OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!


are you mentally ill?

amazing the garbage you alt right loons believe.

The real amazing thing is that you dumbass Moon Bat Libtards are giving this Crooked Hillary a pass on being the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to ever run for President. Mind boggling, isn't it?

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for that asshole Obama's "hope and change" so we know you aren't exactly the best and brightest.

poor uneducated trumpster.

yes, everyone except for uneducated white males (the only demographic you win) is stupid.

i think you have it backwards. but that's no surprise from alt right scum.
He's right, jillian. The people voting for that corrupt bitch can't be too smucking fart.

are you mentally ill?

amazing the garbage you alt right loons believe.

The real amazing thing is that you dumbass Moon Bat Libtards are giving this Crooked Hillary a pass on being the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to ever run for President. Mind boggling, isn't it?

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for that asshole Obama's "hope and change" so we know you aren't exactly the best and brightest.

poor uneducated trumpster.

yes, everyone except for uneducated white males (the only demographic you win) is stupid.

i think you have it backwards. but that's no surprise from alt right scum.

Everyone who votes for a criminal is kinda dumb...

you mean like scum who bribes prosecutors and doesn't pay taxes?


are you mentally ill?

amazing the garbage you alt right loons believe.

The real amazing thing is that you dumbass Moon Bat Libtards are giving this Crooked Hillary a pass on being the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to ever run for President. Mind boggling, isn't it?

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for that asshole Obama's "hope and change" so we know you aren't exactly the best and brightest.

poor uneducated trumpster.

yes, everyone except for uneducated white males (the only demographic you win) is stupid.

i think you have it backwards. but that's no surprise from alt right scum.
He's right, jillian. The people voting for that corrupt bitch can't be too smucking fart.

and yet it's trumpsters who are uneducated.
go figure.

but you are amusing.

are you mentally ill?

amazing the garbage you alt right loons believe.

The real amazing thing is that you dumbass Moon Bat Libtards are giving this Crooked Hillary a pass on being the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to ever run for President. Mind boggling, isn't it?

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for that asshole Obama's "hope and change" so we know you aren't exactly the best and brightest.

poor uneducated trumpster.

yes, everyone except for uneducated white males (the only demographic you win) is stupid.

i think you have it backwards. but that's no surprise from alt right scum.
He's right, jillian. The people voting for that corrupt bitch can't be too smucking fart.

and yet it's trumpsters who are uneducated.
go figure.

but you are amusing.
I'm not surprised someone of your caliber would think that. :)

are you mentally ill?

amazing the garbage you alt right loons believe.

The real amazing thing is that you dumbass Moon Bat Libtards are giving this Crooked Hillary a pass on being the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to ever run for President. Mind boggling, isn't it?

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for that asshole Obama's "hope and change" so we know you aren't exactly the best and brightest.

poor uneducated trumpster.

yes, everyone except for uneducated white males (the only demographic you win) is stupid.

i think you have it backwards. but that's no surprise from alt right scum.

Everyone who votes for a criminal is kinda dumb...

you mean like scum who bribes prosecutors and doesn't pay taxes?


Trump hasn't ever committed tax fraud you idiot.
Of Course Comey's Motivation Was Political!
10/29/16 5:34am

I normally agree with Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald's writings, but not this time. Regarding the FBI Director Comey's letter to congress, Eichenwald wrote:

His decision to immediately reveal this discovery was not a partisan act, although it was a horribly mishandled one. Arguably, he had to issue his letter because of previous statements he had made to Congress. In September, he testified that the bureau had completed its review of the evidence in the case and found no crimes had been committed. With the discovery of the information on the laptop shared by Weiner and Abedin, that sworn statement was no longer true, and there was new evidence that needed to be examined. As a result, Comey felt he was obligated to inform the committees as quickly as possible that his previous statement was now incorrect.

Comey may have felt compelled to issue a letter to Congress, but there was no urgency in doing so. The FBI knew in April that Abedin had copies of previously released Clinton emails on her personal devices and in the email account she shared with her husband.


Of Course Comey's Motivation Was Political!
For the Record:

FBI Director James Comey was reportedly warned against notifying Congress about a batch of newly discovered emails with potential ties to Hillary Clinton’s private server.

According to the Washington Post, before issuing the letter to Congress that sent shock waves through the Clinton campaign Friday, Comey consulted senior Justice Department officials who advised him of the DOJ’s position “that we don’t comment on an ongoing investigation. And we don’t take steps that will be viewed as influencing an election.”

“Director Comey understood our position,” said one official, who spoke to the Post on the condition of anonymity. “It was conveyed to the FBI, and Comey made an independent decision to alert the Hill. He is operating independently of the Justice Department. And he knows it.”
Comey sent Congress letter on Clinton emails despite DOJ warning it would breach policy

Comey should resign and apologize to the American People. Congress should investigate Comey whose actions are clearly partisan and at best unseemly, but McConnell and Ryan have proved to be dishonorable and incapable of doing the right thing.

What? Hillary os the one who should step down and he influenced the election by not charging her

are you mentally ill?

amazing the garbage you alt right loons believe.

The real amazing thing is that you dumbass Moon Bat Libtards are giving this Crooked Hillary a pass on being the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to ever run for President. Mind boggling, isn't it?

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for that asshole Obama's "hope and change" so we know you aren't exactly the best and brightest.

poor uneducated trumpster.

yes, everyone except for uneducated white males (the only demographic you win) is stupid.

i think you have it backwards. but that's no surprise from alt right scum.

Your nuts lady, I bet you still think O.J. is not guilty of killing Nicole and Bill didn't have sex with that woman

Crooked Hillary is going to have a Parkinson's freeze when they tell her! And all when Micheal Obama was doing such a good job saying how great Crooked Hillary was. :p

The FBI will re-open the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server


Who care?

The election is over.

Trump is a serial sex offender. (as if we didn't know he was a sick twist)
I don't think anyone knows what's going to happen, but one thing is for sure you been drinking the koolaid out of the Hildabeasts colostomy bag… LOL

poor uneducated trumpster.

yes, everyone except for uneducated white males (the only demographic you win) is stupid.

i think you have it backwards. but that's no surprise from alt right scum.

Trumpster??? LOL

Sorry Moon Bat but I have already sent in my ballot and I didn't vote for Trump. You are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. At the end of the day he is a big government Liberal.

However, I think we all know that between Trump and this Crooked Hillary piece of shit then it is a no brainer. Trump is a saint compared to this Crooked Hillary asshole.

You Moon Bats are idiots nominating and voting for somebody as dishonest, corrupt and incompetent as she is, especially after learning on Friday that the FBI has reopened their investigation against the corrupt bitch. What are you, stupid or something? Talk about being uneducated but you take the cake.
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Your nuts lady, I bet you still think O.J. is not guilty of killing Nicole and Bill didn't have sex with that woman


...and convinced that Casey Anthony was a great mother. That is the kind of person like these Moon Bats that are so uneducated and low information that they have not been keeping up with Crooked Hillary's massive corruption and dishonesty.
Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside

Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside

It's obvious the American political system is breaking down. It's been crumbling for some time now, and the establishment elite know it and they're properly frightened. Donald Trump, the vulgarian at their gates, is a symptom, not a cause. Hillary Clinton and husband Bill are both cause and effect.

FBI director James Comey's announcement about the renewed Clinton email investigation is the bombshell in the presidential campaign. That he announced this so close to Election Day should tell every thinking person that what the FBI is looking at is extremely serious.

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