OMG! Science Attacks Religion!

How cute. Tag team zealots.

Just like professional wrestling - two loud, sweaty, smelly wrestlers.

Beat the heck out of you, didn't we.
Not at all. Your attempts to refute my arguments have been complete failures. The result has been a most embarrassing display of fundie xtian incompetence.

You and the other fundie exemplify the very worst attributes of vulgar, self-hating religious fundamentalist whack jobs.

You made no just made stuff up, and ran and hid.

In all sincerity....there seems to be something wrong with your ability to judge reality.
Science doesn't attack religion. Religion attacks science from the time the church put Galileo under house arrest under threat of heresy, burned witches and persecuted Jews and heretics, up till the modern time when Muslims stone people to death, chop off hands or declare Fatwas because some infidel dared draw a cartoon they found offensive. Who is attacking WHO here?
Science doesn't attack religion. Religion attacks science from the time the church put Galileo under house arrest under threat of heresy, burned witches and persecuted Jews and heretics, up till the modern time when Muslims stone people to death, chop off hands or declare Fatwas because some infidel dared draw a cartoon they found offensive. Who is attacking WHO here?

How about we skip to the last few decades?

Pick up a book once in a while, Mary....

Let me start you off:

1. To begin with, according to molecular geneticist Dean Hamer, a person’s capacity to believe in God is linked to his brain chemicals. Perhaps it will not be amiss to observe that Dr. Hamer has made the same claim about homosexuality, and if he has refrained from arguing that a person’s capacity to believe in molecular genetics is linked to a brain chemical, it is, no doubt, owing to a prudent sense that once that door is open, God knows how and when anyone will ever slam it shut again.

2. In the course of an essay denouncing not only theology but poetry and philosophy as well, Peter Atkins, a professor of physical chemistry at Oxford University, observes favorably of his ilk that scientists “are at the summit of knowledge, beacons of rationality, and intellectually honest.” Given that science is, after all, “the apotheosis of the intellect and the consummation of the Renaissance, . . . there is no reason to suppose that science cannot deal with every aspect of existence.”

3. In 2007, physicists Steven Weinberg addressed the “Beyond Belief: Science, Religion, Reason, and Survival” conference. This Nobel Prize winner claimed “Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.” He was warmly applauded.

a. What was the religious provenance of poison gas, barbed wire, high explosives, experiments in eugenics, Zyklon B, heavy artillery, napalm, nuclear weapons?

4. What did Christopher Hitchens write…” God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything!” Well, then how do with reconcile science with abortion, fetal stem-cell research, euthanasia, infanticide, cloning, animal-human hybrids, among the other ‘gifts’ of science, an ideology bereft of any sense of responsibility to human nature.

a. Sam Harris, in “Letters to a Christian Nation,” writes that “qualms” about stem-cell research are “obscene,” because they are “morally indefensible” because they represent mere “faith-based irrationality.” Can you say ‘slippery-slope’?

5. Emile Zuckerkandl Writing in the journal "Gene," he found it difficult to contain his indignation:
"The intellectual virus named 'intelligent design'...the 'creationists'...have decided some years dress up in academic gear and to present themselves as scholars...laugh off this disguise...Naive members of the public...the wrong-foot...the only foot on which the promoters of intelligent design can get around...guided by a little angel...medieval concept...and intellectually dangerous condition...the divine jumping disease...humanity dug itself into 'faiths' like a blind leech into flesh and won't let go....Feeding like leeches on irrational beliefs....offensive little swarms of insects...."

I'd be happy to recommend some books....
Beat the heck out of you, didn't we.
Not at all. Your attempts to refute my arguments have been complete failures. The result has been a most embarrassing display of fundie xtian incompetence.

You and the other fundie exemplify the very worst attributes of vulgar, self-hating religious fundamentalist whack jobs.

You made no just made stuff up, and ran and hid.

In all sincerity....there seems to be something wrong with your ability to judge reality.
And you ran for the exits when my earlier post put you in your place.
Science doesn't attack religion. Religion attacks science from the time the church put Galileo under house arrest under threat of heresy, burned witches and persecuted Jews and heretics, up till the modern time when Muslims stone people to death, chop off hands or declare Fatwas because some infidel dared draw a cartoon they found offensive. Who is attacking WHO here?

How about we skip to the last few decades?

Pick up a book once in a while, Mary....

Let me start you off:

1. To begin with, according to molecular geneticist Dean Hamer, a person’s capacity to believe in God is linked to his brain chemicals. Perhaps it will not be amiss to observe that Dr. Hamer has made the same claim about homosexuality, and if he has refrained from arguing that a person’s capacity to believe in molecular genetics is linked to a brain chemical, it is, no doubt, owing to a prudent sense that once that door is open, God knows how and when anyone will ever slam it shut again.

