On Trump and his administration policies

Do you agree with Sessions policy decision on the war on drugs

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Seattle Times - Acknowledging the presence of open-air drug dealing and associated crime in Seattle’s downtown core, city and police officials and business leaders say they are embarking on an ambitious effort to shut down the markets and take the most violent offenders off the street.
Good... If open air drug dealing is illegal then they should crack down. Take the turf war and dealers off the streets and Control the process in designated places of business.

And the rampant property crimes and theft due to drug addicts trying to support their habit? The rampant meth and heroin trafficking and associated crime?
Again, show some stats on where legalization has increased these crimes and actions.

So before we kick the can to the next argument, do you acknowledge that a legalized system would help the street dealing situation?

Dude, its so bad in Washington National Geographic filmed a documentary on it.
Post a link to back up your point. I'm not going to take your word on some NG documentary that I haven't seen. Come on man, step up the arguments, put some substance in there and stop making me ask for it all the time.

You deny that "National Geographic" filmed a documentary on it?? I did my part, you are uninformed so I informed you, now YOU go look it up. One of the meth trafficking band of illegals they filmed was about 12 miles from my house. The traffickers, their wives and kids its a family business.
Seattle Times - Acknowledging the presence of open-air drug dealing and associated crime in Seattle’s downtown core, city and police officials and business leaders say they are embarking on an ambitious effort to shut down the markets and take the most violent offenders off the street.
Good... If open air drug dealing is illegal then they should crack down. Take the turf war and dealers off the streets and Control the process in designated places of business.

And the rampant property crimes and theft due to drug addicts trying to support their habit? The rampant meth and heroin trafficking and associated crime?

Clinics providing Methadone and counseling (group and individual) can reduce the illegal drug trade. It would be cheaper, safer and reduce crime if heroin users could be provided H freely and in a safe environment, transitioned to Methadone while engaged in counseling.

That's not the panacea, but it beats the bullshit Session's is peddling.

Drug abusers can rot in prison, the thieving losers.
Do you think the same should go for alcoholics? If no then why, whats the difference?

Hell yes, drunk fuckers I'm tired of dodging them on public roads, they can rot along side the thieving drug abusers.
Good... If open air drug dealing is illegal then they should crack down. Take the turf war and dealers off the streets and Control the process in designated places of business.

And the rampant property crimes and theft due to drug addicts trying to support their habit? The rampant meth and heroin trafficking and associated crime?
Again, show some stats on where legalization has increased these crimes and actions.

So before we kick the can to the next argument, do you acknowledge that a legalized system would help the street dealing situation?

Dude, its so bad in Washington National Geographic filmed a documentary on it.
Post a link to back up your point. I'm not going to take your word on some NG documentary that I haven't seen. Come on man, step up the arguments, put some substance in there and stop making me ask for it all the time.

You deny that "National Geographic" filmed a documentary on it?? I did my part, you are uninformed so I informed you, now YOU go look it up. One of the meth trafficking band of illegals they filmed was about 12 miles from my house. The traffickers, their wives and kids its a family business.
No, did you hear me deny that NG made a documentary? Jesus man, what is with these petty little word games? Do you realize how obnoxious you are? Grow up and make an intelligent argument supported by something more than "I saw it on National Geographic" link to the documentary, or a study, or an article, or an interview... Something of substance. Do I really need to explain to you how to make a smart substantive argument??
Good... If open air drug dealing is illegal then they should crack down. Take the turf war and dealers off the streets and Control the process in designated places of business.

And the rampant property crimes and theft due to drug addicts trying to support their habit? The rampant meth and heroin trafficking and associated crime?

Clinics providing Methadone and counseling (group and individual) can reduce the illegal drug trade. It would be cheaper, safer and reduce crime if heroin users could be provided H freely and in a safe environment, transitioned to Methadone while engaged in counseling.

That's not the panacea, but it beats the bullshit Session's is peddling.

Drug abusers can rot in prison, the thieving losers.
Do you think the same should go for alcoholics? If no then why, whats the difference?

