OMG! Trump works with Democrats AGAINST the GOP to help victims of Harvey!

Gee, a guy who was a pro-choice Democrat, who wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq and Bush impeached is siding with Democrats, and spends a lot of time bashing Republicans. And now he's running up the debt.

I'm shocked, just shocked, I tell you.

And we still have ObamaCare! And the world hates us.

Why did you guys vote against Hillary again? Refresh my memory.
Gee, a guy who was a pro-choice Democrat, who wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq and Bush impeached is siding with Democrats, and spends a lot of time bashing Republicans. And now he's running up the debt.

I'm shocked, just shocked, I tell you.

And we still have ObamaCare! And the world hates us.

Why did you guys vote against Hillary again? Refresh my memory.

They voted for Trump for the same reasons so many fell for the Trump University scam.
Gee, a guy who was a pro-choice Democrat, who wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq and Bush impeached is siding with Democrats, and spends a lot of time bashing Republicans. And now he's running up the debt.

I'm shocked, just shocked, I tell you.

And we still have ObamaCare! And the world hates us.

Why did you guys vote against Hillary again? Refresh my memory.

They voted for Trump for the same reasons so many fell for the Trump University scam.
"I'm going to make you rich! Now hand over all your money to me."
So what? What's your point?

If you can't see the point, you haven't been paying much attention to the rabid Trump supporters, including but not limited to the ones around here.

What is wrong with following advice? I think Pelosi is a wacked out old skeleton, but even she's likely to stumble upon wisdom from time to time.

That you would even concede that much puts a mile between you and the Trumptards.
Trump is looking for wins, of any kind, under any circumstances, allied with anyone.
Pelosi asked Trump to issue tweet reassuring DACA recipients

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called President Trump on Thursday asking him to issue a tweet reassuring young undocumented immigrants that they won’t be deported in the next six months.

According to a Democratic aide, Pelosi informed colleagues at a House Democratic whip meeting Thursday morning that she asked the president to make clear that recipients under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program won’t be subject to deportation as the Trump administration phases it out over the next six months.

Trump tweeted Thursday morning that “For all of those (DACA) that are concerned about your status during the 6 month period, you have nothing to worry about - No action!”


Good. It proves he can follow simple instructions.
Donald and Nancy go way back.

Democrat Trump went on fake news channel CNN to talk about her and Bush in 2008: "When [Pelosi] first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Heh. You can hear the willfully blind monkeys slapping their hands over their eyes right now.
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I'm not sure what you are asking. There are still some deficit hawks in the GOP, but we lost the last election.
The GOP wants a high debt ceiling. The democrats want a lower debt ceiling.

Excuse me for my ignorance on this issue, but I clearly don't understand the concept of the debt ceiling.

It would seem to me that a fiscally conservative individual would favor a LOWER debt ceiling.

Thank you in advance for explaining this in a courteous manner.
Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republican: Borrow and spend.

Both parties want to spend, spend, spend. They just do it in different ways.

Spending money on special interests is how politicians keep their re-election coffers filled to the brim so that challengers don't have a chance against them. This has resulted in the House having a 98 percent re-election rate.

We have an Amercan Politboro.

The Republicans hoax the rubes by pretending to be against big spending. They spew lots of words, and the rubes chug it down. Rubes only listen to words, and ignore actions.

"Elect us," the Republicans say, "and we will stop the big spenders out to destroy Merka!"

This hypocrisy by Republican politicians is one of their many weaknesses which open their asses wide to rapage, which they justly deserve.

Now...about the current debt ceiling hike:

The Republicans wanted to extend the debt ceiling for 18 months. This way it will not come up again before the mid-term elections, and they won't have to hypocritically vote to raise it again until after the elections.

The Democrats wanted to extend the debt ceiling for only three months. They want the debt ceiling to be an issue as many times as possible before the mid-terms so they can highlight what hypocrites the Republicans are.

In exchange for raising the debt ceiling a few more times between now and the mid-terms as quietly as possible, the Democrats will ask for some goodies they want. They want to be able to blackmail the Republicans.

Trump gave the Democrats their wish, behind the backs of the Republicans.
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I'm glad he did. The GOP in Congress needs to pull their heads out of their asses and pass legislation, otherwise President Trump is going to work with Dems.

This is a good wake up call for Ryan and McConnell.

Ha.Ha.--so you think that "conservatives" are going to work on legislation now, when in full view they watched Trump side with Democrats on the first offer--:badgrin:

Yes, it is their job. If they don't, President Trump will campaign against them and get them replaced.

Bullshit. Trump was never a Republican--he just picked the DUMBEST party to run on. Right now, we have Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi writing new legislation for him. Next up will be Child care Tax credits aka (subsidies.) Invanka wants them, it's going to get done.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies

You were warned over and over and over again about Trump. You saw him roll people throughout the campaign--and you ignored everything and as predicted he is destroying the Republican party.


