OMG Its not that serious, Its the Clinton Tax Rates

If they asked you, which options would you support:

  • Let all the Clinton rates take effect, they worked well before.

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • Cut Defense by the 10% sequestration

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • Tweak SS by means testing & raising eligibility age by one year

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Fix Medicare by making everyone pay for service, can't pay then die MF

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • New Wall Street transaction tax, make them long term investors

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Big tax increase on derivatives and short sales, losses not deductible

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Raise capital gains tax rate

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Make these tax increases in two steps 2013 & 2014

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Keep subsidies for milk but not for oil

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Support the US dollar and avoid S&P downgrades-lower debt ceiling

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters
The Clinton tax rates worked. The Bush tax rates have not worked, obviously. The GOP is borrow and spend, the Dems are tax and spend. I don't see cutting in Defense by either parties.
I'm amazed that the dickless morons in DC can't keep the bus on the road. Lets vote on how we would fix the US economy for the long run:

I can't list every good idea, just my top ten. Please put up other ideas for review and debate...the object is to save SS & Medicare for those of us that paid into it...and to grow the US economy for the long haul without Greenspan/Bernanke BUBBLES....

Both must be adjusted but right now and for some years to come social security is the only program in Washington which breaks ahead every month. The program still takes in more than it pays out.
The Clinton tax rates worked. The Bush tax rates have not worked, obviously. The GOP is borrow and spend, the Dems are tax and spend. I don't see cutting in Defense by either parties.

I don't see spending cuts in anything by either party.
I'm amazed that the dickless morons in DC can't keep the bus on the road. Lets vote on how we would fix the US economy for the long run:

I can't list every good idea, just my top ten. Please put up other ideas for review and debate...the object is to save SS & Medicare for those of us that paid into it...and to grow the US economy for the long haul without Greenspan/Bernanke BUBBLES....

Both must be adjusted but right now and for some years to come social security is the only program in Washington which breaks ahead every month. The program still takes in more than it pays out.

Most baby boomers are still working, and they are at their peak earning years.
It's going to get ugly before they all retire.
Not if Congress stops taking SS for wars and bailing out corporations and giving away Iphones (other than bigrebnc really needs his).
I'm amazed that the dickless morons in DC can't keep the bus on the road. Lets vote on how we would fix the US economy for the long run:

I can't list every good idea, just my top ten. Please put up other ideas for review and debate...the object is to save SS & Medicare for those of us that paid into it...and to grow the US economy for the long haul without Greenspan/Bernanke BUBBLES....

Both must be adjusted but right now and for some years to come social security is the only program in Washington which breaks ahead every month. The program still takes in more than it pays out.

Most baby boomers are still working, and they are at their peak earning years.
It's going to get ugly before they all retire.

You're 100% correct but they've made adjustments before and they'll have to do it again.
The economy grew, 20+ million jobs were created, and the budget was balanced; all under the Clinton tax rates.

So it isn't the expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts® that would hold/are holding the economy back. That argument is for rubes with amnesia.

Clinton tax to bottom and spending limits that were in place under the Clinton administration, but there would have to be a damn budget. Shoot that idea
The Clinton tax rates worked. The Bush tax rates have not worked, obviously. The GOP is borrow and spend, the Dems are tax and spend. I don't see cutting in Defense by either parties.

Seems when the Bush tax cuts went to hell is when the dems took over congress...along with the senate. I blame Bush for not looking up in a dictionary the word, "veto".
The Clinton tax rates worked. The Bush tax rates have not worked, obviously. The GOP is borrow and spend, the Dems are tax and spend. I don't see cutting in Defense by either parties.

Are you just regurging the Libtard soundbites your masters tell you to say?

Put Democrats in charge of the Nation's checkbook, and look what happens:

Democrats took the GOP’s last deficit of $162 Billion and ran it up to $1.4 TRILLION

9 TIMES the amount of the last GOP deficit

Republicans control Congress
2000 290 Billion SURPLUS
2001 127 Billion SURPLUS
2002 157 Billion
2003 374 Billion
2004 413 Billion
2005 319 Billion
2006 248 Billion
2007 162 Billion
Democrats control Congress as of Jan 2007
2008 455 Billion
2009 1.4 TRILLION (Reid blocked all subsequent budgeting and locked this in)
2010 1.3 TRILLION
2011 1.3 TRILLION
2012 1.1 TRILLION
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office offers a prognosis: "Under the president's budget, debt held by the public would grow from $7.5 trillion (53 percent of GDP) at the end of 2009 to $20.3 trillion (90 percent of GDP) at the end of 2020." Interest payments would quadruple.'

