OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

This has been going around awhile, but if we don't remember anything else, remember this and if it happens we will remember. " This is going to be the last election". We shall see. Anyone can google that and watch what comes up. Just don't go to the g.d liberal conspiracy sites you will get nothing but bs because why if your a liberal you will find exactly what you want to see, and believe the same bs. Why do we think the sheep are kept in the Gov. coral.

We shall see, the FBI is catching on, CIA, the hammer is slamming down on Clinton more than most know. The Gov. is turning on them EXCELLENT!!
What if copies of Hillary's deleted 30,000 emails are in those 650,000 emails, she deleted them not knowing someone else already had copies of them.

why would someone else have them? Again, this is sounding more and more unlikely.

Hillary was only Secretary of State for 4 years. If she had 650,000 emailes, that meant she was sending 500 emails a DAY.
As federal agents prepare to scour roughly 650,000 emails to see how many relate to a prior probe of Hillary Clinton’s email use, the surprise disclosure that investigators were pursuing the potential new evidence lays bare building tensions inside the bureau and the Justice Department over how to investigate the Democratic presidential nominee.

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

What shame we have a nation easily lead sheep. It must be so hard to think for themselves and to rely so heavily on their mommy and daddy telling them what's going on.

650,000 Emails? Really?

It seems a ridiculous amount, but it's possible.

As federal agents prepare to scour roughly 650,000 emails to see how many relate to a prior probe of Hillary Clinton’s email use, the surprise disclosure that investigators were pursuing the potential new evidence lays bare building tensions inside the bureau and the Justice Department over how to investigate the Democratic presidential nominee.

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

What shame we have a nation easily lead sheep. It must be so hard to think for themselves and to rely so heavily on their mommy and daddy telling them what's going on.

What if copies of Hillary's deleted 30,000 emails are in those 650,000 emails, she deleted them not knowing someone else already had copies of them.

Anthony Weiner named this file on his laptop "Life Insurance"

From what I hear they are using WEINER as a distraction from something bigger that is coming.

As federal agents prepare to scour roughly 650,000 emails to see how many relate to a prior probe of Hillary Clinton’s email use, the surprise disclosure that investigators were pursuing the potential new evidence lays bare building tensions inside the bureau and the Justice Department over how to investigate the Democratic presidential nominee.

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

What shame we have a nation easily lead sheep. It must be so hard to think for themselves and to rely so heavily on their mommy and daddy telling them what's going on.

What if copies of Hillary's deleted 30,000 emails are in those 650,000 emails, she deleted them not knowing someone else already had copies of them.

Anthony Weiner named this file on his laptop "Life Insurance"

What if copies of Hillary's deleted 30,000 emails are in those 650,000 emails, she deleted them not knowing someone else already had copies of them.

why would someone else have them? Again, this is sounding more and more unlikely.

Hillary was only Secretary of State for 4 years. If she had 650,000 emailes, that meant she was sending 500 emails a DAY.
But she has been in politics and rubbed elbows with the big wigs for a long, long time.
She has learned her skank methods from Saul Alinski a communist.
What if copies of Hillary's deleted 30,000 emails are in those 650,000 emails, she deleted them not knowing someone else already had copies of them.

why would someone else have them? Again, this is sounding more and more unlikely.

Hillary was only Secretary of State for 4 years. If she had 650,000 emailes, that meant she was sending 500 emails a DAY.

Well another possibility without Anthony Weiner and Huma involved, this is if Hillary's server had been hacked by an outside party and everything on her laptop downloaded to that outside party, they'd have copies of all 30,000 emails, Hillary deleted them, but that doesn't mean that someone else doesn't have copies of all of them.
Of course it is possible when you have gigabyte hard drives in lap tops these days. It's not like they take up any physical space you know.

BTW, JoeBitch is an idiot.

No, an idiot is someone who thinks this is a game changer. It's looking more and more like Comey acted for political, not actual evidentuary reasons.
Well another possibility without Anthony Weiner and Huma involved, this is if Hillary's server had been hacked by an outside party and everything on her laptop downloaded to that outside party, they'd have copies of all 30,000 emails, Hillary deleted them, but that doesn't mean that someone else doesn't have copies of all of them.