Hell yes, drunk fuckers I'm tired of dodging them on public roads, they can rot along side the thieving drug abusers.
Sounds like you want to live in a pretty violent and oppressive society, whats next Big Brother? Let the government monitor and regulate everything for your own good? Turn this place into a totalitarian police state?
What war? N.K. tested a "H" bomb and the crazy left worries about Session's alleged "war on drugs" on the 16th anniversary of 9-11?
What war? N.K. tested a "H" bomb and the crazy left worries about Session's alleged "war on drugs" on the 16th anniversary of 9-11?
If you don't want to discuss drug policy on 9/11 then don't join the conversation. :cuckoo:
And the rampant property crimes and theft due to drug addicts trying to support their habit? The rampant meth and heroin trafficking and associated crime?
Again, show some stats on where legalization has increased these crimes and actions.

So before we kick the can to the next argument, do you acknowledge that a legalized system would help the street dealing situation?

Dude, its so bad in Washington National Geographic filmed a documentary on it.
Post a link to back up your point. I'm not going to take your word on some NG documentary that I haven't seen. Come on man, step up the arguments, put some substance in there and stop making me ask for it all the time.

You deny that "National Geographic" filmed a documentary on it?? I did my part, you are uninformed so I informed you, now YOU go look it up. One of the meth trafficking band of illegals they filmed was about 12 miles from my house. The traffickers, their wives and kids its a family business.
No, did you hear me deny that NG made a documentary? Jesus man, what is with these petty little word games? Do you realize how obnoxious you are? Grow up and make an intelligent argument supported by something more than "I saw it on National Geographic" link to the documentary, or a study, or an article, or an interview... Something of substance. Do I really need to explain to you how to make a smart substantive argument??

LOL you said, "Post a link...I'm not going to take your word". You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Go look up the NG documentary, while your at it watch the NG documentary on underage illegals pouring across the border and what happened to them in Obama's care in his detention facilities, damn that was bad.
And the rampant property crimes and theft due to drug addicts trying to support their habit? The rampant meth and heroin trafficking and associated crime?

Clinics providing Methadone and counseling (group and individual) can reduce the illegal drug trade. It would be cheaper, safer and reduce crime if heroin users could be provided H freely and in a safe environment, transitioned to Methadone while engaged in counseling.

That's not the panacea, but it beats the bullshit Session's is peddling.

Drug abusers can rot in prison, the thieving losers.
Do you think the same should go for alcoholics? If no then why, whats the difference?

Hell yes, drunk fuckers I'm tired of dodging them on public roads, they can rot along side the thieving drug abusers.
Sounds like you want to live in a pretty violent and oppressive society, whats next Big Brother? Let the government monitor and regulate everything for your own good? Turn this place into a totalitarian police state?

When these fuckers kill your family and friends, when they cripple your family and friends for life, maybe you will have a different perspective. I hope that never happens, but sorry I don't have any sympathy for the drug and alcohol abusers.
Again, show some stats on where legalization has increased these crimes and actions.

So before we kick the can to the next argument, do you acknowledge that a legalized system would help the street dealing situation?

Dude, its so bad in Washington National Geographic filmed a documentary on it.
Post a link to back up your point. I'm not going to take your word on some NG documentary that I haven't seen. Come on man, step up the arguments, put some substance in there and stop making me ask for it all the time.

You deny that "National Geographic" filmed a documentary on it?? I did my part, you are uninformed so I informed you, now YOU go look it up. One of the meth trafficking band of illegals they filmed was about 12 miles from my house. The traffickers, their wives and kids its a family business.
No, did you hear me deny that NG made a documentary? Jesus man, what is with these petty little word games? Do you realize how obnoxious you are? Grow up and make an intelligent argument supported by something more than "I saw it on National Geographic" link to the documentary, or a study, or an article, or an interview... Something of substance. Do I really need to explain to you how to make a smart substantive argument??

