On this 4th of July........Don’t forget to thank a Liberal

Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

Now you'll see cons frantically revise history to fit their Stalinesque view.
They think because the have finally accepted 18 th century liberal values, that make them like the founders

They're always 50 years or more behind the curve. And the moment they do accept the new normal they immediately claim responsibility for it. I've observed this and it is weird to say the least, they always want credit for something they had no part in. They'll chastise Barack Obama for saying "you didn't build that" when he was referring to roads and bridges which the government built that help all businesses that have to transport goods over roads and businesses. But they do worse when they tell Obama "you didn't build that" regarding the economy recovered from The Bush Great Recession.

Yes, he built that.

The hypocrisy is huge but cons have zero humility and zero character.

ROFLMFAO, of course the fact that citizens paid for all the infrastructure through taxes, means they really had no hand in any of it, it's all the government, RIGHT?. You really are a fucking idiot.


You live in a weird haze bugwit. Your brain twists everything to fit a bizarro worldview.

Here's a little hint for ya nitwit, there were roads and bridges before there was a federal government. Government is a consumer, it's not a producer. It has no value that we and our forefathers didn't give it. And we damn sure don't get a dollars worth of value form the dollars we give it.

Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

Yes.....they all had personal firearms too, established the 2nd Amendment, and had enough morality not to go on shooting sprees killing innocent people just because a woman said no to them or their peers mocked the. That would not happen for another
189 years.

Thank you to a well-armed militia defending states rights, individual rights, and national sovereignty.
Militia did not do well against British regulars
It was the Continental Army supported by the French who won
Who the hell do you think made up the Continental army?
In the Continental Army? Primarily the poor and landless, who were fighting for land bounties. The CA was supported by local militias.

Study Orders of Battle for Saratoga, Monmouth, and Guilford Court House as examples. The CA regiments of line were used as the base on which the militia hovered. Sometimes they acted as skirmishers up front, but very rarely were the used in the line: they would run after the second volley.

Militia were known to run at the first round of fire. Washington’s Army, while no match for the British, kept them engaged until he trapped them at Saratoga
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
As far as I know your founding fathers were very religious people. Liberals now remember about God, Heavens or hell only when it may bring them political points.

Albright: 'special place in hell' for women who don't support Clinton

Founding fathers must be spinning in their graves when compared to today's liberals.

Yeah, I bet that's why the founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution.

That's a pure commiecrat invention. The Constitution was dated "Year of our Lord", they weren't referring to the king of England.

Year of our Lord was just a common expression
Now you'll see cons frantically revise history to fit their Stalinesque view.
They think because the have finally accepted 18 th century liberal values, that make them like the founders

They're always 50 years or more behind the curve. And the moment they do accept the new normal they immediately claim responsibility for it. I've observed this and it is weird to say the least, they always want credit for something they had no part in. They'll chastise Barack Obama for saying "you didn't build that" when he was referring to roads and bridges which the government built that help all businesses that have to transport goods over roads and businesses. But they do worse when they tell Obama "you didn't build that" regarding the economy recovered from The Bush Great Recession.

Yes, he built that.

The hypocrisy is huge but cons have zero humility and zero character.

ROFLMFAO, of course the fact that citizens paid for all the infrastructure through taxes, means they really had no hand in any of it, it's all the government, RIGHT?. You really are a fucking idiot.


You live in a weird haze bugwit. Your brain twists everything to fit a bizarro worldview.

Here's a little hint for ya nitwit, there were roads and bridges before there was a federal government. Government is a consumer, it's not a producer. It has no value that we and our forefathers didn't give it. And we damn sure don't get a dollars worth of value form the dollars we give it.

Oh so you live in the hypothetical.

Let's clarify. Of the bridges across main waterways in all states and larger cities how many were built with other than government funding.

You are so married to your own bullshit you have a frantic aversion to reality. If you own a drug store on one side of a waterway and use a bridge to get there from the other side, you didn't build that bridge. Society collectively paid for and built the bridge. That your taxes accounted for 3 bolts in the bridge doesn't entitle you to say you built it.

Except in your mind evidently. You drive down a highway and you think your few dollars of taxes paved a 1,000 miles of road when it didn't even pay for a single foot of it.

Ok Nitwit? No I'm sure it isn't ok, next you'll tell us that you WERE there at the big bang because the atoms in your body were formed from it. You spend far too much time talking to the other empty-skulls in your bubble. Get out once in a while.
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
that common people should vote
unless they were black or female.....
It was a start

Liberals got to the other two at a later date
a much later date.....
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
As far as I know your founding fathers were very religious people. Liberals now remember about God, Heavens or hell only when it may bring them political points.

Albright: 'special place in hell' for women who don't support Clinton

Founding fathers must be spinning in their graves when compared to today's liberals.

Yeah, I bet that's why the founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution.

That's a pure commiecrat invention. The Constitution was dated "Year of our Lord", they weren't referring to the king of England.

Year of our Lord was just a common expression

He doesn't comprehend things except on the most base scale. Almost not capable of normal conversation I think.

It's the 4th of July, thank a liberal!
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
The liberalism of the Founding Fathers was exactly the opposite of the kind you have been brainwashed with. They believed in freedom. You don't. Notice that freedom was the main goal of the Founding Fathers, and you don't even mention it. They certainly didn't give a fuck about the common people voting. In fact they greatly feared it.
Why do Conservatives continuallly regurgitate nonsense like.......Liberals don’t believe in freedom?

It shows how limited your intelligence is
Government is a consumer, it's not a producer.

