OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

This comes from the crowd who voted hillary as president in 2008? Get the fuck out of here sheep ...the republicans had the strongest class in years...

Hillary stole the nomination from Bernie and you fucking know it

God Damn George Soros sheep

here is chief wakahoe and frank trying to figure out how to play this scandal.
More RW bs propaganda, dupe. EVERYONE pays 18-30% in all taxes and fees and the rich get all the new wealth, dupe. You go with our enemies in the world, including lying greedy billionaires who run your NEW BS GOP disgrace of a party. "I know, a tax cut for the rich"....
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
More RW bs propaganda, dupe. EVERYONE pays 18-30% in all taxes and fees and the rich get all the new wealth, dupe. You go with our enemies in the world, including lying greedy billionaires who run your NEW BS GOP disgrace of a party. "I know, a tax cut for the rich"....
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
Bs- And as usual you dupes are obsessed with the poor, who are getting killed in this Reaganist/New BS GOP. And most of the middle class pays more %wise than the bloated richest. You're a fool. Nobody's lying- but you GOPers are totally baffled by BS.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Let's repeat that- most of the middle class pays more %wise than your heroes, the richest. You're brainwashed functional morons. See sig pp1- from 2007.
What the fuck franko do we care what they pay we want to know what you pay?

Like God Damn franko as a guy making 60 to 85 grand a year (with OT
Or out) ya fucking think I care what the rich pays for one vote? I want to know what the 47 % pays..

God Damn nothing for one vote.
Ive paid close to 40k a year for the last few years, this year will be different since I retired and took on a job that pays a great deal less.
maybe I can be a drain on society now.
More than you should pay, and getting little help- all goes to the richest. Good little dupe- hating the poor..
how is that more than i should pay? it does not cover what the debt is if broken down by citizens. Im not paying my fair share at all. But you will take someone that pays 4 or 5 and maybe 10 times or more what the bill is spread out and claim they are not paying their fair share when you pay nothing.
I should be paying 3 times that if i where to pay just my fair share and not a penny more.
Thats what I dont understand about you social leeches, how can you pay nothing and claim that someone rich that pays a million is not paying their fair share? contribute something, anything or just be happy with whatever scraps you end up with
More RW bs propaganda, dupe. EVERYONE pays 18-30% in all taxes and fees and the rich get all the new wealth, dupe. You go with our enemies in the world, including lying greedy billionaires who run your NEW BS GOP disgrace of a party. "I know, a tax cut for the rich"....
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
More RW bs propaganda, dupe. EVERYONE pays 18-30% in all taxes and fees and the rich get all the new wealth, dupe. You go with our enemies in the world, including lying greedy billionaires who run your NEW BS GOP disgrace of a party. "I know, a tax cut for the rich"....
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
Bs- And as usual you dupes are obsessed with the poor, who are getting killed in this Reaganist/New BS GOP. And most of the middle class pays more %wise than the bloated richest. You're a fool. Nobody's lying- but you GOPers are totally baffled by BS.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Let's repeat that- most of the middle class pays more %wise than your heroes, the richest. You're brainwashed functional morons. See sig pp1- from 2007.
What the fuck franko do we care what they pay we want to know what you pay?

Like God Damn franko as a guy making 60 to 85 grand a year (with OT
Or out) ya fucking think I care what the rich pays for one vote? I want to know what the 47 % pays..

God Damn nothing for one vote.
Ive paid close to 40k a year for the last few years, this year will be different since I retired and took on a job that pays a great deal less.
maybe I can be a drain on society now.
More than you should pay, and getting little help- all goes to the richest. Good little dupe- hating the poor..

So you saying I pay more? God Damn franko you know a guy like me working OT totally gets screwed when we work around more then 53 hours a week , all it is
It says I am making $40 bucks anhou

The rich pays millions in taxed compared to my pity $15,000 thousand or so but the poor pays jack shit in federal and gets to vote...

How is that fair?
It shows very clearly that she's not concerned with the content of those emails.
If Comey drags is feet and they turn out to be nothing, Comey will have hell to pay.

This concerns me. This could be a setup to call the election NULL and VOID. BO will stay on and then have a "re-do" 1 year out. This is a possibility, this could be a setup.
Who would determine it null and void?
It shows very clearly that she's not concerned with the content of those emails.
If Comey drags is feet and they turn out to be nothing, Comey will have hell to pay.

This concerns me. This could be a setup to call the election NULL and VOID. BO will stay on and then have a "re-do" 1 year out. This is a possibility, this could be a setup.

I don't see that as likely. Obama can't wait to get the hell out of there.
I find it more concerning that the Director of the FBI would do this at this time.

It's Comey's HELL day.

"Senior Justice Department officials warned the FBI that Director James B. Comey’s decision to notify Congress about renewing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server was not consistent with long-standing practices of the department, according to officials familiar with the discussions.

The bureau told Justice Department officials that Comey intended to inform lawmakers of newly discovered emails. These officials told the FBI the department’s position “that we don’t comment on an ongoing investigation. And we don’t take steps that will be viewed as influencing an election,” said one Justice Department official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the high-level conversations.

