"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," wrote Christopher Ciccone, who hi

Bigotry is being exhibited by many on both sides of the issue. There has to be compromise.

You cannot compromise an either/or situation. You cannot cut the baby in half, Solomon.
That's right. The homo lobby, a tiny and hated minority, will come to heel, when the lose the false sense of security this criminal admin has given them.

And then what? You gonna type in all caps or something? That should terrify those queens. Spare us all the threats as we both know the only things you whiny pussies are going to do is jack and shit.
That wasn't a threat, lil. You limpwristed twits are laughable in your cowardice.

Cowardice? lol. Your foot-stomping bluster doesn't scare any of us.
You certainly act scared. And hysterical. And you have no reason...but you will. Sadly, when that happens, you will have stupidly made enemies out of the only people interested in protecting you...and thrown in your lot with your enemies (also stupid). Homos really are mentally ill, though. Your self destructive political nature comes as zero surprise to anyone.
That's right. The homo lobby, a tiny and hated minority, will come to heel, when the lose the false sense of security this criminal admin has given them.

And then what? You gonna type in all caps or something? That should terrify those queens. Spare us all the threats as we both know the only things you whiny pussies are going to do is jack and shit.
That wasn't a threat, lil. You limpwristed twits are laughable in your cowardice.

Cowardice? lol. Your foot-stomping bluster doesn't scare any of us.
Of course it's cowardice. You fear censure of your depravity, and like true cowards you seek to silence and imprison anybody who refuses to endorse your brand of stupidity. You will eventually taste real fear and real pain, along with Christians...but there will be no salvation for you. Just fear, and pain.

I don't fear your censure, dingbat. You're insignificant to my life. And nobody is silencing or imprisoning you, drama queen. This constant need of yours to feel victimized is comical to behold and I am shocked you can even type with that cross on your back.
Says the retard who falsely claims victimization at the hands of Christians lolol.
You cannot compromise an either/or situation. You cannot cut the baby in half, Solomon.
That's right. The homo lobby, a tiny and hated minority, will come to heel, when the lose the false sense of security this criminal admin has given them.

And then what? You gonna type in all caps or something? That should terrify those queens. Spare us all the threats as we both know the only things you whiny pussies are going to do is jack and shit.
That wasn't a threat, lil. You limpwristed twits are laughable in your cowardice.

Cowardice? lol. Your foot-stomping bluster doesn't scare any of us.
You certainly act scared. And hysterical. And you have no reason...but you will. Sadly, when that happens, you will have stupidly made enemies out of the only people interested in protecting you...and thrown in your lot with your enemies (also stupid). Homos really are mentally ill, though. Your self destructive political nature comes as zero surprise to anyone.

That quaking you hear is my boots. Again, your bluster doesn't frightened any of us.
In the early 90's, Colorado voters tried to vote against the gay agenda, and the majority, those lawful votes were thrown out because...the result was "unconstitutional". Why bother voting for ANYTHING if a minority people with $ can manipulate the system and over throw the electoral system? There was more to it than that, but that was my take of that mess. So disillusioned with the voting process.
It has been shown time and again that the majority cannot be trusted to respect the rights of the minority. It's why questions of rights are never left solely up to a vote, if it were only white, land-owning males would have the vote.
In the early 90's, Colorado voters tried to vote against the gay agenda, and the majority, those lawful votes were thrown out because...the result was "unconstitutional". Why bother voting for ANYTHING if a minority people with $ can manipulate the system and over throw the electoral system? There was more to it than that, but that was my take of that mess. So disillusioned with the voting process.
How would you like someone to vote on YOUR right to marry?
And then what? You gonna type in all caps or something? That should terrify those queens. Spare us all the threats as we both know the only things you whiny pussies are going to do is jack and shit.
That wasn't a threat, lil. You limpwristed twits are laughable in your cowardice.