2. In the course of an essay denouncing not only theology but poetry and philosophy as well, Peter Atkins, a professor of physical chemistry at Oxford University, observes favorably of his ilk that scientists “are at the summit of knowledge, beacons of rationality, and intellectually honest.” Given that science is, after all, “the apotheosis of the intellect and the consummation of the Renaissance, . . . there is no reason to suppose that science cannot deal with every aspect of existence.”

3. In 2007, physicists Steven Weinberg addressed the “Beyond Belief: Science, Religion, Reason, and Survival” conference. This Nobel Prize winner claimed “Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.” He was warmly applauded.

a. What was the religious provenance of poison gas, barbed wire, high explosives, experiments in eugenics, Zyklon B, heavy artillery, napalm, nuclear weapons?

4. What did Christopher Hitchens write…” God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything!” Well, then how do with reconcile science with abortion, fetal stem-cell research, euthanasia, infanticide, cloning, animal-human hybrids, among the other ‘gifts’ of science, an ideology bereft of any sense of responsibility to human nature.

a. Sam Harris, in “Letters to a Christian Nation,” writes that “qualms” about stem-cell research are “obscene,” because they are “morally indefensible” because they represent mere “faith-based irrationality.” Can you say ‘slippery-slope’?

5. Emile Zuckerkandl Writing in the journal "Gene," he found it difficult to contain his indignation:
"The intellectual virus named 'intelligent design'...the 'creationists'...have decided some years dress up in academic gear and to present themselves as scholars...laugh off this disguise...Naive members of the public...the wrong-foot...the only foot on which the promoters of intelligent design can get around...guided by a little angel...medieval concept...and intellectually dangerous condition...the divine jumping disease...humanity dug itself into 'faiths' like a blind leech into flesh and won't let go....Feeding like leeches on irrational beliefs....offensive little swarms of insects...."

I'd be happy to recommend some books....

Why don't you just confront reality? Are you kidding?
Science doesn't attack religion. Religion attacks science from the time the church put Galileo under house arrest under threat of heresy, burned witches and persecuted Jews and heretics, up till the modern time when Muslims stone people to death, chop off hands or declare Fatwas because some infidel dared draw a cartoon they found offensive. Who is attacking WHO here?

How about we skip to the last few decades?

Pick up a book once in a while, Mary....

Let me start you off:

1. To begin with, according to molecular geneticist Dean Hamer, a person’s capacity to believe in God is linked to his brain chemicals. Perhaps it will not be amiss to observe that Dr. Hamer has made the same claim about homosexuality, and if he has refrained from arguing that a person’s capacity to believe in molecular genetics is linked to a brain chemical, it is, no doubt, owing to a prudent sense that once that door is open, God knows how and when anyone will ever slam it shut again.

2. In the course of an essay denouncing not only theology but poetry and philosophy as well, Peter Atkins, a professor of physical chemistry at Oxford University, observes favorably of his ilk that scientists “are at the summit of knowledge, beacons of rationality, and intellectually honest.” Given that science is, after all, “the apotheosis of the intellect and the consummation of the Renaissance, . . . there is no reason to suppose that science cannot deal with every aspect of existence.”

3. In 2007, physicists Steven Weinberg addressed the “Beyond Belief: Science, Religion, Reason, and Survival” conference. This Nobel Prize winner claimed “Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.” He was warmly applauded.

a. What was the religious provenance of poison gas, barbed wire, high explosives, experiments in eugenics, Zyklon B, heavy artillery, napalm, nuclear weapons?

4. What did Christopher Hitchens write…” God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything!” Well, then how do with reconcile science with abortion, fetal stem-cell research, euthanasia, infanticide, cloning, animal-human hybrids, among the other ‘gifts’ of science, an ideology bereft of any sense of responsibility to human nature.

a. Sam Harris, in “Letters to a Christian Nation,” writes that “qualms” about stem-cell research are “obscene,” because they are “morally indefensible” because they represent mere “faith-based irrationality.” Can you say ‘slippery-slope’?

5. Emile Zuckerkandl Writing in the journal "Gene," he found it difficult to contain his indignation:
"The intellectual virus named 'intelligent design'...the 'creationists'...have decided some years dress up in academic gear and to present themselves as scholars...laugh off this disguise...Naive members of the public...the wrong-foot...the only foot on which the promoters of intelligent design can get around...guided by a little angel...medieval concept...and intellectually dangerous condition...the divine jumping disease...humanity dug itself into 'faiths' like a blind leech into flesh and won't let go....Feeding like leeches on irrational beliefs....offensive little swarms of insects...."