“Director Comey understood our position. He heard it from Justice leadership,” the official said. “It was conveyed to the FBI, and Comey made an independent decision to alert the Hill. He is operating independently of the Justice Department. And he knows it.”
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

With a statement like this they're getting ready to hang Comey out to dry, and it will be coming from the Justice Department, State Department, and he will be getting hammered from everywhere.

If Comey had done the right thing a couple of months ago and requested that Crooked Hillary be indicted he would be the hero of America. Now he is having to play catch up with his morality.
Here it comes..

A leak in the FBI investigation has indicated that there are several bombshells. Wikileaks also confirms some of them. Agents working on the Weiner case stumbled on classified information and troubling emails with known terror organizations, bringing it to Comey's attention.

The first is the fact that the Clinton sever had been hacked multiple times and that everything on the server was compromised. this was so bad that communications to encrypted devices were severed in order to stop the data flow.

A newly released email from 2011 from Hillary aide Huma Abedin reportedly said that her BlackBerry wasn’t working. In response, Justin Cooper — the IT guy who set up Hillary’s private email server — said, “We were attacked again.”

Second is the presence of classified documents that were in various stages of alteration and copies of sent emails/attachments with the classification markings stripped in messages to and from Hillary Clinton (this is in direct conflict with what has been reported by many news agencies)

Third is the presence of communications to known terror groups but what was discussed was not disclosed.

If these allegations are true it goes all the way up to Obama and this is why the whole administration is now in defense and damage control mode.

This is a nuclear strike and there will be nothing left after it burns.. I hope Wikileaks releases all the emails this week.... we need confirmation.....

Would you care to provide a better link Billy?
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
Bs- And as usual you dupes are obsessed with the poor, who are getting killed in this Reaganist/New BS GOP. And most of the middle class pays more %wise than the bloated richest. You're a fool. Nobody's lying- but you GOPers are totally baffled by BS.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Let's repeat that- most of the middle class pays more %wise than your heroes, the richest. You're brainwashed functional morons. See sig pp1- from 2007.
What the fuck franko do we care what they pay we want to know what you pay?

Like God Damn franko as a guy making 60 to 85 grand a year (with OT
Or out) ya fucking think I care what the rich pays for one vote? I want to know what the 47 % pays..

God Damn nothing for one vote.
Ive paid close to 40k a year for the last few years, this year will be different since I retired and took on a job that pays a great deal less.
maybe I can be a drain on society now.
More than you should pay, and getting little help- all goes to the richest. Good little dupe- hating the poor..
how is that more than i should pay? it does not cover what the debt is if broken down by citizens. Im not paying my fair share at all. But you will take someone that pays 4 or 5 and maybe 10 times or more what the bill is spread out and claim they are not paying their fair share when you pay nothing.
I should be paying 3 times that if i where to pay just my fair share and not a penny more.
Thats what I dont understand about you social leeches, how can you pay nothing and claim that someone rich that pays a million is not paying their fair share? contribute something, anything or just be happy with whatever scraps you end up with
The rich pay less %wise than you, stupid dupe lol. I'm a retired teacher/ businessman, Mr. projection/obsession brainwashed GOP functional moron....
Here it comes..

A leak in the FBI investigation has indicated that there are several bombshells. Wikileaks also confirms some of them. Agents working on the Weiner case stumbled on classified information and troubling emails with known terror organizations, bringing it to Comey's attention.

The first is the fact that the Clinton sever had been hacked multiple times and that everything on the server was compromised. this was so bad that communications to encrypted devices were severed in order to stop the data flow.

A newly released email from 2011 from Hillary aide Huma Abedin reportedly said that her BlackBerry wasn’t working. In response, Justin Cooper — the IT guy who set up Hillary’s private email server — said, “We were attacked again.”

Second is the presence of classified documents that were in various stages of alteration and copies of sent emails/attachments with the classification markings stripped in messages to and from Hillary Clinton (this is in direct conflict with what has been reported by many news agencies)

Third is the presence of communications to known terror groups but what was discussed was not disclosed.

If these allegations are true it goes all the way up to Obama and this is why the whole administration is now in defense and damage control mode.

This is a nuclear strike and there will be nothing left after it burns.. I hope Wikileaks releases all the emails this week.... we need confirmation.....

Would you care to provide a better link Billy?
In emails, Abedin complains of ‘Clinton berry not working.’ Aide explains, ‘We were attacked again.’

This is for the hack. there are a whole host of links there for this.

As for the rest, lets just leave it as an unidentified sources within the NYPD and the FBI field office investigating sex crimes.
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
Bs- And as usual you dupes are obsessed with the poor, who are getting killed in this Reaganist/New BS GOP. And most of the middle class pays more %wise than the bloated richest. You're a fool. Nobody's lying- but you GOPers are totally baffled by BS.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Let's repeat that- most of the middle class pays more %wise than your heroes, the richest. You're brainwashed functional morons. See sig pp1- from 2007.
What the fuck franko do we care what they pay we want to know what you pay?

