OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

The FBI found proof in the wikileaks email dump that Hillary lied to the FBI and Congress so they are reopening the case. This could mean disaster for her election and if she wins my money will be on impeachment before the State of the Union speech.
you can't reopen something that was never closed idiot ... its not if she wins, its when she is elected president there won't be a impeachment at all ... no matter how many times you get on your knees and pray, it won't happen with it ...
Most of them are punks and too scared. If they see a clear pathway to prison (which is wider than ever) for Crooked Hillary they may do the right thing. Side note, Crooked Hillary will reveal her medical problems, Parkinson's etc., to get out of going to prison if this gets that far.
and you just can't fix stupid .... you just proved you're beyond repair ...
sorry to burst your bubble hete
State Dept confirms FBI got it wrong, none of Hillary Clinton’s emails were classified at the time

Hillary Clinton insisted all along that none of the emails she sent or received on her private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State was marked classified at the time. That was contradicted by the Director of the FBI yesterday when he claimed that a “very small number” of her emails were in fact classified at the time. The New York Times then determined that that number was just two. And now the State Department has confirmed that the two emails in question weren’t actually classified at the time, and had merely been marked incorrectly during the course of the investigation.

In yet another development which helps make clear that Clinton did nothing demonstrably wrong with her email, the two emails sent to her by her aides in 2012 were harmless in nature. Both were merely used to schedule phone calls with foreign leaders, and on their face, clearly could not have possibly been classified at the time. Sure enough, a spokesman for the State Department has confirmed that they were not classified.

This comes just hours after CBS News reported that Hillary Clinton had asked the NSA for a secure smartphone for her email immediately upon taking office as Secretary of State, and had been turned down. One by one, the details coming out are making clear that despite having spent so many months running an investigation and despite having been given full cooperation by Clinton and her team, the conclusions made by the FBI Director yesterday were far removed from the actual facts involved.

With Hillary Clinton now having been fully cleared of any potential charges, this may be a moot point in terms of the outcome; she’s off the hook and she remains the clear frontrunner in the 2016 presidential race. But these new details surfacing today make clear that the FBI Director didn’t come close to getting his facts right when he personally criticized her email usage yesterday. Here’s
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When the definitive post mortem of this dismal election is finally published, it should go something like this: The Republican establishment was foolish; the Democratic establishment was ruthless. The Republicans fumbled around incompetently and spinelessly in the face of an unforeseen challenge; the Democrats willfully and intentionally did all they could to carry a corrupt politician over the finish line, forcing the American public to choose between one known liar and another. Let’s review the facts:
  • The FBI continues to investigate Hillary Clinton’s maybe-criminal abuse of the Clinton Foundation as a front for systematic influence-peddling and her maybe-criminal mishandling of our nation’s secrets. Neither of these scandals is new. They both predate the launch of her presidential campaign.
  • Questions have swirled around the Clinton Foundation since Hillary was confirmed as secretary of state. Damaging evidence of outright influence-peddling — including evidence of large-scale donations made to the foundation as the State Department considered a crucial uranium deal — broke less than two weeks after her campaign announcement.
  • On April 23, 2015, the New York Times published an extraordinary story detailing the amount of money that was funneled to the Clinton Foundation (and to Bill Clinton directly) as the State Department considered whether to sign off on the sale of “one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States” to a Russian-controlled corporation. The chairman of the corporation donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation, and a Russian investment bank promoting Uranium One stock paid Bill Clinton a whopping $500,000 to give a speech in Moscow. The Clintons violated an agreement with the White House to “publicly identify all donors” by failing to disclose the Uranium One contributions. Hillary’s State Department approved the deal.
  • One month before the Uranium One story, as Clinton was preparing to announce her candidacy, the Times broke the news that still dominates the campaign today: Hillary “exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business.” Given the Clintons’ longstanding history of personal corruption, it should have been obvious to Democrats then that Hillary’s scandals were going to dog the party throughout the campaign, and, if she won, throughout her presidency. It would be a repeat of the 1990s, when an entire party was hijacked into relentlessly defending conduct that they would loudly condemn if it were attributed to any Republican.
  • Instead, the party did far more than merely acquiesce in Hillary’s decision to run. It did virtually everything it could to guarantee her victory. Scandal-free progressive politicians such as Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden stood aside. Superdelegates signed on with Hillary en masse. The DNC put its thumb on the scales to such an extent that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was ultimately fired to appease the Sanders holdouts. When angry Trump voters were accusing incompetent Republicans of “rigging” the system against their man, ruthless Democrats were were actually rigging the system for Hillary.
The Democratic Establishment Has Enabled Hillary’s Corruption at Every Turn
you do realize your post is a partisan piece based on allegations and not proven facts don't you
Hillary Clinton Will Win Election By A Landslide, According To Moody’s Highly Reliable Election Model