I'd be happy to recommend some books....

Well, to begin with, your prattling on is just more evidence of your incompetence. Simply repeating the canards and slogans of the fundie xtian ministries makes you an accomplice to their idiocy.

AAAS - AAAS News Release

Hamer has identified a single gene, called VMAT2, that he says is associated with spirituality. But he quickly noted that there could be hundreds of others involved. "I apologize for entitling the book 'The God Gene,' " Hamer said. It was a snappy title but not the best from a scientific standpoint, he said.

Like so much of the quackery and charlatanism that defines religious claims, Hamer admits his work was never submitted for peer review.

Hamer said it is important for other groups to replicate his research, which has not been submitted to a peer-reviewed journal.

How does it feel to be a laughable joke?
Science operates by using evidence and reason. Doubt is welcomed and prized and authority is rejected.

Religion operates on there can be NO doubt as a believer. Doubt is never accepted and authority is the rule, no exceptions.

Scientists are always asking themselves "How can I prove myself WRONG" through the scientific method. The methods of science distinguishes REAL truth from what we only want to be true.
Religion is only what one believes true according to a set of rules or a written word with nothing other than faith as a requirement for proof.

What is "religious truth"? There is NO way of knowing whether it IS true.
I have NEVER met a Christian that has been able to tell me what observations on earth, about the universe or anywhere that would make him abandon his belief in God.
Faith only which never requires ANY proof.
Unlike science.
The disturbing part is the ignorance here of the facts of religion versus science over time.
The religious approach results in different religions holding different "truths" about the world. Christians believe you will burn in hell if you do not accept Jesus as your savior. Muslims believe THE EXACT OPPOSITE. Jews believe something different about Jesus.
Which belief IS RIGHT? Because there is no way to decide religions have been slaughtering each other for centuries up until this second. Religion has left centuries of religious warfare and persecution.
Scientists do not kill each other when they disagree. There is no Christian science, Muslim science, Buddhist science. JUST SCIENCE.
1. Western society remains strongly polarized with respect to God. This is the fundamental conflict, the result of which is a godless secular society. A careful study will convince one that the dichotomy originated in the French Revolution, wherein the efforts to remove the yoke of the monarchy and the Church resulted in an explosive overreaction: the assault on all religion, and the ongoing tirade against God.

The overthrow of Robespierre's Cult of the Supreme Being notwithstanding, the tendency of history is that of religion attacking science.
Laughable that anyone would make the absurd claim that God is being attacked.
There is no evidence other than faith that he/her even exists so how can one attack him/her?
1. Western society remains strongly polarized with respect to God. This is the fundamental conflict, the result of which is a godless secular society. A careful study will convince one that the dichotomy originated in the French Revolution, wherein the efforts to remove the yoke of the monarchy and the Church resulted in an explosive overreaction: the assault on all religion, and the ongoing tirade against God.

The overthrow of Robespierre's Cult of the Supreme Being notwithstanding, the tendency of history is that of religion attacking science.

Quite true. History demonstrates that.

The Church kept most of Europe under the boot heel of fear and superstition for centuries. It was called the Dark Ages.

Unfortunately, fundie christian zealots who want to introduce creationism into the public school system would like nothing more than to strip away science and knowledge with the introduction of their fundamentalist beliefs.

We simply cannot allow christian madrassahs to be put in place where children require real education.

Fundies can pray to their gods, worship them, make ritual animal sacrifice to them, beg money for them, hallelujah down the street to them if you want, teach your children about flying winged men in nightgowns, fat naked babies playing harps, chariots of fire cruising through the clouds, that seas part and books predict the end of the world, teach them all of that nonsense if you want to, believe in them all if you must, but you will never force that fear and superstition on others.
1. Western society remains strongly polarized with respect to God. This is the fundamental conflict, the result of which is a godless secular society. A careful study will convince one that the dichotomy originated in the French Revolution, wherein the efforts to remove the yoke of the monarchy and the Church resulted in an explosive overreaction: the assault on all religion, and the ongoing tirade against God.

The overthrow of Robespierre's Cult of the Supreme Being notwithstanding, the tendency of history is that of religion attacking science.

Quite true. History demonstrates that.

The Church kept most of Europe under the boot heel of fear and superstition for centuries. It was called the Dark Ages.

Unfortunately, fundie christian zealots who want to introduce creationism into the public school system would like nothing more than to strip away science and knowledge with the introduction of their fundamentalist beliefs.

We simply cannot allow christian madrassahs to be put in place where children require real education.

