"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," wrote Christopher Ciccone, who hi

Madonna's Brother Defends Jailed Clerk Who Refused Marriage Licenses for Gay Couples

"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," he continued. "Is it so difficult to allow this women her religion?"

Yes it is problematic. Once you legalize religion as a license to discriminate,

every bigot in America will get religion.

So, your rule is that everyone who thinks that homosexuality is perverse does so because of religion? That makes it so easy for the left. Just claim bigotry or whatever in the name of their god. Just like abortion, to listen to the left there are no democrats that are truly pro-life.
You are correct in that at least. I am glad that the social conservatives are starting to lose their narrow-minded moralistic death grip on social policy in this country.
If that was true you wouldn't be so hysterical, fascist.
It is true, you see it as a "War on Jesus" when it is really just popular opinion turning against your sick, sad cult of wrath. Remember wrath? It's one of the 7 deadly sins but you people see it as a virtue, a clear perversion of Christ's message.
You see it through the filter of the hateful damned, and as long as that's true, nothing you say matters. Your whole purpose is evil, and we are to discount and eliminate you when necessary. I'll pray you come to Christ by then, but until then meh.
I grew up with Christ in a very strict conservative Christian family. I know your cult and it's ways intimately. At one point I was a true believer to the point that I actually read the bible and found out all those angry judgmental people were doing it wrong.
Who cares? Not me. And no matter how you criminally persecute Christians, they will not endorse depravity. I has a sad for you.
You do not have to endorse "depravity" you just need to quit taking it personally. See to the maintenance of your own soul and leave people alone to find whatever afterlife there is on their own terms. Remember "freewill"?
Isn't it funny how when something the RW'ers don't like gets enacted by a majority rule process,

they call it tyranny of the majority.

But when something is enacted by, for example, a smaller number, such as a judiciary,

they call it tyranny of the minority.

...using that formula we can safely conclude that the Right defines 'tyranny' as

...anything we don't like...
Where were the cries of tyranny when conservatives were pushing through laws denying civil rights to gays?
There were no laws denying civil rights to gays. You need to wake up from your fantasy world.
Marriage here is a civil right...

And it was NEVER defined as anything other then between a man and a woman. Not only did the SCOTUS make law they changed the dictionary definition of marriage.
Isn't it funny how when something the RW'ers don't like gets enacted by a majority rule process,

they call it tyranny of the majority.

But when something is enacted by, for example, a smaller number, such as a judiciary,

they call it tyranny of the minority.

...using that formula we can safely conclude that the Right defines 'tyranny' as

...anything we don't like...

What in the hell are you talking about? 5 old men and women made law and changed the definition of marriage. If you think 5 old men and women is the majority of Americans then let me give you a clue, there are 300,000 million plus in America. And the majority don't like the SCOTUS making law.
If that was true you wouldn't be so hysterical, fascist.
It is true, you see it as a "War on Jesus" when it is really just popular opinion turning against your sick, sad cult of wrath. Remember wrath? It's one of the 7 deadly sins but you people see it as a virtue, a clear perversion of Christ's message.
You see it through the filter of the hateful damned, and as long as that's true, nothing you say matters. Your whole purpose is evil, and we are to discount and eliminate you when necessary. I'll pray you come to Christ by then, but until then meh.
I grew up with Christ in a very strict conservative Christian family. I know your cult and it's ways intimately. At one point I was a true believer to the point that I actually read the bible and found out all those angry judgmental people were doing it wrong.
Who cares? Not me. And no matter how you criminally persecute Christians, they will not endorse depravity. I has a sad for you.
You do not have to endorse "depravity" you just need to quit taking it personally. See to the maintenance of your own soul and leave people alone to find whatever afterlife there is on their own terms. Remember "freewill"?
Signing your name to sacrilege is commuting sacrilege. You don't dictate to us what constitutes sacrilege. Christians do not acknowledge state authority over their faith, and never will. Dumbasses should stop attempting to legislate matters of faith and religion.
Isn't it funny how when something the RW'ers don't like gets enacted by a majority rule process,

they call it tyranny of the majority.

But when something is enacted by, for example, a smaller number, such as a judiciary,

they call it tyranny of the minority.

...using that formula we can safely conclude that the Right defines 'tyranny' as

...anything we don't like...
Where were the cries of tyranny when conservatives were pushing through laws denying civil rights to gays?
There were no laws denying civil rights to gays. You need to wake up from your fantasy world.
Marriage here is a civil right...