"In fact, a list of what “Republicans” now stand for has nothing at all to do with policy or principle, but rather is filled with beliefs about very specific concepts. For instance, being a member of the current GOP pretty much requires you to pledge allegiance to most, if not all, of the following views:

  • That Hillary and Bill Clinton are at least an accessories to murder if not murderers, the DNC killed a member of its staff for leaking her emails, her use of which was the greatest national security breech in history, and Vince Foster killed himself because of Hillary nagging him (assuming he really wasn’t murdered).
  • Hillary Clinton is hiding a severe illness which makes her incapable of holding office and which will soon cause her death (well, at least we might not have to worry about her serving two full terms!).
  • President Obama is easily the worst president in history, a Muslim terrorist sympathizer, the founder of ISIS, and likely wasn’t really born in the United States.
  • The Republican “establishment” is a bunch of impotent losers because they lost two elections to a media darling and can’t override vetoes without a super majority, but a guy who has never been truly leading a horrible candidate like Hillary in the polls is a sure winner.
  • Conservative writers at the National Review and Weekly Standard along with Charles Krauthammer, George Will and Brit Hume are all out-of-touch wimps who can’t be trusted to tell us the truth, but Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Matt Drudge and Alex Jones would never lie to us for profit (expect for maybe that whole Alex Jones “9/11 Truther” thing, which we’ll sort of pretend didn’t happen).
  • When in doubt, Trump is always right, no matter what he has said in the past, even when it has directly contradicted his previous statement, and even if that happens on the same day, or in the same interview.
  • Deporting illegal immigrants and building a huge wall on our Mexican border is the most important thing we must do, unless Trump changes his mind.
  • There is nothing more significant (especially now that we’ve forgotten about that whole illegal immigration thing) than making sure that the person who picks the next Supreme Court justice is the same guy who was recently “very pro-choice,” favors eminent domain and curtailing the First Amendment, and who picked Arsenio Hall and Piers Morgan as the “Celebrity Apprentice.”
  • The news media has never been more biased than they are against Trump, which is why they gave him two billion dollars in free advertising in the primaries and why he just hired the head of a major conservative “news” outlet to head his campaign while using Sean Hannity and Roger Ailes as advisors.
  • The background of a potential First Lady and her ability to properly represent the country no longer matters (that’s so 2008!).
  • Experience in public office no longer matters (that’s so 2008!).
  • Using a Teleprompter is good, unless it is bad (that’s so 2008!).
  • Flip-flopping means nothing (so 2004!).
  • Releasing your tax returns (even when you entire campaign is based on your wealth) means nothing.
  • Words mean nothing.
  • Having class or decency means nothing.
  • Limited government means nothing.
  • Cultural issues mean nothing.
  • Fiscal responsibility means nothing.
  • Cozying up to Vladimir Putin is numerous bizarre ways means nothing.
  • Campaigning as an amazing manager of people but running a campaign that is in constant chaos and disarray means nothing.
  • Lying is a total disqualifier for Hillary, but when Trump lies it is simply part of the “Art of the Deal.”
  • Facts mean nothing (unless they are sanctified by Matt Drudge, in which case they are then gospel).
  • Stories from “mainstream” media sources are inherently wrong, even if all they are doing is reporting Trump’s actual words.
  • Hillary is the worst person who has ever lived and would be such a dangerous president that we must do everything possible to defeat her, except actually bother to consider character, experience & knowledge when it comes to picking our nominee.
So it is now all so clear to me. It’s not that Donald Trump isn’t a conservative or a Republican. It’s that I’m not."
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

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I'm not sure what you are asking. There are still some deficit hawks in the GOP, but we lost the last election.

I'm asking someone to explain the debt ceiling.
The debt ceiling is a national joke. There is no explanation for it.

But it gives the rubes a shiny object to get excited about so they will be blind to what is really going on.
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The debt ceiling is a means to acquire more goodies for special interests.

"Give me what I want, or I will cause the government to shut down."

If there was no ceiling, there would be no shutdown. If you don't have the ability to cause a shutdown, there is no way to blackmail someone to avoid that shutdown. If you can't blackmail someone, you can't get more goodies. More goodies which require more spending.

See how that works? A snake swallowing its own tail.
In short, both parties are playing the rubes for fools.

The debt ceiling is just another a means for everyone to get some goodies for their special interests.

Our government is stacked to the moon and back with a zillion bargaining chips designed to help politicians acquire their "gets".

You ever notice every year there is a debate over the floor for the Alternative Minimum Tax?

Same thing. The fact our politicians never ever actually make a permanent "fix" to ANYTHING is a dead giveaway, folks.

We're being played. Right under your noses.
I'm not sure what you are asking. There are still some deficit hawks in the GOP, but we lost the last election.

