OMG! Trump works with Democrats AGAINST the GOP to help victims of Harvey!

Trump blindsides the GOP and cuts a deal with the Dems.
If I was a Dem, I'd be horrified. If I was a conservative, establishment or not, I'd be horrified.
Trump cannot be trusted and governs using chaos. In a country and world that is so unstable, chaotic leadership is the last thing that is needed.
Also, where the attention should be is on the Harvey recovery, the potential devastation of Irma and possibly, Jose. But nooo, Trump has to grab the headlines. SAD
GOP livid after Trump cuts deal with Democrats
Congressional Republicans say the move will only embolden Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi in future talks.

President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's tête-à-tête on Tuesday — after a summer of sniping between the two — lifted Republican hopes that the GOP was finally back in sync ahead of a brutal fall of fiscal deadlines.

Not 24 hours later, the president cut a deal with Democrats on a short-term debt ceiling increase opposed by McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan. Just Wednesday morning, in fact, Ryan had scoffed at the Democratic offer that Trump accepted minutes later.

In the aftermath, Republicans seethed privately and distanced themselves publicly from the deal. They were left to hope that Trump’s collaboration with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was a temporary dalliance, and not the new MO for the president.

“Obviously, it would have been better not to make us vote repeatedly on the debt ceiling. But I wasn’t surprised,” sighed Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.). “I think Mitch would rather have done it differently, but it’s not worth having a big old fight over.”

#1 For Trump - making deals / keep his word, two entirely different things. Don't sweat Mitch/Paul, he may have totally forgotten what he agreed to by tomorrow.

#2 The fucking arrogance of the majority party (Dems do this too) -- all members of congress are paid to do a job, a job which DEMANDS compromise, good faith bipartisan effort, and putting Country BEFORE party. To be pissy because their Prez dared work with the *gasp* minority party. Ever hear of Tip O'Neill?

Mitch / Harry / Paul / Nancy -- meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The $$$ in politics makes for a never ending tug-o-war over power and control of the majority. They stop caring about us along time ago.

The tallying of perceived wins and who has the upper hand in negotiations…. just do your jobs and fix things by working together. The per-office staff budget runs from 1.2 - 1.5 million, those people have advanced degrees, law, public policy -- but they can't seem to fix a damn thing. But they sure are good at getting us all to argue about whose fault it is (which party). Blame them all!

GOP livid after Trump cuts deal with Democrats
Congressional Republicans say the move will only embolden Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi in future talks.

President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's tête-à-tête on Tuesday — after a summer of sniping between the two — lifted Republican hopes that the GOP was finally back in sync ahead of a brutal fall of fiscal deadlines.

Not 24 hours later, the president cut a deal with Democrats on a short-term debt ceiling increase opposed by McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan. Just Wednesday morning, in fact, Ryan had scoffed at the Democratic offer that Trump accepted minutes later.

In the aftermath, Republicans seethed privately and distanced themselves publicly from the deal. They were left to hope that Trump’s collaboration with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was a temporary dalliance, and not the new MO for the president.

“Obviously, it would have been better not to make us vote repeatedly on the debt ceiling. But I wasn’t surprised,” sighed Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.). “I think Mitch would rather have done it differently, but it’s not worth having a big old fight over.”

#1 For Trump - making deals / keep his word, two entirely different things. Don't sweat Mitch/Paul, he may have totally forgotten what he agreed to by tomorrow.

#2 The fucking arrogance of the majority party (Dems do this too) -- all members of congress are paid to do a job, a job which DEMANDS compromise, good faith bipartisan effort, and putting Country BEFORE party. To be pissy because their Prez dared work with the *gasp* minority party. Ever hear of Tip O'Neill?

Mitch / Harry / Paul / Nancy -- meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The $$$ in politics makes for a never ending tug-o-war over power and control of the majority. They stop caring about us along time ago.

The tallying of perceived wins and who has the upper hand in negotiations…. just do your jobs and fix things by working together. The per-office staff budget runs from 1.2 - 1.5 million, those people have advanced degrees, law, public policy -- but they can't seem to fix a damn thing. But they sure are good at getting us all to argue about whose fault it is (which party). Blame them all!

