On this Glorious Tax Day, let me say.....


I just spent the last few days figuring out what I owe the U.S. Treasure.

g5000 will be glad to know that I took advantage of every Tax Expenditure I could get my greedy, government-loathing hands on.....muuuaaaahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!

By the way......FUCK TAXES!!!

taxes pay for roads
taxes pay for schools
taxes fund our military

why are you whining? :I'm pretty sure you don't pay very much
Need your military to protect you? Then pay up.

Be glad to pay for the military. What sucks is when the filthy government takes the money that I makes and then gives it some asshole welfare queen that didn't earn jackshit.
Need your military to protect you? Then pay up.

Be glad to pay for the military. What sucks is when the filthy government takes the money that I makes and then gives it some asshole welfare queen that didn't earn jackshit.

A welfare queen like Jillian?

Most of these Moon Bats that post on here are either on welfare or disability.

There are many welfare queens in this country. The Federal government is a $4 trillion a year teat for the welfare queens to suck on. Greater than the GDP of all but three or four more countries on earth. If you throw in State and local government it becomes even worse.

No more entitlements, welfare, subsidies or bailouts. Then tax day won't be so bad.
On this one I can agree 100% with you. What the wife and I paid in taxes this year would put someone above poverty level if we had paid them instead

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I’ll just stop you right there....I call total bullshit. I see what you champion...I know your type...you’re broke..PERIOD!

Ahhh...my little racist zealot is butthurt

But you do not need to thank me for paying for your welfare checks, it’s ok

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