On Long Island, THIS guy knows global warming is a scam!!

Histrionic personality disorder.

Skook, that is. He wants attention, and doesn't care how stupid he has to act to get it.

Lots of deniers have it. Others show signs of narcissism, sociopathy, paranoia or anti-social personality disorder. It's rare to find a denier who doesn't display some form of mental illness.
Histrionic personality disorder.

Skook, that is. He wants attention, and doesn't care how stupid he has to act to get it.

Lots of deniers have it. Others show signs of narcissism, sociopathy, paranoia or anti-social personality disorder. It's rare to find a denier who doesn't display some form of mental illness.

--- or in this case.... all of them.

How would that mean you can't have a snowman?

Double Duh.

Hey.....the only thing that matters is thousands of people are going to see it!! Dollar to a thousand stale donuts they are NOT saying, "Holy fuck.....we gotta do something about this global warming!!!".

And we wonder why every poll on global warming ( Gallup/Pew/Rasmussen ) is showing nobody gives a rats ass.

Thinking the 9 foot tall snowman would agree!!!!:rock::rock::fu:

Trust me, nobody in Long Island seeing a snowman is going to bat an eye at all. Especially one that's nine feet tall.
Unlike you they know how snow works.

For that matter they also know the difference between "weather" and "climate". As do most people over the age of seven.

Really now??!!!

Actually s0n.........according to last weeks GALLUP poll, nobody knows or cares about global warming >>>

Gallup Concern About Environment Down Americans Worry Least About Global Warming CNS News


Then why do you spend so much energy on it?
But the k00ks tell us..........."The world is warming!!":eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:


How would that mean you can't have a snowman?

Double Duh.

Hey.....the only thing that matters is thousands of people are going to see it!! Dollar to a thousand stale donuts they are NOT saying, "Holy fuck.....we gotta do something about this global warming!!!".

And we wonder why every poll on global warming ( Gallup/Pew/Rasmussen ) is showing nobody gives a rats ass.

Thinking the 9 foot tall snowman would agree!!!!:rock::rock::fu:

Trust me, nobody in Long Island seeing a snowman is going to bat an eye at all. Especially one that's nine feet tall.
Unlike you they know how snow works.

For that matter they also know the difference between "weather" and "climate". As do most people over the age of seven.

Really now??!!!

Actually s0n.........according to last weeks GALLUP poll, nobody knows or cares about global warming >>>

Gallup Concern About Environment Down Americans Worry Least About Global Warming CNS News


Then why do you spend so much energy on it?

What can I say............I love wiNnInG!!!!:rock:

All of you guys set it up on a tee for us............like a big pumpkin on a tee. Baaaaater up!!!

Im not on here for the ghey nonsense debate.........Im on here only to illustrate to the curious looking in on the environment forum that despite all the lofty rhetoric, the AGW k00ks continue to lose hUgE!!:itsok:
Your conflation of a snowman with global climate change just exposes your ignorance.

Contemplate if AGW science were used in banking, assclown.

Mr. Jones goes into the bank - one of the banks you hate, not Goldman, but a non-party bank.

Teller: May I help you?

Jones: Yeah, I got this notice that I'm overdrawn.

T: Let me check - yes, you are overdrawn by $30,000

J: But that's impossible, last week I had a balance of $80,000

T: No, last week you had a balance of $3

J: That isn't true, I have my statement right here that shows $80,000

T: Sir, I have to ask you to calm down

J: But my money is gone, and more

T: Sir, we use a sophisticated computer model to predict account balances, and you are overdrawn by $30,000 based on the model

J: But I have proof that is wrong, here is my statement that shows $80,000

T: Sir, the model is never wrong, so we adjusted your your balance over the last few decades to match the model

J: That is insane, you are a fraud and a crook

T: You're just a denier.
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April 1st is tomorrow, number one...
Snow in April (or March) on Long Island is by no means unusual, number two...
A nine-foot snowman would by definition be a whole lot of snow packed into place, which would be the LAST thing to melt, number three...
And "global warming" -- I don't think that term means what you think it means.

There have been snow storms in April in 2003 and 2006.

National Weather Service Forecast Office - Philadelphia Mount Holly

National Weather Service Forecast Office - Philadelphia Mount Holly Winter StormSpring Storm - April 5 2006

But the k00ks tell us..........."The world is warming!!":eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:


How would that mean you can't have a snowman?

Double Duh.

