Once again a big Conservative News Blog outright lies and Conservatives swallow it whole

So you found the one fake one (which a lot of us assumed was bull,), yet no mention of all the real ones from the past....

Yeah because as you can see, this is about a fake, lying, made up "fact" that conservatives passed around and gleefully laughed at because they lack curiosity.

9861 Shares from Megan Kelly who didnt fact check because...who is she? A Journalist?

FIGURES. Barack Obama Had His Own 2012 Confederate Flag Pin Megyn Kelly :rofl:

Oh piss off. You left wing loons are still running around claiming Sarah Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" .
Everyone knows she did not really say that. They are simple reminding people of the joke made of the stupid Palin trying to equate almost being able to see Russia from Alaska as some kind of evidence of her foreign relations qualification.

Really? You overestimate the intelligence and the honesty of your base.
My base? The only base I have is a memento from the old Connie Mack Stadium.
So you found the one fake one (which a lot of us assumed was bull,), yet no mention of all the real ones from the past....

Yeah because as you can see, this is about a fake, lying, made up "fact" that conservatives passed around and gleefully laughed at because they lack curiosity.

9861 Shares from Megan Kelly who didnt fact check because...who is she? A Journalist?

FIGURES. Barack Obama Had His Own 2012 Confederate Flag Pin Megyn Kelly :rofl:

Oh piss off. You left wing loons are still running around claiming Sarah Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" .
Everyone knows she did not really say that. They are simple reminding people of the joke made of the stupid Palin trying to equate almost being able to see Russia from Alaska as some kind of evidence of her foreign relations qualification.

Really? You overestimate the intelligence and the honesty of your base.
My base? The only base I have is a memento from the old Connie Mack Stadium.

Interesting retort.
Rather amusing thread given how many times we some of the left wingers here accept stuff from Media Matters or Daily Kos no questions asked.

That would be funny IF it was shown to be completely faked. The faked part is the part you're missing I think
I don't really see how a half lie or a partial distortion is any better than a full one.

Ok, let me rephrase, that would be funny IF it was shown to be faked. IF you've shown MM or Kos to fake info thats cool and I'd like a link as I've done. But so far the only defense is accusations...which isnt a defense at all
Media Matters and Kos misrepresent and distort things people say all the time no one who is honest can deny this. It does not matter if they do it or site your talking about all were trying to pass off false narratives as the truth in other words lying. For the record I have not defended the site in your OP once all I have done is point out people on both sides are willing to accept lies no questions asked if they fit with their ideology.
Rather amusing thread given how many times we some of the left wingers here accept stuff from Media Matters or Daily Kos no questions asked.

That would be funny IF it was shown to be completely faked. The faked part is the part you're missing I think
I don't really see how a half lie or a partial distortion is any better than a full one.

Ok, let me rephrase, that would be funny IF it was shown to be faked. IF you've shown MM or Kos to fake info thats cool and I'd like a link as I've done. But so far the only defense is accusations...which isnt a defense at all
Media Matters and Kos misrepresent and distort things people say all the time no one who is honest can deny this. It does not matter if they do it or site your talking about all were trying to pass off false narratives as the truth in other words lying. For the record I have not defended the site in your OP once all I have done is point out people on both sides are willing to accept lies no questions asked if they fit with their ideology.

Well gee golly, if that happens so much it should be super easy to link to one like I did. Maybe you can start your own thread about it, like I did. And since there is so much to choose from I know I'll be seeing that thread lickety split!
This is why critical thinking skills are so important.

Helps you pick through the BS that partisan Leftists and Rightists toss about.

I hate it when people like Alex Jones hijacks a real deal situation and for his own crowd takes his message too far. And the left have their own AJ's.

Perfect example of an incident being hijacked on the right is over the Bundy and BLM battle. Here's where we had a situation that was truly cut and dried between two adversaries.

BLM was involved in an over the top militarized action that had so many shades of Waco it was frightening. 200 hundred armed agents, helicopters you name it against a lone rancher.

