Onatopp v Lancelot: Lust/Capitalism/Denmark


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a capitalism-allegory involving Sir Lancelot (fabled eccentric knight of the romanticized Medieval English kingdom of Camelot, marred by scandal but romanticized in battle-folklore) and Xenia Onatopp (fictional female assassin/terrorist from the iconic James Bond espionage-entertainment franchise) regarding the 'hellfire' of modern capitalism.

Does capitalism create terrorism-folklore (e.g., Goldfinger)?



LANCELOT: You play a dangerous game making capitalism a 'lust-parade.'
ONATOPP: My job is to make seduction a part of terrorism.
LANCELOT: Why do you (seem to) hate capitalism?
ONATOPP: Capitalism is 'veiled fascism' (nothing more).
LANCELOT: You're willing to lure men into hell?
ONATOPP: I sleep with corrupt politicians and then kill them while they sleep.
LANCELOT: You have sex with your enemies and function as an assassin...
ONATOPP: You think me heartless/evil?
LANCELOPT: I think you're a basic Machiavellian, Onatopp!
ONATOPP: What about you, 'Sir Lancelot' (think much)?
LANCELOT: I do what I have to (I'm a simple mercenary).
ONATOPP: You're a fantastic swordsman with a 'way' with women.
LANCELOT: What I do, I do to honor my sword and the people I meet.
ONATOPP: Bull-shit! You're just as cunning as I am.
LANCELOT: I don't hold a 'grudge' against capitalism like you.

After this stirring dialogue between Xenia Onatopp (a savvy anti-federalism terrorist and assassin working for various terrorist organizations such as Cobra and ISIS) and Sir Lancelot (fabled knight from Camelot wandering the Earth as a messenger and ghost), Onatopp travelled to Moscow (Russia) ahead of the upcoming World Cup soccer tournament being held in the former Soviet city. Lancelot (or, rather, his ghost) followed Onatopp there. Lancelot tipped off some CIA agents while they slept and gave them subliminal suggestions to secure the World Cup in Moscow from random terrorism.

"It is my express concern that Xenia Onatopp is a top-level agent of evil and represents the pure dangers of modern terrorism. She is extremely attractive and has sex with the 'corrupt officials/politicians' she intends to kill (while they sleep after coitus). Onatopp is highly-skilled with a knife, machine-gun, and various toxins/poisons. I compare her to the American comic book anti-heroine Talia al Ghul (DC Comics), a woman who'll do almost anything to see her agenda come to fruition. To end terrorism, humanity must engage with the 'seduction' of juvenile rage against governance (just as King Arthur of Camelot did with the ominously-rebellious kingdom-rival Mordred, a pure warlock and agent of anarchy/malice)." ---Sir Lancelot

This is the mysterious ghost-letter found on the desktop of a CIA agent's computer one Saturday morning. The agent, Jack Ryan, was a rookie CIA agent who was very smart and immediately recognized the ghost-letter as a surefire sign of international espionage. Ryan informed the CIA that the mysterious 'assassin/agent' Onatopp was certainly something like the Christian harlot of Babylon and that the Moscow World Cup would be a fertile 'playground' for all kinds of anti-capitalism oriented terrorism. The Soviet Union had collapsed and Moscow was a struggling hut of 'second-tier capitalism.' Ryan deduced that whoever wrote the 'Lancelot ghost-letter' knew Onatopp was travelling to the World Cup to create hysteria and therefore headed to Moscow himself(!). Meanwhile, Onatopp established crime-syndicate ties in Denmark (to funnel in chemical-weapons to Moscow using covert-communiques). Capitalism would be put to the test as Ryan would soon discover something 'fleshy/rotten' in Copenhagen.



{Lancelot & Onatopp}


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