Trump Cuts Bait and Goes to Democrats to Make Deals, Skipping Congressional GOP

Liberals don't have any idea of the constitution other than what ever they want it to mean when they want it to.
I just don't think Trump got anything for caving last week. He got some hurricane relief passed, but that would have passed eventually anyway.
...and the debt ceiling raised, did he not?

McConnell and Ryan were going to raised the ceiling for 18 mos instead of 3. They did intend to tie that to promises of spending cuts (or reductions in the growth of soc sec/medicare). Trump cut them off at the knees. The question is why'd he do that? Even Cohen and Muchken advised against it.
Originally it was to be dems only.

Trump tries to woo Democrats for tax reform

But McConnell and Ryan are writing a tax bill that is aimed at passing with no dem votes. The same as they tried with Obamacare repeal. AND BEFORE they can do tax reform, they pretty much need a budget to serve as a baseline for decreases or increases to the current year deficit.

If one assumes Trump has a strategic plan, rather than just an interest in today's headlines, he's thwarting any gop aims at holding down spending.
McConnell and Ryan were going to raised the ceiling for 18 mos instead of 3. They did intend to tie that to promises of spending cuts (or reductions in the growth of soc sec/medicare). Trump cut them off at the knees. The question is why'd he do that? Even Cohen and Muchken advised against it.

I GUESS Trump is tired of dealing solely through the GOP leadership because he realizes that they are undercutting him, and so he is going to open the table to all parties and try to get something rese3mbling his promised agenda passed with some moderate Dem help.

BTW, I think it is Munchen, not Munchkin, lol.
And if the Republicans don't pay attention, the same forces that elected Trump instead of the establishment candidates will turn them out in the mid terms. People are fed up with the status quo.

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The Republicans could lose the House however it will be because Trump wants to appeal to the 30% rather than the majority of voters. Trump is as responsible for that.

Trump won in large part because he threatened the entrenched power elite. If it is seen as so opposed to him as to make governing impossible, they will be hurt.

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A full 25% of Trump's support came from voters who were voting against Clinton not for Trump. Trump is a member of the power elite as he has bragged about buying politicians.

Irrelevant. His base is ticked off at the power elite and they see Trump as their only chance to even crack the facade in Washington.

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Irrelevant. His base is not enough to win in 2020.
McConnell and Ryan were going to raised the ceiling for 18 mos instead of 3. They did intend to tie that to promises of spending cuts (or reductions in the growth of soc sec/medicare). Trump cut them off at the knees. The question is why'd he do that? Even Cohen and Muchken advised against it.

I GUESS Trump is tired of dealing solely through the GOP leadership because he realizes that they are undercutting him, and so he is going to open the table to all parties and try to get something rese3mbling his promised agenda passed with some moderate Dem help.

BTW, I think it is Munchen, not Munchkin, lol.
I don't even pretend to have a guess as to what Trump's up to. I am pretty sure that there is zero chance we will get any tax reform that lowers rates while also not increasing the deficit, and any reform we do get will NOT make markets more transparent, which is what the Reagan tax reform accomplished.
McConnell and Ryan were going to raised the ceiling for 18 mos instead of 3. They did intend to tie that to promises of spending cuts (or reductions in the growth of soc sec/medicare). Trump cut them off at the knees. The question is why'd he do that? Even Cohen and Muchken advised against it.

I GUESS Trump is tired of dealing solely through the GOP leadership because he realizes that they are undercutting him, and so he is going to open the table to all parties and try to get something rese3mbling his promised agenda passed with some moderate Dem help.

BTW, I think it is Munchen, not Munchkin, lol.

Pelosi and Schumer are moderate?
I don't even pretend to have a guess as to what Trump's up to. I am pretty sure that there is zero chance we will get any tax reform that lowers rates while also not increasing the deficit, and any reform we do get will NOT make markets more transparent, which is what the Reagan tax reform accomplished.
I am more optimistic.

Trump is the first kick to the balls the Establishment has had since Reagan, so I wish him all the best.
Pelosi and Schumer are moderate?
Doesnt Trump have to work with them too?

I dont consider either of them to be moderate in the strictest sense, though I do think that they hold to some moderate principles in theory.
His base is not 48%, and mathematically the EC has never produced a result like 2016 ever before.

Oh come on, you know that US Presidents can be elected by plurality, in effect, just like Lincoln was.
His base is not 48%, and mathematically the EC has never produced a result like 2016 ever before.

