on ESPN at his Saudi-sponsored golf event, Trump Defends Saudi Arabia From 9/11 Families in Shocking Comments: ‘Nobody’s Gotten to the Bottom of 9/11’

Arabs were all over Palestine, the Levant, Mesopotamia and Syria long before Islam.
Arabs (aka biblically "ishmaelites" mediated the slave trade for more than 3000
years and traveled extensively. In fact they were defined as homeless, unlettered
nomads prone to criminality. As such traders they traveled far and wide----
plying trade as far as INDIA and western parts of Europe. Somalia is, early
in its history, an arab (aka ishmaelite) slave trading colony. The islamo nazi
revisionist history rendering all civilizations 'arab' is as idiotic as if the gypsies
of Great Britain decided that all the riverbanks of Great Britain are GYPSY LAND.
Jews lived in arabia felix long before the rapist of Mecca was born---and in
'Alexandria Egypt. They escaped the filth of "arabian" rape pillage and
enslavement along with zoroastrians----after the rapist of Mecca was born---
largely to India (the seaport Bombay) Chaldeans who survived remained in parts
of Mesopotamia---and Lebanon and Iraq----Coptics managed to survive in
Egypt to a significant degree
so far YOU have refused to DEFINE "arab" Your grasp of linguistics seem to
have been acquired in sunday school along with your understanding of the
Easter Bunny. I do know how chaldeans use the term "arab" and how
jews from the Levant use the term "arab" and even how IRANIANS---use the
term arab. Language "means" what the speakers thereof so define it.
(for those who do not know----Iranian muslims virtually spit when they say

When were you in Iran?
I do not hate christians and muslims----I am ill-disposed to islamo nazis like YOU.
My ancestry is none of your filthy anglo-islamo-nazi business. Humans
have migrated extensively for MILLENNIA as is demonstrated by the real science
of genetics and way beyond your ken

I'm neither a Muslim nor a Nazi.. and you know that. That's more of your hate talking. Where did your family immigrate from?

Arabs (aka biblically "ishmaelites" mediated the slave trade for more than 3000
years and traveled extensively. In fact they were defined as homeless, unlettered
nomads prone to criminality. As such traders they traveled far and wide----
plying trade as far as INDIA and western parts of Europe. Somalia is, early
in its history, an arab (aka ishmaelite) slave trading colony. The islamo nazi
revisionist history rendering all civilizations 'arab' is as idiotic as if the gypsies
of Great Britain decided that all the riverbanks of Great Britain are GYPSY LAND.
Jews lived in arabia felix long before the rapist of Mecca was born---and in
'Alexandria Egypt. They escaped the filth of "arabian" rape pillage and
enslavement along with zoroastrians----after the rapist of Mecca was born---
largely to India (the seaport Bombay) Chaldeans who survived remained in parts
of Mesopotamia---and Lebanon and Iraq----Coptics managed to survive in
Egypt to a significant degree

There were some Jews in Arabia. They migrated from Jericho. The Amorites, Akkadians, Midianites, Chaldeans and Nabataeans were all Arabs. The Jews - Canaanites probably were too.

When were you in Iran?

I'm neither a Muslim nor a Nazi.. and you know that. That's more of your hate talking. Where did your family immigrate from?

When were you in Iran?

I'm neither a Muslim nor a Nazi.. and you know that. That's more of your hate talking. Where did your family immigrate from?

I was never in Iran---I do have relatives thru marriage from Iran but IRAN CAME TO THE USA in the 1960s when the stench of islam began to stink up the air of
Teheran-----that is when I encountered lots of Iranians---both muslims and jews..
You are as much an islamo nazi as were your heros HAJJ AMIN HUSAYNI and ARBERT HEIM. I read your literature way back circa 1960---as a child---it was being disseminated in my ANGLICAN SEMIRURAL TOWN from the 1930s. Seedy islamo nazi literature fluttered in the breeze of that town.. There were even little stacks of
the filth in the town library. I remembered what I read as a child---FOREVER and
heard the contents of those little seedy propaganda pamphlets from lots of
people I came to know----muslims educated in muslim lands --VERBATIM
true… which he should of said but was trying to respectful to the families
It is as silly to say that "THE SAUDIS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE
9-11 islamic atrocity as it would to say that segregation had nothing to
do with the education of white children in the south
There were some Jews in Arabia. They migrated from Jericho. The Amorites, Akkadians, Midianites, Chaldeans and Nabataeans were all Arabs. The Jews - Canaanites probably were too.

