Trump Cuts Bait and Goes to Democrats to Make Deals, Skipping Congressional GOP

I pay out-of-pocket cash… That's the best system going
But the poorly organized and short sighted vast majority have to be taken care of anyway.

We cannot let these doofuses starve/bleed/die because they are stupid and short sighted.

We have to take care of them until the thugs in their neighborhoods cull them from the population.
The fact is that it is easy to get a deal when you give the other side everything and get nothing in return. Trump was not doing this to make America great. He was doing it because of the sycophantic ego he has. Trump was not willing to do the hard work necessary to get a deal in which both sides give something up. The American people are not helped by this. Pelosi and Schumer are not interested in helping people.
the way i understand what TRUMP did is that he messed up the rinos and the republican party , gop and 'ryan' and 'mcconnel' which is fine with me . He also showed the rino republican gop and the sitting republicans that they aren't safe from Trumps wrath because the President will go after them . ------------ thats my interpretation , tell me where i am wrong BusyBee or anyone else .
the way i understand what TRUMP did is that he messed up the rinos and the republican party , gop and 'ryan' and 'mcconnel' which is fine with me . He also showed the rino republican gop and the sitting republicans that they aren't safe from Trumps wrath because the President will go after them . ------------ thats my interpretation , tell me where i am wrong BusyBee or anyone else .

What did Trump do to mess up the RINOs? How is surrendering to Pelosi and Schumer going after RINOs? The fact is that Trump gave Schumer and Pelosi everything they wanted and got nothing in return. McConnell and Ryan may not have been able to get money for a wall but they got money for border security. There is only 1 reason that he did this. His ego. He wanted to take credit for anything and didn't care what was in it. He allowed Pelosi and Schumer to write it. Trump is a bigger RINO that McConnell or Ryan.
your supposed insult to TRUMP that he is a rino means nothing BBee , we deplorable elected TRUMP to fight the rino republican gop BBee and he is doing that BBee .
It is about time.

Fuck Ryan and McConnel.

Trump Bypasses Republicans to Strike Deal on Debt Limit and Harvey Aid

Assuming that he had the support of Mr. Trump, Mr. Ryan responded Wednesday morning by calling the Democrats’ proposal “ridiculous and disgraceful,” saying “it could put in jeopardy the kind of hurricane response we need to have.”

“To play politics with the debt ceiling, like Schumer and Pelosi apparently are doing, I don’t think is a good idea,” Mr. Ryan said.

Once they arrived at the White House, however, Mr. Trump undercut Mr. Ryan. Congressional aides said privately that Republicans went into the meeting at the White House proposing an 18-month deal on government spending and the debt limit, only to run into resistance from the Democrats. They then proposed a six-month deal as a compromise, but Democrats insisted on a three-month agreement. Mr. Trump then surprised the Republicans by agreeing to the Democratic formulation.

“We essentially came to a deal, and I think the deal will be very good,” Mr. Trump said afterward. “We had a very, very cordial and professional meeting.”​

‘The New Washington’: How Schumer’s Power Play Led to a Deal With Trump

Mr. Schumer said he hoped the latest agreement represented a course correction by Mr. Trump.

“Maybe this was an aberration,” Mr. Schumer said. “But maybe they’re learning, either instinctively or intellectually, that just embracing the hard right isn’t going to get them very far.”

Mr. Trump certainly relished the news media coverage generated by the across-the-aisle engagement — a crucial marker with him — calling Mr. Schumer on Thursday to exult in it.

“I got a call early this morning,” Mr. Schumer said. “He said, ‘This was so great!’ Here’s what he said: ‘Do you watch Fox News?’ I said, ‘Not really.’ ‘They’re praising you!’ Meaning me. But he said, ‘And your stations’ — I guess meaning MSNBC and CNN — ‘are praising me! This is great!’”

