OMG federal workers get a pay raise in this deal?

The problem is we just got done with a huge spat regarding borrowing money to pay for things we can not afford on revenue. That included a default.

Can you even imagine the laughter in a board room full of private sector execs who just got done negotiating a refinance on the brink of bankruptcy, when "Stanley" turns the powerpoint presentation tab one notch and everyone see's he's planning to offer a 1% increase to all employees?



Serious. :lmao:



Are you sure you're not thinking about the executives of Chase Bank (and others) deciding to pay them selves multi millions in bonus money after those same banks about bankrupted everybody?

They were spending tax money also. To pay themselves bonuses. After doing a real shitty job of managing their banks.

Now that was amazing.
I'll give you another example of government stupidity in wages.

When we did ACOE jobs they had an inspector that walked the jobsites regularly with a a clipboard. If he caught a laborer manipulating or handeling material or equipment that didn't fall under the classification of his job it would be noted and I would be REQUIRED to change his pay scale from laborer to whatever the pay scale was for the skilled position of whatever he happened to be doing. If he was carying tile he got tile setter wages. If he was hauling doors he got trim carpenter wages. Etc

I finally quit bidding ACOE jobs because of all the bullshit

In other words, you were paying your workers less than what you earlier contracted to pay.


Either that or he didn't know how to bid the job and still make money.
Why is that insanity. Living wage? Cost of living expense!
Ever hear of that or do you still live in pre-1980's.

Everytime I get a govt contract I am paid more than I would be in the private sector. I am FORCED to pay my help a prevailing wage that in most cases is far above what the private sector pays. And now that pay is being increased again.

This is the definition of insanity.

Living wage?


Good grief...
Why did they receive federal taxpayer money in the first place? I certainly didn't support that.

But you're just deflecting from the point.

And what makes this situation any better? All those being paid are paid on taxpayer money and nothing more...except the borrow adn print scheme.

I swear govt. is a jobs program for otherwise unemployable individuals.
Why did they receive federal taxpayer money in the first place? I certainly didn't support that.

But you're just deflecting from the point.

And what makes this situation any better? All those being paid are paid on taxpayer money and nothing more...except the borrow adn print scheme.

I swear govt. is a jobs program for otherwise unemployable individuals.

It does seem to be the employer of last resort for the terminally useless.
Why do the right wing nuts hate govt. workers??? I would really like to know. They seem to hate them with the same intense stupidity that they hate President Obama.
OMG federal workers get a pay raise in this deal?
Yeah, I'm sure it really steams the Koch brothers and the rest of the 1%, as we all know they are so determined that the 99% shouldn't get more than 50 cents an hour, like the rest of the banana republics. It's called a cost of living increase. Your envy is evident.
The problem is we just got done with a huge spat regarding borrowing money to pay for things we can not afford on revenue. That included a default.

Can you even imagine the laughter in a board room full of private sector execs who just got done negotiating a refinance on the brink of bankruptcy, when "Stanley" turns the powerpoint presentation tab one notch and everyone see's he's planning to offer a 1% increase to all employees?



Serious. :lmao:



Can you imagine the laughter when the Executives in the boardroom all retire or quit and take their millions of dollars severance while company workers lose their jobs?
And the GOP voted for this?


I welcome you to leave a party that has no intention of ever actually balancing a budget, shrinking Government or upholding the constitution. It's all for show Gramps. Remember when Mitt said he was gonna get rid of Obamacare anyway possible if he won the primaries, only to hours after winning the nomination changing his position to "I want to make changes to Obamacare." When was the last time the Republicans cut spending?
Why is that insanity. Living wage? Cost of living expense!
Ever hear of that or do you still live in pre-1980's.

Everytime I get a govt contract I am paid more than I would be in the private sector. I am FORCED to pay my help a prevailing wage that in most cases is far above what the private sector pays. And now that pay is being increased again.

This is the definition of insanity.

Because dumbass, it forces inflation.... In order for Government to pay people more it has to take more from others. NM, you're too stupid to understand basic logic.
Why is that insanity. Living wage? Cost of living expense!
Ever hear of that or do you still live in pre-1980's.

Everytime I get a govt contract I am paid more than I would be in the private sector. I am FORCED to pay my help a prevailing wage that in most cases is far above what the private sector pays. And now that pay is being increased again.

This is the definition of insanity.


Thank you Federal government workers for the job that you do.

I especially liked the way FEMA handled the Sandy storm.


Gramps, why do you post before reading?

You always end up with egg on your face looking like a total idiot.

Federal employee salary rates have not been increased since January 2010.

So, they get a little bump in Jan. 2014 -- what's your problem?

The rest of the countries citizens make an average declining in income over that time period, so it makes sense to take more form them to pay Government people more.... Yes, force inflation and make life harder for everyone not in a Government job.

Fucking moronic. History is coming to destroy you, again... just fyi.

“The promise of a modest pay raise and back pay for furloughed government employees are good first steps in recognizing the value of federal workers,”

it's like no child left behind. :lmao:

We're going to borrow money from China and monetaize more debt ot give federal workers recognition for their indespenable roll as part of the demise fo the American economy and currency!

That's very special.

Are we talking about those indispensable non-essential workers who were so indispensable that we taxpayers get to pay them an additional 16 days paid vacation?
Why do the right wing nuts hate govt. workers??? I would really like to know. They seem to hate them with the same intense stupidity that they hate President Obama.

Army, Marines, Air Force and Navy personnel are federal workers as well.

Believe it or not.

Everytime I get a govt contract I am paid more than I would be in the private sector. I am FORCED to pay my help a prevailing wage that in most cases is far above what the private sector pays. And now that pay is being increased again.

This is the definition of insanity.

That you and your employees are both being paid what you are worth?

You are nuts.

Please tell us what you think an unskilled laborer is worth, and why he/she would be worth that much (or little). Thanks.
The problem is we just got done with a huge spat regarding borrowing money to pay for things we can not afford on revenue. That included a default.

Can you even imagine the laughter in a board room full of private sector execs who just got done negotiating a refinance on the brink of bankruptcy, when "Stanley" turns the powerpoint presentation tab one notch and everyone see's he's planning to offer a 1% increase to all employees?



Serious. :lmao:



Are you sure you're not thinking about the executives of Chase Bank (and others) deciding to pay them selves multi millions in bonus money after those same banks about bankrupted everybody?

They were spending tax money also. To pay themselves bonuses. After doing a real shitty job of managing their banks.

Now that was amazing.

Exactly why we should have let those institutions fail. Did you expect anything else than huge taxpayer funded raises for the very same people who bought and paid for the pols bailing them out? Pols from both sides of the aisle, by-the-way.
Why did they receive federal taxpayer money in the first place? I certainly didn't support that.

But you're just deflecting from the point.

And what makes this situation any better? All those being paid are paid on taxpayer money and nothing more...except the borrow adn print scheme.

I swear govt. is a jobs program for otherwise unemployable individuals.

It does seem to be the employer of last resort for the terminally useless.

A large number of the ethically-challenged, too.

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