ONCE AGAIN, HERE'S THE real REAL solution to the illegal alien invasion


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
Illegals come here for two principal reasons: finding work, and looting social services. Lesser reasons are running the drug trade and to join predatory gangs.

Taking care of the first two, the vast majority of the problem, is easy.

1. Employment.
The law needs to change so that all employers have an AFFIRMATIVE DUTY to not hire anyone who is illegal. In support of that, the federal government needs to keep a database of all legal workers and all illegals who have attempted to work and been caught. This database will contain biometric data easily accesible on the net. If new employees are not already in the DB, they have to prove to employers (with such as birth certificates and affidavits) that they are legal. Employers will suffer severe penalties for deliberately evading the law or neglicence, not for honest mistakes. I suggest six months in jail and 1% of last years profits for a first offense, steeply accelerating for subsequent offenses.

2. Social services, especially medical. The same ID check is to be made for all non-emergency medical services - illegals are NOT eligible for such services, and those who provide them will be eligible for fines and jail terms.

There you have it - the country would be cleared of 90% of illegals in a year. You wouldn't even NEED a wall - people cross the wall not because they like to tour the 110 degree desert, but for the looting opportunities.
"In support of that, the federal government needs to keep a database of all legal workers and all illegals who have attempted to work and been caught."

Easier said than done. I guess you think the Federal government has unlimited funds to devote to your efforts.

Obviously it will go over well with employers by adding tons of forced bureaucratic waste to the hiring process of any employee and now you have to increase the number of ICE inspectors to ensure the law would be complied with as well.

2. Social services, especially medical. The same ID check is to be made for all non-emergency medical services - illegals are NOT eligible for such services, and those who provide them will be eligible for fines and jail terms.

So you want to risk the spread of easily treatable infections just to be a self-righteous buffoon.

Living proof that positions like yours have no basis in reality.
"In support of that, the federal government needs to keep a database of all legal workers and all illegals who have attempted to work and been caught."

Easier said than done. I guess you think the Federal government has unlimited funds to devote to your efforts.

The illegals are LOOTING unlimited funds from the federal government.

Obviously it will go over well with employers by adding tons of forced bureaucratic waste to the hiring process of any employee and now you have to increase the number of ICE inspectors to ensure the law would be complied with as well.

Bullshit. The current use of ICE, just making a few shows now and then of rounding up illegals at a few workplaces, and doing nothing to the employers is what's a waste. Throw a few of them in prison and they'll get the message. It won't take a big ICE force, but rather big penalties. As for "bureaucratic waste", since when have leftwingers worried about foisting that on employers?? :D

2. Social services, especially medical. The same ID check is to be made for all non-emergency medical services - illegals are NOT eligible for such services, and those who provide them will be eligible for fines and jail terms.

So you want to risk the spread of easily treatable infections just to be a self-righteous buffoon.

Ahhhhh, the tiresome ol' "infectious disease" boogeyman of the illegal alien lobby. :lol:

The threat from infectious diseases is that they're here at all - get rid of them by removing the incentives and no problem. Your approach is invite them in, and then treat them for infectious diseases. Excuse me for being blunt, but YOU'RE NUTS.
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You are the one who is letting bigotry get in the way of common sense.

How much money do you think we give immigration services?

People like you bitch and moan if the government keeps elaborate databases on people for all sorts of things or takes wide sweeping steps to do the most minor of functions, claiming ITS SOCIALISM!!!!

Now you want them to build up a soviet style database on every individual in the country and enforce it with the manpower resources the KGB would have killed for. All just so you can roust out a bunch of brown skinned laborers with funny accents.

What a load of bullshit.
You are the one who is letting bigotry get in the way of common sense.

Race card, last refuge of the leftwinger who has been beaten in debate. :rolleyes:

How much money do you think we give immigration services?

People like you bitch and moan if the government keeps elaborate databases on people for all sorts of things or takes wide sweeping steps to do the most minor of functions, claiming ITS SOCIALISM!!!!

I've claimed no such thing - you don't know me or anything about me. Protecting the integrity of its borders is one of the fundamental dutues of any state, and voluntarily allowing in tens of millions of law breaking invaders is unprecedented in world history and would be tolerated by no other country.

Now you want them to build up a soviet style database on every individual in the country and enforce it with the manpower resources the KGB would have killed for. All just so you can roust out a bunch of brown skinned laborers with funny accents.

