'
Source: The Hill

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said on Wednesday that he is more concerned about the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency than he is at the prospect of his team losing fans over his support for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

“When it’s all said and done, I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president, because I care more about the future of my family, my children than I do about my pocketbook," he said in an interview on NBC Sports Radio’s “The Newy Scruggs Show.” "And if it means we play to empty arenas, I’m down with that."

“Maybe I pick up some fans. Maybe I lose some fans. I don’t know," he continued. "I’ve heard it from both. I’ve had people say, ‘There’s no way I can support you. I won’t go to another Mavs game.’ And I’ve had people say, ‘You know what? We’re buying Mavs tickets.' "
Cuban added that his team will not be staying at any Trump hotels while traveling this season.


Read more: Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'
Yawn. Cuban is just like Trump. A wealthy, arrogant, megalomaniac. None of those types can get along because of their egos. Just look at Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Larry Ellison.

This is ignorant. Trump and Cuban are not alike. Cuban is trying to get in with the elites while Trump is independent. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are/were part of the elite. Have no idea of Larry Ellison.
Ignorant is believing that Trump and Cuban are "not" alike. It's also astoundingly ignorant to think that Mark Cuban is "trying to get in with the elite". He's been in with the elite for decades. He's a multi-billionaire and owner of a sports franchise with a recent title. He's had access to everything and anyone he's wanted for decades.

Larry Ellison created Oracle and has a deep hatred for Bill Gates simply because Bill was slightly wealthier and much more famous and Ellisons ego can't handle that. Just like Trump and Cuban's egos can't handle each other.
Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'
Source: The Hill

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said on Wednesday that he is more concerned about the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency than he is at the prospect of his team losing fans over his support for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

“When it’s all said and done, I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president, because I care more about the future of my family, my children than I do about my pocketbook," he said in an interview on NBC Sports Radio’s “The Newy Scruggs Show.” "And if it means we play to empty arenas, I’m down with that."

“Maybe I pick up some fans. Maybe I lose some fans. I don’t know," he continued. "I’ve heard it from both. I’ve had people say, ‘There’s no way I can support you. I won’t go to another Mavs game.’ And I’ve had people say, ‘You know what? We’re buying Mavs tickets.' "
Cuban added that his team will not be staying at any Trump hotels while traveling this season.


Read more: Cuban: 'I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as president'
Yawn. Cuban is just like Trump. A wealthy, arrogant, megalomaniac. None of those types can get along because of their egos. Just look at Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Larry Ellison.

This is ignorant. Trump and Cuban are not alike. Cuban is trying to get in with the elites while Trump is independent. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are/were part of the elite. Have no idea of Larry Ellison.
Ignorant is believing that Trump and Cuban are "not" alike. It's also astoundingly ignorant to think that Mark Cuban is "trying to get in with the elite". He's been in with the elite for decades. He's a multi-billionaire and owner of a sports franchise with a recent title. He's had access to everything and anyone he's wanted for decades.

Larry Ellison created Oracle and has a deep hatred for Bill Gates simply because Bill was slightly wealthier and much more famous and Ellisons ego can't handle that. Just like Trump and Cuban's egos can't handle each other.

Plenty of billionaires who aren't in. It's not just money, but who you know and what you say that gets you in. Cuban isn't in and that's why he's saying all this stuff in public. He wouldn't be bullied and stared down by Obama if he were. And why do Dems just accept an oligarchy? It's almost as bad as a dictatorship. The double standard is sickening. Clinton continues to lie, cheat, steal and even kill people to win elections. At least, Bernie Sanders had principles.

And why do Dems just accept an oligarchy? It's almost as bad as a dictatorship.
You're kidding, right? There is nothing progressives desire more than a dictatorship. Why do you think they say every bat-shit crazy thing from "the U.S. Constitution is a living, breathing document" all the way to "the U.S. Constitution is irrelevant". An oligarchy is the next best thing to their deepest desire.
And why do Dems just accept an oligarchy? It's almost as bad as a dictatorship.
You're kidding, right? There is nothing progressives desire more than a dictatorship. Why do you think they say every bat-shit crazy thing from "the U.S. Constitution is a living, breathing document" all the way to "the U.S. Constitution is irrelevant". An oligarchy is the next best thing to their deepest desire.

Generalizing. Not every Dem wants it like the Sanders supporters who are now supporting Trump. They're sick of the lies and corruption from Brazile feeding Clinton the debate questions and the Clinton Foundation pay for play. I have friends who are Democrats and they invite me to their parties more than the far right conservatives. That said, I have to agree with you in several ways because if Sanders was really for a democracy, then why did he support Clinton? He knew she was corrupt and cheated him. All I can think of is he was bought out. His supporters are better people than him. Most Dems do not understand what happened or aren't political. I'm not really political, but just got sucked into this thing.

The other thing is the oligarchy works both ways. Pay for play can be on any party now since the campaign caps were lifted in 2010. Many of our long-term politicians have become rich. You can't run for POTUS now without millions of dollars. I hope campaign reform happens after this and funds are allocated for people running for office. I was okay with Nixon and his men going to jail (except Nixon was pardoned), but this time Obama has the DOJ in his pocket. All of this happened under his watch. Clinton will have both the FBI and DOJ in her pocket if she gets elected. And you can't trust the media anymore. If it gets so bad from the Dems taking over, then I'm thinking of moving to Australia. But I'll fight for my country first. I'm mad and if enough people get mad, then maybe we're in for an apocalypse.

As for Trump, he's not the sharpest tool in the drawer in terms of politics, but I don't think he's corrupt and he does have balls which Romney didn't have. I don't think he's corrupt. Too many people hate him. Even Republicans hate him. I saw this cartoon today.

Wonder if she'll be able to wear an ankle bracelet after they let her out?
Levin and guest pointed out BO sent from his secure blackberry line to her un-secure server. Also rec'd from her??? Not clear on that.

Huma had to notify WH each time email addreass change to keep lines open. They said fact. BO guilty also of violations (espionage act?).

Forgot: they have to double up ankle bracelets to fit.

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