He's not gonna get anything done with useless republicans.
This is priceless....nothing better in this whole world than laughing at the american political process....priceless. The run of the mill repubs heads are swiveling.....but since their brains don't work its fun to watch.
Oh my Lord I SAY!!!


Trump isn't a hardcore republicrat nazi like i've been programmed to believe?

Who should I be upset with? The sociopaths who programmed me, or the people who have ridiculed me for believing them?


Good for Trump.

He is doing what is best for the country rather than playing petty politics.
Gee if the Republicans/GOP won't cooperate with him on his agenda, who else does he have to turn to to do the people's business?
As an American citizen I now know I am above the political spectrum. Waaaaaaaay above.
Good for Trump.

He is doing what is best for the country rather than playing petty politics.
He is still playing politics. Perhaps he has come to the realization that he may be able to accomplish more with some Democrats and moderate Republicans than just counting on the frazzled and chaotic House Republicans.
GOP livid after Trump cuts deal with Democrats
Congressional Republicans say the move will only embolden Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi in future talks.

President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's tête-à-tête on Tuesday — after a summer of sniping between the two — lifted Republican hopes that the GOP was finally back in sync ahead of a brutal fall of fiscal deadlines.

Not 24 hours later, the president cut a deal with Democrats on a short-term debt ceiling increase opposed by McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan. Just Wednesday morning, in fact, Ryan had scoffed at the Democratic offer that Trump accepted minutes later.

In the aftermath, Republicans seethed privately and distanced themselves publicly from the deal. They were left to hope that Trump’s collaboration with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was a temporary dalliance, and not the new MO for the president.

“Obviously, it would have been better not to make us vote repeatedly on the debt ceiling. But I wasn’t surprised,” sighed Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.). “I think Mitch would rather have done it differently, but it’s not worth having a big old fight over.”

#1 For Trump - making deals / keep his word, two entirely different things. Don't sweat Mitch/Paul, he may have totally forgotten what he agreed to by tomorrow.

#2 The fucking arrogance of the majority party (Dems do this too) -- all members of congress are paid to do a job, a job which DEMANDS compromise, good faith bipartisan effort, and putting Country BEFORE party. To be pissy because their Prez dared work with the *gasp* minority party. Ever hear of Tip O'Neill?

Mitch / Harry / Paul / Nancy -- meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The $$$ in politics makes for a never ending tug-o-war over power and control of the majority. They stop caring about us along time ago.

The tallying of perceived wins and who has the upper hand in negotiations…. just do your jobs and fix things by working together. The per-office staff budget runs from 1.2 - 1.5 million, those people have advanced degrees, law, public policy -- but they can't seem to fix a damn thing. But they sure are good at getting us all to argue about whose fault it is (which party). Blame them all!

And the lib op does not contain WHAT THE DEAL ACTUALLY WAS.

Because shit like that doesn't matter to libs.
With congressional leaders at a standstill, they planned to agree to disagree, according to a person briefed on the meeting. Instead, the president accepted the deal from Democrats and later singled out only those two leaders in announcing the deal. “We had a very good meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer,” [Trump] said.

Democrats said Mr. Trump had simply decided they were more persuasive. “To his credit, he went with the better argument,” Mr. Schumer told reporters. “Today was a good day in a generally very partisan town.”​

Trump Stuns GOP by Dealing With Democrats on Debt, Harvey Aid


Now the debt ceiling fix only lasts until December. Which means that Republicans have to take more painful votes to raise it, and then maybe once more next September, right before the midterms.

PLUS, the Wingnut Caucus INSISTED that they not combine debt ceiling and Harvey relief.

They lost twice!
GOP livid after Trump cuts deal with Democrats
Congressional Republicans say the move will only embolden Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi in future talks.

President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's tête-à-tête on Tuesday — after a summer of sniping between the two — lifted Republican hopes that the GOP was finally back in sync ahead of a brutal fall of fiscal deadlines.

Not 24 hours later, the president cut a deal with Democrats on a short-term debt ceiling increase opposed by McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan. Just Wednesday morning, in fact, Ryan had scoffed at the Democratic offer that Trump accepted minutes later.

In the aftermath, Republicans seethed privately and distanced themselves publicly from the deal. They were left to hope that Trump’s collaboration with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was a temporary dalliance, and not the new MO for the president.

