OMG! Hillary has a paid army of internet shills!

an honest person with Integrity

Do you have any idea how hypocritical and ridiculous it is for a Hillary supporter to whine about the honesty and integrity of someone else??
Of the two only Trump is facing post election fraud and rape civil trials do know that know about his Bankruptcies and the 4000 law suits ....

Former WH Ethics Lawyer Files Hatch Act Violation Complaint Against Comey

Source: NYTimes, C&L

Painter outlines a case against Trump, laying out his possible connections to Russia and how nothing is being discussed publicly from the FBI, but then does a 180 pivot to what actually came out, this vague statement on emails. Painter states it quite clearly:

"Violations of the Hatch Act and of government ethics rules on misuse of official positions are not permissible in any circumstances, including in the case of an executive branch official acting under pressure from politically motivated members of Congress. Such violations are of even greater concern when the agency is the F.B.I."

And this is the kicker:

"But an official doesn’t need to have a specific intent — or desire — to influence an election to be in violation of the Hatch Act or government ethics rules. The rules are violated if it is obvious that the official’s actions could influence the election, there is no other good reason for taking those actions, and the official is acting under pressure from persons who obviously do want to influence the election."

No intent is needed. The fact that Comey put in motion actions that could affect the election is in and of itself a violation of the Hatch Act. Period. And there is no disputing that his actions are having an affect. Painter closes with this:

"This is no trivial matter. We cannot allow F.B.I. or Justice Department officials to unnecessarily publicize pending investigations concerning candidates of either party while an election is underway. That is an abuse of power. Allowing such a precedent to stand will invite more, and even worse, abuses of power in the future."

Read more: Former WH Ethics Lawyer Files Hatch Act Violation Complaint Against Comey

And the actual op-ed, here:

"And that is why, on Saturday, I filed a complaint against the F.B.I. with the Office of Special Counsel, which investigates Hatch Act violations, and with the Office of Government Ethics. I have spent much of my career working on government ethics and lawyers’ ethics, including two and a half years as the chief White House ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush, and I never thought that the F.B.I. could be dragged into a political circus surrounding one of its investigations. Until this week. For the sake of full disclosure, in this election I have supported Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Hillary Clinton for president, in that order."

And according to the WashPost,
" there is only one penalty, as I understand it, for violation of the Hatch Act for a federal employee. And that is removal. "

So it looks like neither President Obama nor President Clinton will need to actually fire the guy...
Trump being an honest person with Integrity who will reform our system is Fictitious what is more its in a word Ridiculous ...

How Clinton shows her honesty.

clinton honest.jpg
an honest person with Integrity

Do you have any idea how hypocritical and ridiculous it is for a Hillary supporter to whine about the honesty and integrity of someone else??
Of the two only Trump is facing post election fraud and rape civil trials do know that know about his Bankruptcies and the 4000 law suits ....

Former WH Ethics Lawyer Files Hatch Act Violation Complaint Against Comey

Source: NYTimes, C&L

Painter outlines a case against Trump, laying out his possible connections to Russia and how nothing is being discussed publicly from the FBI, but then does a 180 pivot to what actually came out, this vague statement on emails. Painter states it quite clearly:

"Violations of the Hatch Act and of government ethics rules on misuse of official positions are not permissible in any circumstances, including in the case of an executive branch official acting under pressure from politically motivated members of Congress. Such violations are of even greater concern when the agency is the F.B.I."

And this is the kicker:

"But an official doesn’t need to have a specific intent — or desire — to influence an election to be in violation of the Hatch Act or government ethics rules. The rules are violated if it is obvious that the official’s actions could influence the election, there is no other good reason for taking those actions, and the official is acting under pressure from persons who obviously do want to influence the election."

No intent is needed. The fact that Comey put in motion actions that could affect the election is in and of itself a violation of the Hatch Act. Period. And there is no disputing that his actions are having an affect. Painter closes with this:

"This is no trivial matter. We cannot allow F.B.I. or Justice Department officials to unnecessarily publicize pending investigations concerning candidates of either party while an election is underway. That is an abuse of power. Allowing such a precedent to stand will invite more, and even worse, abuses of power in the future."

Read more: Former WH Ethics Lawyer Files Hatch Act Violation Complaint Against Comey

And the actual op-ed, here:

"And that is why, on Saturday, I filed a complaint against the F.B.I. with the Office of Special Counsel, which investigates Hatch Act violations, and with the Office of Government Ethics. I have spent much of my career working on government ethics and lawyers’ ethics, including two and a half years as the chief White House ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush, and I never thought that the F.B.I. could be dragged into a political circus surrounding one of its investigations. Until this week. For the sake of full disclosure, in this election I have supported Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Hillary Clinton for president, in that order."

