OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Dam, Hillary is getting younger and better looking women than Bill. The Clinton Foundation must really pay well.

Agreed. I also have the right of self-defense and have enough guns to outfit my own militia.

Not according to US v. Miller, Quilici v. Morton Grove and a lot of other decisions that ruled that you don't.

Even Heller, as awful as that was, wasn't carte blanche, which is why you still can't compensate for your tiny pecker with an actual machine gun.
The FBI has not read E Mail one ....

Robert Mackey @RobertMackey

Per NBC: FBI found emails sent by Huma Abedin on Weiner's laptop but have not yet even read them: need a court order to be allowed to do so …

6:15 PM - 28 Oct 2016

Your link is bullpoop and has nothing to do with your claim. In fact, from what I've read, some of the emails are so highly classified, the agents aren't allowed to read them!
Huma claims that she used her husband's laptop to back up her smartphone and that's how the emails got on his computer.

Hilly should step down. Huma will get immunity and roll all over her mentor.

Now all of the prior immunity agreements are being looked at. The one for Cheryl Mills especially. These are worded for cover up. They came from Loretta Lynch's office.

This entire regime is rotten.
....which is why you still can't compensate for your tiny pecker with an actual machine gun.
LOL. So, by observation, everyone should know that you are an antisemitic, militant atheist liar with a severe case of penis envy. Thanks for the update!
Huma claims that she used her husband's laptop to back up her smartphone and that's how the emails got on his computer.

Hilly should step down. Huma will get immunity and roll all over her mentor.

Now all of the prior immunity agreements are being looked at. The one for Cheryl Mills especially. These are worded for cover up. They came from Loretta Lynch's office.

This entire regime is rotten.
FWIW, most immunity agreements require a person to be telling the truth. If they lie, it's null and void.
Weld: Comey, FBI 'off the reservation'
Source: CNN

Washington (CNN)Libertarian vice presidential nominee William Weld lit into James Comey, saying Monday that his decision to announce a review of new emails was "disgraceful" and that the FBI director and the agency were "off the reservation."

"They're totally off the reservation," Weld told CNN's Alisyn Camerota Monday on "New Day," adding that the US Attorney General may need to get involved to rein in Comey.
Weld was the head of the Justice Department's criminal justice division during the final years of Ronald Reagan's tenure and said throughout the interview that his criticism of Comey's conduct was a professional critique, not political.
Pressed by Camerota on what he meant by "off the reservation," Weld said, "It means there's no way for Mrs. Clinton to know the evidentiary basis for which they made this update to their investigation, and they've said themselves they don't know. It makes it all the more unreasonable to have waded into these waters in the first place."
Weld, who is running with Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson, said that if more information is leaked from the FBI before the newest emails are reviewed that Attorney General Loretta Lynch should step in and "order him to stand down."

Libertarian VP candidate: Comey made a mess - CNN Video

Read more: Libertarian VP candidate: Comey made a mess - CNN Video
Huma claims that she used her husband's laptop to back up her smartphone and that's how the emails got on his computer.

Hilly should step down. Huma will get immunity and roll all over her mentor.

Now all of the prior immunity agreements are being looked at. The one for Cheryl Mills especially. These are worded for cover up. They came from Loretta Lynch's office.

This entire regime is rotten.
Lets hope so. I want justice to be swift and sure

hiLIARy should step down and let Bernie be the standard bearer
Huma claims that she used her husband's laptop to back up her smartphone and that's how the emails got on his computer.

Hilly should step down. Huma will get immunity and roll all over her mentor.

Now all of the prior immunity agreements are being looked at. The one for Cheryl Mills especially. These are worded for cover up. They came from Loretta Lynch's office.

This entire regime is rotten.

660 thousand of them?
I dare you to post a lie by Hillary Clinton, when Trump has lied about pretty much every policy decision, and it's widely documented.

I have already voted and I didn't vote for Trump so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport.

If you don't think Trump is truthful then don't vote for him

However, that whatever you think of Trump that is no justification for voting for this filthy ass despicable Crooked Hillary bitch, who is the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to ever run for President.
Huma claims that she used her husband's laptop to back up her smartphone and that's how the emails got on his computer.

Hilly should step down. Huma will get immunity and roll all over her mentor.

Now all of the prior immunity agreements are being looked at. The one for Cheryl Mills especially. These are worded for cover up. They came from Loretta Lynch's office.

This entire regime is rotten.

660 thousand of them?

That's only about 160 gigs.
Not Just Scary its Halloween scary

Trick O Treat
Hasn't hitlery stopped paying you yet? :lol:
The October 2016 Franklin & Marshall College Poll of Pennsylvania shows that Hillary
Clinton leads Donald Trump 49% to 38% among likely voters. More voters continue to believe
Secretary Clinton rather than Mr. Trump has the experience to be president, is better prepared to
handle foreign policy issues, and has the character and judgment to be president. Voters are
evenly divided on which candidate has the ability to fix the country’s economic problems and
which candidate is most honest and trustworthy. Secretary Clinton’s favorable ratings have
remained mostly stable in the past month (46% favorable), as have Mr. Trump’s (35%

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