On what issues do you disagree with your own party?


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?
This could be fun, good question.

Let's see how many serious answers you get.
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?
I support free trade, legal drugs, and psyche evaluations for gun owners. Employers should be able to hire whomever they please.
Well the party hats were the wrong color, they wanted a traditional cake I wanted a pineapple upside down cake, someone brought Chex party mix which I hate..........

Oh..... Not that kinda party.

Oops! My bad.........
I've disagreed with the constant nation building & babysitting bullshit. If we have an enemy that requires an act of war we need to DECIMATE them & leave. Stop trying to install the government of our choosing. Level them....period. If they pose a threat, remove the threat & get out.
Gay marriage, free trade agreements, legalization of pot, citizens united, abortion.

Not necessarily in that order and I'm sure there are plenty more....
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?
I support free trade, legal drugs, and psyche evaluations for gun owners. Employers should be able to hire whomever they please.
As in illegals?

Also I fail to see how any of that is in opposition to your party line.
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?
Anti gambling statutes. The GOP is all wet on this....I cannot understand why it is I cannot send in a wager on a horse race just because I happen to reside on a particular piece of soil.
Religion based laws on the purchase of alcoholic beverages. These are to placate Christian Rightists who if they had their way, we'd still be under prohibition. Some of the things these people say are so outrageous they border on absurd,.....A community near here finally left the dark ages and voted to become a "wet" municipality. Well the comments from the church people were shall I say, entertaining. One woman said she would boycott( name of grocery store chain) She said this not realizing this was the ONLY supermarket in town. Then she unwittingly said "I will take my Christian dollars to Walmart. Again not realizing that store also sells adult beverages.
Another parent said he was against the measure because " I don't want my kids seeing it"....HUH?
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?
Good question.

I disagree with breaking unions in the private sector. As much as I disagree with many of the policies that some unions have shoved out there but it needs to be the members that reign in their own leadership. The mega unions should be regulated as to not give power over and above members it should be representing so break them into smaller units. I do think that public employee unions are out of hand in many cases and need to be reigned in (the governor here seems to be a suck up to them).

Right to work is always a problem child which actually screwed the working person if they do not want to belong to a union so states need to look hard at what they are doing to their own working class.

Corporations are not just people. Many of them are a few with control of other peoples funds. These CEO's of publicly traded companies should be limited to how much they can earn. Too many of them do illegal crap like cooking the books and paying themselves small fortunes while screwing over a whole hell of a lot of people. They use other peoples money to pull their crap. Those same ceo's just move on to another victim company and leave behind huge messes, fines or bought and paid for regulators that allow them to get away with their fraud. They are not one in the same as a corporation as those that individuals built themselves.

Those ^^^ would be my biggest bitch with the Republican party policies.
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?

Who is to stay what the Party stands for? Trump, for example, is for the “no fly, no buy” stipulation (well, was at the time he was a asked last—who really knows now????); does that mean the GOP is?

I align more with Democrats than Republicans. I disagree with the majority of Dems on the following:

I am for raising the retirement age
I am for a nationwide voter registration card that you must show to cast a ballot
I am against gender identity bills that allow you to use whatever RR you feel like (indoor plumbing=ladies room; outdoor plumbing=gents)
I am for zero based budgeting (never heard anyone outside of a libertarian say they are for it) where you start at zero and build from there
I am for radically expanding the number of nuclear power plants as long as they are regulated thoroughly or are ran directly by US Navy personnel. They have had nuke ships for almost 2 generations now with very few mishaps.

Nothing else comes to mind right away
  • I have yet to find a party that shares my views on economic policy. As far as I'm concerned, the U.S. is nowhere near laissez faire enough.
  • The tax code isn't progressive enough, and I don't mean the rates
  • Neither party supports, for corporate taxation,.using companies 10K reported net income (or preferably EBITDA) as the multiplicand in their tax computation.
  • Neither party supports the notion of using the tax code for one and only one thing: generating revenue for the government. No party is willing to dispense with all deductions, deferrals and credits and simply define a set of rates that apply so that all anyone can do is multiply their income by the appropriate rate for their income, write a check and mail it in. I'm not saying the rates should stay as they are - they can be 1/4% to whatever is reasonable, maybe 25%. I'm saying all the other stuff needs to just be no more....no tax incentives, no hijinks to play, no need for layers and layers of corporate structure in order to minimize taxes, etc.
Whatever party is willing to get behind any of those notions, I'm with them. In fact, such a party could do a whole lot of other stuff I don't like so long as they implement any one or several of the ideas above.
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?
Well I agree with Trump on MOST things but I will do it via the Republican Party since that's who I usually vote for

1. Foreign Policy. I don't agree with nation building,regime change,military adventurism,bringing democracy around the world
2.Trade Policy. I don't agree with free trade at ALL.
3.Undying support for foreign country. I don't agree with undying support for ANY country period.Loyalty belongs to America NOT a foreign country
4.Social Welfare policy. I don't agree that EVERY person on foodstamps is lazy etc,I have been the working poor and know people that still are. I don't agree with cutting medicaid or social security AT ALL. I think we need to invest in more job programs and not just college.
5. Infrastructure spending. I think we need to revamp our countries infrastructure its costing us more in the long run to do upkeep than it is in short run to replace old and crumbling stuff.
6."Free Education" I think our tax dollars should be used HERE to educate future generations and not saddle them with HUGE debt when they are just starting off in life.

That's all I can think of. I don't agree with ANY politician 100%. I despise republican cuckservatives even more than I despise democratic liberals,I expect liberals to hate America and its workers but cuckservatives do it out of getting richer and more powerful,liberals do it because they literally hate white working class Americans.
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?

Your turn…
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?

As the republican party is in complete disarray, I will post a few example of what I disagree with Trump on.

We do not need a bigger military.

He is too soft on the illegals and immigrants.
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?

As the republican party is in complete disarray, I will post a few example of what I disagree with Trump on.

We do not need a bigger military.

He is too soft on the illegals and immigrants.
Stopping illegals should also be a matter that local authorities can deal with along with ICE when ICE is too busy to deal with them.
I don't know what the new admins policies will be, but I'm sure I'll disagree with some of them. So long as they fix the military, shrink the gov, stop illegals, ban towel heads, and increase jobs, I'd say I'm ok.
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?

Who is to stay what the Party stands for? Trump, for example, is for the “no fly, no buy” stipulation (well, was at the time he was a asked last—who really knows now????); does that mean the GOP is?

I align more with Democrats than Republicans. I disagree with the majority of Dems on the following:

I am for raising the retirement age
I am for a nationwide voter registration card that you must show to cast a ballot
I am against gender identity bills that allow you to use whatever RR you feel like (indoor plumbing=ladies room; outdoor plumbing=gents)
I am for zero based budgeting (never heard anyone outside of a libertarian say they are for it) where you start at zero and build from there
I am for radically expanding the number of nuclear power plants as long as they are regulated thoroughly or are ran directly by US Navy personnel. They have had nuke ships for almost 2 generations now with very few mishaps.

Nothing else comes to mind right away
I cannot say I disagree with any item on your list.
I can support any and all of those issues with zero trepidation.

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