On illegals that leftists insist get amnesty - where are they willing to compromise?


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
or are they willing to come to the table at all?

let's start here, what if Trump and Republicans said that they would be willing to create a path to citizenship for those that can demonstrate that they are productive in some way?

those that are paying taxes and contributing can apply for permanent resident status with the ability to gain full citizenship rights after 15 years of paying taxes or having served 5 years in the military

anyone that is receiving any type of government assistance is automatically deported

Could they accept keeping productive illegals only?
or are they willing to come to the table at all?

let's start here, what if Trump and Republicans said that they would be willing to create a path to citizenship for those that can demonstrate that they are productive in some way?

those that are paying taxes and contributing can apply for permanent resident status with the ability to gain full citizenship rights after 15 years of paying taxes or having served 5 years in the military

anyone that is receiving any type of government assistance is automatically deported

Could they accept keeping productive illegals only?
WE all know that Democrats only want to act as obstructionists.....they're goal is to stall until they can get control of Congress again.
They don't want to allow anything to get done.

Most Americans see them for the obstructionists that they are.
i want no compromise , no amnesty , no deferred citizenship which is probably illegal and certainly no foreigners in USA Military . I guess that my saying i want NO COMPROMISE says it all DCBL .

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