OMG! Trump works with Democrats AGAINST the GOP to help victims of Harvey!

PARTY A: I want to give free puppies to hookers.

MAJORITY: Fuck no. Enough is enough. We are already in too much debt.

PARTY A: Then we are going to cause a government shutdown by filibustering the debt ceiling hike.

MAJORITY: Fine, here are your goddam puppies. We'll add the cost to the already too high debt, thereby making our debt that much higher.

And the rubes never catch on to this game.

Trump just gave another basket of vote-getting puppies to the Democrats to distribute.

The OP does ask an good question, though .. and least imho. Why the schism in the gop?

Key conservatives oppose Trump debt ceiling deal

Gopers are complaining that Trump gave away any leverage they had to force dems to accept spending limits for more debt. That's a disingenuous charge of course, because the dems like nothing better than saying "Granny's soc sec Medicaid nursing home will be cut...." That is, threatening a gummit shutdown is simply not a credible threat.

To me the question is what does Trump think he's getting out of this? The gop can, and imo will, pass a short term tax cut for the 1% paid for with deficit spending. Trump doesn't want to cut soc sec or medicare.
This thread....
Any actual argument, dupe? This is actually what people were hoping for. Republican policy is idiotic and based on BS information.
Maybe Trump's actually not so bad, and until his firing Bannon really WAS running the Presidency :eusa_think:
hey look maybe your type of conservative is a heartless asswipe ,but..........

No buts. There is only 1 type of Conservative so far as I'm concerned. Everythi g else is Liberals.
you want to live in the dark ages right?.....people back then helped each other when things happened because they knew the king could give a how would you fit in?....
Once again, our President zigs when they thought he'd zag and flips out the country club GOPers in the process. He invites the jackals into the White House for a sitdown with his do-nothings, tells his Treasury Sec to shut up and takes the Rat's deal. While Mitch and Ryan's mouths fall open, Chuck and Nancy can't believe their ears. Grinning like the jackals they are, they race out to the cameras and tell the world they sandbagged Trump. And then they raced back to CONgress and gave him the money he promised the Harvey victims, plus enough for the raging Irma off the coast of Floriduh. What did the Rats gain? absolutely nothing. What did the stiffs in the GOP leadership get? absolutely nothing. What did Trump get? everything he wanted plus the fake media left bothered and bewildered. I'd call that about as good as it gets these days.

you want to live in the dark ages right?.....people back then helped each other when things happened because they knew the king could give a how would you fit in?....

Actually outside of clan/family structures there wasn't all that much collectivism in that era. You had such a hard time surviving thst you didn't have time to worry about others.

My personal.preference would be to live as a 12th century Iro-Norman huscarl.
It also put those GOP cucks on notice. They better get their act together or they'll be out of a job.
Once again, our President zigs when they thought he'd zag and flips out the country club GOPers in the process. He invites the jackals into the White House for a sitdown with his do-nothings, tells his Treasury Sec to shut up and takes the Rat's deal. While Mitch and Ryan's mouths fall open, Chuck and Nancy can't believe their ears. Grinning like the jackals they are, they race out to the cameras and tell the world they sandbagged Trump. And then they raced back to CONgress and gave him the money he promised the Harvey victims, plus enough for the raging Irma off the coast of Floriduh. What did the Rats gain? absolutely nothing. What did the stiffs in the GOP leadership get? absolutely nothing. What did Trump get? everything he wanted plus the fake media left bothered and bewildered. I'd call that about as good as it gets these days.

I see you have no clue what just happened. :lol:

You totally bought the line about Harvey! :lol:
The Republicans wanted to extend the debt ceiling for 18 months. This way it will not come up again before the mid-term elections, and they won't have to hypocritically vote to raise it again until after the elections.

The Democrats wanted to extend the debt ceiling for only three months. They want the debt ceiling to be an issue as many times as possible before the mid-terms so they can highlight what hypocrites the Republicans are.

In exchange for raising the debt ceiling a few more times between now and the mid-terms as quietly as possible, the Democrats will ask for some goodies they want. They want to be able to blackmail the Republicans.

Trump gave the Democrats their wish, behind the backs of the Republicans.
Once again, our President zigs when they thought he'd zag and flips out the country club GOPers in the process. He invites the jackals into the White House for a sitdown with his do-nothings, tells his Treasury Sec to shut up and takes the Rat's deal. While Mitch and Ryan's mouths fall open, Chuck and Nancy can't believe their ears. Grinning like the jackals they are, they race out to the cameras and tell the world they sandbagged Trump. And then they raced back to CONgress and gave him the money he promised the Harvey victims, plus enough for the raging Irma off the coast of Floriduh. What did the Rats gain? absolutely nothing. What did the stiffs in the GOP leadership get? absolutely nothing. What did Trump get? everything he wanted plus the fake media left bothered and bewildered. I'd call that about as good as it gets these days.


See what I mean?
The cult's addiction to their Dear Leader Trump is even worse, and funnier, than I ever thought.
Gonna be a bit confusing in here for a few hours. There were 8 threads on the GOP/Dem "bargain". Merged for your convenience.. :badgrin:

Don't force us to decide merges. CHECK THE LISTINGS.. If it's Breaking News and you think it's "different enough" -- put it in the Breaking News forum..
Rejoin us in three months to watch the hypocritical GOP vote to increase the debt ceiling again. And then again. And again. And again.

Remember, kids, Trump never campaigned on cutting the debt. He runs businesses into bankruptcy.

There isn't a single thing Trump's Chumps can point to which make Trump stand out as a conservative. But there is a long history of Trump spouting far left opinions.

He's beginning to revert to his inner limousine liberal.

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