I'm asking someone to explain the debt ceiling.

History of United States debt ceiling - Wikipedia

Until the mid-90s the debt ceiling was sort of a legislative footnote. We borrowed what we borrowed, and sometimes ran suprluses that paid off debt. Since then, the congress has decided to make a public spectacle of "OMG we owe so much and now we're being asked to raise the 'debt ceiling'"

As G5000, neither party has shown interest in actually spending no more than we tax.

But now we have people shouting "we'll shut down the gummit before raising the debt ceiling" "We'll only raise it if 'the other side' agrees to .... (something)"
PARTY A: I want to give free puppies to hookers.

MAJORITY: Fuck no. Enough is enough. We are already in too much debt.

PARTY A: Then we are going to cause a government shutdown by filibustering the debt ceiling hike.

MAJORITY: Fine, here are your goddam puppies. We'll add the cost to the already too high debt, thereby making our debt that much higher.

And the rubes never catch on to this game.

Trump just gave another basket of vote-getting puppies to the Democrats to distribute.
Article I, Section 8. The Congress taxes, creates money and debt, which it pays. Historically, bonds were issued for project specifics, but they were instruments of Congress, and so not the Executive Branch. Congress further declares war, which it pays for. The Executive Branch does not.

Any resemblance of any of that to recent current events, anyone knows, is purely coincidental. The White House runs amok--the current one not so much in national or world affairs, but amok(?). The Congress uses the Debt Ceiling as a political event. The White House needed to fund relief efforts last week, and likely next week. The Republicans were not much into that(?). Now they head into the regular election cycle looking especially bogus--soon to be thought, "Running Amok!"

"Dreamers" will be running for the various borders, even. Congress has other authority, too.

I myself am the same age as Bill Clinton, separated at birth(?), about thirty days. Before it was joke, there were people who wondered if Clinton was actually to be regarded the first African American elected President. My own heritage is Southern Patrician, also Penn Quakers, 1683 time-frame. There are photocopies of my ancestry before there was any such thing, even an idea. Trump is also our age, and equally "Hippie" about it.

Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, called, "Oh Christ," was likely not descended of a deity, there being no such thing other than in fiction and mythology. Humans emerged from the primordial self-service paradise: Easily said into a civilization with a stable food supply, reliant on farming. Mainly the deity, did inhale(?). The Sumer might loan three bags of barley. That would be repaid with four, later on. That was the first "Usury," now called, "Interest rates." Community was created, and as my generation might tell it: With enough left over to even invent barley beer.

Humans were not good at math. Code of Hammurabi would eventually allow Daddy-O to sell the wife and kids into slavery--Like the recent Big O might have done--for relief from unpaid bills. End of Aggravation happened. A primitive welfare state happened. The indentured were housed, clothed, fed, taught, employed. . .and commune stuff. A Charles Manson follower was finally paroled, just yesterday.

Moses became a Great Subjugator, likely with some nature of similar fondness for slave women. He pillaged, murdered, raped, enslaved, denigrated, conquered, abused, insulted, and maybe had blond hair done daily, with Egyptian Doo Goo of some type. Out of that originates Western Religion, noted but not explained in Acts: 7. Usury was banned in Israel, (Deut 23:19-20), but allowed for purposes of subjugation and conquest. Not so-stated, some call that the origins of "Holocaust." Debt should also be the subject.

So Greeks were prized as slaves, even over Nubians and Ethiopians, the coloreds of the time. Two stories appear in the Matthew text hallucination, even centuries later. Matthew 25:14-30 is about math, usury. A giant Las Vegas foreclosure crisis is envisioned. In Matthew 20:1-16, the Obama Stimulus arithmetic measure is proposed. A not so-stated, "Refundable Tax Amount, $400 per," was payable: Regardless if the taxpayer had worked all the year or not, and even with zero income tax liability, or zero refund eligibility.

Similar arithmetic in the 1986 tax reform, and the Clinton equal amount per child tax credit--mainly threw people off the tax rolls. Mostly they were lower and lower middle income. The Republicans didn't notice. The Bush II Tax cuts didn't work. $1.0 tril. was spent on continuing atrocities in Afghanistan and Iraq. . .and on to Syria.

Out of misunderstanding Matthew 25:14-30, and Matthew 20:1-16: There is a need for public debt. The lower income part of the market has no money. To keep the rich prosperous, there arose famous Gay Economist, Keynes: Essentially, "Who Bade the People Bend Over. . .And even await the coming. . .of the Public Works!

Larry Flynt would be led to open a Casino, "Lucky Lady," in Gardena, CA. Mohammed The Prophet, had taken no such notice. Adam Smith, the Presbyter, had taken no notice. Karl Marx, the Revolutionary, had taken no notice. Israel, today: Has taken no notice.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Revenge is mine, sayeth the Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven:" On Lands of Many Nations!)

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