Debt dangers - Chicago Tribune
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Look at this:

Look at the DoD budget before 9/11.

Look at it now.

Look at it into the future.

One war is over, the other very nearly.

Why is the projected DoD budget not being returned to pre-war levels?

As long as the GOP opposes Defense spending cuts, they need to shut their pie-holes about their "fiscal conservatism". They come across as raging hypocrites.

And anyone who is around today claiming to be a conservative who does not speak out against this will probably years from now claim they did, just like they claim they were always against Bush's spending. But we know better, don't we.

The GOP today is the "borrow and spend" party. This is irrefutable fact.

Now that's some funny shit.

If he were bright, he wouldn't be a Libtard.

Two of USMB's rw "brightest" weigh in :rolleyes: :clap2: :lol:
Because the GOP borrowed from China and kept the wars and the senior drug prescription of the budgets.

You are an idiot if you think you can lie you far ultra right way out of this.

True Americans, real Americans of both parties, want you guys gone, right along with the far lefties.

I hope we go over the cliff, because it will kill the political strengths of the ultras on both wings. Hallelujan!

The Clinton tax rates worked. The Bush tax rates have not worked, obviously. The GOP is borrow and spend, the Dems are tax and spend. I don't see cutting in Defense by either parties.

Are you just regurging the Libtard soundbites your masters tell you to say?

Put Democrats in charge of the Nation's checkbook, and look what happens:

Democrats took the GOP’s last deficit of $162 Billion and ran it up to $1.4 TRILLION

9 TIMES the amount of the last GOP deficit

Republicans control Congress
2000 290 Billion SURPLUS
2001 127 Billion SURPLUS
2002 157 Billion
2003 374 Billion
2004 413 Billion
2005 319 Billion
2006 248 Billion
2007 162 Billion
Democrats control Congress as of Jan 2007
2008 455 Billion
2009 1.4 TRILLION (Reid blocked all subsequent budgeting and locked this in)
2010 1.3 TRILLION
2011 1.3 TRILLION
2012 1.1 TRILLION
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office offers a prognosis: "Under the president's budget, debt held by the public would grow from $7.5 trillion (53 percent of GDP) at the end of 2009 to $20.3 trillion (90 percent of GDP) at the end of 2020." Interest payments would quadruple.'

Debt dangers - Chicago Tribune
Fair and simple tax code, public budgets that are balanced by law, transparency in all things politics, and then, build an economy that your kids can drive to the stars.

It's not rocket science, Monkeys.

roll government spending back to 1985 levels, leave taxes alone and keep the military budget exactly where it is.

eliminate all redundant government offices and programs.

Stop sending money to other countries. All of them.

Give people who accept government assistance 2 years to find a job, then cut the assistance off 100%. Make no exceptions and give no waivers.

Pass legislation that says the government MUST budget year to year and make it illegal to budget more than any one single year at a time.

Do away with baseline budgeting completely. Make it a crime to introduce baseline budgeting in the future.
roll government spending back to 1985 levels, leave taxes alone and keep the military budget exactly where it is.

eliminate all redundant government offices and programs.

Stop sending money to other countries. All of them.

Give people who accept government assistance 2 years to find a job, then cut the assistance off 100%. Make no exceptions and give no waivers.

Pass legislation that says the government MUST budget year to year and make it illegal to budget more than any one single year at a time.

Do away with baseline budgeting completely. Make it a crime to introduce baseline budgeting in the future.
1. I like the One Cent Solution to cut Federal spending slowly but steadily over time.

2. Agree that the Federal government needs to be streamlined. Its time for another "Grace Commission" to review the feds and show where to cut waste.

3. Agree to stop ALL foreign aid until we have a surplus.

4. Agree to limit assistance, but to be fair, the Wall Street taxes I'd impose are to re-train workers who had their factories & jobs outsourced.

5. Agree with "zero base budget" (start at $zero every year) so Harry Reid can't lock-in the Budget like he's done the last 4-years with huge $trillion deficits.
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Democrats: Tax and Spend

Republicans: Borrow and Spend

Really? Then why has Obama pushed to raise the Debt Ceiling?

every president has raised the debt ceiling... and he has a larger issue in dealing with teatards who don't believe in revenue.
We are in this mess because EVERY president has raised the debt ceiling.

The country has plenty of revenue. That is why you fail.

We spend to fucking much of the revenue is why we have a problem.

Stop the spending, stop raising the debt ceiling, and do away with baseline budgeting.
One more thing...

Pass a Law that neither Congress nor the Senate gets paid until they both pass a Budget that balances, every year.

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