Cowardice? lol. Your foot-stomping bluster doesn't scare any of us.
Of course it's cowardice. You fear censure of your depravity, and like true cowards you seek to silence and imprison anybody who refuses to endorse your brand of stupidity. You will eventually taste real fear and real pain, along with Christians...but there will be no salvation for you. Just fear, and pain.

I don't fear your censure, dingbat. You're insignificant to my life. And nobody is silencing or imprisoning you, drama queen. This constant need of yours to feel victimized is comical to behold and I am shocked you can even type with that cross on your back.
Says the retard who falsely claims victimization at the hands of Christians lolol.

Where did I claim I was being victimized at the hands of Christians? Oh wait...I didn't. All the Christians I know in real life are great people. You on the other hand are just a bitter bitch with a whiny persecution complex.
The hysterical panty-shitting that is that article from Lloyd Marcus has something for everybody. Incest, pedophilia, bestiality, NAMBLA, sanctuary cities, Obamacare, The Underground Railroad...

Fucking hilarious.
Did you notice that it's all article...no comments by Muddy?
occupied said:
In the early 90's, Colorado voters tried to vote against the gay agenda, and the majority, those lawful votes were thrown out because...the result was "unconstitutional". Why bother voting for ANYTHING if a minority people with $ can manipulate the system and over throw the electoral system? There was more to it than that, but that was my take of that mess. So disillusioned with the voting process.
It has been shown time and again that the majority cannot be trusted to respect the rights of the minority. It's why questions of rights are never left solely up to a vote, if it were only white, land-owning males would have the vote.
Yes, you can say rule by the majority is just a mob, and rule the few are tyrannical. But since we are still a democracy, and I don't know of any other lawful vote ever being overthrown by the state supreme court, it soured my vision of what voting is about. Why vote at all?
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occupied said:
In the early 90's, Colorado voters tried to vote against the gay agenda, and the majority, those lawful votes were thrown out because...the result was "unconstitutional". Why bother voting for ANYTHING if a minority people with $ can manipulate the system and over throw the electoral system? There was more to it than that, but that was my take of that mess. So disillusioned with the voting process.
It has been shown time and again that the majority cannot be trusted to respect the rights of the minority. It's why questions of rights are never left solely up to a vote, if it were only white, land-owning males would have the vote.
Yes, you can say rule by the majority is just a mob, and rule the few are tyrannical. But since we are still a democracy, and I don't know of any lawful vote ever being overthrown by the state supreme court, it soured my vision of what voting is about. Why vote at all?
Quit voting with the social conservatives and you might win one every now and then. There is a good reason the courts have such an easy time dismantling their shit, all of it is built on extremely shaky legal grounds but they do it anyway hoping the high court may rule in their favor during the constitutional challenge they know will come.
occupied said:
In the early 90's, Colorado voters tried to vote against the gay agenda, and the majority, those lawful votes were thrown out because...the result was "unconstitutional". Why bother voting for ANYTHING if a minority people with $ can manipulate the system and over throw the electoral system? There was more to it than that, but that was my take of that mess. So disillusioned with the voting process.
It has been shown time and again that the majority cannot be trusted to respect the rights of the minority. It's why questions of rights are never left solely up to a vote, if it were only white, land-owning males would have the vote.
Yes, you can say rule by the majority is just a mob, and rule the few are tyrannical. But since we are still a democracy, and I don't know of any lawful vote ever being overthrown by the state supreme court, it soured my vision of what voting is about. Why vote at all?
Quit voting with the social conservatives and you might win one every now and then. There is a good reason the courts have such an easy time dismantling their shit, all of it is built on extremely shaky legal grounds but they do it anyway hoping the high court may rule in their favor during the constitutional challenge they know will come.

