OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

It shows very clearly that she's not concerned with the content of those emails.
If Comey drags is feet and they turn out to be nothing, Comey will have hell to pay.

This concerns me. This could be a setup to call the election NULL and VOID. BO will stay on and then have a "re-do" 1 year out. This is a possibility, this could be a setup.

I don't see that as likely. Obama can't wait to get the hell out of there.
I find it more concerning that the Director of the FBI would do this at this time.

It's Comey's HELL day.

"Senior Justice Department officials warned the FBI that Director James B. Comey’s decision to notify Congress about renewing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server was not consistent with long-standing practices of the department, according to officials familiar with the discussions.

The bureau told Justice Department officials that Comey intended to inform lawmakers of newly discovered emails. These officials told the FBI the department’s position “that we don’t comment on an ongoing investigation. And we don’t take steps that will be viewed as influencing an election,” said one Justice Department official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the high-level conversations.

“Director Comey understood our position. He heard it from Justice leadership,” the official said. “It was conveyed to the FBI, and Comey made an independent decision to alert the Hill. He is operating independently of the Justice Department. And he knows it.”
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

With a statement like this they're getting ready to hang Comey out to dry, and it will be coming from the Justice Department, State Department, and he will be getting hammered from everywhere.

If Comey had done the right thing a couple of months ago and requested that Crooked Hillary be indicted he would be the hero of America. Now he is having to play catch up with his morality.

He would've needed an actual case to have done that. That would have required a whole bunch of reality and shit.
It shows very clearly that she's not concerned with the content of those emails.
If Comey drags is feet and they turn out to be nothing, Comey will have hell to pay.

This concerns me. This could be a setup to call the election NULL and VOID. BO will stay on and then have a "re-do" 1 year out. This is a possibility, this could be a setup.
Who would determine it null and void?

President BO? Martial Law? Anything is possible in his Banana republic.

He could say evidence of Russian hacking (they been setting this up), DHS in charge of "votes" lol! He could somehow use Comey to say he mucked up the election w/o cause?

OK. I just have to ask.
After 8 years, when have we ever been close to martial law?
What Obama precedent are you basing this assumption on?
The Clintons have zero morality, zero ethics - they are the most corrupt of career politicians…
As I said, I'm aware they're not scouts. I also just pointed out that our choice can't be about who's a scout, because Trump is as bad in his personal and professional dealings. So all we can choose on is policy. You believe America is a big enough tough guy to stand alone. I believe we will eventually fall if we choose that path. That doesn't make me a lemming--it makes me right! (LOL--right back where we started. I'll give you the chance to call me a name and have the last word, cuz we're just repeating ourselves now and we aren't going to change each other's minds)
Dozens of felonies committed vs a guy who said pussy in a private conversation.

Leftard delusional self justification on display.
His trials start in Nov.
Trumps criminal trials start Tuesday?

Who said criminal?

Oh yeah. You.
What the fuck franko do we care what they pay we want to know what you pay?

Like God Damn franko as a guy making 60 to 85 grand a year (with OT
Or out) ya fucking think I care what the rich pays for one vote? I want to know what the 47 % pays..

God Damn nothing for one vote.
Ive paid close to 40k a year for the last few years, this year will be different since I retired and took on a job that pays a great deal less.
maybe I can be a drain on society now.
More than you should pay, and getting little help- all goes to the richest. Good little dupe- hating the poor..
how is that more than i should pay? it does not cover what the debt is if broken down by citizens. Im not paying my fair share at all. But you will take someone that pays 4 or 5 and maybe 10 times or more what the bill is spread out and claim they are not paying their fair share when you pay nothing.
I should be paying 3 times that if i where to pay just my fair share and not a penny more.
Thats what I dont understand about you social leeches, how can you pay nothing and claim that someone rich that pays a million is not paying their fair share? contribute something, anything or just be happy with whatever scraps you end up with
The rich pay less %wise than you, stupid dupe lol. I'm a retired teacher/ businessman, Mr. projection/obsession brainwashed GOP functional moron....
oh I get it ,, less percentage wise..
tell me something, does that theory work for you when you go to buy a car? do they look at your income and let you drive out with an 80,000 dollar car for 20 bucks?
its not the way the world works dipshit.