Your paranoid fantasy is very visual if nothing else. :D The US already has several of those devilish databases, eg, the (gasp! :eek:) social security list. :lol: As I already said, and you didn't hear because you're just listening to the wheels spinning in your brain, is that there would be no big manpower resources needed. Every time the relatively few immigration police send another scofflaw employer to prison, the rest will think long and hard before they decide to risk playing the illegal alien employee lottery.
Race card, last refuge of the leftwinger who has been beaten in debate.

There is nothing more lame than someone complaining about complaints of bigotry. It doesn't nullify it. I call it as I see it.

Its an outright lie to claim bigotry isn't a major factor with people taking your position. Racists seem to flock to those positions pretty easily. Its the only explanation why someone would take a position so based on willful ignorance with such vehemence. None of you guys ever show an inkling that you know how our immigration system actually works.

You never see immigration lawyers, ICE or CIS workers take these kinds of positions. Why? Because they know how the system really runs.

"I've claimed no such thing - you don't know me or anything about me. Protecting the integrity of its borders is one of the fundamental dutues of any state, and voluntarily allowing in tens of millions of law breaking invaders is unprecedented in world history and would be tolerated by no other country."

Who said its voluntary? The other part of it, is 25% of them came here legally and overstayed. Our own dysfunctional work visa laws created about 2-4 million of the people in our illegal alien population.

We also allow millions of street criminals go unpunished as well. But nobody has the budget to wipe out crime.

The US already has several of those devilish databases, eg, the (gasp! ) social security list.

And how is that used in law enforcement? It isn't.

As I already said, and you didn't hear because you're just listening to the wheels spinning in your brain, is that there would be no big manpower resources needed.

Nah, you just have no clue what is actually involved in your little fantasy. EVERY BUSINESS IN THE US would need to be checked by the government for EVERY HIRE. EVERY WORKER not only documented but actively monitored. Sounds like fucking Stalinism to me.
Race card, last refuge of the leftwinger who has been beaten in debate.

There is nothing more lame than someone complaining about complaints of bigotry. It doesn't nullify it.

How about someone complaining about complaints about complaints of bigotry? :lol:

Its an outright lie to claim bigotry isn't a major factor with people taking your position. Racists seem to flock to those positions pretty easily. Its the only explanation why someone would take a position so based on willful ignorance with such vehemence. None of you guys ever show an inkling that you know how our immigration system actually works.

This is the oldest leftwing red herring - one could oppose obama's policy on fisheries, and leftwingers would call "racism". :rofl:

You never see immigration lawyers, ICE or CIS workers take these kinds of positions. Why? Because they know how the system really runs.

Meaningless statement.

"I've claimed no such thing - you don't know me or anything about me. Protecting the integrity of its borders is one of the fundamental dutues of any state, and voluntarily allowing in tens of millions of law breaking invaders is unprecedented in world history and would be tolerated by no other country."

Who said its voluntary?

Get a damn CLUE, MORON. The illegals could be stopped at any time, but the leftwing instead does nothing but stop americans who are being overrun from protecting themselves, like with arizona's law, and does endless things to encourage the invasion, like attempting to pass the so-called "dream act". The invasion is allowed to continue because of the groups which have a vested interest in it:

- The democrat and republican parties, who do nothing because they want to get the votes of hispanic american citizens.

- The leftwing sees it eventually minting millions of new democrat voters, and with a subsequent high birth rate and chain migration, tens of millions more, and permanent political power for themselves.

- Owners of labor-intensive industries see it as an easy way to big profits with an easily exploitable supply of black market labor.

- Teachers unions see it as a ticket to permanent employment for their members, in an aging population with an otherwise declining number of teachers needed.

- The catholic church, with empty pews all across the country, sees it as a means of building themselves up back to their former glory days.

The US already has several of those devilish databases, eg, the (gasp! ) social security list.[/B]

And how is that used in law enforcement? It isn't.

What does it matter how it's used? And if your paranoid fantasies came true, they'd use the SS database for law enforcement too.

Nah, you just have no clue what is actually involved in your little fantasy. EVERY BUSINESS IN THE US would need to be checked by the government for EVERY HIRE. EVERY WORKER not only documented but actively monitored. Sounds like fucking Stalinism to me.

Sheer palpable nonsense. Like saying if you make robbery illegal, you have to send policemen to search every house for stolen goods. :rofl:

"Get a damn CLUE, MORON. The illegals could be stopped at any time, but the leftwing instead does nothing but stop americans who are being overrun from protecting themselves, like with arizona's law, and does endless things to encourage the invasion, like attempting to pass the so-called "dream act". The invasion is allowed to continue because of the groups which have a vested interest in it:"

You are the moron. You think Americans will put up with heavy handed police tactics to roust out illegals? Of course not, because it will inconvenience legal residents and citizens more. You can't do it without taking some major hits to our 4th Amendment or creating a near police state. Plus there isn't enough money to even conceive of such a massive boondoggle.

