OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

The Clintons have zero morality, zero ethics - they are the most corrupt of career politicians…
As I said, I'm aware they're not scouts. I also just pointed out that our choice can't be about who's a scout, because Trump is as bad in his personal and professional dealings. So all we can choose on is policy. You believe America is a big enough tough guy to stand alone. I believe we will eventually fall if we choose that path. That doesn't make me a lemming--it makes me right! (LOL--right back where we started. I'll give you the chance to call me a name and have the last word, cuz we're just repeating ourselves now and we aren't going to change each other's minds)
Dozens of felonies committed vs a guy who said pussy in a private conversation.

Leftard delusional self justification on display.
His trials start in Nov.
White House CANCELS all Obama Appearances at Hillary Campaign Events! ! !

Late Friday night, the White House very quietly CANCELED all of Barack Obama's scheduled campaign appearances on behalf of Hillary Clinton! The scheduled events, confirmed for months, were all quietly DELETED.

And the hits just keep on coming..
BS, dupe.

But SuperStation 95 is not the online arm of any legitimate radio news outlet. Rather, it's a site for the fabricated conspiracy-driven rantings of convicted felon Hal Turner, who was sentenced to prison for threatening to kill three federal judges.

SuperStation 95 based their claim that President Obama had cancelled his campaign appearances on a purported screenshot from the web site, which is not affiliated with the Clinton campaign. And that site dropped several campaign events — not just ones involving President Obama — from their listing for unknown reasons.

Furthermore, while SuperStation 95 claimed that President Obama was removed from the list of Clinton campaign appearances late Friday night (28 October 2016), the President was still listed in a cached version of from just after midnight the following morning. As of this writing, has President Obama slated for four campaign events before the 2016 presidential election on 8 November 2016:
Its no longer on the white house agenda.....
The Clintons have zero morality, zero ethics - they are the most corrupt of career politicians…
As I said, I'm aware they're not scouts. I also just pointed out that our choice can't be about who's a scout, because Trump is as bad in his personal and professional dealings. So all we can choose on is policy. You believe America is a big enough tough guy to stand alone. I believe we will eventually fall if we choose that path. That doesn't make me a lemming--it makes me right! (LOL--right back where we started. I'll give you the chance to call me a name and have the last word, cuz we're just repeating ourselves now and we aren't going to change each other's minds)
Dozens of felonies committed vs a guy who said pussy in a private conversation.

Leftard delusional self justification on display.
His trials start in Nov.
Trumps criminal trials start Tuesday?
How is this relevant?

Oh, it isn't... deflect, deflect...

It's relevant because people like you think your baseless accusations count as substantive factual evidence.
baseless accusations like those that the left is currently employing when referring to Trump.
Lets just start with his being in Russia's pocket.
Well, his son said a lot of their business's business and future was in Russia. No way of telling anything without his taxes or any policy talk except a tax cut for the rich and a military build up. That'll help.
I think the rich have been taxed enough already, I think its time to see those that pay nothing right now show some dignity and start helping out with the bills.
Of course those that dont pay are the ones screaming for the rich to pay even more.
And considering how hillary ran her mouth and put us at serious odds with Russia and China all of a sudden, Im thinking a military build up might not be a bad idea.
Can you read? Get off the (racist?) obsession with the poor.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

What about the middle class paying more than the richest, dupe?
Stop being a Dupe!!! :talktothehand:
Bs- And as usual you dupes are obsessed with the poor, who are getting killed in this Reaganist/New BS GOP. And most of the middle class pays more %wise than the bloated richest. You're a fool. Nobody's lying- but you GOPers are totally baffled by BS.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Let's repeat that- most of the middle class pays more %wise than your heroes, the richest. You're brainwashed functional morons. See sig pp1- from 2007.
What the fuck franko do we care what they pay we want to know what you pay?

Like God Damn franko as a guy making 60 to 85 grand a year (with OT
Or out) ya fucking think I care what the rich pays for one vote? I want to know what the 47 % pays..