Oh come on, you know that US Presidents can be elected by plurality, in effect, just like Lincoln was.
Yeah, but not that % differential. And Lincoln won in a three way race.

I don't pretend to see some logical strategy that Trump's pursuing. When he was initially elected, I'd hoped that he would be the deal maker, and bring the gop and dems in and say "We'll split the baby." That certainly didn't happen on Obamacare.

In Bannon's recent interview, he said something like "we'll take one of these issues he ran on, push it through congress, and success will generate more success." That might have worked. The Wall or tariffs .... they won't work. An Obamacare deal was achievable.

We'll see lower rates and a higher deficit with no spending cuts. McConnell will try to sell that as a "win," but it's no win for conservatives ... it's a loss. Trump will try to sell it as a win, and he'll be successful, imo, with the 35%. Families making <80K will see a tax cut of a few hundred compared to the 1% seeing hundreds of thousands. Schumer is happy going into the 18 and 20 elections on that.

It may get dems elected, maybe not. But I'm sure it really sucks for our kids.
It is about time.

Fuck Ryan and McConnel.

Trump Bypasses Republicans to Strike Deal on Debt Limit and Harvey Aid

Assuming that he had the support of Mr. Trump, Mr. Ryan responded Wednesday morning by calling the Democrats’ proposal “ridiculous and disgraceful,” saying “it could put in jeopardy the kind of hurricane response we need to have.”

“To play politics with the debt ceiling, like Schumer and Pelosi apparently are doing, I don’t think is a good idea,” Mr. Ryan said.

Once they arrived at the White House, however, Mr. Trump undercut Mr. Ryan. Congressional aides said privately that Republicans went into the meeting at the White House proposing an 18-month deal on government spending and the debt limit, only to run into resistance from the Democrats. They then proposed a six-month deal as a compromise, but Democrats insisted on a three-month agreement. Mr. Trump then surprised the Republicans by agreeing to the Democratic formulation.

“We essentially came to a deal, and I think the deal will be very good,” Mr. Trump said afterward. “We had a very, very cordial and professional meeting.”​

‘The New Washington’: How Schumer’s Power Play Led to a Deal With Trump

Mr. Schumer said he hoped the latest agreement represented a course correction by Mr. Trump.

“Maybe this was an aberration,” Mr. Schumer said. “But maybe they’re learning, either instinctively or intellectually, that just embracing the hard right isn’t going to get them very far.”

Mr. Trump certainly relished the news media coverage generated by the across-the-aisle engagement — a crucial marker with him — calling Mr. Schumer on Thursday to exult in it.

“I got a call early this morning,” Mr. Schumer said. “He said, ‘This was so great!’ Here’s what he said: ‘Do you watch Fox News?’ I said, ‘Not really.’ ‘They’re praising you!’ Meaning me. But he said, ‘And your stations’ — I guess meaning MSNBC and CNN — ‘are praising me! This is great!’”

Mr. Schumer said the president also showed a sincere soft spot for the Dreamers, reiterating in a second meeting with Mr. Schumer the “great sympathy he has for the Dreamer kids, that they are good Americans, they work hard and they don’t deserve to be kicked out of the country.”

“I said, ‘Well, you have to act on it,’” Mr. Schumer added.

Mr. Schumer said he and Mr. Trump had agreed to explore eliminating the debt limit increase as a legislative pressure point, allowing it to rise automatically in some way without a vote. Mr. Schumer admitted that such a move could deny Democrats future leverage.

“If it’s the right thing to do, I think we can do it,” said Mr. Schumer, who carefully noted that he would not be sacrificing any clout in the coming talks. “We’ll have leverage in this situation.”​
this deal was the best thing that ever happened for the Republicans in congress and the Senate....don't let the Republicans crocodile tears and faux shock they are displaying confuse.

By Trump taking the hit and making this deal, it saved the embarrassment the Repubs would be facing in their own party, for NOT being able to agree on raising the debt ceiling and because they would not have to air their grievances with each other, in the public and stall all other legislation from all the time arguing over raising the debt ceiling in front of cspan's cameras...Ryan has no idea how to pull the different factions of the Republican party together.....the fiscal conservatives like the tea party of old vs the establishment congress critters....

So, ryan and Mc Connel's butts were saved....and they can act all disturbed about Trump making the deal, but they KNOW it's the best thing that ever happened to them with the 2018 elections coming up.
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Yeah, but not that % differential. And Lincoln won in a three way race.

