OMG! Trump works with Democrats AGAINST the GOP to help victims of Harvey!

lol, Trump will pretty much do anything that might make him look good, or make him think he's looking good,

and if going RINO and working with the Democrats gets him that, he will repeat that trick like a trained puppy.
You obviously did not pay any attention to Trump during the GOP primaries where he ripped the GOP establishment to pieces for months. Trump told the country the GOP establishment are stupid corrupt morons, he obliterated their candidates Kasich and Bush.

Indeed, he beat Democrats and Republicans equally with the same club. It was fascinating.
Lies are the new "club"?

Giddy Schumer actually thinks he's won something today. It's so funny.
I know, right?

But he did, in a way.

He embarrassed the GOP.

That counts for something.

No he didn't. Trump did, intentionally.

And if the Republicans don't start delivering, he will again.
Not being a Washington insider I may be all wet on this but my initial reaction to the news was a feeling Trump didn't want congress wasting time pissing around on this and desired their butts to get on with tax reform.
This thread....
Trump Bypasses Republicans to Strike Deal on Debt Limit and Harvey Aid

Trump sides with Democrats on fiscal issues, throwing Republican plans into chaos

Seriously, what do you expect from the GOP?

Let him die
Feed the poor and they will breed
Tax cuts for the rich
Aryan Nation
Alt Right

Maybe going there and actually seeing what suffering looks like, maybe Trump found out he had a heart.

It is always entertaining to see how people react when their created paradigm isn't reality. You create this whole paradigm about Trump and when it isn't true you seem surprised at Trump, when in reality it is you who have it wrong.
The GOP wants a high debt ceiling. The democrats want a lower debt ceiling.

Excuse me for my ignorance on this issue, but I clearly don't understand the concept of the debt ceiling.

It would seem to me that a fiscally conservative individual would favor a LOWER debt ceiling.

Thank you in advance for explaining this in a courteous manner.
you have to be one naive person if you think conservatives have never helped anyone or that there are no conservatives right now in the flooded areas helping out...

You have to be naive if you believe there are enough actual Conservatives left in this country to fill the AT&T Stadium in Dallas.

There are quite a few semi or quasi Co derivatives out there but few of us real ones anymore.
i dont give a shit if there are only 50 left in the country,if only 1 of them were out there helping people then what you said was a bunch of shit...
Pelosi asked Trump to issue tweet reassuring DACA recipients

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called President Trump on Thursday asking him to issue a tweet reassuring young undocumented immigrants that they won’t be deported in the next six months.

According to a Democratic aide, Pelosi informed colleagues at a House Democratic whip meeting Thursday morning that she asked the president to make clear that recipients under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program won’t be subject to deportation as the Trump administration phases it out over the next six months.

Trump tweeted Thursday morning that “For all of those (DACA) that are concerned about your status during the 6 month period, you have nothing to worry about - No action!”


Good. It proves he can follow simple instructions.
I was hoping someone could enlighten us. No one apparently knows what is going on there.
i dont give a shit if there are only 50 left in the country,if only 1 of them were out there helping people then what you said was a bunch of shit...

Whst I'm telling you is that anyone who is out there helping isn't a Conservative by definition.
hey look maybe your type of conservative is a heartless asswipe,but there are many real conservatives who if in that situation would be out there with everyone else doing what they can..........
Trump Bypasses Republicans to Strike Deal on Debt Limit and Harvey Aid

Trump sides with Democrats on fiscal issues, throwing Republican plans into chaos

Seriously, what do you expect from the GOP?

Let him die
Feed the poor and they will breed
Tax cuts for the rich
Aryan Nation
Alt Right

Maybe going there and actually seeing what suffering looks like, maybe Trump found out he had a heart.

I told you Trump would run up the debt.

Probably more than Obama did.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

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