God Damn nothing for one vote.
Ive paid close to 40k a year for the last few years, this year will be different since I retired and took on a job that pays a great deal less.
maybe I can be a drain on society now.
More than you should pay, and getting little help- all goes to the richest. Good little dupe- hating the poor..
how is that more than i should pay? it does not cover what the debt is if broken down by citizens. Im not paying my fair share at all. But you will take someone that pays 4 or 5 and maybe 10 times or more what the bill is spread out and claim they are not paying their fair share when you pay nothing.
I should be paying 3 times that if i where to pay just my fair share and not a penny more.
Thats what I dont understand about you social leeches, how can you pay nothing and claim that someone rich that pays a million is not paying their fair share? contribute something, anything or just be happy with whatever scraps you end up with
The rich pay less %wise than you, stupid dupe lol. I'm a retired teacher/ businessman, Mr. projection/obsession brainwashed GOP functional moron....
you're a retired Dupe francoHFW more like it
Bs- And as usual you dupes are obsessed with the poor, who are getting killed in this Reaganist/New BS GOP. And most of the middle class pays more %wise than the bloated richest. You're a fool. Nobody's lying- but you GOPers are totally baffled by BS.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Let's repeat that- most of the middle class pays more %wise than your heroes, the richest. You're brainwashed functional morons. See sig pp1- from 2007.
What the fuck franko do we care what they pay we want to know what you pay?

Like God Damn franko as a guy making 60 to 85 grand a year (with OT
Or out) ya fucking think I care what the rich pays for one vote? I want to know what the 47 % pays..

God Damn nothing for one vote.
Ive paid close to 40k a year for the last few years, this year will be different since I retired and took on a job that pays a great deal less.
maybe I can be a drain on society now.
More than you should pay, and getting little help- all goes to the richest. Good little dupe- hating the poor..
how is that more than i should pay? it does not cover what the debt is if broken down by citizens. Im not paying my fair share at all. But you will take someone that pays 4 or 5 and maybe 10 times or more what the bill is spread out and claim they are not paying their fair share when you pay nothing.
I should be paying 3 times that if i where to pay just my fair share and not a penny more.
Thats what I dont understand about you social leeches, how can you pay nothing and claim that someone rich that pays a million is not paying their fair share? contribute something, anything or just be happy with whatever scraps you end up with
The rich pay less %wise than you, stupid dupe lol. I'm a retired teacher/ businessman, Mr. projection/obsession brainwashed GOP functional moron....
oh I get it ,, less percentage wise..
tell me something, does that theory work for you when you go to buy a car? do they look at your income and let you drive out with an 80,000 dollar car for 20 bucks?
its not the way the world works dipshit.
Bs- And as usual you dupes are obsessed with the poor, who are getting killed in this Reaganist/New BS GOP. And most of the middle class pays more %wise than the bloated richest. You're a fool. Nobody's lying- but you GOPers are totally baffled by BS.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Let's repeat that- most of the middle class pays more %wise than your heroes, the richest. You're brainwashed functional morons. See sig pp1- from 2007.
What the fuck franko do we care what they pay we want to know what you pay?

Like God Damn franko as a guy making 60 to 85 grand a year (with OT
Or out) ya fucking think I care what the rich pays for one vote? I want to know what the 47 % pays..

God Damn nothing for one vote.
Ive paid close to 40k a year for the last few years, this year will be different since I retired and took on a job that pays a great deal less.
maybe I can be a drain on society now.
More than you should pay, and getting little help- all goes to the richest. Good little dupe- hating the poor..
how is that more than i should pay? it does not cover what the debt is if broken down by citizens. Im not paying my fair share at all. But you will take someone that pays 4 or 5 and maybe 10 times or more what the bill is spread out and claim they are not paying their fair share when you pay nothing.
I should be paying 3 times that if i where to pay just my fair share and not a penny more.
Thats what I dont understand about you social leeches, how can you pay nothing and claim that someone rich that pays a million is not paying their fair share? contribute something, anything or just be happy with whatever scraps you end up with
The rich pay less %wise than you, stupid dupe lol. I'm a retired teacher/ businessman, Mr. projection/obsession brainwashed GOP functional moron....
No way you are a retired teacher, you are way to stupid to have even attended school, let alone teach in one.
Ding, Ding!
Retarded it is.
say what you want tool. But you admitted that you support the whore hillary, so really, you have put your mental issue right out there in the open.

