OMG! Trump calls White House Briefing a "Fake Source". No S**T! What is wrong with that guy!

Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

WASHINGTON — President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.


Trump can't keep his lies straight.

USMB Republicans say people who point out Trump's craziness are fixated on Trump?

Maybe he's just crazy? Watching him is watching a failed reality show. Who talks about TV ratings when prisoners come back from North Korea?
And now he's even calling his own White House briefings "fake"?

And this is what USMB Republicans call a "great leader"?

Honestly, if it wasn't for people like you, I'd forget he's even on twitter.

None of us is paying attention to his twitter feed much, because all know he says crazy things there.
So he “communicates directly with his followers” by posting crazy shit? Does that make sense to anyone?
I ageee but i quote it on purpose because as long as Rasmussen supports the President, it’s the only poll they will listen to without screaming “look what the polls said before Election Day”. But even Rasmussen is not the Presidents friend
Lol, Clinton nor Obama would've survived the constant negative reporting Trump gets. Yet you still cannot bring him down. Make America great again!

Clinton survived shit storms of criticism for years, and still managed to successfully run the country.

Trump is losing his shit on a daily basis over one investigation. Hillary’s been through this 17 times without having one public meltdown.
Oh bullshit, the media kissed his ass. You loons were talking about a blow job wasn't sex.

No, we pretty much laughed in his face over that. In fact we were pretty much appalled by his behaviour, but the behaviour of Republicans was so horrific, in their flat out attacks on the Clintons, that it bears repeating that even Ken Starr has called this a total witch hunt and said that he’s now embarrassed by his part in it.

In contrast, Robert Mueller will be hailed as the man who saved the country from a traitorous demagogue.
Lol, after 2 years what has he found? Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

Since he has only been investigating for a little over a year he is doing pretty good. But keep up the 2 year thing, it seems to work so well for you dotards!
They think being a big bullshitter and con artist makes a strong leader. I don't get it either.

All politicians are con artists, that is why he was able to win the Oval Office.

I will say this though, so far Trump's lies seem trivial in nature compared to the lies Obama fed us, like health care being more affordable with the same coverage and doctor, etc. Obama really screwed America and Obamacare ended up being the largest tax increase on the Middle Class.
You have 6 more years, because he is doing a great job.
Can't fool most of the people all of the time America is waking up to this slime balls actions not being in the better interests of America
Nope America is finally waking up to your constant whining if you don't get your way. The way you liberals are acting after the election is very telling.View attachment 195524

You mean like saying the President wasn’t qualified to be President because he was in Kenya?

You mean like calling the Oredident and his wife monkeys, or trannies??

You mean like holding a meeting during his inauguration and agreeing to vote against anything the Presideny proposes so he has nothing to run for re-election on?

You mean like refusing to even meeting with his SC nominee or vote on his appointment?
The media kissed Obama's ass 24/7. If they did the same with Trump his approval rating would be 90% or more.
at least Obama showered you're kissing trumps dirty butt
Lol, your imagining things. I don't agree with Trump 100%. Especially the way liberals kissed Obama's ass no matter what.
You have 6 more years, because he is doing a great job.
Can't fool most of the people all of the time America is waking up to this slime balls actions not being in the better interests of America
Nope America is finally waking up to your constant whining if you don't get your way. The way you liberals are acting after the election is very telling.View attachment 195524

You mean like saying the President wasn’t qualified to be President because he was in Kenya?

You mean like calling the Oredident and his wife monkeys, or trannies??

You mean like holding a meeting during his inauguration and agreeing to vote against anything the Presideny proposes so he has nothing to run for re-election on?

You mean like refusing to even meeting with his SC nominee or vote on his appointment?
The media kissed Obama's ass 24/7. If they did the same with Trump his approval rating would be 90% or more.

Maybe if Trump stopped lying, he’d get better press.
Yeah he says it's sunny outside and the press says there is one cloud in the sky. Calls him a liar.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

WASHINGTON — President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.


Trump can't keep his lies straight.

USMB Republicans say people who point out Trump's craziness are fixated on Trump?

Maybe he's just crazy? Watching him is watching a failed reality show. Who talks about TV ratings when prisoners come back from North Korea?
And now he's even calling his own White House briefings "fake"?

