On this 4th of July........Don’t forget to thank a Liberal

Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

Yes.....they all had personal firearms too, established the 2nd Amendment, and had enough morality not to go on shooting sprees killing innocent people just because a woman said no to them or their peers mocked the. That would not happen for another
189 years.

Thank you to a well-armed militia defending states rights, individual rights, and national sovereignty.
Militia did not do well against British regulars
It was the Continental Army supported by the French who won
Who the hell do you think made up the Continental army?
In the Continental Army? Primarily the poor and landless, who were fighting for land bounties. The CA was supported by local militias.

Study Orders of Battle for Saratoga, Monmouth, and Guilford Court House as examples. The CA regiments of line were used as the base on which the militia hovered. Sometimes they acted as skirmishers up front, but very rarely were the used in the line: they would run after the second volley.
OB at Saratoga

American army[edit]
Major General Horatio Gates

Wing Brigade Regiments and Others
Left wing
Major General Horatio Gates

Learned's Brigade

Brigadier General Ebenezer Learned

Poor's Brigade

Brigadier General Enoch Poor

Ten Broeck's Brigade New York Militia

Brigadier General Abraham Ten Broeck

  • 1st Regiment: Colonel Jacob Lansing
  • 3rd Regiment: Colonel Francis Nichol
  • 4th Regiment: Colonel Robert Killian
  • 5th Regiment: Colonel Gerrit G. Ven Den Bergh
  • 6th Regiment: Colonel Stephen John Schuyler
  • 7th Regiment: Colonel Abraham Van Alstine
  • 9th Regiment: Colonel Peter Van Ness
  • 10th Regiment: Colonel Henry Livingston
  • 11th Regiment: Colonel Anthony Van Bergen
  • 12th Regiment: Colonel Jacobus Van Schoonhoven
  • 13th Regiment: Colonel John McCrea
  • Colonel John Knickerbacker's Regiment
  • Colonel Lewis Van Woert's Regiment
Right Wing
Major General Benjamin Lincoln

Glover's Brigade

Brigadier General John Glover

Nixon's Brigade

Brigadier General John Nixon

Paterson's Brigade

Brigadier General John Paterson

Warner's Brigade

Brigadier General Jonathan Warner

  • Central Berkshire Regiment of Massachusetts Militia: Colonel John Brown
  • 5th Middlesex Regiment of Massachusetts Militiia: Colonel Samuel Bullard
  • 3rd Suffolk County Regiment of Massachusetts Militia: Colonel Benjamin Gill
  • 1st New Hampshire Regiment of Massachusetts Militia: Colonel Benjamin Woodbridge
  • 4th Essex County Regiment of Massachusetts Militia: Colonel Samuel Johnson
Unattached units
  • Morgan's Corps of Rifleman and Light Infantry: Colonel Daniel Morgan
Second Saratoga order of battle - Wikipedia
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

Yeah, it's a damn shame that the people who "claim" the liberal mantel today are just the opposite of the founders. They think the Constitution is so much old news and the government should be our lord and master.

The Alt Right think that and want to be the government.

Yep, a government about a third of the size of the current one and one that doesn't try to dictate every facet of individuals lives. Of course you regressives can't relate to such a concept..
The regressive far right wants downsized federal government so much power is transferred to local elites who can persecute unwanted minorities like we always did through the fifties and sixties, and they sometimes try to do.

How about a quote form one the founders the OP supposedly reveres.

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45

Like I said, a concept you regressives, who claim to be "liberals", just can't seem to wrap your mind around.

At Monmouth, there were very few militia regiments.

    • Mirbach Infantry Regiment
American Army order of battle[edit]

George Washington
General George Washington (11,000)[18]

Advanced Guard[edit]

Marquis de La Fayette
Major General Charles Lee[19]

Right Wing[edit]
On command officers led detachments in the Advance Guard.

Nathanael Greene
Major General Nathanael Greene[20]

William Smallwood
Left Wing[edit]

Lord Stirling
Major General William Alexander, Lord Stirling[21]

Note that at Valley Forge, the Pennsylvania brigades were led by Colonel Thomas Hartley, Lieutenant Colonel William Butler, and Brigadier General Thomas Conway.[24]

John Glover
Monmouth order of battle - Wikipedia
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

Wrong.... they were not "liberal" by the definition of a "Liberal" today...... left wing nut jobs, after exposing their plans for running a country stop getting elected...so they have to constantly change their name.... the current lie is when they call themselves "Liberals" hoping to fool people into thinking they are like the Founding Fathers. In reality, today's Liberals are nothing like the Founders.....they are totalitarian statists who want to destroy individual Rights and force everyone into the collective....

Our Founding Fathers would essentially be called "Conservatives" by today's definition..... support for limited government, individual Rights, checks and balances on the accumulation of government power..... and the Bill of Rights... all things the left of today hates...
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

1. Above all they wanted to keep the relationship with England. They tried to make deals they felt would work. So, in that sense they were conservatives.
2. They were classical liberals and you fucking know it. They were not left wingers.
3. They believed in decentralized government. They set it up that way after looking long and hard at history.
4. They would shit their britches if they saw the fucking mess we call Washington D.C. today.
They were liberal for their time, because they rejected the king and vested government in the citizens.

The US Constitution created a far stronger big government than that of the Confederation, and they did it deliberatly.

The FF would line the far right and the far left against the wall if they were alive today.

We would have had a smaller govt if not for hamilton.
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

They were classical liberal, meaning people that don't agree with quotas and affirmative action, controls on freedom of speech, dictating who people must bake a cake for, or be pushed out of business.....

basically they were completely the opposite of those like you.