The Moody’s model ............... final installment of the model was released just this morning, and it was excellent news for Hillary Clinton supporters and Democrats in general. Even in the wake of flagging poll numbers and an email scandal that just won’t die, Hillary Clinton is still predicted to win by the highly trusted and cited model.
Read more at Hillary Clinton Will Win Election By A Landslide, According To Moody’s Highly Reliable Election Model

The model has been correct since 1980 -
she's going to run the table and that will kill these republicans here ... we will also take over the house and the senate ... the whining will start November 9 ...all liberal supreme court judges .... all liberal appellate court judges they will be losing it all over the place you watch :lmao:
for what ??? [in a response as to why Congress should investigate Crooked Hillary]

Hannity lists the many laws Crooked Hillary violated. This is just some random vid though.

then let hannity take her to court??? oh thats right ... hanity never finished college ... he dropped out ...let the college drop out tell us what the laws are that she violated ...
Donald Trump denies raping teen girl at 'sex party with Jeffrey Epstein'
Donald Trump denies rape of teenage girl at 'sex party with convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein'
why is it there's no investigations of fraud in trumps university until after the election... theres been 11 women who has accused trump of sexual assault but we can only hear about it after the election .... politico has said Trump is the biggest liar of the year he lies about everything ... he has a shady past about his foundation .... he also has a rape case pending ... OK now why are we hearing about emails only when all these things trump has done will be talked about after the election... can you explain that to us here republicans???
When the definitive post mortem of this dismal election is finally published, it should go something like this: The Republican establishment was foolish; the Democratic establishment was ruthless. The Republicans fumbled around incompetently and spinelessly in the face of an unforeseen challenge; the Democrats willfully and intentionally did all they could to carry a corrupt politician over the finish line, forcing the American public to choose between one known liar and another. Let’s review the facts:
  • The FBI continues to investigate Hillary Clinton’s maybe-criminal abuse of the Clinton Foundation as a front for systematic influence-peddling and her maybe-criminal mishandling of our nation’s secrets. Neither of these scandals is new. They both predate the launch of her presidential campaign.
  • Questions have swirled around the Clinton Foundation since Hillary was confirmed as secretary of state. Damaging evidence of outright influence-peddling — including evidence of large-scale donations made to the foundation as the State Department considered a crucial uranium deal — broke less than two weeks after her campaign announcement.
  • On April 23, 2015, the New York Times published an extraordinary story detailing the amount of money that was funneled to the Clinton Foundation (and to Bill Clinton directly) as the State Department considered whether to sign off on the sale of “one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States” to a Russian-controlled corporation. The chairman of the corporation donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation, and a Russian investment bank promoting Uranium One stock paid Bill Clinton a whopping $500,000 to give a speech in Moscow. The Clintons violated an agreement with the White House to “publicly identify all donors” by failing to disclose the Uranium One contributions. Hillary’s State Department approved the deal.
  • One month before the Uranium One story, as Clinton was preparing to announce her candidacy, the Times broke the news that still dominates the campaign today: Hillary “exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business.” Given the Clintons’ longstanding history of personal corruption, it should have been obvious to Democrats then that Hillary’s scandals were going to dog the party throughout the campaign, and, if she won, throughout her presidency. It would be a repeat of the 1990s, when an entire party was hijacked into relentlessly defending conduct that they would loudly condemn if it were attributed to any Republican.
  • Instead, the party did far more than merely acquiesce in Hillary’s decision to run. It did virtually everything it could to guarantee her victory. Scandal-free progressive politicians such as Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden stood aside. Superdelegates signed on with Hillary en masse. The DNC put its thumb on the scales to such an extent that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was ultimately fired to appease the Sanders holdouts. When angry Trump voters were accusing incompetent Republicans of “rigging” the system against their man, ruthless Democrats were were actually rigging the system for Hillary.
The Democratic Establishment Has Enabled Hillary’s Corruption at Every Turn
you do realize your post is a partisan piece based on allegations and not proven facts don't you
"Allegations"?!? Let's review...

It is a fact that Hitlery Clinton has a foundation called the Clinton Foundation

It is a fact that Hitlery Clinton was Secretary of State

It is a fact that the chairman of a Russian corporation made a $2.5 million donation to the Clinton Foundation

It is a fact that that Russian Corporation was then granted 1/5 of all uranium from the U.S.

It is a fact that Russia is our enemy

It is a fact that uranium is used in the production of nuclear weapons

It is a fact that Hitlery Clinton failed to report this donor per her agreement with the White House

It is a fact that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was ultimately fired after emails revealed that she was part of a scandal to rig the primary in favor of Hitlery Clinton

You do realize that you sound like a partisan hack proclaiming indisputable facts as "partisan allegations"?
The admins can inform us when the ridiculous Crooked Hillary douchebags disappear after The Donald wins. Have to admit, they were mildly entertaining.
The admins can inform us when the ridiculous Crooked Hillary douchebags disappear after The Donald wins. Have to admit, they were mildly entertaining.
Odds are you disappear before anyone else does.

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