“Obviously, it would have been better not to make us vote repeatedly on the debt ceiling. But I wasn’t surprised,” sighed Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.). “I think Mitch would rather have done it differently, but it’s not worth having a big old fight over.”

#1 For Trump - making deals / keep his word, two entirely different things. Don't sweat Mitch/Paul, he may have totally forgotten what he agreed to by tomorrow.

#2 The fucking arrogance of the majority party (Dems do this too) -- all members of congress are paid to do a job, a job which DEMANDS compromise, good faith bipartisan effort, and putting Country BEFORE party. To be pissy because their Prez dared work with the *gasp* minority party. Ever hear of Tip O'Neill?

Mitch / Harry / Paul / Nancy -- meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The $$$ in politics makes for a never ending tug-o-war over power and control of the majority. They stop caring about us along time ago.

The tallying of perceived wins and who has the upper hand in negotiations…. just do your jobs and fix things by working together. The per-office staff budget runs from 1.2 - 1.5 million, those people have advanced degrees, law, public policy -- but they can't seem to fix a damn thing. But they sure are good at getting us all to argue about whose fault it is (which party). Blame them all!

Well, I don't know what the exact facts are here, but it seems to me that the McConnell-led GOP Senate are worthless fucks. I wouldn't buy a fucking glass of lemonade off of them now. It is becoming ever-more clear that their agenda is much more political and self-serving than it is any concern for the nation. Donald Trump is on a mission, and come hell or high water, he will find a way to get his job done, and if the GOP Senate won't work with him, he will find someone who will. Not saying anything good about the Dems; first Trump was a Nazi but now he's a good guy because he chose their deal as the better of the two, all I know is two things:

1). Trump is an immovable object multiplied by an irresistible force, and will find a way to keep his promises and help the nation. He is like the water pushing on the crack in the dam. You may hold him back for a while but sooner or later, stand in his way and he will run right over you.

2). If the fucking useless McConnell-Ryan Entrenched Deep State think they are in control, running the show and calling the shots, they are in for a rude awakening and deep shock. Letting the nation down of that replacement of Obamacare after SEVEN FUCKING YEARS of nothing but promises was the LAST STRAW. Mitch, you better keep practicing that grin of yours that hides all your teeth, because soon, YOU AIN'T GONNA HAVE ANY! And best of all, the inward collapse of the GOP Deep State was engineered by non-other that that vile pustule RINO John McCain, who couldn't win an election to be dog-catcher. Hope the heads of the GOP turn to him soon to thank him for that one NO vote.

3). If the Dems miscalculate to think that now some BIG DOOR has opened for them, think again. For the past two years, EVERY Inside The Beltway prognosticator, every Media Pundit across the nation, every political commentator save for a very few like Ann Coulter, have ALL underestimated The Donald.

Every day, he learns Washington better and becomes stronger. He will beat them at their own game, and you know what the funny part is? They won't even see it coming until they have already been checkmated!
so you say people who care about other people are liberals? why are so many conservatives in Texas helping all kinds of people?....

They're NOT Conservatives. They may be Republicans but they're NOT Conservatives.
You obviously did not pay any attention to Trump during the GOP primaries where he ripped the GOP establishment to pieces for months. Trump told the country the GOP establishment are stupid corrupt morons, he obliterated their candidates Kasich and Bush.

Indeed, he beat Democrats and Republicans equally with the same club. It was fascinating.
Lies are the new "club"?

Giddy Schumer actually thinks he's won something today. It's so funny.
I know, right?

But he did, in a way.

He embarrassed the GOP.

That counts for something.
Trump blindsides the GOP and cuts a deal with the Dems.
If I was a Dem, I'd be horrified. If I was a conservative, establishment or not, I'd be horrified.
Trump cannot be trusted and governs using chaos. In a country and world that is so unstable, chaotic leadership is the last thing that is needed.
Also, where the attention should be is on the Harvey recovery, the potential devastation of Irma and possibly, Jose. But nooo, Trump has to grab the headlines. SAD
Don't worry, it's not much of a deal.

Republicans will get plenty more chances to screw over millions of Americans. Besides, Irma's coming.

Just think, healthcare, tax cuts for the rich, Harvey and Irma. Republicans are in a fantastic position to hurt even more Americans than they did under Bush.

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