Mr. Schumer said the president also showed a sincere soft spot for the Dreamers, reiterating in a second meeting with Mr. Schumer the “great sympathy he has for the Dreamer kids, that they are good Americans, they work hard and they don’t deserve to be kicked out of the country.”

“I said, ‘Well, you have to act on it,’” Mr. Schumer added.

Mr. Schumer said he and Mr. Trump had agreed to explore eliminating the debt limit increase as a legislative pressure point, allowing it to rise automatically in some way without a vote. Mr. Schumer admitted that such a move could deny Democrats future leverage.

“If it’s the right thing to do, I think we can do it,” said Mr. Schumer, who carefully noted that he would not be sacrificing any clout in the coming talks. “We’ll have leverage in this situation.”​
I'm just a little curious what he thinks some tax reform bill would look like with the dems jumping on board. And the gop house and senate continue working on bills to pass w/o dem support, though I think that would go the way of Obamacare repeal, with no compromise achievable between the Freedom caucus and senate gop.
I'm just a little curious what he thinks some tax reform bill would look like with the dems jumping on board. And the gop house and senate continue working on bills to pass w/o dem support, though I think that would go the way of Obamacare repeal, with no compromise achievable between the Freedom caucus and senate gop.

Well it opens the door to getting some Democrat votes by dropping or adding a few minor items that pick up say 10 Dem votes in the Senate or 40 in the house.

Without letting the Dems participate in the process, the leadership of the GOP would not really know what those items specifically are.
I dunno what the dems would demand. The gop has a basic problem on taxes. Bannon and Trumpthecandidate called for no tax cut for the 1% but a tax cut for workers. That will increase the deficit unless we cut, or curb growth, in soc sec and medicare, but Trump said he wouldn't do that. The Dems will happily go along. Those who warned Trump was not a goper are gleefully waiting to say 'told you so." I'm not sure it really matters to hard core Trump supporters.

But meanwhile Ryan and McConnell continue toiling away (and the speed of arthritic snails) to cut tax cuts to give the 1% more of % of tax cuts than workers, and cut social programs. It appears the Senate will need 50 votes and have 51 living members.
I dunno what the dems would demand. The gop has a basic problem on taxes. Bannon and Trumpthecandidate called for no tax cut for the 1% but a tax cut for workers. That will increase the deficit unless we cut, or curb growth, in soc sec and medicare, but Trump said he wouldn't do that. The Dems will happily go along. Those who warned Trump was not a goper are gleefully waiting to say 'told you so." I'm not sure it really matters to hard core Trump supporters.

But meanwhile Ryan and McConnell continue toiling away (and the speed of arthritic snails) to cut tax cuts to give the 1% more of % of tax cuts than workers, and cut social programs. It appears the Senate will need 50 votes and have 51 living members.

Well the GOP leaders need to listen to the Democrats DINO faction to see what votes they can get, and they cant do that if the Dems cant participate.

But America has may parts of the ship on fire and it is spreading out of control, while the Establishment fiddles around playing partisan BS gotcha crap and doing nothing.
It is about time.

Fuck Ryan and McConnel.

Trump Bypasses Republicans to Strike Deal on Debt Limit and Harvey Aid

Assuming that he had the support of Mr. Trump, Mr. Ryan responded Wednesday morning by calling the Democrats’ proposal “ridiculous and disgraceful,” saying “it could put in jeopardy the kind of hurricane response we need to have.”

“To play politics with the debt ceiling, like Schumer and Pelosi apparently are doing, I don’t think is a good idea,” Mr. Ryan said.

Once they arrived at the White House, however, Mr. Trump undercut Mr. Ryan. Congressional aides said privately that Republicans went into the meeting at the White House proposing an 18-month deal on government spending and the debt limit, only to run into resistance from the Democrats. They then proposed a six-month deal as a compromise, but Democrats insisted on a three-month agreement. Mr. Trump then surprised the Republicans by agreeing to the Democratic formulation.