And this is what USMB Republicans call a "great leader"?

Honestly, if it wasn't for people like you, I'd forget he's even on twitter.

None of us is paying attention to his twitter feed much, because all know he says crazy things there.
So he “communicates directly with his followers” by posting crazy shit? Does that make sense to anyone?
To crazy folks it sure does.
According to Rasmussen he has been hovering between 45 and 49 for months now. How is that “going up?

......AND, if I may add, Rasmussen polls are considered a damn joke. They've been accused of calling up the very same people that back Trump repeatedly......They do NOT random call......

Its akin to repeatedly polling Trump's ass-kissing cabinet.
Lol, Clinton nor Obama would've survived the constant negative reporting Trump gets. Yet you still cannot bring him down. Make America great again!

When you finally decide to get your lips away from Trump's fat ass, you too may (maybe) realize that Trump's constant criticism is WELL-earned since he fucks up CONSTANTLY.
I for one don't want him brought down I want him voted out after even most republicans realize he's the wrong man at the wrong time And I'm sure the worst is yet to come for the republican slime ball

What Trump has done to chip away at the GOP standing, NO democrat could ever have done.........Every day that the SPINELESS elected republicans sit silent to Trump's excesses is a day that will compel sane voters to show up at the polling stations on election days.

So, YES lets have Trump around for a bit longer to further screw up the GOP brand.
Can't fool most of the people all of the time America is waking up to this slime balls actions not being in the better interests of America
Nope America is finally waking up to your constant whining if you don't get your way. The way you liberals are acting after the election is very telling.View attachment 195524

You mean like saying the President wasn’t qualified to be President because he was in Kenya?

You mean like calling the Oredident and his wife monkeys, or trannies??

You mean like holding a meeting during his inauguration and agreeing to vote against anything the Presideny proposes so he has nothing to run for re-election on?

You mean like refusing to even meeting with his SC nominee or vote on his appointment?
The media kissed Obama's ass 24/7. If they did the same with Trump his approval rating would be 90% or more.

Maybe if Trump stopped lying, he’d get better press.
Yeah he says it's sunny outside and the press says there is one cloud in the sky. Calls him a liar.


Trump says that the FBI ran secret wiretaps on his campaign. Even members of Trump’s own cabinet and head of the FBI said that was a lie.

Trump said he was good friends with Putin. Then he said he didn’t know Putin at all. One of these two statements is a lie.

This isn’t a matter of a difference of opinion about the weather. For five years, Trump lied and said that Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii. He knew that was a lie but he said it anyway. Market research to gauge the gullibility of the Snerican public, and it showed 1/3 of Republicans still believe him even after he admitted he lied.

Trump said that 5 million illegal immigrants voted for Hillary Clinton. That was a lie.

Trump says the FBI and the Justice Department are out to get him. They’re investigating Russian interference in the election. His own appointees and the guys he hired won’t stop investigating him. Their job is to find the truth, and stop those who participated in this, not cover it up.

These are lies that undermine truth and justice in the USA. Not trivial matters about clouds in the sky. Trump needs to sit down, shut and and stop digging himself in deeper.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

WASHINGTON — President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.


Trump can't keep his lies straight.

USMB Republicans say people who point out Trump's craziness are fixated on Trump?

Maybe he's just crazy? Watching him is watching a failed reality show. Who talks about TV ratings when prisoners come back from North Korea?
And now he's even calling his own White House briefings "fake"?

And this is what USMB Republicans call a "great leader"?
He didn't get the nickname "Dotard" for being sharp.

Yea, he’s a real dumb ass….

A billionaire who defeated the entire

Liberal machine and all their lying media

along with all the snakes in the republican party…

Yep, that’s the liberal definition of a dumb ass…

Liberals think obongo is a genius and obongo

thinks there are 57 states…

obongo would have never been elected if not for Black privilege...
Trump defeated you too.
You just aren't smart enough to know it.
Wait until October when you find out how many Trump supporters lose their healthcare.
Wait until you taxes go up to cover what was lost in Trump's tax cuts for billionaires.
Wait until another war where Trump will want to send your kids to die for Trump's lies.

