OMG Its not that serious, Its the Clinton Tax Rates

If they asked you, which options would you support:

  • Let all the Clinton rates take effect, they worked well before.

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • Cut Defense by the 10% sequestration

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • Tweak SS by means testing & raising eligibility age by one year

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Fix Medicare by making everyone pay for service, can't pay then die MF

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • New Wall Street transaction tax, make them long term investors

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Big tax increase on derivatives and short sales, losses not deductible

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Raise capital gains tax rate

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Make these tax increases in two steps 2013 & 2014

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Keep subsidies for milk but not for oil

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Support the US dollar and avoid S&P downgrades-lower debt ceiling

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters
The economy grew, 20+ million jobs were created, and the budget was balanced; all under the Clinton tax rates.

So it isn't the expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts® that would hold/are holding the economy back. That argument is for rubes with amnesia.

If we use your logic then why not just tax everyone 90%
Think how much better the economy would be then...

Hey here's a thought....

Clinton had the benefit of the housing bubble.
Clinton had the benefit of the Dot Com bubble.
Clinton had Newt Gindrich in the House.
takeastepbackDoosh simply dooshes along.

Libertarianism is toxic for America.


As long as libertarians and ultra right dooshes are allowed to sit at the policy-making conferences, America is in serious, serious trouble. I know at least 22 GoP Congressman that would vote for Plan B if Boehner brought it for an up or down vote.

Yes Fakey, Dick Tater. Only your weak knee'd, unprincipled type can sit at the table. And you offer up a "plan B" kick the can plan as relevant.

The economy grew, 20+ million jobs were created, and the budget was balanced; all under the Clinton tax rates.

So it isn't the expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts® that would hold/are holding the economy back. That argument is for rubes with amnesia.

If we use your logic then why not just tax everyone 90%
Think how much better the economy would be then...

Hey here's a thought....

Clinton had the benefit of the housing bubble.
Clinton had the benefit of the Dot Com bubble.
Clinton had Newt Gindrich in the House.

Clinton has the benefit of being a democrat and having complete (D) control of congress during his first two years to get most of the important bills passed like his dynamite tax plan which send the nation's economy soaring.
It's been proven that democratic plans that have everyone pay their fare share and emphasizing on a strong middle class leads to strong economies, and GOP "give everything to the rich" tickle down economics have been nothing but complete failures.
One option on the list is,
Keep subsidies for milk but not for oil

Why should we subsidize anything?

On CNBC today they said that without the milk subsidy milk would cost $6/gallon. I'm fine making sure that our kids get enough milk. I understand your point though, especially when you look at all subsidies. I don't get subsidizing illegal's education for example like Perry wanted to do.

And exactly where do you think that milk subsidy money comes from?
Why the heck should I pay for another person's milk? If they want milk, let them pay for it. If you want to subsidize it, do with your own charity, don't use the government as your means to force me to do it.
The poll choices are inadequate.

I'd prefer to see federal spending rolled back to 2008 levels. We have a spending problem, exacerbated by the supposed temporary stimulus turning into structural spending (aided and abetted by the Dems refusal to pass a budget).

Roll it back.

It is simply freaky to think that the Federal gubmint almost doubled in size this century.

Population...............more than tripled in the last one. Is that freaky?
The poll choices are inadequate.

I'd prefer to see federal spending rolled back to 2008 levels. We have a spending problem, exacerbated by the supposed temporary stimulus turning into structural spending (aided and abetted by the Dems refusal to pass a budget).

Roll it back.

It is simply freaky to think that the Federal gubmint almost doubled in size this century.

Population...............more than tripled in the last one. Is that freaky?

Population doubled in 10 years, eh, moron?

The only time you will hear a Democrat declare that we cannot afford something is when it's 1) a military expenditure or 2) a tax cut.

The only time you will hear a Democrat declare that we cannot afford something is when it's 1) a military expenditure or 2) a tax cut.


Obama proposed we jack up military spending in his budget request!
The only time you will hear a Democrat declare that we cannot afford something is when it's 1) a military expenditure or 2) a tax cut.


Obama proposed we jack up military spending in his budget request!

I am amazed that you left out the only thing that really has a shot at saving this nation:

Throwing the "Dickless Morons in DC" out in one fell swoop and instituting term limits to prevent career politicians from ever entrapping us again.

The only way we are going to survive as a nation is to eliminate the corruption in Washington and the only way to do that is to give them four years and then send them home.

Well, we can completely rule economic growth out of the equation for at least the next 4 years.

Nobody in their right mind would expand business in America unless they are chasing new gubmint dollars, and the sequester will go a long way toward shutting down that bubble.

Selling investment property is out of the question.

Since Dickhead has been POTUS property values have gone down instead of up.
Well, we can completely rule economic growth out of the equation for at least the next 4 years.

Nobody in their right mind would expand business in America unless they are chasing new gubmint dollars, and the sequester will go a long way toward shutting down that bubble.

Ah yes, that terrible period from 1992 until 2001, when there was no economic growth because of the raise in taxes by the Clinton Administration. No jobs created, everybody's economic condition worsened.

Is that the way you see those years?
The poll choices are inadequate.

I'd prefer to see federal spending rolled back to 2008 levels. We have a spending problem, exacerbated by the supposed temporary stimulus turning into structural spending (aided and abetted by the Dems refusal to pass a budget).

Roll it back.

It is simply freaky to think that the Federal gubmint almost doubled in size this century.

Population...............more than tripled in the last one. Is that freaky?

Obama and company want to do something about that with their abortion policies.
Well, we can completely rule economic growth out of the equation for at least the next 4 years.

Nobody in their right mind would expand business in America unless they are chasing new gubmint dollars, and the sequester will go a long way toward shutting down that bubble.

Ah yes, that terrible period from 1992 until 2001, when there was no economic growth because of the raise in taxes by the Clinton Administration. No jobs created, everybody's economic condition worsened.

Is that the way you see those years?


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