"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," wrote Christopher Ciccone, who hi

The way the Christian church is going in America it won't be long before they are gone. Same as Unions, quite interesting.
The Christian churches in America should take a clue from our current Pope. Quit acting like a bunch of angry bigots and return to the benevolent roots of Christianity. We all know the seven deadly sins but there is an opposing list of virtues: prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope and charity. I see nothing in there that allows for the flood of negativity and fear that comes from the christian right.
I'm Baptist. The pope is not my authority, any more than you are.
Of course not, but he is bringing people back to his church who had quit in disgust over it's outmoded social philosophy, meanwhile, American Christian churches are just not replacing their rapidly aging and dying followers as all the fear, negativity and politics is a real turn-off for a lot of people. You have no one to blame but yourselves as the influence of the christian right continues to wane.
Hey, i'm with you on religious freedoms & rights. They have to be respected as well. There's bigotry coming from both sides.

How do you respect a claim of a religious right when it is a claim of the right to discriminate in direct contradiction to the Constitution of the United States?

Bigotry is being exhibited by many on both sides of the issue. There has to be compromise.

You cannot compromise an either/or situation. You cannot cut the baby in half, Solomon.
That's right. The homo lobby, a tiny and hated minority, will come to heel, when the lose the false sense of security this criminal admin has given them.

I think the radical right wing of the Baptist Church is a much smaller, and much more loathed, minority.
You don't think. And I'm not radical right wing Baptist, lol. I'm Southern Baptist...about as moderate, minority friendly, and liberal as they come.
Hey, i'm with you on religious freedoms & rights. They have to be respected as well. There's bigotry coming from both sides.

How do you respect a claim of a religious right when it is a claim of the right to discriminate in direct contradiction to the Constitution of the United States?

Bigotry is being exhibited by many on both sides of the issue. There has to be compromise.
No. There comes a point when compromise is surrender. You do not compromise with fascists. You eliminate them, ruthlessly.

I doubt the Illuminati NWO folks are gonna allow you to do that. They're pure evil. The breakdown of moral fiber and promoting everything evil, is the agenda. A Dumbed-Down immoral Society is much easier to control. They'll line up to pledge their allegiance to the Government. God has to be eliminated. He's still in the way.

Comon now, we've already seen an A plus rated meltdown in this thread.

Don't try to be a topper.

No meltdown, just stating the reality. The Illuminati NWO folks want God eliminated. The goal is to have a Dumbed-Down morally corrupt Society. Just throw in those Freebies, and the masses will pledge their full allegiance and obedience to the World Government.
The more angry white Republican guy hates on gays, the more powerful the gay movement becomes. That's the truth. Probably time for angry white Republican guy to ease up on the hate.
Sadly, you're backwards. The more the angry, Christian hating minorities hate on Christians , the less people care about them.

Hey, i'm with you on religious freedoms & rights. They have to be respected as well. There's bigotry coming from both sides.

How do you respect a claim of a religious right when it is a claim of the right to discriminate in direct contradiction to the Constitution of the United States?

Bigotry is being exhibited by many on both sides of the issue. There has to be compromise.
No. There comes a point when compromise is surrender. You do not compromise with fascists. You eliminate them, ruthlessly.

You're the fascist, so what are you gonna do? Should I dial a help line for you?
Hey, i'm with you on religious freedoms & rights. They have to be respected as well. There's bigotry coming from both sides.

How do you respect a claim of a religious right when it is a claim of the right to discriminate in direct contradiction to the Constitution of the United States?

Bigotry is being exhibited by many on both sides of the issue. There has to be compromise.

You cannot compromise an either/or situation. You cannot cut the baby in half, Solomon.
That's right. The homo lobby, a tiny and hated minority, will come to heel, when the lose the false sense of security this criminal admin has given them.