LOL you said, "Post a link...I'm not going to take your word". You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Go look up the NG documentary, while your at it watch the NG documentary on underage illegals pouring across the border and what happened to them in Obama's care in his detention facilities, damn that was bad.
Screw you man, if you are too lazy to post a link to back up your claims then your argument is done. Hey guess what I saw a scientific poll that definitively showed that the legalization of drugs decreased crime in Washington. It was posted by the DEA. Go find it and let me know what you think. Ok?
Again, show some stats on where legalization has increased these crimes and actions.

So before we kick the can to the next argument, do you acknowledge that a legalized system would help the street dealing situation?

Dude, its so bad in Washington National Geographic filmed a documentary on it.
Post a link to back up your point. I'm not going to take your word on some NG documentary that I haven't seen. Come on man, step up the arguments, put some substance in there and stop making me ask for it all the time.

You deny that "National Geographic" filmed a documentary on it?? I did my part, you are uninformed so I informed you, now YOU go look it up. One of the meth trafficking band of illegals they filmed was about 12 miles from my house. The traffickers, their wives and kids its a family business.
No, did you hear me deny that NG made a documentary? Jesus man, what is with these petty little word games? Do you realize how obnoxious you are? Grow up and make an intelligent argument supported by something more than "I saw it on National Geographic" link to the documentary, or a study, or an article, or an interview... Something of substance. Do I really need to explain to you how to make a smart substantive argument??

LOL you said, "Post a link...I'm not going to take your word". You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Go look up the NG documentary, while your at it watch the NG documentary on underage illegals pouring across the border and what happened to them in Obama's care in his detention facilities, damn that was bad.
Here's an example of how to make a real argument. Get your pen out and take notes...

An organization called drugpolicy.org ran a study in Washington and found that the legalization brought down the violent crime rate.

Marijuana Legalization in Washington State: One-Year Status Report
New Report Finds Major Fiscal Benefits, Decrease in Violent Crime, No Increase in Youth Marijuana Use or Traffic Fatalities – And Massive Drop in Marijuana Arrests

Popular Support for Marijuana Legalization Remains Strong in Washington

Heres the LINK to the full report
Marijuana Legalization in Washington State: One-Year Status Report | Drug Policy Alliance
Clinics providing Methadone and counseling (group and individual) can reduce the illegal drug trade. It would be cheaper, safer and reduce crime if heroin users could be provided H freely and in a safe environment, transitioned to Methadone while engaged in counseling.

That's not the panacea, but it beats the bullshit Session's is peddling.

Drug abusers can rot in prison, the thieving losers.
Do you think the same should go for alcoholics? If no then why, whats the difference?

Hell yes, drunk fuckers I'm tired of dodging them on public roads, they can rot along side the thieving drug abusers.
Sounds like you want to live in a pretty violent and oppressive society, whats next Big Brother? Let the government monitor and regulate everything for your own good? Turn this place into a totalitarian police state?

When these fuckers kill your family and friends, when they cripple your family and friends for life, maybe you will have a different perspective. I hope that never happens, but sorry I don't have any sympathy for the drug and alcohol abusers.
You have no friends or family or people that you care about that have struggled with substance abuse problems? Really?
Weed is good. I look forward to the day I can put a twenty dollar bill in a vending machine and take home some quality red or gold.

Dude, its so bad in Washington National Geographic filmed a documentary on it.
Post a link to back up your point. I'm not going to take your word on some NG documentary that I haven't seen. Come on man, step up the arguments, put some substance in there and stop making me ask for it all the time.

You deny that "National Geographic" filmed a documentary on it?? I did my part, you are uninformed so I informed you, now YOU go look it up. One of the meth trafficking band of illegals they filmed was about 12 miles from my house. The traffickers, their wives and kids its a family business.
No, did you hear me deny that NG made a documentary? Jesus man, what is with these petty little word games? Do you realize how obnoxious you are? Grow up and make an intelligent argument supported by something more than "I saw it on National Geographic" link to the documentary, or a study, or an article, or an interview... Something of substance. Do I really need to explain to you how to make a smart substantive argument??