Fundies can pray to their gods, worship them, make ritual animal sacrifice to them, beg money for them, hallelujah down the street to them if you want, teach your children about flying winged men in nightgowns, fat naked babies playing harps, chariots of fire cruising through the clouds, that seas part and books predict the end of the world, teach them all of that nonsense if you want to, believe in them all if you must, but you will never force that fear and superstition on others.

We saw that first hand here in Georgia when they first wanted evolution banned from being taught then the disclaimer on science books about evolution and then they wanted no distinction in definition of scientific theory versus all other forms of theory.

Science is not attacking religion but science is attacking IGNORANCE.
And we have plenty of it in America when it comes to science. People claiming the earth is 6000 years old and man walked with dinosaurs NEED TO BE POINTED OUT AND LABELED AS IGNORANT.
If they are religious then so be it, they are ignorant and we are at war with them.
Real easy to hide behind religion in ignorance and then claim victim status.
You can not polish a turd.
Religion and superstition was behind the attack on 911. Not rationality or science. When science "attacks" something, well, it means intellectually, not we are gona murder ya kids or murder ya if you don't DO everything we SAY. Unlike religion, they actually did burn people at the stake and they actually DO stone heretics to death now. They crash planes into buildings and strap bombs on themselves in an effort to keep non-believers in line. THAT is what religion does VS. SCIENCE.
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Re: OMG! Science Attacks Religion!

It's a false label.

There really is nothing to attack. In the glaring light of truth and evidence, the tales and fables of religions have been peeled back.

The Decline of Evangelical America

In 2012 we witnessed a collapse in American evangelicalism. The old religious right largely failed to affect the Republican primaries, much less the presidential election. Last month, Americans voted in favor of same-sex marriage in four states, while Florida voters rejected an amendment to restrict abortion.

Much has been said about conservative Christians and their need to retool politically. But that is a smaller story, riding on the back of a larger reality: Evangelicalism as we knew it in the 20th century is disintegrating.

In 2011 the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life polled church leaders from around the world. Evangelical ministers from the United States reported a greater loss of influence than church leaders from any other country — with some 82 percent indicating that their movement was losing ground.

I would personally like to extend my thanks to Born Again Christian Nation zealots, Evangelical Fundamentalist Far Right Religious whack jobs, Tea Baggers and thumpers for your loss of influence and for your fading relevance.

You have proved that you are 12th century Neanderthals in a 21st century America. Your failings may just encourage the far right in the GOP to be a bit less strident, a bit less reactionary and a bit less cowed by the fundamentalist zealots lest they become even less relevant.

Can I get an Amen, brothas' and sistas'?

Didn't take PC long to.expose you for what you really are... :lol:

Your hate and bitterness is on display for kinda ruins your credibility...
Re: OMG! Science Attacks Religion!

It's a false label.

There really is nothing to attack. In the glaring light of truth and evidence, the tales and fables of religions have been peeled back.

The Decline of Evangelical America

In 2012 we witnessed a collapse in American evangelicalism. The old religious right largely failed to affect the Republican primaries, much less the presidential election. Last month, Americans voted in favor of same-sex marriage in four states, while Florida voters rejected an amendment to restrict abortion.

Much has been said about conservative Christians and their need to retool politically. But that is a smaller story, riding on the back of a larger reality: Evangelicalism as we knew it in the 20th century is disintegrating.

In 2011 the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life polled church leaders from around the world. Evangelical ministers from the United States reported a greater loss of influence than church leaders from any other country — with some 82 percent indicating that their movement was losing ground.

I would personally like to extend my thanks to Born Again Christian Nation zealots, Evangelical Fundamentalist Far Right Religious whack jobs, Tea Baggers and thumpers for your loss of influence and for your fading relevance.

You have proved that you are 12th century Neanderthals in a 21st century America. Your failings may just encourage the far right in the GOP to be a bit less strident, a bit less reactionary and a bit less cowed by the fundamentalist zealots lest they become even less relevant.

Can I get an Amen, brothas' and sistas'?

Didn't take PC long to.expose you for what you really are... :lol:

Your hate and bitterness is on display for kinda ruins your credibility...
PC and her clone are precisely the persons I was addressing in my post.

You should do yourself a favor and read through the thread for a demonstration of who harbors hate and bitterness.

Being ignorant of the facts tends to reduce your credibility.
Not at all. Your attempts to refute my arguments have been complete failures. The result has been a most embarrassing display of fundie xtian incompetence.

You and the other fundie exemplify the very worst attributes of vulgar, self-hating religious fundamentalist whack jobs.

You made no just made stuff up, and ran and hid.