And according to the WashPost,
" there is only one penalty, as I understand it, for violation of the Hatch Act for a federal employee. And that is removal. "

So it looks like neither President Obama nor President Clinton will need to actually fire the guy...
The crying and the lying are in full swing from the shills today.
A former paid “Internet troll” for Clinton speaks out: It was “nasty” and “left a very bad taste” (UPDATED)

Good afternoon. As of today, I am officially a former "digital media specialist" (a nice way to say "paid Internet troll") previously employed by Hillary Clinton's campaign (through a PR firm). I'm posting here today as a confession of sorts because I can no longer continue to participate in something that has become morally-indigestible for me. (This is a one-time throwaway account, but I'll stick around for this thread.)

First, my background. I am [redacted] ... and first became involved in politics during the 2008 presidential race. I worked as a volunteer for Hillary during the Democratic primary and then for the Democratic Party in the general election. I was not heavily involved in the 2012 election cycle (employment issues - volunteering doesn't pay the rent), and I wasn't really planning on getting involved in this cycle until I was contacted by a friend from college around six months ago about working on Hillary's campaign.

I was skeptical at first (especially after my experience as an unpaid volunteer in 2008), but I eventually came around. The work time and payment was flexible, and I figured that I could bring in a little extra money writing about things I supported anyways. After some consideration, I emailed my resume to the campaign manager he had named, and within a week, I was in play. I don't want to get bogged down on this subject, but I was involved with PPP (pay per post) on forums and in the comments section of (mostly-liberal) news and blog sites. Spending my time on weekends and evenings, I brought in roughly an extra $100 or so a week, which was a nice cushion for me.

At first, the work was fun and mostly unsupervised. I posted mostly positive things about Hillary and didn't engage in much negativity. Around the middle of July, however, I received notification that the team would be focusing not on pro-Hillary forum management, but on "mitigation" (the term our team leader used) for a Vermont senator named Bernie Sanders. I'd been out of college for several years and hadn't heard much about Sanders, and so I decided to do some research to get a feel for him......
1. fascism
2. gun control/confiscation (not in Nazi Germany except from the the Jews)
3. state sponsored abortion (only for the Jews, not for the Aryans, who were forced to bear children, like the Catholic fascists want for America today)
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination (exactly what the American far right and alt right want with racial and social taboos)
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the public (exactly, like redditt and red state and all the alt right media want to control state media)

Our American alt right and far right are about authoritarian control of America and Americans
1. fascism
2. gun control/confiscation (not in Nazi Germany except from the the Jews)
3. state sponsored abortion (only for the Jews, not for the Aryans, who were forced to bear children, like the Catholic fascists want for America today)
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination (exactly what the American far right and alt right want with racial and social taboos)
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the public (exactly, like redditt and red state and all the alt right media want to control state media)

Our American alt right and far right are about authoritarian control of America and Americans

You are not a shill, you are just a goon. :D
A former paid “Internet troll” for Clinton speaks out: It was “nasty” and “left a very bad taste” (UPDATED)

Good afternoon. As of today, I am officially a former "digital media specialist" (a nice way to say "paid Internet troll") previously employed by Hillary Clinton's campaign (through a PR firm). I'm posting here today as a confession of sorts because I can no longer continue to participate in something that has become morally-indigestible for me. (This is a one-time throwaway account, but I'll stick around for this thread.)

First, my background. I am [redacted] ... and first became involved in politics during the 2008 presidential race. I worked as a volunteer for Hillary during the Democratic primary and then for the Democratic Party in the general election. I was not heavily involved in the 2012 election cycle (employment issues - volunteering doesn't pay the rent), and I wasn't really planning on getting involved in this cycle until I was contacted by a friend from college around six months ago about working on Hillary's campaign.

I was skeptical at first (especially after my experience as an unpaid volunteer in 2008), but I eventually came around. The work time and payment was flexible, and I figured that I could bring in a little extra money writing about things I supported anyways. After some consideration, I emailed my resume to the campaign manager he had named, and within a week, I was in play. I don't want to get bogged down on this subject, but I was involved with PPP (pay per post) on forums and in the comments section of (mostly-liberal) news and blog sites. Spending my time on weekends and evenings, I brought in roughly an extra $100 or so a week, which was a nice cushion for me.