And then what? You gonna type in all caps or something? That should terrify those queens. Spare us all the threats as we both know the only things you whiny pussies are going to do is jack and shit.
That wasn't a threat, lil. You limpwristed twits are laughable in your cowardice.
The way the Christian church is going in America it won't be long before they are gone. Same as Unions, quite interesting.
The Christian churches in America should take a clue from our current Pope. Quit acting like a bunch of angry bigots and return to the benevolent roots of Christianity. We all know the seven deadly sins but there is an opposing list of virtues: prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope and charity. I see nothing in there that allows for the flood of negativity and fear that comes from the christian right.
I'm Baptist. The pope is not my authority, any more than you are.
Of course not, but he is bringing people back to his church who had quit in disgust over it's outmoded social philosophy, meanwhile, American Christian churches are just not replacing their rapidly aging and dying followers as all the fear, negativity and politics is a real turn-off for a lot of people. You have no one to blame but yourselves as the influence of the christian right continues to wane.
Yawn. Ps...hogwash.
How do you respect a claim of a religious right when it is a claim of the right to discriminate in direct contradiction to the Constitution of the United States?

Bigotry is being exhibited by many on both sides of the issue. There has to be compromise.

You cannot compromise an either/or situation. You cannot cut the baby in half, Solomon.
That's right. The homo lobby, a tiny and hated minority, will come to heel, when the lose the false sense of security this criminal admin has given them.

I think the radical right wing of the Baptist Church is a much smaller, and much more loathed, minority.
You don't think. And I'm not radical right wing Baptist, lol. I'm Southern Baptist...about as moderate, minority friendly, and liberal as they come.

Yeah right.

You mean these dinosaurs?

Is the Southern Baptist Convention in terminal decline? | Christian News on Christian Today
The way the Christian church is going in America it won't be long before they are gone. Same as Unions, quite interesting.
The Christian churches in America should take a clue from our current Pope. Quit acting like a bunch of angry bigots and return to the benevolent roots of Christianity. We all know the seven deadly sins but there is an opposing list of virtues: prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope and charity. I see nothing in there that allows for the flood of negativity and fear that comes from the christian right.
I'm Baptist. The pope is not my authority, any more than you are.
Of course not, but he is bringing people back to his church who had quit in disgust over it's outmoded social philosophy, meanwhile, American Christian churches are just not replacing their rapidly aging and dying followers as all the fear, negativity and politics is a real turn-off for a lot of people. You have no one to blame but yourselves as the influence of the christian right continues to wane.
Yawn. Ps...hogwash.
Fiddling while Rome burns is certainly your right but Jesus had a few things to say about pointing fingers before examining yourself for faults.
How do you respect a claim of a religious right when it is a claim of the right to discriminate in direct contradiction to the Constitution of the United States?

Bigotry is being exhibited by many on both sides of the issue. There has to be compromise.

You cannot compromise an either/or situation. You cannot cut the baby in half, Solomon.
That's right. The homo lobby, a tiny and hated minority, will come to heel, when the lose the false sense of security this criminal admin has given them.

I think the radical right wing of the Baptist Church is a much smaller, and much more loathed, minority.
You don't think. And I'm not radical right wing Baptist, lol. I'm Southern Baptist...about as moderate, minority friendly, and liberal as they come.

How do you respect a claim of a religious right when it is a claim of the right to discriminate in direct contradiction to the Constitution of the United States?

Bigotry is being exhibited by many on both sides of the issue. There has to be compromise.

You cannot compromise an either/or situation. You cannot cut the baby in half, Solomon.
That's right. The homo lobby, a tiny and hated minority, will come to heel, when the lose the false sense of security this criminal admin has given them.

And then what? You gonna type in all caps or something? That should terrify those queens. Spare us all the threats as we both know the only things you whiny pussies are going to do is jack and shit.
That wasn't a threat, lil. You limpwristed twits are laughable in your cowardice.

Cowardice? lol. Your foot-stomping bluster doesn't scare any of us.
Finally logic is introduced by an openly gay man.

Ciccone acknowledged that Davis is required to follow federal law before he added: "But why should she when DOJ and other civil authorities don't follow federal law when they choose not to, i.e. Washington State and Colorado (POT) come to mind...or the abstract notion of 'sanctuary cities.' I always thought that sanctuary was the province of churches."

Madonna's Brother Defends Jailed Clerk Who Refused Marriage Licenses for Gay Couples

"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," he continued. "Is it so difficult to allow this women her religion? Or must we destroy her in order for her to betray her faith. No matter how we judge, it's truth. The rights we have all fought for, mean nothing, if we deny her hers."
September 6, 2015
Jail Time for Christians: No Longer a Hypothesis
ByLloyd Marcus
So this is how the game is played. Leftist operatives in the courts (supreme and state) create unconstitutional laws to further their anti-God agenda. Then leftists say those who disobey their lawless laws are not behaving like Christians and good Americans. Many on our side fall for it.

