Omicron variant will overwhelm the world in 3-6 months, expert says

I'm just so glad liberals are so strongly behind the Trump vaccines. They were saying they wouldn't take them when Trump was president but now that we have a senile child molester as president they want to make them MANDATORY.

Same vaccine, different president.
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They released a virus, it was Democrats that fucked America. That is what we need to remember, once the Democrat problem is solved there will be time and anger aplenty to aim at China.

Yeah, but there's never a political assassin around when you REALLY need one!!!!
“We won’t be able to rush out the vaccines in time and by the time the vaccines come, practically everyone will be infected by omicron given this high infectious and transmissibility.”
There will not be an omicron vaccine. None of the current vaccines are effective against omicron because omicron is a genetic common cold.
I wanted to get this posted before Dana7360 did.

It is already in 15 states according to the CDC.....and it spreads like wildfire now both at an anime get together with a minimum of 15 having the virus and a ship with already 10 confirmed meanings hundreds off the cruise will have it. I give it a month or two tops here and it will overtake delta. Hope for the best, hope it creates immunity instead of a killer hybrid.
Omicron is vaccine-aware. Its mutation N969K leaves no doubt about that, and fresh deletions and an insertion may also reflect vaccine-induced mutations, or a counterpunch thrown by both caucasoid and negroid genomes in South Africa.. Otherwise, ask JoeXi’s CIA.
I wanted to get this posted before Dana7360 did.

This variant is;
Non-lethal. No deaths from it have been recorded.
Less Severe... about as severe as a two-day cold...
Treatment at home and seldom requires hospitalization.
Extremely contagious. 15 time that of the delta variant.
Is currently in 103 nations since it was first detected 37 days ago.
Evades current mRNA driven antibody immunity.
Natural immunities give full protections.

This is a variant that will end the pandemic. It is non-lethal and easily spread. It evades current mRNA shots. At current rate of infection, it is highly possible that it will burn through the US in the next 45 days and the world within the next 60-90 days. This will cause the end of the pandemic due to herd immunity being gained.

Just like the Spanish Flu, a variant burns through the populace and ends the pandemic. Nature following its natural path.
The collective voting dem IQ is adapting to the absurdity of a communist Chinese virus that has killed 5.2 million, and their leader, pooping his pants, can’t answer the question of origins of the virus. Intelligent people should know what to boycott and for how long to boycott, because vaccines made when the source is not known is not an intelligent vaccine. H. sapiens must come to grips with the dilemma now being exposed by Omicron, because the H. sapiens genome is learning about the source of the virus, even without the assistance of the communist Chinese nor Fau Chi’s vaccine lobby.
I'm just so glad liberals are so strongly behind the Trump vaccines. They were saying they wouldn't take them when Trump was president but now that we have a senile child molester as president they want to make them MANDATORY.

Same vaccine, different president.
if the whole nation (meaning the everyday Dims) don't know by now what blatant hypocrites and liars and phonies the Left are

it is because they do know but choose to lie to themselves... live in a fantasy world..

Hey, just like their going-to-Hell elite counterparts in DC

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