On Long Island, THIS guy knows global warming is a scam!!

Still hanging on desperately to that weather/climate conflation I see.

Check my new sigline.

Begs the question: Are climate change deniers stupid by accident or by choice?

Who cares s0n.......when you are winning, you don't care!!!:boobies::boobies::rock:

Plus, to know you're not a PC sack sucker is very satisfying to the skeptic!!

You really are a very stupid little man.

But winning s0n!!!!:rock:As our SKEPTICS ARE WINNING thread makes quite clear!!:oops-28:

Oh......snowman guy evidently is down to 7 feet now!!! For the AGW k00ks, this guy cant disappear soon enough!!!:2up:
Self-delusion's a strange game. Apparently you have to run echo chamber threads to reassure yourself.
It's the wages of self-doubt.

Kinda hard to watch.
Self-delusion's a strange game. Apparently you have to run echo chamber threads to reassure yourself.
It's the wages of self-doubt.

Kinda hard to watch.

Indeed s0n........except for one thing.

Me and my skeptic pals will take deluded all day as long as the science isn't mattering. Its not. For all the talk about "consensus" science from progressives, its had ZERO impact on public policy..........in fact, the public doesnt give a rats ass as evidenced by Soetero having to address "climate change" only via executive fiat. And every single idiot in the Dums camp in the last election but decimated taking a climate change approach!!!

Climate Change Activists Come Up Short In Midterm Elections NPR


Wait.....ummm...........now, on this whole delusional thing..............:coffee::spinner::spinner::spinner:
I'm going with "both of the above". To wit: "the top stories on Drudge". :lmao:

Aim high, there's a good plan.

If we show that rational people have higher IQ's than your AGW cultists, will you go back and "adjust" IQ scores for a couple of decades to change the results? I mean, that's how you made 2015 the "HOTTEST YEAR EVAH."

If the data doesn't match, just lie - it's the AGW way!
If the denier cult had any data backing up its crybaby bullshit, the cultists wouldn't have to constantly invoke idiot conspiracy theories.

But, since all the data says that deniers are, in fact, just a pack of sad cult liars, sniveling about the great socialist conspiracy is the only tactic left to them.
If the denier cult had any data backing up its crybaby bullshit, the cultists wouldn't have to constantly invoke idiot conspiracy theories.

But, since all the data says that deniers are, in fact, just a pack of sad cult liars, sniveling about the great socialist conspiracy is the only tactic left to them.

No need for skeptics to snivel about anything.........we are winning. Part of the reason is people have been seeing the rigging of the data going on, thus, the "data" comment is pretty hysterical.:boobies::boobies::funnyface:

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