on ESPN at his Saudi-sponsored golf event, Trump Defends Saudi Arabia From 9/11 Families in Shocking Comments: ‘Nobody’s Gotten to the Bottom of 9/11’

Israelis and Jews should stay out of Arabia since you hate them so much and consider them vile. Your husband is not a citizen of Yemen or Arabia.

You don't know what Deobandi is. Israel should stay out of the Middle East. Stay in Israel.
The only reason anyone would go to the sandy shithole known as the Arabian peninsula is for pay, and then only temporarily. They do pay well since it is such an unattractive place.
I defy the Democrats to prosecute Trump criminally to the point he faces prison.
Spirit of '76

Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon because he would have been executed in Rome on fake and jealous charges if he entered it without his legions. Swamp creatures would be foolish to challenge MAGA's firepower.
Israelis and Jews should stay out of Arabia since you hate them so much and consider them vile. Your husband is not a citizen of Yemen or Arabia.

You don't know what Deobandi is. Israel should stay out of the Middle East. Stay in Israel.
I am not interested in YOUR FILTH. Of course he is not an actual citizen of
Yemen which is HISTORICALLY part of ARABIA FELIX----which was its condition
when his community was there more than 3000 years ago and counting and they
HAD RIGHTS----then islam happened and arabs came FLOODING IN ----like the
plague. Speaking of hatred and degradation, hubby does understand arabic so
he knows the filth that pours from the mouths of people like you and your arabs.
Deobondi is arab filth
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What sort of negligence?
Our Ladder of Success Has Toppled Down on Us All, Breaking Our Backbones

The first shot of the jihad was the Arab Oil Embargo in 1973. It was far more damaging than 9/11. And the response of our incompetent service-disconnected ruling class was weak and confused on both occasions.
maybe you and yours should keep yourselves out of the USA. I am intrigued
with your allusions to "OTTOMAN INNOVATIONS"----to what "OTTOMAN
INNOVATIONS" do you refer---those of Ataturk? Of course you know---
I am married to a NATIVE of arabia-----he has, Morally, just as much rights in that land as do the disgusting Wahhabis and Deobandi pigs----and of course---I got those rights thru marriage. Deobandis are "give me that old time religion"
criminals with pillage, rape, murder and enslave RIGHTS, that so excite you

So Israelis should stay out of the Arab countries since you hate them so much. What is it you want from them?
9/11 report, p. 171: "Al-Qaeda found fertile fund-raising ground in the kingdom (of Saudi Arabia), where extreme religious views are common and charitable giving is essential to the culture and, until recently, subject to very limited oversight."
so true----and it is important that DONATIONS to people like Bin Laden and
his gang of merry murderers is considered ZAKAT----which is often mistranslated
as "charity" (gawd help us)
Our Ladder of Success Has Toppled Down on Us All, Breaking Our Backbones

The first shot of the jihad was the Arab Oil Embargo in 1973. It was far more damaging than 9/11. And the response of our incompetent service-disconnected ruling class was weak and confused on both occasions.

You can thank Nixon and Golde Meir for the oil embargo.
You can thank Nixon and Golde Meir for the oil embargo.
for those who do not know the islamo nazi issue to which suradie. refers
that involved the OIL EMBARGO of 1973----think Biafra and two million
dead babies lying dead in the dust. STARVATION SIEGE is the mainstay of
islamic conflict. Part of the oil embargo was an attempt to starve the
jews of Israel into submission to the filth of shariah. Nixon's sin is that he
did not entirely cooperate with the starvation siege of Israel that excites
Suradie. Ever wonder what happened to the zoroastrians on Iran?
Oh my sweet Lord. To Republicans everywhere: Once again I give you your dear leader. You must be so proud

Fewer and fewer organizations want anything to do with Trump. He has to accept invitations from anyone who will take him nowadays.
for those who do not know the islamo nazi issue to which suradie. refers
that involved the OIL EMBARGO of 1973----think Biafra and two million
dead babies lying dead in the dust. STARVATION SIEGE is the mainstay of
islamic conflict. Part of the oil embargo was an attempt to starve the
jews of Israel into submission to the filth of shariah. Nixon's sin is that he
did not entirely cooperate with the starvation siege of Israel that excites
Suradie. Ever wonder what happened to the zoroastrians on Iran?

Rosie91, where did your family come from when they immigrated to the US? You hate Christians too.
Fewer and fewer organizations want anything to do with Trump. He has to accept invitations from anyone who will take him nowadays.

That's true. Most are sick of Trump's rambling BS. He'll probably be down to speaking in pool halls.
Rosie91, where did your family come from when they immigrated to the US? You hate Christians too.
I was born in the USA as were my parents. I am not interested in the lands in which your ancestors sojourned----I know TOO MUCH about you already. Your
statement "you hate christians"---is gleaned from your affinity to the islamo nazis.
The anglo/nazi-islamic literature is FULL OF IT
I was born in the USA as were my parents. I am not interested in the lands in which your ancestors sojourned----I know TOO MUCH about you already. Your
statement "you hate christians"---is gleaned from your affinity to the islamo nazis.
The anglo/nazi-islamic literature is FULL OF IT

When you aren't attacking Muslims you're attacking Christians. Where was your family from? Why did they immigrate to the US?

So, your grandparents were immigrants from somewhere. Why did they come to the US?
When you aren't attacking Muslims you're attacking Christians. Where was your family from? Why did they immigrate to the US?
I spend none of my time "attacking" anyone. You are delusional and preoccupied with dreams of the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST---pillage,
murder, enslavement...................
When you aren't attacking Muslims you're attacking Christians. Where was your family from? Why did they immigrate to the US?

So, your grandparents were immigrants from somewhere. Why did they come to the US?
go salivate somewhere else---

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