LOL you said, "Post a link...I'm not going to take your word". You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Go look up the NG documentary, while your at it watch the NG documentary on underage illegals pouring across the border and what happened to them in Obama's care in his detention facilities, damn that was bad.
Screw you man, if you are too lazy to post a link to back up your claims then your argument is done. Hey guess what I saw a scientific poll that definitively showed that the legalization of drugs decreased crime in Washington. It was posted by the DEA. Go find it and let me know what you think. Ok?

Oh God the irony, is your google broken? lmao! Go hang with your liberal pals in the land of no link its not true. I have pointed out this NG documentary and posted links several times, I'd ask you how many times have to post a link but what would be the point. :laugh:
Drug abusers can rot in prison, the thieving losers.
Do you think the same should go for alcoholics? If no then why, whats the difference?

Hell yes, drunk fuckers I'm tired of dodging them on public roads, they can rot along side the thieving drug abusers.
Sounds like you want to live in a pretty violent and oppressive society, whats next Big Brother? Let the government monitor and regulate everything for your own good? Turn this place into a totalitarian police state?

When these fuckers kill your family and friends, when they cripple your family and friends for life, maybe you will have a different perspective. I hope that never happens, but sorry I don't have any sympathy for the drug and alcohol abusers.
You have no friends or family or people that you care about that have struggled with substance abuse problems? Really?

That roam neighborhoods thieving and crashing into innocent responsible citizens wrecking their lives, no.
Post a link to back up your point. I'm not going to take your word on some NG documentary that I haven't seen. Come on man, step up the arguments, put some substance in there and stop making me ask for it all the time.

You deny that "National Geographic" filmed a documentary on it?? I did my part, you are uninformed so I informed you, now YOU go look it up. One of the meth trafficking band of illegals they filmed was about 12 miles from my house. The traffickers, their wives and kids its a family business.
No, did you hear me deny that NG made a documentary? Jesus man, what is with these petty little word games? Do you realize how obnoxious you are? Grow up and make an intelligent argument supported by something more than "I saw it on National Geographic" link to the documentary, or a study, or an article, or an interview... Something of substance. Do I really need to explain to you how to make a smart substantive argument??

LOL you said, "Post a link...I'm not going to take your word". You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Go look up the NG documentary, while your at it watch the NG documentary on underage illegals pouring across the border and what happened to them in Obama's care in his detention facilities, damn that was bad.
Screw you man, if you are too lazy to post a link to back up your claims then your argument is done. Hey guess what I saw a scientific poll that definitively showed that the legalization of drugs decreased crime in Washington. It was posted by the DEA. Go find it and let me know what you think. Ok?

Oh God the irony, is your google broken? lmao! Go hang with your liberal pals in the land of no link its not true. I have pointed out this NG documentary and posted links several times, I'd ask you how many times have to post a link but what would be the point. :laugh:
You posted a link to the NG Doc? My bad, i must have missed it. Will you send it again so I can check it out?
Do you think the same should go for alcoholics? If no then why, whats the difference?

Hell yes, drunk fuckers I'm tired of dodging them on public roads, they can rot along side the thieving drug abusers.
Sounds like you want to live in a pretty violent and oppressive society, whats next Big Brother? Let the government monitor and regulate everything for your own good? Turn this place into a totalitarian police state?

When these fuckers kill your family and friends, when they cripple your family and friends for life, maybe you will have a different perspective. I hope that never happens, but sorry I don't have any sympathy for the drug and alcohol abusers.
You have no friends or family or people that you care about that have struggled with substance abuse problems? Really?