The SCOTUS' ruling on Obamacare and homosexual marriage means the Constitution will now say whatever leftists want it to say. Folks, do you realize that based on this new precedent, the left can make anything they want a law? Incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and so on?

Before you call me crazy, leftists are already clamoring for the normalization of these sins. Have you heard ofNAMBLA(North American Man Boy Love Association)?

Suppose our kangaroo Supreme Court decreed that ending slavery was unconstitutional. All blacks must report to government for their slavery assignments. How many idiots on our side would comply because Christians and good Americans must obey the law?

Meanwhile, it goes without saying that Obama is the most lawless president in U.S. history,refusing to obeylaws he dislikes. Sanctuary cities run by Democrats defiantly disobey federal immigration law at the cost of endangeringand even killingAmerican citizens. It is insane to allow these conniving vipers to claim the moral high ground over us, lecturing us about obeying the law.

Christians with their heads not buried in the sand knew thatjail time was comingfor Christians who refuse to bow down and worship homosexuals' false god.

In response to the SCOTUS ruling on homosexual marriage, a mega-church pastor said he hoped it would not infringe upon our religious freedom. I thought, "Well, duh!" That is the purpose of the attacks and lawsuits: to criminalize biblical standards.

Wedding chapels, cakes, flowers, and everything else needed for homosexuals to marry are readily available to them. Homosexuals' ultimate mission is to force Christians to rubber-stamp their behavior, thus betraying the true God.

This is why I get upset with Christians who still do not get it – labeling any pushback as intolerant and un-Christian, lecturing fellow Christians about showing these passive, humble homosexuals more love. I want to scream, "This ain't about that!" This is about saying no to being bullied into embracing anti-biblical behavior.

The radical homosexual movement is a form of the Mark of the Beast. In essence, any business or household that does not display the homosexual rainbow flag over its doorway will not be permitted to exist. Remember the pro football player who wasfined and forced into sensitivity trainingfor tweeting his disapproval of two men kissing on national TV.

When did we lose the power, folks, becomingsubservientto 2% of the population, forced to comply or end up in jail?

Moderation Edit --- shortened for Copyright.. FCT

Christians with their heads not buried in the sand knew thatjail time was comingfor Christians who refuse to bow down and worship homosexuals' false god.

This is why I get upset with Christians who still do not get it – labeling any pushback as intolerant and un-Christian, lecturing fellow Christians about showing these passive, humble homosexuals more love. I want to scream, "This ain't about that!" This is about saying no to being bullied into embracing anti-biblical behavior.

Read more:Articles: Jail Time for Christians: No Longer a Hypothesis
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How do you respect a claim of a religious right when it is a claim of the right to discriminate in direct contradiction to the Constitution of the United States?

Bigotry is being exhibited by many on both sides of the issue. There has to be compromise.

You cannot compromise an either/or situation. You cannot cut the baby in half, Solomon.
That's right. The homo lobby, a tiny and hated minority, will come to heel, when the lose the false sense of security this criminal admin has given them.

I think the radical right wing of the Baptist Church is a much smaller, and much more loathed, minority.
You don't think. And I'm not radical right wing Baptist, lol. I'm Southern Baptist...about as moderate, minority friendly, and liberal as they come.
:rofl: You mean the church that split off from the Baptist church over the issue of slavery?
The way the Christian church is going in America it won't be long before they are gone. Same as Unions, quite interesting.
The Christian churches in America should take a clue from our current Pope. Quit acting like a bunch of angry bigots and return to the benevolent roots of Christianity. We all know the seven deadly sins but there is an opposing list of virtues: prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope and charity. I see nothing in there that allows for the flood of negativity and fear that comes from the christian right.
I'm Baptist. The pope is not my authority, any more than you are.
That explains it
The hysterical panty-shitting that is that article from Lloyd Marcus has something for everybody. Incest, pedophilia, bestiality, NAMBLA, sanctuary cities, Obamacare, The Underground Railroad...

Fucking hilarious.
Finally logic is introduced by an openly gay man.

Ciccone acknowledged that Davis is required to follow federal law before he added: "But why should she when DOJ and other civil authorities don't follow federal law when they choose not to, i.e. Washington State and Colorado (POT) come to mind...or the abstract notion of 'sanctuary cities.' I always thought that sanctuary was the province of churches."