At first, the work was fun and mostly unsupervised. I posted mostly positive things about Hillary and didn't engage in much negativity. Around the middle of July, however, I received notification that the team would be focusing not on pro-Hillary forum management, but on "mitigation" (the term our team leader used) for a Vermont senator named Bernie Sanders. I'd been out of college for several years and hadn't heard much about Sanders, and so I decided to do some research to get a feel for him......
Just like the Trump internet trolls we have here, eh.
1. fascism
2. gun control/confiscation (not in Nazi Germany except from the the Jews)
3. state sponsored abortion (only for the Jews, not for the Aryans, who were forced to bear children, like the Catholic fascists want for America today)
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination (exactly what the American far right and alt right want with racial and social taboos)
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the public (exactly, like redditt and red state and all the alt right media want to control state media)

Our American alt right and far right are about authoritarian control of America and Americans

You are not a shill, you are just a goon. :D
I am a poster of integrity and clarity, dear. You have trouble with that. Now, Lucy outed you, so leave it.
The crazy thing is that only a retard would believe that the internet can change the vote. I will tell you why, because Clinton is retarded, you either do not believe that or you do. Thus no ones mind is going to be changed, but Hillary wants to spend billions in order to lose, just like last time when she said that white people would not vote for Obama.

This time Alveda King, Louis Farrakhan and the head of the black panthers are all voting for TRUMP.

1. fascism
2. gun control/confiscation (not in Nazi Germany except from the the Jews)
3. state sponsored abortion (only for the Jews, not for the Aryans, who were forced to bear children, like the Catholic fascists want for America today)
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination (exactly what the American far right and alt right want with racial and social taboos)
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the public (exactly, like redditt and red state and all the alt right media want to control state media)

Our American alt right and far right are about authoritarian control of America and Americans

You are not a shill, you are just a goon. :D
I am a poster of integrity and clarity, dear. You have trouble with that. Now, Lucy outed you, so leave it.

Lucy outed me? I have no idea what you are talking about. You must be having hallucinations like Hillary.
1. fascism
2. gun control/confiscation (not in Nazi Germany except from the the Jews)
3. state sponsored abortion (only for the Jews, not for the Aryans, who were forced to bear children, like the Catholic fascists want for America today)
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination (exactly what the American far right and alt right want with racial and social taboos)
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the public (exactly, like redditt and red state and all the alt right media want to control state media)

Our American alt right and far right are about authoritarian control of America and Americans

You are not a shill, you are just a goon. :D
I am a poster of integrity and clarity, dear. You have trouble with that. Now, Lucy outed you, so leave it.

Lucy outed me? I have no idea what you are talking about. You must be having hallucinations like Hillary.
Says hallucination girl\

go, girl, go
1. fascism
2. gun control/confiscation (not in Nazi Germany except from the the Jews)
3. state sponsored abortion (only for the Jews, not for the Aryans, who were forced to bear children, like the Catholic fascists want for America today)
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination (exactly what the American far right and alt right want with racial and social taboos)
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the public (exactly, like redditt and red state and all the alt right media want to control state media)

Our American alt right and far right are about authoritarian control of America and Americans

You are not a shill, you are just a goon. :D
I am a poster of integrity and clarity, dear. You have trouble with that. Now, Lucy outed you, so leave it.

Lucy outed me? I have no idea what you are talking about. You must be having hallucinations like Hillary.
Jake is either sleeping or hearing voices that tell him what to type.........But hey he is kind of fun
1. fascism
2. gun control/confiscation (not in Nazi Germany except from the the Jews)
3. state sponsored abortion (only for the Jews, not for the Aryans, who were forced to bear children, like the Catholic fascists want for America today)
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination (exactly what the American far right and alt right want with racial and social taboos)
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the public (exactly, like redditt and red state and all the alt right media want to control state media)

Our American alt right and far right are about authoritarian control of America and Americans

You are not a shill, you are just a goon. :D
I am a poster of integrity and clarity, dear. You have trouble with that. Now, Lucy outed you, so leave it.

Lucy outed me? I have no idea what you are talking about. You must be having hallucinations like Hillary.
Says hallucination girl\

go, girl, go

What are you talking about then? How did Lucy out me and about what exactly?
1. fascism
2. gun control/confiscation (not in Nazi Germany except from the the Jews)
3. state sponsored abortion (only for the Jews, not for the Aryans, who were forced to bear children, like the Catholic fascists want for America today)
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination (exactly what the American far right and alt right want with racial and social taboos)
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the public (exactly, like redditt and red state and all the alt right media want to control state media)

Our American alt right and far right are about authoritarian control of America and Americans

You are not a shill, you are just a goon. :D
I am a poster of integrity and clarity, dear. You have trouble with that. Now, Lucy outed you, so leave it.

Lucy outed me? I have no idea what you are talking about. You must be having hallucinations like Hillary.
Says hallucination girl\

go, girl, go

Jake, that was completely clever less...........

You out of Abilify again?


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