Trump is a con man and the right wing hasn't yet realized they've been conned. But they will figure it out. Eventually.
Trump says that the FBI ran secret wiretaps on his campaign. Even members of Trump’s own cabinet and head of the FBI said that was a lie.

Trump said he was good friends with Putin. Then he said he didn’t know Putin at all. One of these two statements is a lie.

This isn’t a matter of a difference of opinion about the weather. For five years, Trump lies and said that Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii. He knew that was a lie but he said it anyway. Market research to gauge the gullibility of the Snerican public, and it showed 1/3 of Republicans believed him.

Trump said that 5 million illegal immigrants voted for Hillary Clinton. That was a lie.

Trump says the FBI and the Justice Department are out to get him. They’re investigating Russian interference in the election. His own appointees and the guys he hired won’t stop investigating him. Their job is to find the truth, and stop those who participated in this not cover it up.

These are lies that undermine truth and justice in the USA. Not trivial matters about clouds in the sky. Trump needs to sit down, shut and and stop digging himself in deeper.

Listed below is NOT a Trump bashing argument....IT IS A LIST OF DAMNING FACTS

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
False. Some changes, but key limits remain. Donald Trump · "In seven years that (nuclear) deal will have expired, and Iran is free to go ahead and create nuclear ...
False statements involving · ‎No, the Postal Service isn't ... · ‎Donald Trump

Trump's lies corrode democracy - Brookings Institution

Trump’s lies corrode democracy
Apr 13, 2018 - Of course, many of Trump's lies are “conventional” lies similar to ... a list of more than 2000 misleading or false statements in Trump's first 355 ...

Trump Lies | NRDC
Trump Lies
President Trump's torrent of misleading statements and flat-out lies has an army of ...... “Laundry list” is a more accurate description, however, because what the ...

The Definitive Donald Trump Fact Check | Toronto Star
If Trump is a serial liar, why call this a list of “false claims,” not lies? The answer is that we can't be sure that each and every one was intentional. In some cases ...

President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far ...
May 1, 2018 - Unraveling President Trump's top 5 claims | The Fact Checker ... The Fact Checker is keeping a running list of the false or misleading claims ...

Donald Trump Has Managed To Tell 3,001 Lies As President. Here ...
May 2, 2018 - Donald Trump's presidency has been defined by his ability to defy the pundits. They said he wouldn't win the nomination, but then he did.
When you've decided to join the TRUMP CULT, you cannot accept anything that would negate your decision.....that is why doom's day cult members keep believing their demise even though the dates change constantly........(and some even readily swallow the orange kool-aid.)

But his support numbers keep going up. No matter what bullshit you loons spew.

According to Rasmussen he has been hovering between 45 and 49 for months now. How is that “going up?”

And Rasmussen has him consistently 5-10 points above everyone else.

Razzy is a throwaway

I ageee but i quote it on purpose because as long as Rasmussen supports the President, it’s the only poll they will listen to without screaming “look what the polls said before Election Day”. But even Rasmussen is not the Presidents friend
Lol, Clinton nor Obama would've survived the constant negative reporting Trump gets. Yet you still cannot bring him down. Make America great again!

Clinton survived shit storms of criticism for years, and still managed to successfully run the country.

Trump is losing his shit on a daily basis over one investigation. Hillary’s been through this 17 times without having one public meltdown.
Because she knew she was innocent. If Republicans had something, they would have used it.
They think being a big bullshitter and con artist makes a strong leader. I don't get it either.

All politicians are con artists, that is why he was able to win the Oval Office.

I will say this though, so far Trump's lies seem trivial in nature compared to the lies Obama fed us, like health care being more affordable with the same coverage and doctor, etc. Obama really screwed America and Obamacare ended up being the largest tax increase on the Middle Class.
I was able to keep my healthcare because it met standards.

In October, HC companies will let us know rate increases. Then, we will find out how many millions, including Trump voters, will lose their HC Jan 1st. It won't be pretty.

Then we can finally have the GOP's healthcare policies. Which includes "die quickly".
When you've decided to join the TRUMP CULT, you cannot accept anything that would negate your decision.....that is why doom's day cult members keep believing their demise even though the dates change constantly........(and some even readily swallow the orange kool-aid.)

View attachment 195539


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