You do nothing but spin partisan screeds and talk out of your sphincter.

"This is the oldest leftwing red herring - one could oppose obama's policy on fisheries, and leftwingers would call "racism"."

Except its true. You can only bitch and moan that I am calling you a bigot. I can actually show it to be the case.
Hardcore Racists Flock to NumbersUSA’s Campaign | IMAGINE 2050
"Get a damn CLUE, MORON. The illegals could be stopped at any time, but the leftwing instead does nothing but stop americans who are being overrun from protecting themselves, like with arizona's law, and does endless things to encourage the invasion, like attempting to pass the so-called "dream act". The invasion is allowed to continue because of the groups which have a vested interest in it:"

You are the moron. You think Americans will put up with heavy handed police tactics to roust out illegals? Of course not, because it will inconvenience legal residents and citizens more. You can't do it without taking some major hits to our 4th Amendment or creating a near police state. Plus there isn't enough money to even conceive of such a massive boondoggle.

You do nothing but spin partisan screeds and talk out of your sphincter.

"This is the oldest leftwing red herring - one could oppose obama's policy on fisheries, and leftwingers would call "racism"."

Except its true. You can only bitch and moan that I am calling you a bigot. I can actually show it to be the case.
Hardcore Racists Flock to NumbersUSA’s Campaign | IMAGINE 2050

Any group that successfully expose illegal immigration and their supporters are always called racist or bigots. NumbersUSA among others are doing their job and it is effective.
No matter how many wings you put on this anti-American rhetoric is will never fly with true Amerians.

No one take your ranting and raving serious. Your rhetoric makes you look like the town clown.:clap2:
You have absolutely nothing to back up the motor running in your mouth like all pro-illegal immigration supporters.
You cannot play with the big kids, so silently go away. But if you like spanking, stay around.
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Race card, last refuge of the leftwinger who has been beaten in debate.

There is nothing more lame than someone complaining about complaints of bigotry. It doesn't nullify it.

How about someone complaining about complaints about complaints of bigotry? :lol:

Its an outright lie to claim bigotry isn't a major factor with people taking your position. Racists seem to flock to those positions pretty easily. Its the only explanation why someone would take a position so based on willful ignorance with such vehemence. None of you guys ever show an inkling that you know how our immigration system actually works.

This is the oldest leftwing red herring - one could oppose obama's policy on fisheries, and leftwingers would call "racism". :rofl:

Meaningless statement.

Get a damn CLUE, MORON. The illegals could be stopped at any time, but the leftwing instead does nothing but stop americans who are being overrun from protecting themselves, like with arizona's law, and does endless things to encourage the invasion, like attempting to pass the so-called "dream act". The invasion is allowed to continue because of the groups which have a vested interest in it:

- The democrat and republican parties, who do nothing because they want to get the votes of hispanic american citizens.

- The leftwing sees it eventually minting millions of new democrat voters, and with a subsequent high birth rate and chain migration, tens of millions more, and permanent political power for themselves.

- Owners of labor-intensive industries see it as an easy way to big profits with an easily exploitable supply of black market labor.

- Teachers unions see it as a ticket to permanent employment for their members, in an aging population with an otherwise declining number of teachers needed.

- The catholic church, with empty pews all across the country, sees it as a means of building themselves up back to their former glory days.

And how is that used in law enforcement? It isn't.

What does it matter how it's used? And if your paranoid fantasies came true, they'd use the SS database for law enforcement too.

Nah, you just have no clue what is actually involved in your little fantasy. EVERY BUSINESS IN THE US would need to be checked by the government for EVERY HIRE. EVERY WORKER not only documented but actively monitored. Sounds like fucking Stalinism to me.

Sheer palpable nonsense. Like saying if you make robbery illegal, you have to send policemen to search every house for stolen goods. :rofl:


DUMB ASS. All that needs to be done is start the deportation and they will self deport or make E-Verity mandatory and raid a couple of places and businesses will get the message fast and they will fast check all their employers and just sat back and watch how fast they leave. Rounding them up and deporting them is just a left wing joke.:cuckoo:

If they cannot work, they will beat down the fences to get back into Mexico. Stealing back into Mexico?:lol:
I ignore the little rodent and he will go away. Give him a bit of attention and he stays around making himself a booty itch.
"Get a damn CLUE, MORON. The illegals could be stopped at any time, but the leftwing instead does nothing but stop americans who are being overrun from protecting themselves, like with arizona's law, and does endless things to encourage the invasion, like attempting to pass the so-called "dream act". The invasion is allowed to continue because of the groups which have a vested interest in it:"

You are the moron. You think Americans will put up with heavy handed police tactics to roust out illegals?