Lincoln won in a FOUR way race, :), but I get your point.

Trump won because the Dems have managed to take their message and so focus it on urban voters that they have in essence abandoned rural white voters and white workers. Now that wraps up California and New York and New England, sure, but it is pretty much a losing proposition in the rest of the country as 90% of the nation still lives in communities smaller than Ft Worth Texas.

This lets Trump get an EC win while taking a popular vote loss, and that wont change.

I don't pretend to see some logical strategy that Trump's pursuing. When he was initially elected, I'd hoped that he would be the deal maker, and bring the gop and dems in and say "We'll split the baby." That certainly didn't happen on Obamacare.

Fixing the ACA is still on the table and the Dems see the writing on the wall, so I think a good number of them will pitch in and help with fixing it and helping maintain Obama's legacy on that law. Republicans never planned to literally repeal the law, which is asinine as it would leave millions without health care. The intention was always to fix the ACA but the message had to be hyped to sell it.

It is a shame what the professional political class has done to statesmanship in this Republic.

In Bannon's recent interview, he said something like "we'll take one of these issues he ran on, push it through congress, and success will generate more success." That might have worked. The Wall or tariffs .... they won't work. An Obamacare deal was achievable.

Still is. Tariffs built our economy and tariffs are STILL part of our economy. They simply need to be over hauled to work FOR the American worker instead of the CCN.

We'll see lower rates and a higher deficit with no spending cuts. McConnell will try to sell that as a "win," but it's no win for conservatives ... it's a loss. Trump will try to sell it as a win, and he'll be successful, imo, with the 35%. Families making <80K will see a tax cut of a few hundred compared to the 1% seeing hundreds of thousands. Schumer is happy going into the 18 and 20 elections on that.
It may get dems elected, maybe not. But I'm sure it really sucks for our kids.

Honestly, we have not been looking out for our kids since 1989.
It is about time.

Fuck Ryan and McConnel.

Trump Bypasses Republicans to Strike Deal on Debt Limit and Harvey Aid

Assuming that he had the support of Mr. Trump, Mr. Ryan responded Wednesday morning by calling the Democrats’ proposal “ridiculous and disgraceful,” saying “it could put in jeopardy the kind of hurricane response we need to have.”

“To play politics with the debt ceiling, like Schumer and Pelosi apparently are doing, I don’t think is a good idea,” Mr. Ryan said.

Once they arrived at the White House, however, Mr. Trump undercut Mr. Ryan. Congressional aides said privately that Republicans went into the meeting at the White House proposing an 18-month deal on government spending and the debt limit, only to run into resistance from the Democrats. They then proposed a six-month deal as a compromise, but Democrats insisted on a three-month agreement. Mr. Trump then surprised the Republicans by agreeing to the Democratic formulation.

“We essentially came to a deal, and I think the deal will be very good,” Mr. Trump said afterward. “We had a very, very cordial and professional meeting.”​

‘The New Washington’: How Schumer’s Power Play Led to a Deal With Trump

Mr. Schumer said he hoped the latest agreement represented a course correction by Mr. Trump.

“Maybe this was an aberration,” Mr. Schumer said. “But maybe they’re learning, either instinctively or intellectually, that just embracing the hard right isn’t going to get them very far.”

Mr. Trump certainly relished the news media coverage generated by the across-the-aisle engagement — a crucial marker with him — calling Mr. Schumer on Thursday to exult in it.

“I got a call early this morning,” Mr. Schumer said. “He said, ‘This was so great!’ Here’s what he said: ‘Do you watch Fox News?’ I said, ‘Not really.’ ‘They’re praising you!’ Meaning me. But he said, ‘And your stations’ — I guess meaning MSNBC and CNN — ‘are praising me! This is great!’”

Mr. Schumer said the president also showed a sincere soft spot for the Dreamers, reiterating in a second meeting with Mr. Schumer the “great sympathy he has for the Dreamer kids, that they are good Americans, they work hard and they don’t deserve to be kicked out of the country.”

“I said, ‘Well, you have to act on it,’” Mr. Schumer added.

Mr. Schumer said he and Mr. Trump had agreed to explore eliminating the debt limit increase as a legislative pressure point, allowing it to rise automatically in some way without a vote. Mr. Schumer admitted that such a move could deny Democrats future leverage.