I support her completely as will the majority come election day. You will once again be marginalized and become further embittered. As always, It sucks to be you.
more proof you dont follow posts, you just spew crap where you can.
Ive already been saying that the whore would win, no question, she was promised.
Ive also said how much fun the I told you so's are going to be when she continues to chase away jobs (not that that would bother a liberal) and continues to tank the economy with an even greater bloated budget, and she will do all of this and not one poor person that voted for her will see any improvement in their lives or their communities.
and in 4 years, those same idiots will believe her when she says that she is going to fix it all if you just give her another 4 years.
Nothing changes.
Not with your corrupt GOP billionaires obstructing all reform for 30 years, dupe.
I understand. obstruction to you is anything that makes people responsible for their own lives. Much better to have the rich people adopt all the poor people and support them like their long lost child.

You seem to have quite a few complaints for someone who's so responsible for their own well being.
I think the rich have been taxed enough already, I think its time to see those that pay nothing right now show some dignity and start helping out with the bills.
Of course those that dont pay are the ones screaming for the rich to pay even more.
And considering how hillary ran her mouth and put us at serious odds with Russia and China all of a sudden, Im thinking a military build up might not be a bad idea.
More RW bs propaganda, dupe. EVERYONE pays 18-30% in all taxes and fees and the rich get all the new wealth, dupe. You go with our enemies in the world, including lying greedy billionaires who run your NEW BS GOP disgrace of a party. "I know, a tax cut for the rich"....
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
I think the rich have been taxed enough already, I think its time to see those that pay nothing right now show some dignity and start helping out with the bills.
Of course those that dont pay are the ones screaming for the rich to pay even more.
And considering how hillary ran her mouth and put us at serious odds with Russia and China all of a sudden, Im thinking a military build up might not be a bad idea.
More RW bs propaganda, dupe. EVERYONE pays 18-30% in all taxes and fees and the rich get all the new wealth, dupe. You go with our enemies in the world, including lying greedy billionaires who run your NEW BS GOP disgrace of a party. "I know, a tax cut for the rich"....
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
Bs- And as usual you dupes are obsessed with the poor, who are getting killed in this Reaganist/New BS GOP. And most of the middle class pays more %wise than the bloated richest. You're a fool. Nobody's lying- but you GOPers are totally baffled by BS.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Let's repeat that- most of the middle class pays more %wise than your heroes, the richest. You're brainwashed functional morons. See sig pp1- from 2007.
What the fuck franko do we care what they pay we want to know what you pay?

Like God Damn franko as a guy making 60 to 85 grand a year (with OT
Or out) ya fucking think I care what the rich pays for one vote? I want to know what the 47 % pays..

God Damn nothing for one vote.
now show a graph of how much of the tax burden is paid in actual dollars by the same groups.
and what does it matter if you pay a certain percentage over the year when you end up getting that and more back. Freeloaders thats what the lower income people are.
Try actual percentages. It's all relative and hurts less the higher you go.
I think the rich have been taxed enough already, I think its time to see those that pay nothing right now show some dignity and start helping out with the bills.
Of course those that dont pay are the ones screaming for the rich to pay even more.
And considering how hillary ran her mouth and put us at serious odds with Russia and China all of a sudden, Im thinking a military build up might not be a bad idea.
More RW bs propaganda, dupe. EVERYONE pays 18-30% in all taxes and fees and the rich get all the new wealth, dupe. You go with our enemies in the world, including lying greedy billionaires who run your NEW BS GOP disgrace of a party. "I know, a tax cut for the rich"....
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
I think the rich have been taxed enough already, I think its time to see those that pay nothing right now show some dignity and start helping out with the bills.
Of course those that dont pay are the ones screaming for the rich to pay even more.
And considering how hillary ran her mouth and put us at serious odds with Russia and China all of a sudden, Im thinking a military build up might not be a bad idea.
More RW bs propaganda, dupe. EVERYONE pays 18-30% in all taxes and fees and the rich get all the new wealth, dupe. You go with our enemies in the world, including lying greedy billionaires who run your NEW BS GOP disgrace of a party. "I know, a tax cut for the rich"....
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
Bs- And as usual you dupes are obsessed with the poor, who are getting killed in this Reaganist/New BS GOP. And most of the middle class pays more %wise than the bloated richest. You're a fool. Nobody's lying- but you GOPers are totally baffled by BS.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Let's repeat that- most of the middle class pays more %wise than your heroes, the richest. You're brainwashed functional morons. See sig pp1- from 2007.
What the fuck franko do we care what they pay we want to know what you pay?