“We essentially came to a deal, and I think the deal will be very good,” Mr. Trump said afterward. “We had a very, very cordial and professional meeting.”​

‘The New Washington’: How Schumer’s Power Play Led to a Deal With Trump

Mr. Schumer said he hoped the latest agreement represented a course correction by Mr. Trump.

“Maybe this was an aberration,” Mr. Schumer said. “But maybe they’re learning, either instinctively or intellectually, that just embracing the hard right isn’t going to get them very far.”

Mr. Trump certainly relished the news media coverage generated by the across-the-aisle engagement — a crucial marker with him — calling Mr. Schumer on Thursday to exult in it.

“I got a call early this morning,” Mr. Schumer said. “He said, ‘This was so great!’ Here’s what he said: ‘Do you watch Fox News?’ I said, ‘Not really.’ ‘They’re praising you!’ Meaning me. But he said, ‘And your stations’ — I guess meaning MSNBC and CNN — ‘are praising me! This is great!’”

Mr. Schumer said the president also showed a sincere soft spot for the Dreamers, reiterating in a second meeting with Mr. Schumer the “great sympathy he has for the Dreamer kids, that they are good Americans, they work hard and they don’t deserve to be kicked out of the country.”

“I said, ‘Well, you have to act on it,’” Mr. Schumer added.

Mr. Schumer said he and Mr. Trump had agreed to explore eliminating the debt limit increase as a legislative pressure point, allowing it to rise automatically in some way without a vote. Mr. Schumer admitted that such a move could deny Democrats future leverage.

“If it’s the right thing to do, I think we can do it,” said Mr. Schumer, who carefully noted that he would not be sacrificing any clout in the coming talks. “We’ll have leverage in this situation.”​
He cut deals with the Russians to fuck over Hillary...why not use the dumbs to get what he wants on the budget? Lmao!
And if the Republicans don't pay attention, the same forces that elected Trump instead of the establishment candidates will turn them out in the mid terms. People are fed up with the status quo.

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I dunno what the dems would demand. The gop has a basic problem on taxes. Bannon and Trumpthecandidate called for no tax cut for the 1% but a tax cut for workers. That will increase the deficit unless we cut, or curb growth, in soc sec and medicare, but Trump said he wouldn't do that. The Dems will happily go along. Those who warned Trump was not a goper are gleefully waiting to say 'told you so." I'm not sure it really matters to hard core Trump supporters.

But meanwhile Ryan and McConnell continue toiling away (and the speed of arthritic snails) to cut tax cuts to give the 1% more of % of tax cuts than workers, and cut social programs. It appears the Senate will need 50 votes and have 51 living members.

Well the GOP leaders need to listen to the Democrats DINO faction to see what votes they can get, and they cant do that if the Dems cant participate.

But America has may parts of the ship on fire and it is spreading out of control, while the Establishment fiddles around playing partisan BS gotcha crap and doing nothing.
Basically, I think Schumer will play ball if, and only if, Trump abandons the gop basic premise of holding down deficits while reducing taxes on the 1%. The gop will never abandon that central premise. That is any gop tax cut will have to give the 1% much more that just 1% of the total tax cut.

Basically, I think Schumer is perfectly OK with a Dec vote to raise the debt ceiling, and the dems voting party line to oppose any cuts to soc sec and medicare, and if it passes to call Trump and the gop a Scrouge and liar all through the holidays. That would actually give the dems a policy to run on in 2018.

And the gop will only be able to pass some form of Ryan's tax reform plan of cutting loopholes to lower rates IF the 1% gets much more than 1% of the total tax cut. And to pass the Freedom Caucus it probably will have to have cuts to soc sec and medicare. I'm not even sure that can pass the senate, but even if it does, Schumer is again very OK with making that a campaign issue.

I just don't think Trump got anything for caving last week. He got some hurricane relief passed, but that would have passed eventually anyway.
your supposed insult to TRUMP that he is a rino means nothing BBee , we deplorable elected TRUMP to fight the rino republican gop BBee and he is doing that BBee .