None of them were "ARABS" Arab is an english word which you have refused
to define in ENGLISH. You are playing with semantics in a typical islamo-nazi
manner. Your friend FARAKHARAH claimed that the reason lots of jews
bear the name GOLDSMITH is because jews OWN ALL THE GOLD <<< more
islamo nazi semantics. Then there was Saddam's spokeman----MEHDI---
he SCREAMED "PITA IS ARRRAB" -----the islamo-nazi pig was objecting to
the fact of kosher "FELAFEL ON PITA" shops in Brooklyn NY. Islamo nazis
make annoying stand-up comedians
I was never in Iran---I do have relatives thru marriage from Iran but IRAN CAME TO THE USA in the 1960s when the stench of islam began to stink up the air of
Teheran-----that is when I encountered lots of Iranians---both muslims and jews..
You are as much an islamo nazi as were your heros HAJJ AMIN HUSAYNI and ARBERT HEIM. I read your literature way back circa 1960---as a child---it was being disseminated in my ANGLICAN SEMIRURAL TOWN from the 1930s. Seedy islamo nazi literature fluttered in the breeze of that town.. There were even little stacks of
the filth in the town library. I remembered what I read as a child---FOREVER and
heard the contents of those little seedy propaganda pamphlets from lots of
people I came to know----muslims educated in muslim lands --VERBATIM

Why did your family immigrate from Iran to the US since you hate Christians too? Have you been reading since the 1930s?
None of them were "ARABS" Arab is an english word which you have refused
to define in ENGLISH. You are playing with semantics in a typical islamo-nazi
manner. Your friend FARAKHARAH claimed that the reason lots of jews
bear the name GOLDSMITH is because jews OWN ALL THE GOLD <<< more
islamo nazi semantics. Then there was Saddam's spokeman----MEHDI---
he SCREAMED "PITA IS ARRRAB" -----the islamo-nazi pig was objecting to
the fact of kosher "FELAFEL ON PITA" shops in Brooklyn NY. Islamo nazis
make annoying stand-up comedians

Farrakhan is a conman who invented his own religion. I thought you were smarter than that. Pita is Arab flatbread. What's your problem with that? Are you upset about pita bread?
Why did your family immigrate from Iran to the US since you hate Christians too? Have you been reading since the 1930s?

Farrakhan is a conman who invented his own religion. I thought you were smarter than that. Pita is Arab flatbread. What's your problem with that? Are you upset about pita bread?
wrong again ----there is nothing "ARAB" about it. Just about all
of the people of Asia, Europe, Africa etc etc had a FLAT BREAD. The word
Pita is, very simply, the diminutive form of the word PAT ---which appears
in both Hebrew and Aramaic in jewish literature before the rapist of Mecca
was born and the word "ARAB" meant nothing. Linguistics beats your
ethno centric islamo nazi revisionist history. I have never been "upset" about
Pita------local friendly SYRIANS (the people with extra lines on their crosses)
made the stuff and sold it to happy jews in my childhood. The "PROBLEM"
was that of Saddam's spokesman who decided that it was (baathist) ARAB bread.
Our Ladder of Success Has Toppled Down on Us All, Breaking Our Backbones

The first shot of the jihad was the Arab Oil Embargo in 1973. It was far more damaging than 9/11. And the response of our incompetent service-disconnected ruling class was weak and confused on both occasions.
If I recall the embargo involved all of OPEC not just the arabs

But I could be wrong about that

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