Neither is the world where the tax rate is 40% and you pay less than 10% while all of your u dealings pay more.
Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.
and just like Trumps taxes, to date nothing has been proven to indicate the kenyan is a citizen.

See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

Exclusive: FBI still does not have warrant to review new Abedin emails linked to Clinton probe

As of that article, they haven't even got a warrant. lol. Stop making a fool of yourself.
What the fuck franko do we care what they pay we want to know what you pay?

Like God Damn franko as a guy making 60 to 85 grand a year (with OT
Or out) ya fucking think I care what the rich pays for one vote? I want to know what the 47 % pays..

God Damn nothing for one vote.
Ive paid close to 40k a year for the last few years, this year will be different since I retired and took on a job that pays a great deal less.
maybe I can be a drain on society now.
More than you should pay, and getting little help- all goes to the richest. Good little dupe- hating the poor..
how is that more than i should pay? it does not cover what the debt is if broken down by citizens. Im not paying my fair share at all. But you will take someone that pays 4 or 5 and maybe 10 times or more what the bill is spread out and claim they are not paying their fair share when you pay nothing.
I should be paying 3 times that if i where to pay just my fair share and not a penny more.
Thats what I dont understand about you social leeches, how can you pay nothing and claim that someone rich that pays a million is not paying their fair share? contribute something, anything or just be happy with whatever scraps you end up with
The rich pay less %wise than you, stupid dupe lol. I'm a retired teacher/ businessman, Mr. projection/obsession brainwashed GOP functional moron....
oh I get it ,, less percentage wise..
tell me something, does that theory work for you when you go to buy a car? do they look at your income and let you drive out with an 80,000 dollar car for 20 bucks?
its not the way the world works dipshit.
That's how they end up with all the money (new wealth), duh dupe. And the middle class go to hell. See sig.
That's how they end up with all the money (new wealth), duh dupe. And the middle class go to hell. See sig.

Meanwhile Crooked Hillary and her Wall Street backers get rich while Americans pay higher taxes and poverty increases along with greater income disparity. Way to go Moon Bat!
For the Record:

FBI Director James Comey was reportedly warned against notifying Congress about a batch of newly discovered emails with potential ties to Hillary Clinton’s private server.

According to the Washington Post, before issuing the letter to Congress that sent shock waves through the Clinton campaign Friday, Comey consulted senior Justice Department officials who advised him of the DOJ’s position “that we don’t comment on an ongoing investigation. And we don’t take steps that will be viewed as influencing an election.”

“Director Comey understood our position,” said one official, who spoke to the Post on the condition of anonymity. “It was conveyed to the FBI, and Comey made an independent decision to alert the Hill. He is operating independently of the Justice Department. And he knows it.”
Comey sent Congress letter on Clinton emails despite DOJ warning it would breach policy

Comey should resign and apologize to the American People. Congress should investigate Comey whose actions are clearly partisan and at best unseemly, but McConnell and Ryan have proved to be dishonorable and incapable of doing the right thing.
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are you mentally ill?

amazing the garbage you alt right loons believe.

The real amazing thing is that you dumbass Moon Bat Libtards are giving this Crooked Hillary a pass on being the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to ever run for President. Mind boggling, isn't it?

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for that asshole Obama's "hope and change" so we know you aren't exactly the best and brightest.

are you mentally ill?

amazing the garbage you alt right loons believe.

The real amazing thing is that you dumbass Moon Bat Libtards are giving this Crooked Hillary a pass on being the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to ever run for President. Mind boggling, isn't it?

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for that asshole Obama's "hope and change" so we know you aren't exactly the best and brightest.

poor uneducated trumpster.

yes, everyone except for uneducated white males (the only demographic you win) is stupid.

i think you have it backwards. but that's no surprise from alt right scum.

are you mentally ill?

amazing the garbage you alt right loons believe.

The real amazing thing is that you dumbass Moon Bat Libtards are giving this Crooked Hillary a pass on being the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to ever run for President. Mind boggling, isn't it?

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for that asshole Obama's "hope and change" so we know you aren't exactly the best and brightest.

poor uneducated trumpster.

yes, everyone except for uneducated white males (the only demographic you win) is stupid.

i think you have it backwards. but that's no surprise from alt right scum.

Everyone who votes for a criminal is kinda dumb...

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