A Liberal, Conservative and a CEO walk into a room. There are ten cookies on the table. The CEO takes nine of them and whispers to the Conservative..........Liberals trying to take your cookie'

This is hilliarious because most of the super wealthy CEOs are all liberals.
It's ironic that you condemn yourself in your own sig line.
Our Founding Fathers would essentially be called "Conservatives" by today's definition..... support for limited government, individual Rights, checks and balances on the accumulation of government power..... and the Bill of Rights... all things the left of today hates...

The problem with that is that few conservatives today are actually conservative. Todays conservatives are just as pro big government as the lefties.

Heck, there's a thread around here where conservatives are promoting National ID. lolol.
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

Yes.....they all had personal firearms too, established the 2nd Amendment, and had enough morality not to go on shooting sprees killing innocent people just because a woman said no to them or their peers mocked the. That would not happen for another
189 years.

Thank you to a well-armed militia defending states rights, individual rights, and national sovereignty.
Militia did not do well against British regulars
It was the Continental Army supported by the French who won
Who the hell do you think made up the Continental army?
In the Continental Army? Primarily the poor and landless, who were fighting for land bounties. The CA was supported by local militias.

Study Orders of Battle for Saratoga, Monmouth, and Guilford Court House as examples. The CA regiments of line were used as the base on which the militia hovered. Sometimes they acted as skirmishers up front, but very rarely were the used in the line: they would run after the second volley.

Once again, who made up the CA? Professional soldiers from other countries or American citizens.

Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
The liberalism of the Founding Fathers was exactly the opposite of the kind you have been brainwashed with. They believed in freedom. You don't. Notice that freedom was the main goal of the Founding Fathers, and you don't even mention it. They certainly didn't give a fuck about the common people voting. In fact they greatly feared it.
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
You're goddamn right to thank a liberal. In fact, I think every conservative, should give every liberal, a free tank of gas.

How about a boot in the ass? I mean, it rhymes and all.
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
You're goddamn right to thank a liberal. In fact, I think every conservative, should give every liberal, a free tank of gas.

Always wanting something for free...get a fricken job.
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

1. Above all they wanted to keep the relationship with England. They tried to make deals they felt would work. So, in that sense they were conservatives.
2. They were classical liberals and you fucking know it. They were not left wingers.
3. They believed in decentralized government. They set it up that way after looking long and hard at history.
4. They would shit their britches if they saw the fucking mess we call Washington D.C. today.
They were liberal for their time, because they rejected the king and vested government in the citizens.

The US Constitution created a far stronger big government than that of the Confederation, and they did it deliberatly.

The FF would line the far right and the far left against the wall if they were alive today.

We would have had a smaller govt if not for hamilton.

No because of the courts. Hamilton lost the argument at the constitutional convention.

Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
As far as I know your founding fathers were very religious people. Liberals now remember about God, Heavens or hell only when it may bring them political points.

Albright: 'special place in hell' for women who don't support Clinton

Founding fathers must be spinning in their graves when compared to today's liberals.

Yeah, I bet that's why the founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution.
In this fourth of July I wanna tell all the bigots that Morocco q Muslim country to recognize the independence of the US. Google it dumbos.
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

1. Above all they wanted to keep the relationship with England. They tried to make deals they felt would work. So, in that sense they were conservatives.
2. They were classical liberals and you fucking know it. They were not left wingers.
3. They believed in decentralized government. They set it up that way after looking long and hard at history.
4. They would shit their britches if they saw the fucking mess we call Washington D.C. today.
They were liberal for their time, because they rejected the king and vested government in the citizens.

The US Constitution created a far stronger big government than that of the Confederation, and they did it deliberatly.

The FF would line the far right and the far left against the wall if they were alive today.

We would have had a smaller govt if not for hamilton.


Dig what's left of that fucker up and burn it.

Aaron Burr is my hero.
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
As far as I know your founding fathers were very religious people. Liberals now remember about God, Heavens or hell only when it may bring them political points.

Albright: 'special place in hell' for women who don't support Clinton

Founding fathers must be spinning in their graves when compared to today's liberals.

Yeah, I bet that's why the founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution.

That's a pure commiecrat invention. The Constitution was dated "Year of our Lord", they weren't referring to the king of England.

I very much thank liberals for advocating the idea of safe spaces.

I feel that such a practice can do a lot to return more tranquility to our country.


As I understand it, a safe space is an area that is reserved exclusively for one particular ethnicity, gender, sexuality, etc. This helps that group feel more safe.

1. Gay prisoners are often housed in their own area.
2. Some college dorms reserve a floor only for a particular ethnicity.
3. In some Southern high schools, there used to be two proms -- one for each major ethnicity.
4. In some countries, there are buses or subway carriages reserved only for women.

I hope that liberals (when they return to power) will create more safe areas -- for every ethnicity (NO exceptions).

Happy July 4.
You'd have loved the '50s.
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

Now you'll see cons frantically revise history to fit their Stalinesque view.
They think because the have finally accepted 18 th century liberal values, that make them like the founders

They're always 50 years or more behind the curve. And the moment they do accept the new normal they immediately claim responsibility for it. I've observed this and it is weird to say the least, they always want credit for something they had no part in. They'll chastise Barack Obama for saying "you didn't build that" when he was referring to roads and bridges which the government built that help all businesses that have to transport goods over roads and businesses. But they do worse when they tell Obama "you didn't build that" regarding the economy recovered from The Bush Great Recession.

Yes, he built that.

The hypocrisy is huge but cons have zero humility and zero character.

ROFLMFAO, of course the fact that citizens paid for all the infrastructure through taxes, means they really had no hand in any of it, it's all the government, RIGHT?. You really are a fucking idiot.


You live in a weird haze bugwit. Your brain twists everything to fit a bizarro worldview.

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