Trump Cuts Bait and Goes to Democrats to Make Deals, Skipping Congressional GOP

And if the Republicans don't pay attention, the same forces that elected Trump instead of the establishment candidates will turn them out in the mid terms. People are fed up with the status quo.

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The Republicans could lose the House however it will be because Trump wants to appeal to the 30% rather than the majority of voters. Trump is as responsible for that.

Trump won in large part because he threatened the entrenched power elite. If it is seen as so opposed to him as to make governing impossible, they will be hurt.

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A full 25% of Trump's support came from voters who were voting against Clinton not for Trump. Trump is a member of the power elite as he has bragged about buying politicians.

Irrelevant. His base is ticked off at the power elite and they see Trump as their only chance to even crack the facade in Washington.

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Irrelevant. His base is not enough to win in 2020.

That's what they said about this most recent election.

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The Republicans could lose the House however it will be because Trump wants to appeal to the 30% rather than the majority of voters. Trump is as responsible for that.

Trump won in large part because he threatened the entrenched power elite. If it is seen as so opposed to him as to make governing impossible, they will be hurt.

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A full 25% of Trump's support came from voters who were voting against Clinton not for Trump. Trump is a member of the power elite as he has bragged about buying politicians.

Irrelevant. His base is ticked off at the power elite and they see Trump as their only chance to even crack the facade in Washington.

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Irrelevant. His base is not enough to win in 2020.

That's what they said about this most recent election.

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True, but now the Republican established base have seen him in action....and don't like what they've seen.

The R's will run someone against him in the next election, if he even chooses to run bet is that he won't run again in 2020....
I don't think so....I think the Republican leadership, in their own offices with the doors shut, let out a BIG SIGH OF RELIEF.
You may be right, these people are such liars and whores.

I am sick to death of the whole lot of them.

There is ample opportunity for a new party and I hope someone runs with it.
I don't think so....I think the Republican leadership, in their own offices with the doors shut, let out a BIG SIGH OF RELIEF.
You may be right, these people are such liars and whores.

I am sick to death of the whole lot of them.

There is ample opportunity for a new party and I hope someone runs with it.
The Gop will do whatever it thinks gives it the best chance to retain at least one chamber. They never expected Trump to win, but he saved the Senate for them as well. A gop civil war would have cost them the WH, and both the senate and house. They'd sell their favorite daughter to ISIS to avoid that.
The Congressional (post 1998) "Republicans" are more anti-Trump and more anti-American than the Dems... which is really saying something...
The Congressional (post 1998) "Republicans" are more anti-Trump and more anti-American than the Dems... which is really saying something...

I dont think that they are anti-American as much as they are pro corporate Crony.

They paid their dues and now want whats coming to them.

I hope they get it.
Trump won in large part because he threatened the entrenched power elite. If it is seen as so opposed to him as to make governing impossible, they will be hurt.

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A full 25% of Trump's support came from voters who were voting against Clinton not for Trump. Trump is a member of the power elite as he has bragged about buying politicians.

Irrelevant. His base is ticked off at the power elite and they see Trump as their only chance to even crack the facade in Washington.

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Irrelevant. His base is not enough to win in 2020.

That's what they said about this most recent election.

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True, but now the Republican established base have seen him in action....and don't like what they've seen.

The R's will run someone against him in the next election, if he even chooses to run bet is that he won't run again in 2020....

That doesn't do anything to the anger and frustration with the status quo. If they do not learn anything from Trump they will pay a heavy price.

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The Gop will do whatever it thinks gives it the best chance to retain at least one chamber. They never expected Trump to win, but he saved the Senate for them as well. A gop civil war would have cost them the WH, and both the senate and house. They'd sell their favorite daughter to ISIS to avoid that.

The replublicans know how to get elected. They ran on the gloom and doom of obamacare. They got elected to enact the perfect storm of control of congress and the white house, to get done what they promised for the previous 7 years.

Now comes reality. What do republicans run on in 2018. The obamacare issue is dead, even if the ACA isn't. And the dems have q better anti-trump message than the republicans can muster.
The Gop will do whatever it thinks gives it the best chance to retain at least one chamber. They never expected Trump to win, but he saved the Senate for them as well. A gop civil war would have cost them the WH, and both the senate and house. They'd sell their favorite daughter to ISIS to avoid that.

The replublicans know how to get elected. They ran on the gloom and doom of obamacare. They got elected to enact the perfect storm of control of congress and the white house, to get done what they promised for the previous 7 years.

Now comes reality. What do republicans run on in 2018. The obamacare issue is dead, even if the ACA isn't. And the dems have q better anti-trump message than the republicans can muster.
Well it is the power, the nature of the beast. Obama bowed to Hillary as inevitable, even though she was hardly ideologically sympatico. Sort of along the same lines. But what separated America in the beginning was that we compromised principle to necessity, but our necessity was the right of the individual to strive with the State being limited. Power always corrupts. Look at Putin, for example.

The question is what did McConnell see as worthwhile in the bargain of the elite to embrace Trump the nominee? Citizens Untied? the 5th Sup Ct seat? McConnell deserves the reaming he's getting. Forget about tax reform, the gop now embraces looting the taxpayers for the 1% ... again. Is that really all he sold his soul for? I thought it was about avoiding single payer, and cradle to grave paying the tax man. We now accept a 22 year old paying the same rates as a 60 year old? That's not about limiting the State's power to interfere with the right of the individual.