And instead of going after the BLM for their militarized over the top actions (let alone letting the rest of the true story getting out that BLM with the authority of the feds have been playing a "pay to pollute" scheme in the Mojave with these solar companies), Jones and his ilk hijacked the true story to put out a fairy tale that Harry Reid owned the acreage which was an out and out lie.

So the true horror story was lost in the fairy tale of Harry Reid was the bad guy in this.

On the left? Four words. "HANDS UP, DON'T SHOOT" and the real story of another over the top police action was lost when they went after peaceful demonstrators those first few nights in Ferguson.

One more time the true horror story got hijacked by Sharpton and his ilk.

Sigh. It's frustrating.
So you found the one fake one (which a lot of us assumed was bull,), yet no mention of all the real ones from the past....

Yeah because as you can see, this is about a fake, lying, made up "fact" that conservatives passed around and gleefully laughed at because they lack curiosity.

9861 Shares from Megan Kelly who didnt fact check because...who is she? A Journalist?

FIGURES. Barack Obama Had His Own 2012 Confederate Flag Pin Megyn Kelly :rofl:

Oh piss off. You left wing loons are still running around claiming Sarah Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" .
Everyone knows she did not really say that. They are simple reminding people of the joke made of the stupid Palin trying to equate almost being able to see Russia from Alaska as some kind of evidence of her foreign relations qualification.

Don't say "everybody knows she didn't say that".

How many boards do you post at Camp? I post at left and right and that lie is still repeated ad nauseam to belittle Palin's intelligence.

Just like the lie that the NYT's put out that it was a fake turkey that Bush served in Iraq.

These lies continue on out there. You know, like "hands up, don't shoot" OR "Zimmerman stalked Trayvon and killed him in cold blood because George was a racist and wanted to kill a "******".

Those lies are still out there.
On the left? Four words. "HANDS UP, DON'T SHOOT" and the real story of another over the top police action was lost when they went after peaceful demonstrators those first few nights in Ferguson.

One more time the true horror story got hijacked by Sharpton and his ilk.

Sigh. It's frustrating.

Sharpton didnt make that up. It seems you are blaming Sharpton for what other people saw and repeated to others. Sorry bro, but even those 2 white construction workers there saw his hands up (or going up) not Sharpton.

And the part you're missing here is the part where it was proven his hands werent up at anytime. I think the coroner said it wasnt likely (or something) but thats all.

But anyway, Cons fell for the lie again. Made up button etc and now they are lashing out...at dems? Figure that one out
Confederacy of Hoaxes snopes.com

FACT CHECK: Did the 2012 Barack Obama presidential campaign distribute a button featuring a Confederate flag?

Claim: The 2012 Barack Obama presidential campaign distributed a button featuring a Confederate flag.


Origins: On 23 June 2015, the web site Gateway Pundit published an item stating that Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign had issued buttons featuring a Confederate flag:

While it’s true that the above-displayed quotation was taken from a speech delivered by Barack Obama at the Constitution Center in 2008 (titled “A More Perfect Union”), the pictured button was not an official 2012 presidential campaign pin.

Images of a similar 1992 Clinton campaign button were circulated online in June 2015 in the midst of a national controversy over the continued flying of a Confederate flag over the South Carolina State House Building. But no written or photographic records documenting the existence of such an Obama campaign pin were found prior to June 2015, and the Obama campaign could not possibly have issued such a button without drawing a wealth of media scrutiny and criticism.

It appears that someone simply Photoshopped the pin or ordered it through a custom print shop service such as Zazzle.com in order to capitalize on the current Confederate flag controversy in South Carolina, during which vendors such as eBay, Walmart, and Zazzle announced they would stop selling Confederate flag memorabilia:

Read more at Confederacy of Hoaxes snopes.com
Cons also are trying to say that the KKK and Aryans voted for Obama, because the dems are the party of those organizations.
You have to ask, what has happened to conservatives in America the last 30 years.

The Big Lie seems to be their go-to tactic.

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