In all sincerity....there seems to be something wrong with your ability to judge reality.
And you ran for the exits when my earlier post put you in your place.

:eusa_eh: obviously don't know PC very well, do you....she outclasses all but a couple of the posters here, with her style, her academic ability...and her ability to dumb things down while still making a solid case.

You didn't *put her in her place* now, nor will you ever, with your limited grasp of the subject matter, the form of debate, and your inability to construct an intelligent and firm argument. But bigots don't get that. They think no matter how poorly educated or outright stupid they are, they're still innately superior to whatever class of people they've determined to despise.

So you'll fool yourself...just be advised...nobody else is quite so stupid. Those who read your feeble attempts to hold your own in a conversation that is obviously quite beyond you are quite aware of your shortcomings, ignorance and bigotry. They shine like a beacon.
Religion and superstition was behind the attack on 911. Not rationality or science. When science "attacks" something, well, it means intellectually, not we are gona murder ya kids or murder ya if you don't DO everything we SAY. Unlike religion, they actually did burn people at the stake and they actually DO stone heretics to death now. They crash planes into buildings and strap bombs on themselves in an effort to keep non-believers in line. THAT is what religion does VS. SCIENCE.

Islam was behind the attack of 911.

And science and "rationality", sans morality and Christianity, are responsible for the most disgusting practices of the nazis and the communists.

So try again.
Religion and superstition was behind the attack on 911. Not rationality or science. When science "attacks" something, well, it means intellectually, not we are gona murder ya kids or murder ya if you don't DO everything we SAY. Unlike religion, they actually did burn people at the stake and they actually DO stone heretics to death now. They crash planes into buildings and strap bombs on themselves in an effort to keep non-believers in line. THAT is what religion does VS. SCIENCE.

Islam was behind the attack of 911.

And science and "rationality", sans morality and Christianity, are responsible for the most disgusting practices of the nazis and the communists.

So try again.

Murder is not science.
Creationists claim their religious beliefs are just like the Nazis claimed their medical research was.
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Religion and superstition was behind the attack on 911. Not rationality or science. When science "attacks" something, well, it means intellectually, not we are gona murder ya kids or murder ya if you don't DO everything we SAY. Unlike religion, they actually did burn people at the stake and they actually DO stone heretics to death now. They crash planes into buildings and strap bombs on themselves in an effort to keep non-believers in line. THAT is what religion does VS. SCIENCE.

Islam was behind the attack of 911.

And science and "rationality", sans morality and Christianity, are responsible for the most disgusting practices of the nazis and the communists.

So try again.

Murder is not science.
Creationists claim their religious beliefs are just like the Nazis claimed their medical research was.

Yep. And the Nazi SS wore the inscription Gott mit uns, "god is with us", on their belt buckles.

Not strange at all that Christian zealots are in denial of the atrocities their ideology has spawned.
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Re: OMG! Science Attacks Religion!

It's a false label.

There really is nothing to attack. In the glaring light of truth and evidence, the tales and fables of religions have been peeled back.

The Decline of Evangelical America

I would personally like to extend my thanks to Born Again Christian Nation zealots, Evangelical Fundamentalist Far Right Religious whack jobs, Tea Baggers and thumpers for your loss of influence and for your fading relevance.

You have proved that you are 12th century Neanderthals in a 21st century America. Your failings may just encourage the far right in the GOP to be a bit less strident, a bit less reactionary and a bit less cowed by the fundamentalist zealots lest they become even less relevant.

Can I get an Amen, brothas' and sistas'?

Didn't take PC long to.expose you for what you really are... :lol:

Your hate and bitterness is on display for kinda ruins your credibility...
PC and her clone are precisely the persons I was addressing in my post.

You should do yourself a favor and read through the thread for a demonstration of who harbors hate and bitterness.

Being ignorant of the facts tends to reduce your credibility.

Oh, I've read the entire thread... ;) You apparently have no clue as to how obvious your hate and bitterness is showing its ugly head. It's not about the Constitution, or the founding fathers, founding principles, etc... it's about your hatred for Christians. I've sadly seen many just like you in the past, you're not unique.
Islam was behind the attack of 911.

And science and "rationality", sans morality and Christianity, are responsible for the most disgusting practices of the nazis and the communists.

So try again.

Murder is not science.
Creationists claim their religious beliefs are just like the Nazis claimed their medical research was.

Yep. And the Nazi SS wore the inscription Gott mit uns, "god is with us", on their belt buckles.

Not strange at all that Christian zealots are in denial of the atrocities their ideology has spawned.

What is your definition of a 'Christian zealot'?

And what 'ideology' are you referring too? Please be specific when you discuss. Thanks.

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