Madonna's Brother Defends Jailed Clerk Who Refused Marriage Licenses for Gay Couples

"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," he continued. "Is it so difficult to allow this women her religion? Or must we destroy her in order for her to betray her faith. No matter how we judge, it's truth. The rights we have all fought for, mean nothing, if we deny her hers."

"Ciccone acknowledged that Davis is required to follow federal law..."

Your post ended right there.
Except for the fact what the SC did was declare a law saying marriage was between 1 man and 1 woman unconstitutional. They NEVER passed a law because they aren't allowed to. That would be up to Congress. So there is no law she is breaking.
The way the Christian church is going in America it won't be long before they are gone. Same as Unions, quite interesting.
The Christian churches in America should take a clue from our current Pope. Quit acting like a bunch of angry bigots and return to the benevolent roots of Christianity. We all know the seven deadly sins but there is an opposing list of virtues: prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope and charity. I see nothing in there that allows for the flood of negativity and fear that comes from the christian right.
I'm Baptist. The pope is not my authority, any more than you are.
Of course not, but he is bringing people back to his church who had quit in disgust over it's outmoded social philosophy, meanwhile, American Christian churches are just not replacing their rapidly aging and dying followers as all the fear, negativity and politics is a real turn-off for a lot of people. You have no one to blame but yourselves as the influence of the christian right continues to wane.
Yawn. Ps...hogwash.
Fiddling while Rome burns is certainly your right but Jesus had a few things to say about pointing fingers before examining yourself for faults.
Rome is burning. And when its done burning, Christians and God will be all that's left. I can't wait.
Bigotry is being exhibited by many on both sides of the issue. There has to be compromise.

You cannot compromise an either/or situation. You cannot cut the baby in half, Solomon.
That's right. The homo lobby, a tiny and hated minority, will come to heel, when the lose the false sense of security this criminal admin has given them.

And then what? You gonna type in all caps or something? That should terrify those queens. Spare us all the threats as we both know the only things you whiny pussies are going to do is jack and shit.
That wasn't a threat, lil. You limpwristed twits are laughable in your cowardice.

Cowardice? lol. Your foot-stomping bluster doesn't scare any of us.
Of course it's cowardice. You fear censure of your depravity, and like true cowards you seek to silence and imprison anybody who refuses to endorse your brand of stupidity. You will eventually taste real fear and real pain, along with Christians...but there will be no salvation for you. Just fear, and pain.
Bigotry is being exhibited by many on both sides of the issue. There has to be compromise.

You cannot compromise an either/or situation. You cannot cut the baby in half, Solomon.
That's right. The homo lobby, a tiny and hated minority, will come to heel, when the lose the false sense of security this criminal admin has given them.

I think the radical right wing of the Baptist Church is a much smaller, and much more loathed, minority.
You don't think. And I'm not radical right wing Baptist, lol. I'm Southern Baptist...about as moderate, minority friendly, and liberal as they come.
:rofl: You mean the church that split off from the Baptist church over the issue of slavery?
Isn't that the same as the American Taliban?
You cannot compromise an either/or situation. You cannot cut the baby in half, Solomon.
That's right. The homo lobby, a tiny and hated minority, will come to heel, when the lose the false sense of security this criminal admin has given them.

And then what? You gonna type in all caps or something? That should terrify those queens. Spare us all the threats as we both know the only things you whiny pussies are going to do is jack and shit.
That wasn't a threat, lil. You limpwristed twits are laughable in your cowardice.

Cowardice? lol. Your foot-stomping bluster doesn't scare any of us.
Of course it's cowardice. You fear censure of your depravity, and like true cowards you seek to silence and imprison anybody who refuses to endorse your brand of stupidity. You will eventually taste real fear and real pain, along with Christians...but there will be no salvation for you. Just fear, and pain.

I don't fear your censure, dingbat. You're insignificant to my life. And nobody is silencing or imprisoning you, drama queen. This constant need of yours to feel victimized is comical to behold and I am shocked you can even type with that cross on your back.
In the early 90's, Colorado voters tried to vote against the gay agenda, and the majority, those lawful votes were thrown out because...the result was "unconstitutional". Why bother voting for ANYTHING if a minority people with $ can manipulate the system and over throw the electoral system? There was more to it than that, but that was my take of that mess. So disillusioned with the voting process.

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