Hey.....the only thing that matters is thousands of people are going to see it!! Dollar to a thousand stale donuts they are NOT saying, "Holy fuck.....we gotta do something about this global warming!!!".

And we wonder why every poll on global warming ( Gallup/Pew/Rasmussen ) is showing nobody gives a rats ass.

Thinking the 9 foot tall snowman would agree!!!!:rock::rock::fu:

Trust me, nobody in Long Island seeing a snowman is going to bat an eye at all. Especially one that's nine feet tall.
Unlike you they know how snow works.

For that matter they also know the difference between "weather" and "climate". As do most people over the age of seven.
dude....someone walks by a nine foot snowman is not going to ignore it. my god you fools are really too stupid. really do you tuck yourself in bed every night? You shouldn't.
Histrionic personality disorder.

Skook, that is. He wants attention, and doesn't care how stupid he has to act to get it.

Lots of deniers have it. Others show signs of narcissism, sociopathy, paranoia or anti-social personality disorder. It's rare to find a denier who doesn't display some form of mental illness.
he's not close to your attention needs. You have the needs of a dozen folks. And I question if it isn't more.
Like skook, jc shows obvious histrionic personality disorder. He wants attention, and will do anything to get it, no matter how stupid it is.

Uncensored is different. His thing is more paranoia and antisocial personality disorder.
Like skook, jc shows obvious histrionic personality disorder. He wants attention, and will do anything to get it, no matter how stupid it is.

Uncensored is different. His thing is more paranoia and antisocial personality disorder.
and there you are again. can't help yourself I see. You are one big hypocrite!!!!

How would that mean you can't have a snowman?

Double Duh.

Hey.....the only thing that matters is thousands of people are going to see it!! Dollar to a thousand stale donuts they are NOT saying, "Holy fuck.....we gotta do something about this global warming!!!".

And we wonder why every poll on global warming ( Gallup/Pew/Rasmussen ) is showing nobody gives a rats ass.

Thinking the 9 foot tall snowman would agree!!!!:rock::rock::fu:

Trust me, nobody in Long Island seeing a snowman is going to bat an eye at all. Especially one that's nine feet tall.
Unlike you they know how snow works.

For that matter they also know the difference between "weather" and "climate". As do most people over the age of seven.
dude....someone walks by a nine foot snowman is not going to ignore it. my god you fools are really too stupid. really do you tuck yourself in bed every night? You shouldn't.

There's nothing unusual about a snowman in Long Island in March.

What, you're saying I shouldn't sleep? If I didn't sleep I'd prolly end up writing goofy shit like the OP, calling everyboyd S0n and festooning my posts with boxes full of :2up::2up::2up::banana::boobies::bowdown::boobies::flameth::Boom2::death::happy-1::happy-1::laugh2::meow::thewave::whip::up_yours::up_yours:

And that would be so :gay:
But the k00ks tell us..........."The world is warming!!":eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:


How would that mean you can't have a snowman?

Double Duh.

Hey.....the only thing that matters is thousands of people are going to see it!! Dollar to a thousand stale donuts they are NOT saying, "Holy fuck.....we gotta do something about this global warming!!!".

And we wonder why every poll on global warming ( Gallup/Pew/Rasmussen ) is showing nobody gives a rats ass.

Thinking the 9 foot tall snowman would agree!!!!:rock::rock::fu:

Trust me, nobody in Long Island seeing a snowman is going to bat an eye at all. Especially one that's nine feet tall.
Unlike you they know how snow works.

For that matter they also know the difference between "weather" and "climate". As do most people over the age of seven.
dude....someone walks by a nine foot snowman is not going to ignore it. my god you fools are really too stupid. really do you tuck yourself in bed every night? You shouldn't.

There's nothing unusual about a snowman in Long Island in March.

What, you're saying I shouldn't sleep? If I didn't sleep I'd prolly end up writing goofy shit like the OP, calling everyboyd S0n and festooning my posts with boxes full of :2up::2up::2up::banana::boobies::bowdown::boobies::flameth::Boom2::death::happy-1::happy-1::laugh2::meow::thewave::whip::up_yours::up_yours:

And that would be so :gay:

Im impressed s0n.........and yep......9 foot snowmen on Long Island are in the news ALL the time and top stories on DRUDGE!!!:2up: Like the icebergs that will be floating around in the Great Lakes in June!!!:coffee:

Oh.........ps.....as a rule of thumb, the emoticons are used when you've made the other side look completely stoopid!!! Just posting them up there is ghey.

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