How is arresting someone who has broken federal law heavy-handed? You're grabbing at straws. You've already thrown the race card, now you sound almost feeble in your desperation to come up with some reason to justify your belief that a superpower is helpless in the face of rural mexican peasants walking over the border to loot.

Of course not, because it will inconvenience legal residents and citizens more. You can't do it without taking some major hits to our 4th Amendment or creating a near police state.

Sheer babbling nonsense - there's absolutely NOTHING I said that warrants such a looney assertion. Now you're at the predictable stage where you just let your leftwing imagination run free and make all kinds of ridiculous nutsy statements.

"This is the oldest leftwing red herring - one could oppose obama's policy on fisheries, and leftwingers would call "racism"."

Except its true. You can only bitch and moan that I am calling you a bigot. I can actually show it to be the case.

Do leftwingers EVER grasp that their eternal race card tossing in lieu of rational argument just PROVES that they've run up the white flag?? :D
Here is another solution...
This is an experiment. Treat all the medical conditions of illegal aliens for a year; pay all the expenses they incur for not having auto insurance, pay for all the damages they do during the year; then, at the end of the year, present their country of origin with the bill. If the bill is not paid "in a timely manner", sanction the offending country until it pays its bills. If the USA is required to pay its bills, other nations should be required to do the same. And not with American "foreign aid".
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Illegals come here for two principal reasons: finding work, and looting social services. Lesser reasons are running the drug trade and to join predatory gangs.

Taking care of the first two, the vast majority of the problem, is easy.

1. Employment.
The law needs to change so that all employers have an AFFIRMATIVE DUTY to not hire anyone who is illegal. In support of that, the federal government needs to keep a database of all legal workers and all illegals who have attempted to work and been caught. This database will contain biometric data easily accesible on the net. If new employees are not already in the DB, they have to prove to employers (with such as birth certificates and affidavits) that they are legal. Employers will suffer severe penalties for deliberately evading the law or neglicence, not for honest mistakes. I suggest six months in jail and 1% of last years profits for a first offense, steeply accelerating for subsequent offenses.

2. Social services, especially medical. The same ID check is to be made for all non-emergency medical services - illegals are NOT eligible for such services, and those who provide them will be eligible for fines and jail terms.

There you have it - the country would be cleared of 90% of illegals in a year. You wouldn't even NEED a wall - people cross the wall not because they like to tour the 110 degree desert, but for the looting opportunities.

When you push part of a human population away from health care it endangers all the people.

Two words: Disease control.
How about this as a real solution:

Make illegal entry a fineable offense as long as there was no criminal criminal record, along with charging them back taxes on their income.

If they pay, they stay. This way the ones actually working for a living and contributing to the economy don't get lumped in with the gangsters and indigent. People who don't have to fear deportation are less likely to be working for illegally low wages and steal American jobs

The people using the "Judge Dredd, the law is the law" argument would allegedly be satisfied because the law is being complied with. Immigration violations get punished in a manner more appropriate to the offense.

The big problem being the bigots who would not be satisfied with a simple, logical fine for their offense because they want to see them gone from their sight.
So the fact that President Barack Obama has been capturing and deporting illegals at a rate far greater then any of his predecessors of course merits absolutely no attention by the OP.

So not only is this thread partisan hackery..it's also fantasy.
So the fact that President Barack Obama has been capturing and deporting illegals at a rate far greater then any of his predecessors of course merits absolutely no attention by the OP.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And how soon were 90% of them back - the next day? the next week? As anyone who isn't severely retarded will readily discern, obama's make-believe with the invaders is a farce.

At the same time it's claimed they're being deported, the leftwing keeps trying to pass a "dream act" so they can get an education here, at discounts way below what american citizens will have to pay - yaaaaaaaaaa sure sounds like they're rousting them out. :lmao:

The leftwing's pretend enforcement takes place against the background of tens of millions illegals openly here, committing crimes and filling the jails, bankrupting the ERs, and looting the welfare state. The leftwing "potemkin village" enforcement charade doesn't make even a relative dent in this, and it's not intended to.

Real enforcement, as I have discribed, would empty the country of them in a year, but that's not what the leftwingers want - they want them to stay here, and eventually become democrat voters, so that the leftwing can hang onto power even after the most naive idiot still supporting them at last recognizes the destruction they've caused.
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