And to anyone who thought Trump was about ANYTHING BUT coercing individual behavior .... bwwwwwwwah.
The Gop will do whatever it thinks gives it the best chance to retain at least one chamber. They never expected Trump to win, but he saved the Senate for them as well. A gop civil war would have cost them the WH, and both the senate and house. They'd sell their favorite daughter to ISIS to avoid that.

The replublicans know how to get elected. They ran on the gloom and doom of obamacare. They got elected to enact the perfect storm of control of congress and the white house, to get done what they promised for the previous 7 years.

Now comes reality. What do republicans run on in 2018. The obamacare issue is dead, even if the ACA isn't. And the dems have q better anti-trump message than the republicans can muster.
Well it is the power, the nature of the beast. Obama bowed to Hillary as inevitable, even though she was hardly ideologically sympatico. Sort of along the same lines. But what separated America in the beginning was that we compromised principle to necessity, but our necessity was the right of the individual to strive with the State being limited. Power always corrupts. Look at Putin, for example.

The question is what did McConnell see as worthwhile in the bargain of the elite to embrace Trump the nominee? Citizens Untied? the 5th Sup Ct seat? McConnell deserves the reaming he's getting. Forget about tax reform, the gop now embraces looting the taxpayers for the 1% ... again. Is that really all he sold his soul for? I thought it was about avoiding single payer, and cradle to grave paying the tax man. We now accept a 22 year old paying the same rates as a 60 year old? That's not about limiting the State's power to interfere with the right of the individual.

And to anyone who thought Trump was about ANYTHING BUT coercing individual behavior .... bwwwwwwwah.
I think some optimism is justified here.

We have to see what kind of tax cuts we will get and what happens with the top 1%.

Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater
The Gop will do whatever it thinks gives it the best chance to retain at least one chamber. They never expected Trump to win, but he saved the Senate for them as well. A gop civil war would have cost them the WH, and both the senate and house. They'd sell their favorite daughter to ISIS to avoid that.

The replublicans know how to get elected. They ran on the gloom and doom of obamacare. They got elected to enact the perfect storm of control of congress and the white house, to get done what they promised for the previous 7 years.

Now comes reality. What do republicans run on in 2018. The obamacare issue is dead, even if the ACA isn't. And the dems have q better anti-trump message than the republicans can muster.
Well it is the power, the nature of the beast. Obama bowed to Hillary as inevitable, even though she was hardly ideologically sympatico. Sort of along the same lines. But what separated America in the beginning was that we compromised principle to necessity, but our necessity was the right of the individual to strive with the State being limited. Power always corrupts. Look at Putin, for example.

The question is what did McConnell see as worthwhile in the bargain of the elite to embrace Trump the nominee? Citizens Untied? the 5th Sup Ct seat? McConnell deserves the reaming he's getting. Forget about tax reform, the gop now embraces looting the taxpayers for the 1% ... again. Is that really all he sold his soul for? I thought it was about avoiding single payer, and cradle to grave paying the tax man. We now accept a 22 year old paying the same rates as a 60 year old? That's not about limiting the State's power to interfere with the right of the individual.

And to anyone who thought Trump was about ANYTHING BUT coercing individual behavior .... bwwwwwwwah.
I think some optimism is justified here.

We have to see what kind of tax cuts we will get and what happens with the top 1%.

Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater

I don't see the reason for optimism in terms of the gop reducing taxes while not paying for them with additional revenue and tax cuts. The Freedom Caucus has no reason to compromise with the establishment or Trump. Trump's not gonna primary Meadows or Jeffords ... The chamber of commerce and Norquist aren't gonna cave on tax cuts for the rich ... they won. Bannon's out and Cohn and Munchkin are still in. And so is McConnell.

The dems aren't even players unless for some unforeseen reason McConnell can't get 50 votes, and while McCain might have said nyet, he's dying.
The Republicans could lose the House however it will be because Trump wants to appeal to the 30% rather than the majority of voters. Trump is as responsible for that.

Trump won in large part because he threatened the entrenched power elite. If it is seen as so opposed to him as to make governing impossible, they will be hurt.

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A full 25% of Trump's support came from voters who were voting against Clinton not for Trump. Trump is a member of the power elite as he has bragged about buying politicians.

Irrelevant. His base is ticked off at the power elite and they see Trump as their only chance to even crack the facade in Washington.

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Irrelevant. His base is not enough to win in 2020.

That's what they said about this most recent election.

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In this more recent election, you had 2 candidates who were seen as dishonest and untrustworthy. Trump lost to any Democrat who was seen as honest such as Biden or Sanders. Another poll said that Romney would have beaten Clinton as well. If you take the number of votes Clinton got in 2016 vs the number of votes Romney got in 2012 in each state, Romney would have gotten approximately 261 electoral votes.

A number of moderates voted for Trump against Clinton not because of Trump's agenda. That is why a majority of voters did not support building a wall. If they vote Democrat in 2020, Trump is gone.
It worked because Clinton was the opponent. Even with a weak opponent like Clinton, he won very narrowly in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Flip those and Democrats win. 25% of those who voted for Trump did so as a vote against Clinton.

The Dems did not lose Michigan, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Floriduh, and Wisconsin merely because Clinton is a weak candidate.

They lost these states because they have a propaganda machine that makes white people out to be violent, sadistic rapists and terrorists.

That is not how you get people to vote for your party, capice?

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