On the fiscal cliff, Republicans are so screwed


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
On the fiscal cliff, Republicans are so screwed

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see how Republicans have anything but bad options regarding the fiscal cliff. At least, not in the short term.
Even if Republicans negotiate the best bipartisan deal possible (something akin to the Corker plan), anyone who votes for it would be accused of selling out.

This would cause the base to either become demoralized or (more likely) angry — angry enough to primary the “read my lips” traitors. Either way, it’s not a good thing.

On the other hand, if no deal is reached, Republicans will surely be blamed (this is always a safe assumption and a smart default position — for a variety of reasons.)

This hasn’t stopped some conservative pundits from acting as if Republicans hold all the cards. But the notion that Republicans have leverage is silly. It’s the same kind of happy thinking that led some to boldly predict a Romney victory.

Look at it from Obama’s perspective. Would allowing the sequestration cuts to kick in be that bad? It would allow him to cut the U.S. military (and blame Republicans), make some much-needed spending cuts (without taking heat from his base), and — as a bonus – raise taxes!


Republicans are so screwed.

This is from thedailycaller.com, Fucker Carlson's online wingnut-fest. It was written by Matt K. Lewis:

, ubiquitous wingnut mouthpiece.
Too bad some on this board do not see it that way or a least admit it, I am currently enjoying the greatest gift of partisan schadenfreude I have had since 2006. It is pretty rare that a party can outmaneuver themselves so completely, in this I give no credit to democrats for being better, only less suicidal in their goals.
If the Republicans are smart they'll do nothing at all just walk away. leave no room for the democrats to blame them for what the democrats have done.
Be the party of NO FINGERPRINTS
Syn you dissapoint me. Ant seen you in a few days, hoping you fell off the CLIFF hehe
If the Republicans are smart they'll do nothing at all just walk away. leave no room for the democrats to blame them for what the democrats have done.
Be the party of NO FINGERPRINTS

They already have the blame and there is no escaping it by walking away, whatever that means, everyone not a tea party fool knows where the blame for the "fiscal cliff" lies and republicans own it entirely.
There is no fiscal cliff.


All the Tea party whacks were racist for mentioning and we called ignorant for even thinking it.

So either you are a racist or a dumber than the TP.

B/c there is no fiscal cliff that wasn't there the day before the election.
Polls show, if we go off the cliff, America will blame the GOP, and I think they will have sunk themselves for 2014.
On the fiscal cliff, Republicans are so screwed

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see how Republicans have anything but bad options regarding the fiscal cliff. At least, not in the short term.
Even if Republicans negotiate the best bipartisan deal possible (something akin to the Corker plan), anyone who votes for it would be accused of selling out.

This would cause the base to either become demoralized or (more likely) angry — angry enough to primary the “read my lips” traitors. Either way, it’s not a good thing.

On the other hand, if no deal is reached, Republicans will surely be blamed (this is always a safe assumption and a smart default position — for a variety of reasons.)

This hasn’t stopped some conservative pundits from acting as if Republicans hold all the cards. But the notion that Republicans have leverage is silly. It’s the same kind of happy thinking that led some to boldly predict a Romney victory.

Look at it from Obama’s perspective. Would allowing the sequestration cuts to kick in be that bad? It would allow him to cut the U.S. military (and blame Republicans), make some much-needed spending cuts (without taking heat from his base), and — as a bonus – raise taxes!


Republicans are so screwed.

This is from thedailycaller.com, Fucker Carlson's online wingnut-fest. It was written by Matt K. Lewis:

, ubiquitous wingnut mouthpiece.

Actually, it's the country that's screwed.
Democrat voters should be ashamed of the games Obama and his comrades in arms are playing with this all over tax hikes he wants...but instead they just laugh

Republicans should walk away
If the Republicans are smart they'll do nothing at all just walk away. leave no room for the democrats to blame them for what the democrats have done.
Be the party of NO FINGERPRINTS

They already have the blame and there is no escaping it by walking away, whatever that means, everyone not a tea party fool knows where the blame for the "fiscal cliff" lies and republicans own it entirely.

Seriously though, we all know the Repubix had complete control of things for 4 solid years.
Yep..... BOOOSH!
Democrat voters should be ashamed of the games Obama and his comrades in arms are playing with this all over tax hikes he wants...but instead they just laugh

Republicans should walk away

Obama would love for us to go full on socialist.

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