Omicron or Omicronyism


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Take yer pick.No matter what ... one is gonna Git ya.Like the
Bogeyman will.Not to be conflated with :
Candyman ... Candyman ... Candyman { 3 times the charm }
will do ya from the Flick - Candyman - { 1992 } which seemed to be a major
hit amongst the Black Community.Which has parallels today.
With Blacks dutifully wearing masks because their Big Brother
tole them to.Same doggone mindset.Think how the Secretary Of Defense
the Inimitable Lloyd Austin wore both a mask AND a Hard Plastic face shield.
I guess to be on the safe side.From ? .... Whatever.
How long before masks make a return.
Um ... what lasts longer ... a virus or a politician.
You be the judge before the Candyman makes a return.
Mom,I feel like a woman today.
Oh! shut yer new piehole Carl.You've been flirting again
with the Tooth Fairy.You've been warned about by Father.
Yeah,but Ma ... I know where Pops { father } keeps his dirty
magazine collection.
You know of no such thing ... Son.I have them in a safe place
in case of divorce.Divorce Pop on account some dirty magazine
collection,Ma. ?
yes,son ... stranger things have taken place in our Family.
Like what Ma ?
Never you mind.In good time.

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