“If it’s the right thing to do, I think we can do it,” said Mr. Schumer, who carefully noted that he would not be sacrificing any clout in the coming talks. “We’ll have leverage in this situation.”​
this deal was the best thing that ever happened for the Republicans in congress and the Senate....don't let the Republicans crocodile tears and faux shock they are displaying confuse.

By Trump taking the hit and making this deal, it saved the embarrassment the Repubs would be facing in their own party, for NOT being able to agree on raising the debt ceiling and because they would not have to air their grievances with each other, in the public and stall all other legislation from all the time arguing over raising the debt ceiling in front of cspan's cameras...Ryan has no idea how to pull the different factions of the Republican party together.....the fiscal conservatives like the tea party of old vs the establishment congress critters....

So, ryan and Mc Connel's butts were saved....and they can act all disturbed about Trump making the deal, but they KNOW it's the best thing that ever happened to them with the 2018 elections coming up.
I suspect you are overly optimistic about the GOP leaderships view of Trump reaching across the aisle. lol
It is about time.

Fuck Ryan and McConnel.

Trump Bypasses Republicans to Strike Deal on Debt Limit and Harvey Aid

Assuming that he had the support of Mr. Trump, Mr. Ryan responded Wednesday morning by calling the Democrats’ proposal “ridiculous and disgraceful,” saying “it could put in jeopardy the kind of hurricane response we need to have.”

“To play politics with the debt ceiling, like Schumer and Pelosi apparently are doing, I don’t think is a good idea,” Mr. Ryan said.

Once they arrived at the White House, however, Mr. Trump undercut Mr. Ryan. Congressional aides said privately that Republicans went into the meeting at the White House proposing an 18-month deal on government spending and the debt limit, only to run into resistance from the Democrats. They then proposed a six-month deal as a compromise, but Democrats insisted on a three-month agreement. Mr. Trump then surprised the Republicans by agreeing to the Democratic formulation.

“We essentially came to a deal, and I think the deal will be very good,” Mr. Trump said afterward. “We had a very, very cordial and professional meeting.”​

‘The New Washington’: How Schumer’s Power Play Led to a Deal With Trump

Mr. Schumer said he hoped the latest agreement represented a course correction by Mr. Trump.

“Maybe this was an aberration,” Mr. Schumer said. “But maybe they’re learning, either instinctively or intellectually, that just embracing the hard right isn’t going to get them very far.”

Mr. Trump certainly relished the news media coverage generated by the across-the-aisle engagement — a crucial marker with him — calling Mr. Schumer on Thursday to exult in it.

“I got a call early this morning,” Mr. Schumer said. “He said, ‘This was so great!’ Here’s what he said: ‘Do you watch Fox News?’ I said, ‘Not really.’ ‘They’re praising you!’ Meaning me. But he said, ‘And your stations’ — I guess meaning MSNBC and CNN — ‘are praising me! This is great!’”

Mr. Schumer said the president also showed a sincere soft spot for the Dreamers, reiterating in a second meeting with Mr. Schumer the “great sympathy he has for the Dreamer kids, that they are good Americans, they work hard and they don’t deserve to be kicked out of the country.”

“I said, ‘Well, you have to act on it,’” Mr. Schumer added.

Mr. Schumer said he and Mr. Trump had agreed to explore eliminating the debt limit increase as a legislative pressure point, allowing it to rise automatically in some way without a vote. Mr. Schumer admitted that such a move could deny Democrats future leverage.

“If it’s the right thing to do, I think we can do it,” said Mr. Schumer, who carefully noted that he would not be sacrificing any clout in the coming talks. “We’ll have leverage in this situation.”​
this deal was the best thing that ever happened for the Republicans in congress and the Senate....don't let the Republicans crocodile tears and faux shock they are displaying confuse.

By Trump taking the hit and making this deal, it saved the embarrassment the Repubs would be facing in their own party, for NOT being able to agree on raising the debt ceiling and because they would not have to air their grievances with each other, in the public and stall all other legislation from all the time arguing over raising the debt ceiling in front of cspan's cameras...Ryan has no idea how to pull the different factions of the Republican party together.....the fiscal conservatives like the tea party of old vs the establishment congress critters....

So, ryan and Mc Connel's butts were saved....and they can act all disturbed about Trump making the deal, but they KNOW it's the best thing that ever happened to them with the 2018 elections coming up.
I suspect you are overly optimistic about the GOP leaderships view of Trump reaching across the aisle. lol
I don't think so....I think the Republican leadership, in their own offices with the doors shut, let out a BIG SIGH OF RELIEF.

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