Like God Damn franko as a guy making 60 to 85 grand a year (with OT
Or out) ya fucking think I care what the rich pays for one vote? I want to know what the 47 % pays..

God Damn nothing for one vote.
Ive paid close to 40k a year for the last few years, this year will be different since I retired and took on a job that pays a great deal less.
maybe I can be a drain on society now.
More than you should pay, and getting little help- all goes to the richest. Good little dupe- hating the poor..

So you saying I pay more? God Damn franko you know a guy like me working OT totally gets screwed when we work around more then 53 hours a week , all it is
It says I am making $40 bucks anhou

The rich pays millions in taxed compared to my pity $15,000 thousand or so but the poor pays jack shit in federal and gets to vote...

How is that fair?
Obviously i'm saying what the Dems and Hillary are saying- the middle class is paying too much and not getting enough help like cheap college loans, free community college, infrastructure investment, etc. Meanwhile, you're voting for a 1% tax cut and more of the same GOP bs...dupe.
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
so are you saying that the guy making 20,000 a year pays tax? you lie.
he might pay during the year but he gets it all back, and if he has kids he even gets more back than he put in.
Im actually talking about paying and not getting back.
Bs- And as usual you dupes are obsessed with the poor, who are getting killed in this Reaganist/New BS GOP. And most of the middle class pays more %wise than the bloated richest. You're a fool. Nobody's lying- but you GOPers are totally baffled by BS.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Let's repeat that- most of the middle class pays more %wise than your heroes, the richest. You're brainwashed functional morons. See sig pp1- from 2007.
What the fuck franko do we care what they pay we want to know what you pay?

Like God Damn franko as a guy making 60 to 85 grand a year (with OT
Or out) ya fucking think I care what the rich pays for one vote? I want to know what the 47 % pays..

God Damn nothing for one vote.
Ive paid close to 40k a year for the last few years, this year will be different since I retired and took on a job that pays a great deal less.
maybe I can be a drain on society now.
More than you should pay, and getting little help- all goes to the richest. Good little dupe- hating the poor..

So you saying I pay more? God Damn franko you know a guy like me working OT totally gets screwed when we work around more then 53 hours a week , all it is
It says I am making $40 bucks anhou

The rich pays millions in taxed compared to my pity $15,000 thousand or so but the poor pays jack shit in federal and gets to vote...

How is that fair?
Get off the poor you idiot dupe you want to take away their vote? lol.
Crooked Hillary's Facebook page is on a sustained anti-Comey character assassination tirade right now. They're attempting to steal the whole "establishment is against us" while conveniently forgetting to mention they are the establishment.
Crooked Hillary's Facebook page is on a sustained anti-Comey character assassination tirade right now. They're attempting to steal the whole "establishment is against us" while conveniently forgetting to mention they are the establishment.
Only in dupe world. Where policy is unknown.
Last edited:
It shows very clearly that she's not concerned with the content of those emails.
If Comey drags is feet and they turn out to be nothing, Comey will have hell to pay.

This concerns me. This could be a setup to call the election NULL and VOID. BO will stay on and then have a "re-do" 1 year out. This is a possibility, this could be a setup.
Who would determine it null and void?

President BO? Martial Law? Anything is possible in his Banana republic.

He could say evidence of Russian hacking (they been setting this up), DHS in charge of "votes" lol! He could somehow use Comey to say he mucked up the election w/o cause?
White House CANCELS all Obama Appearances at Hillary Campaign Events! ! !

Late Friday night, the White House very quietly CANCELED all of Barack Obama's scheduled campaign appearances on behalf of Hillary Clinton! The scheduled events, confirmed for months, were all quietly DELETED.

And the hits just keep on coming..
BS, dupe.

But SuperStation 95 is not the online arm of any legitimate radio news outlet. Rather, it's a site for the fabricated conspiracy-driven rantings of convicted felon Hal Turner, who was sentenced to prison for threatening to kill three federal judges.

SuperStation 95 based their claim that President Obama had cancelled his campaign appearances on a purported screenshot from the web site, which is not affiliated with the Clinton campaign. And that site dropped several campaign events — not just ones involving President Obama — from their listing for unknown reasons.

Furthermore, while SuperStation 95 claimed that President Obama was removed from the list of Clinton campaign appearances late Friday night (28 October 2016), the President was still listed in a cached version of from just after midnight the following morning. As of this writing, has President Obama slated for four campaign events before the 2016 presidential election on 8 November 2016:
The Clintons have zero morality, zero ethics - they are the most corrupt of career politicians…
As I said, I'm aware they're not scouts. I also just pointed out that our choice can't be about who's a scout, because Trump is as bad in his personal and professional dealings. So all we can choose on is policy. You believe America is a big enough tough guy to stand alone. I believe we will eventually fall if we choose that path. That doesn't make me a lemming--it makes me right! (LOL--right back where we started. I'll give you the chance to call me a name and have the last word, cuz we're just repeating ourselves now and we aren't going to change each other's minds)
Dozens of felonies committed vs a guy who said pussy in a private conversation.

Leftard delusional self justification on display.

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