Yes, the 30,000 missing emails that detail how she killed Vince Foster, Stole Christmas, and made all you guys unhappy.

Those new emails stirred outrage within the FBI and took the ongoing mutiny to a whole new level.

The new investigation into Weiner could be a way for the FBI to compartmentalize the larger issue of Hillary and Obama’s collusion.

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Mutiny Reopened Clinton Investigation
What if copies of Hillary's deleted 30,000 emails are in those 650,000 emails, she deleted them not knowing someone else already had copies of them.

why would someone else have them? Again, this is sounding more and more unlikely.

Hillary was only Secretary of State for 4 years. If she had 650,000 emailes, that meant she was sending 500 emails a DAY.

Well another possibility without Anthony Weiner and Huma involved, this is if Hillary's server had been hacked by an outside party and everything on her laptop downloaded to that outside party, they'd have copies of all 30,000 emails, Hillary deleted them, but that doesn't mean that someone else doesn't have copies of all of them.

I think the only ones who could or would hack is our own damn Government. They blame Russia to keep the people on that ever loving blame game Obama is a pro. Just as he blamed Bush.. etc.

As federal agents prepare to scour roughly 650,000 emails to see how many relate to a prior probe of Hillary Clinton’s email use, the surprise disclosure that investigators were pursuing the potential new evidence lays bare building tensions inside the bureau and the Justice Department over how to investigate the Democratic presidential nominee.

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

What shame we have a nation easily lead sheep. It must be so hard to think for themselves and to rely so heavily on their mommy and daddy telling them what's going on.

What if copies of Hillary's deleted 30,000 emails are in those 650,000 emails, she deleted them not knowing someone else already had copies of them.

Anthony Weiner named this file on his laptop "Life Insurance"

From what I hear they are using WEINER as a distraction from something bigger that is coming.

Also Anthony Weiner is in trouble because one of the girls he was sending stuff to is 15 years-old, so he could get some deal where the more serious charges are dropped in exchange for him cooperating with the FBI, he now hands them his laptop and gives them full access, they need no warrant to begin the search.

Yesterday the Hillarybots were freaking because Comey hadn't yet got a warrant to search Anthony Weiner's laptop and these emails, well Comey doesn't need a warrant now, he has permission.

As federal agents prepare to scour roughly 650,000 emails to see how many relate to a prior probe of Hillary Clinton’s email use, the surprise disclosure that investigators were pursuing the potential new evidence lays bare building tensions inside the bureau and the Justice Department over how to investigate the Democratic presidential nominee.

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

What shame we have a nation easily lead sheep. It must be so hard to think for themselves and to rely so heavily on their mommy and daddy telling them what's going on.
What if copies of Hillary's deleted 30,000 emails are in those 650,000 emails, she deleted them not knowing someone else already had copies of them.

why would someone else have them? Again, this is sounding more and more unlikely.

Hillary was only Secretary of State for 4 years. If she had 650,000 emailes, that meant she was sending 500 emails a DAY.
it would be 1 email a minute for 9 straight hours a day, 5 days a week ...without bathroom breaks, lunch or dinner breaks.... for 4 straight years.

Well another possibility without Anthony Weiner and Huma involved, this is if Hillary's server had been hacked by an outside party and everything on her laptop downloaded to that outside party, they'd have copies of all 30,000 emails, Hillary deleted them, but that doesn't mean that someone else doesn't have copies of all of them.

Yes, the 30,000 missing emails that detail how she killed Vince Foster, Stole Christmas, and made all you guys unhappy.


What a ridiculous response from you, get a grip.

If Alex Jones says so then it must be true cuz he's never wrong about anything..................
OMG dude c'mon look for links within the stories, and not to mention Rachel Maddow has you sold on what sources are not good.

All one has to do is go back on subjects and he has already mentioned them, said it would go that way, etc.

His sources are often former CIA, FBI, former SECRET SERVICE, they are not going to risk their lives or families to stand up on infowars and just say some BS against a killer bitch esp. one like this where everyone ends up dead going against them.
Not to mention the same INFORMATION can be FOUND ELSE WHERE Grrrrrr. you fkrs piss me off when you USE INFOWARS as an attack .
If you only knew what hell you don't even know you know. =) hahah

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