It has nothing to do with the legal grounds. these cases are decided purely on the biases of the justices.
occupied said:
In the early 90's, Colorado voters tried to vote against the gay agenda, and the majority, those lawful votes were thrown out because...the result was "unconstitutional". Why bother voting for ANYTHING if a minority people with $ can manipulate the system and over throw the electoral system? There was more to it than that, but that was my take of that mess. So disillusioned with the voting process.
It has been shown time and again that the majority cannot be trusted to respect the rights of the minority. It's why questions of rights are never left solely up to a vote, if it were only white, land-owning males would have the vote.
Yes, you can say rule by the majority is just a mob, and rule the few are tyrannical. But since we are still a democracy, and I don't know of any lawful vote ever being overthrown by the state supreme court, it soured my vision of what voting is about. Why vote at all?
Quit voting with the social conservatives and you might win one every now and then. There is a good reason the courts have such an easy time dismantling their shit, all of it is built on extremely shaky legal grounds but they do it anyway hoping the high court may rule in their favor during the constitutional challenge they know will come.

It has nothing to do with the legal grounds. these cases are decided purely on the biases of the justices.
Well this judge opposes gay marriage but unlike Davis, does his duty and defends the law of the land...
Fascism is a form of socialism.
No, dumbass, it isn't.
Yes it is, dumbass
Not the same at all, dumbass: the definition of fascism

"fascism in Culture

fascism [( fash -iz-uhm)]

A system of government that flourished in Europe from the 1920s to the end of World War II. Germany under Adolf Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and Spain under Franco were all fascist states. As a rule, fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation, such as the Jews in Germany. Although both communism and fascism are forms of totalitarianism, fascism does not demand state ownership of the means of production, nor is fascism committed to the achievement of economic equality. In theory, communism opposes the identification of government with a single charismatic leader (the “ cult of personality”), which is the cornerstone of fascism. Whereas communists are considered left-wing, fascists are usually described as right-wing."
In the early 90's, Colorado voters tried to vote against the gay agenda, and the majority, those lawful votes were thrown out because...the result was "unconstitutional". Why bother voting for ANYTHING if a minority people with $ can manipulate the system and over throw the electoral system? There was more to it than that, but that was my take of that mess. So disillusioned with the voting process.
How would you like someone to vote on YOUR right to marry?
That is a false argument. Won't chase that red herring. Gays aren't forbidden to love, just don't force ALL people to equate Herosexual reproduction with gay lust. We have children like YOU. Gays use subterfuge and adoption or artificial insemination. Seems that is all this topic is about. But when MY vote legal and lawful vote against gays gets thrown out by the supreme court, I have to wonder, were will that that lead to? when will it end? Why vote at all?
Fascism is a form of socialism. End of story.

They also didn't hate "left-wingers." They simply competed with them for power.
LOL. It's why hitler invaded the Soviet Union and killed millions, why communists/actual socialists were put down..
Yes national socialists fought international socialists. Whats yer point?
"National socialism" is simply fascism, just because a particular group uses a buzz word to grab attention doesn't mean they adhere to that, you have yet to explain why the DPRK isn't democratic, after all, it's in their fucking name. LOL.

Fascism is a form of socialism. You'll have to excuse us if we haven't all been brainwashed with the socialist dogma.
You just keep dodging the DPRK point, dont you? Fascism is not a form of socialism just like monarchy isn't a form of libertarianism. LOL.

I addressed it, but you're too stupid to understand what I said. According to your theory, the Democrat party doesn't believe in democracy.

. . . . . . you may have a point there.
Fascism is a form of socialism. End of story.

They also didn't hate "left-wingers." They simply competed with them for power.
LOL. It's why hitler invaded the Soviet Union and killed millions, why communists/actual socialists were put down..

I've heard all these arguments 1000 times. They are just as lame as the first time I heard them. Vietnam invaded Cambodia. Does that mean Vietnam wasn't socialist?

You have to be a special kind of stupid to be a socialist.
Its not an argument silly child, it's a fact. Do you want me to believe the DPRK is democratic because it's in there parties name?

Do the Democrat party doesn't believe in democracy? Is that what you're saying?

You're a special kind of stupid.
Err, America is a representative democracy, both parties support this, well, you believe we're living under a fascist dictatorship (thanks Obama) so I won't bother reasoning with you.

But your theory is that the labels a political organization applies to itself are always lies, like the label "Democrat."

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