This is something that isnt discussed anywhere nearly as much as it should be. Great point. The government doesn't produce anything. Therefore, the government has nothing. Anything they aquire, they take from producers and then they redistribute what they took from producers however they want to others arbitrarily.

They're not even consumers. They're thieves.
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Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
As far as I know your founding fathers were very religious people. Liberals now remember about God, Heavens or hell only when it may bring them political points.

Albright: 'special place in hell' for women who don't support Clinton

Founding fathers must be spinning in their graves when compared to today's liberals.

Yeah, I bet that's why the founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution.

That's a pure commiecrat invention. The Constitution was dated "Year of our Lord", they weren't referring to the king of England.

Year of our Lord was just a common expression

With a very specific connotation. It referred to the number of years that had passed since the death of Jesus. You'll also note that religious liberty was enshrined in the Bill of Rights. That's hardly a godless Constitution.

Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
that common people should vote
unless they were black or female.....
It was a start

Liberals got to the other two at a later date
a much later date.....
Conservatives never seemed to get around to it
Indeed, but the classical liberalism they fostered had nothing in common philosophically with you term-absconding modern-day Bolsheviks.
A liberal is a liberal, is a liberal.

LOL! Uh, no, liberalism in the 18th century bore no resemblance to modern American liberalism. You are smoking something if you think James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington would be liberals in our day. They would view you and your fellow liberals as sick, immoral, and ignorant Jacobin radicals.

Our founders would be proud of today’s liberals ....they have the same values

They would be appalled at American Conservatism
the people of their day cared about the country first....
Except Conservatives

We used to tar and feather them
bullshit RW...there were colonial conservatives who wanted those people out just as much as the colonial lib of the day did.....AND there was i am sure, a lot of colonial liberals who were too scared to join the team just like the kiss ass republicans of the day.....
Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Imagine there's no elites
It's easy if you try
No Soros to snow us
No Kochtopus to lie
Imagine all the people living life OK

Imagine there's no lobbyists
It isn't hard to do
No way to buy an open door
And no religmo’s too
Imagine all of wall street, bursting into flaAAaames


You may say I'm a liberal
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one

w/apologies to Mr Lennon

A liberal is a liberal, is a liberal.

LOL! Uh, no, liberalism in the 18th century bore no resemblance to modern American liberalism. You are smoking something if you think James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington would be liberals in our day. They would view you and your fellow liberals as sick, immoral, and ignorant Jacobin radicals.

Our founders would be proud of today’s liberals ....they have the same values

They would be appalled at American Conservatism
the people of their day cared about the country first....
Except Conservatives

We used to tar and feather them
bullshit RW...there were colonial conservatives who wanted those people out just as much as the colonial lib of the day did.....AND there was i am sure, a lot of colonial liberals who were too scared to join the team just like the kiss ass republicans of the day.....
Actually, conservatives of the day supported the monarchy
That is where the money was
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

Wrong.... they were not "liberal" by the definition of a "Liberal" today...... left wing nut jobs, after exposing their plans for running a country stop getting elected...so they have to constantly change their name.... the current lie is when they call themselves "Liberals" hoping to fool people into thinking they are like the Founding Fathers. In reality, today's Liberals are nothing like the Founders.....they are totalitarian statists who want to destroy individual Rights and force everyone into the collective....

Our Founding Fathers would essentially be called "Conservatives" by today's definition..... support for limited government, individual Rights, checks and balances on the accumulation of government power..... and the Bill of Rights... all things the left of today hates...
Your problem lies in how you are unable to define what a liberal is

Your twisted views based on rightwing propaganda does not define liberalism
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

Yes indeed, thank you liberals for opening the door for someone like Trump. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Fear and repressed hatred opened the door to Trump

Perhaps....fear and repressed hatred of turning this country into a shithole....like Obama was doing.
I know......ensuring healthcare for all, protecting the environment, protecting the needy makes for a shithole
Healthcare is not a right, and insurance is not healthcare
The Founding Fathers were traditional liberals. Dr. Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were epitomes of liberal thought in the 18th century. Colleges and universities used to be the centers of lively exchanges of ideas and opinions but today the so-called liberal establishment has perverted them into silent halls where big brother is always watching for violations of liberal dogma and assault on persons who have a different opinion is encouraged. The Founding Fathers would be shocked at what liberalism has become.

Leftism <> Liberalism

Marx <> Jeffereson

democrats are Stalinists, authoritarian thugs seeking to crush civil rights. There is nothing even hinting at "liberal" with the democrats.
Pol Pot was a Republican
Na, socialist
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation

Yes.....they all had personal firearms too, established the 2nd Amendment, and had enough morality not to go on shooting sprees killing innocent people just because a woman said no to them or their peers mocked the. That would not happen for another
189 years.

Thank you to a well-armed militia defending states rights, individual rights, and national sovereignty.
Militia did not do well against British regulars
It was the Continental Army supported by the French who won
Who the hell do you think made up the Continental army?
In the Continental Army? Primarily the poor and landless, who were fighting for land bounties. The CA was supported by local militias.

Study Orders of Battle for Saratoga, Monmouth, and Guilford Court House as examples. The CA regiments of line were used as the base on which the militia hovered. Sometimes they acted as skirmishers up front, but very rarely were the used in the line: they would run after the second volley.

Militia were known to run at the first round of fire. Washington’s Army, while no match for the British, kept them engaged until he trapped them at Saratoga
that turned out to be a good thing....thats when By the end of the Revolution, some Continental Army officers had learned what the militia could – and could not – reasonably be expected to do. ...they needed to start training these guys

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