Like God Damn franko as a guy making 60 to 85 grand a year (with OT
Or out) ya fucking think I care what the rich pays for one vote? I want to know what the 47 % pays..

God Damn nothing for one vote.
Ive paid close to 40k a year for the last few years, this year will be different since I retired and took on a job that pays a great deal less.
maybe I can be a drain on society now.


We don't know what's going on you stupid fuck head sheep


The emails, hacked from the account of Clinton Campaign Chairman and Soros ally John Podesta, disclose that Clinton was advised to do fundraisers simply to make Soros “happy.” They also indicate the 85-year-old Hungarian-born heavyweight, through his top aides, freely reached out to Podesta to make Soros’ wishes clear on issues ranging from trade to migration to the Supreme Court.

God Damn sheep she is a paid monkey

And you're an unpaid monkey.

Lmao kid I pay taxes you clearly don't I work for a living you clearly don't child..

Clearly you feel insecure and the need to tout your success. I will never feel that need especially to someone like you. I'm satisfied in my life.

We know child happy trick and treeten

What you going to dress up on Monday

Bat man?


Psst, you're Batman, dope.
You can stand by your statement all you like, its your right, just dont get upset when others point out that you have no way of proving you are right.
Your opinion comes from wishful thinking that your candidate is clean.
My suspicion comes from the fact that the FBI sees enough reason to look into it further.
My opinion has action associated with it, yours does not.

It's beyond him, he simply isn't knowledgeable about debate and debate tactics.

You would think that the last time I made a monkey out of you you would have learned your lesson.

(smile) Do you actually think I'm going to let you off the hook here?
You don't have the ability to make anyone look like a "monkey".

"My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton."

You get to prove this statement presented as fact.

Unless you can cite the email, I win.
no actually you dont. the fact that it has been explained to you many times and you still cant grasp it indicates that you lose.

Your inability to articulate a cogent argument has been and will always be your downfall.
Well we know what a democrat sheep looks like and that is you..

View attachment 95787

The sheep are you morons who don't even know what in the hell is going on.
Over the entire thread, only the liberals have made clear what is happening while you dopes throw wild speculation and completely wrong information around.

We don't know what's going on you stupid fuck head sheep


The emails, hacked from the account of Clinton Campaign Chairman and Soros ally John Podesta, disclose that Clinton was advised to do fundraisers simply to make Soros “happy.” They also indicate the 85-year-old Hungarian-born heavyweight, through his top aides, freely reached out to Podesta to make Soros’ wishes clear on issues ranging from trade to migration to the Supreme Court.
Yeah, it's called politics- Dems agree on that stuff. God knows what the Kochs, Murdoch,Adelson, the Moonies, Mercer and your screw the workers/environment, give us another tax cut and dereg bubble, billionaires get. That's where the corruption is DUH.

The idea that Soros pulls the strings is simply dumb and really doesn't deserve explanation.

You that much a fucking sheep?

Can you read this ba a ba a

How God damn stupid and ignorant are you basement dweller?

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On the other hand, dropping a cool $74 million in a single election season on behalf of Democrats does have its perks, as Mr. Steyercan attest.

The San Francisco billionaire, a former hedge fund manager turned climate activist, is the toast of the Democratic National Convention, the biggest dog at the Wells Fargo Center not named Clinton, Obama or Sanders.

Mr. Steyer was the single largest individual donor, Democrat or Republican, in the 2014 midterm elections, and he is well on his way to repeating the feat this year. He already has sunk $31.5 million into this year’s campaign, the most of any contributor, including longtime liberal donor George Soros, according to the Center for Responsive Politics’ Open Secrets.

Mr. Steyer, 59, is often described as the left’s answer to the Koch brothers, but unlike Charles andDavid Koch, Mr. Steyer isn’t keeping a low profile. The Kochs were no-shows at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, but Mr. Steyer has bestrode the DNC like a colossus.

His “Winning on Climate Together” reception was packed with A-list operatives and officials, including Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin of Maryland, Sen. Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts, Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

You actually believe this helps your case?

Using another conspiracy to explain the last is not helpful.

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