Thank you for showing what a idiot you are. He is even more of a RINO than the establishment. Schumer and Pelosi wrote the bill and gave up nothing. If Ryan and McConnell had done that, you would be screaming at them and calling them traitors. I would rather have nothing passed than allowing Pelosi and Schumer to write bills.
I dunno what the dems would demand. The gop has a basic problem on taxes. Bannon and Trumpthecandidate called for no tax cut for the 1% but a tax cut for workers. That will increase the deficit unless we cut, or curb growth, in soc sec and medicare, but Trump said he wouldn't do that. The Dems will happily go along. Those who warned Trump was not a goper are gleefully waiting to say 'told you so." I'm not sure it really matters to hard core Trump supporters.

But meanwhile Ryan and McConnell continue toiling away (and the speed of arthritic snails) to cut tax cuts to give the 1% more of % of tax cuts than workers, and cut social programs. It appears the Senate will need 50 votes and have 51 living members.

Trump's 1 page outline calls for across the board tax cuts. However I have no doubt that he would abandon that and support a tax increase on the 1% just to get something passed.
And if the Republicans don't pay attention, the same forces that elected Trump instead of the establishment candidates will turn them out in the mid terms. People are fed up with the status quo.

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The Republicans could lose the House however it will be because Trump wants to appeal to the 30% rather than the majority of voters. Trump is as responsible for that.
I dunno what the dems would demand. The gop has a basic problem on taxes. Bannon and Trumpthecandidate called for no tax cut for the 1% but a tax cut for workers. That will increase the deficit unless we cut, or curb growth, in soc sec and medicare, but Trump said he wouldn't do that. The Dems will happily go along. Those who warned Trump was not a goper are gleefully waiting to say 'told you so." I'm not sure it really matters to hard core Trump supporters.

But meanwhile Ryan and McConnell continue toiling away (and the speed of arthritic snails) to cut tax cuts to give the 1% more of % of tax cuts than workers, and cut social programs. It appears the Senate will need 50 votes and have 51 living members.

Trump's 1 page outline calls for across the board tax cuts. However I have no doubt that he would abandon that and support a tax increase on the 1% just to get something passed.
Trump's consistency is inconsistency

Trump: You Bet I Support Raising Taxes on the Rich
And if the Republicans don't pay attention, the same forces that elected Trump instead of the establishment candidates will turn them out in the mid terms. People are fed up with the status quo.

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The Republicans could lose the House however it will be because Trump wants to appeal to the 30% rather than the majority of voters. Trump is as responsible for that.

Trump won in large part because he threatened the entrenched power elite. If it is seen as so opposed to him as to make governing impossible, they will be hurt.

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And if the Republicans don't pay attention, the same forces that elected Trump instead of the establishment candidates will turn them out in the mid terms. People are fed up with the status quo.

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The Republicans could lose the House however it will be because Trump wants to appeal to the 30% rather than the majority of voters. Trump is as responsible for that.

Trump won in large part because he threatened the entrenched power elite. If it is seen as so opposed to him as to make governing impossible, they will be hurt.

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A full 25% of Trump's support came from voters who were voting against Clinton not for Trump. Trump is a member of the power elite as he has bragged about buying politicians.
And if the Republicans don't pay attention, the same forces that elected Trump instead of the establishment candidates will turn them out in the mid terms. People are fed up with the status quo.

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The Republicans could lose the House however it will be because Trump wants to appeal to the 30% rather than the majority of voters. Trump is as responsible for that.

Trump won in large part because he threatened the entrenched power elite. If it is seen as so opposed to him as to make governing impossible, they will be hurt.

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A full 25% of Trump's support came from voters who were voting against Clinton not for Trump. Trump is a member of the power elite as he has bragged about buying politicians.

Irrelevant. His base is ticked off at the power elite and they see Trump as their only chance to even crack the facade in Washington.

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