That roam neighborhoods thieving and crashing into innocent responsible citizens wrecking their lives, no.
Well not shit dude, nobody is going to approve that behavior... But I asked about alcholics, why do you constantly inject things that I never said into the conversation? Whats wrong with you? You are doing more back peddling that the NO Saints defensive backs are doing in the game right now.
You deny that "National Geographic" filmed a documentary on it?? I did my part, you are uninformed so I informed you, now YOU go look it up. One of the meth trafficking band of illegals they filmed was about 12 miles from my house. The traffickers, their wives and kids its a family business.
No, did you hear me deny that NG made a documentary? Jesus man, what is with these petty little word games? Do you realize how obnoxious you are? Grow up and make an intelligent argument supported by something more than "I saw it on National Geographic" link to the documentary, or a study, or an article, or an interview... Something of substance. Do I really need to explain to you how to make a smart substantive argument??

LOL you said, "Post a link...I'm not going to take your word". You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Go look up the NG documentary, while your at it watch the NG documentary on underage illegals pouring across the border and what happened to them in Obama's care in his detention facilities, damn that was bad.
Screw you man, if you are too lazy to post a link to back up your claims then your argument is done. Hey guess what I saw a scientific poll that definitively showed that the legalization of drugs decreased crime in Washington. It was posted by the DEA. Go find it and let me know what you think. Ok?

Oh God the irony, is your google broken? lmao! Go hang with your liberal pals in the land of no link its not true. I have pointed out this NG documentary and posted links several times, I'd ask you how many times have to post a link but what would be the point. :laugh:
You posted a link to the NG Doc? My bad, i must have missed it. Will you send it again so I can check it out?

Yes, I grow tired of being asked to post a link to the same thing over and over again until I'm blue in the face. You brought up Washington state, its on you to arrive to the discussion informed. I was kind enough to point you in the right direction but I'm not going to do the work for you. Return after you are informed I'm going to go wash my vehicle before dark.

Drug Deaths in America Are Rising Faster Than Ever

AKRON, Ohio — Drug overdose deaths in 2016 most likely exceeded 59,000, the largest annual jump ever recorded in the United States, according to preliminary data compiled by The New York Times.

The death count is the latest consequence of an escalating public health crisis: opioid addiction, now made more deadly by an influx of illicitly manufactured fentanyl and similar drugs. Drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death among Americans under 50.

Although the data is preliminary, the Times’s best estimate is that deaths rose 19 percent over the 52,404 recorded in 2015. And all evidence suggests the problem has continued to worsen in 2017.

Drug overdose deaths, 1980 to 2016

Drug Deaths in America Are Rising Faster Than Ever - The New York Times
No, did you hear me deny that NG made a documentary? Jesus man, what is with these petty little word games? Do you realize how obnoxious you are? Grow up and make an intelligent argument supported by something more than "I saw it on National Geographic" link to the documentary, or a study, or an article, or an interview... Something of substance. Do I really need to explain to you how to make a smart substantive argument??

LOL you said, "Post a link...I'm not going to take your word". You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Go look up the NG documentary, while your at it watch the NG documentary on underage illegals pouring across the border and what happened to them in Obama's care in his detention facilities, damn that was bad.
Screw you man, if you are too lazy to post a link to back up your claims then your argument is done. Hey guess what I saw a scientific poll that definitively showed that the legalization of drugs decreased crime in Washington. It was posted by the DEA. Go find it and let me know what you think. Ok?

Oh God the irony, is your google broken? lmao! Go hang with your liberal pals in the land of no link its not true. I have pointed out this NG documentary and posted links several times, I'd ask you how many times have to post a link but what would be the point. :laugh:
You posted a link to the NG Doc? My bad, i must have missed it. Will you send it again so I can check it out?

Yes, I grow tired of being asked to post a link to the same thing over and over again until I'm blue in the face. You brought up Washington state, its on you to arrive to the discussion informed. I was kind enough to point you in the right direction but I'm not going to do the work for you. Return after you are informed I'm going to go wash my vehicle before dark.
Well not going to watch a documentary right now. Maybe later. In the meantime I posted a link to information that is contrary to your claims. Care to respond?
Somehow helping our poor, old and educating are children are all unconstitutional in your little world but hell lets break the 4th amendment with a war on drugs. lol

It doesn't make sense.

Yes, kicking down your door is against the constitution.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue

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