And it was NEVER defined as anything other then between a man and a woman. Not only did the SCOTUS make law they changed the dictionary definition of marriage.
That's not the history of marriage, and it matters not eh, it's the law of the land so, either obey it or face the consequences. Those are you only options beside moving here:
It is true, you see it as a "War on Jesus" when it is really just popular opinion turning against your sick, sad cult of wrath. Remember wrath? It's one of the 7 deadly sins but you people see it as a virtue, a clear perversion of Christ's message.
You see it through the filter of the hateful damned, and as long as that's true, nothing you say matters. Your whole purpose is evil, and we are to discount and eliminate you when necessary. I'll pray you come to Christ by then, but until then meh.
I grew up with Christ in a very strict conservative Christian family. I know your cult and it's ways intimately. At one point I was a true believer to the point that I actually read the bible and found out all those angry judgmental people were doing it wrong.
Who cares? Not me. And no matter how you criminally persecute Christians, they will not endorse depravity. I has a sad for you.
You do not have to endorse "depravity" you just need to quit taking it personally. See to the maintenance of your own soul and leave people alone to find whatever afterlife there is on their own terms. Remember "freewill"?
Signing your name to sacrilege is commuting sacrilege. You don't dictate to us what constitutes sacrilege. Christians do not acknowledge state authority over their faith, and never will. Dumbasses should stop attempting to legislate matters of faith and religion.

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24

Pick one, and only one...
If that was true you wouldn't be so hysterical, fascist.
It is true, you see it as a "War on Jesus" when it is really just popular opinion turning against your sick, sad cult of wrath. Remember wrath? It's one of the 7 deadly sins but you people see it as a virtue, a clear perversion of Christ's message.
You see it through the filter of the hateful damned, and as long as that's true, nothing you say matters. Your whole purpose is evil, and we are to discount and eliminate you when necessary. I'll pray you come to Christ by then, but until then meh.
I grew up with Christ in a very strict conservative Christian family. I know your cult and it's ways intimately. At one point I was a true believer to the point that I actually read the bible and found out all those angry judgmental people were doing it wrong.
Who cares? Not me. And no matter how you criminally persecute Christians, they will not endorse depravity. I has a sad for you.
You do not have to endorse "depravity" you just need to quit taking it personally. See to the maintenance of your own soul and leave people alone to find whatever afterlife there is on their own terms. Remember "freewill"?
Gee, how about those who do endorse depravity just leave the rest of us the fuck alone?
It is true, you see it as a "War on Jesus" when it is really just popular opinion turning against your sick, sad cult of wrath. Remember wrath? It's one of the 7 deadly sins but you people see it as a virtue, a clear perversion of Christ's message.
You see it through the filter of the hateful damned, and as long as that's true, nothing you say matters. Your whole purpose is evil, and we are to discount and eliminate you when necessary. I'll pray you come to Christ by then, but until then meh.
I grew up with Christ in a very strict conservative Christian family. I know your cult and it's ways intimately. At one point I was a true believer to the point that I actually read the bible and found out all those angry judgmental people were doing it wrong.
Who cares? Not me. And no matter how you criminally persecute Christians, they will not endorse depravity. I has a sad for you.
You do not have to endorse "depravity" you just need to quit taking it personally. See to the maintenance of your own soul and leave people alone to find whatever afterlife there is on their own terms. Remember "freewill"?
Gee, how about those who do endorse depravity just leave the rest of us the fuck alone?
Your version of left alone would require you to live on an island, alone. Ain't gonna happen, there are other people here and their needs count as well my little infant.
The more angry white Republican guy hates on gays, the more powerful the gay movement becomes. That's the truth. Probably time for angry white Republican guy to ease up on the hate.
Dumbasses should stop attempting to legislate matters of faith and religion.
I agree completely, that's why people like you should never be in charge. On the other hand it is the government's job to legislate matters of civil rights.
It is true, you see it as a "War on Jesus" when it is really just popular opinion turning against your sick, sad cult of wrath. Remember wrath? It's one of the 7 deadly sins but you people see it as a virtue, a clear perversion of Christ's message.
You see it through the filter of the hateful damned, and as long as that's true, nothing you say matters. Your whole purpose is evil, and we are to discount and eliminate you when necessary. I'll pray you come to Christ by then, but until then meh.
I grew up with Christ in a very strict conservative Christian family. I know your cult and it's ways intimately. At one point I was a true believer to the point that I actually read the bible and found out all those angry judgmental people were doing it wrong.
Who cares? Not me. And no matter how you criminally persecute Christians, they will not endorse depravity. I has a sad for you.
You do not have to endorse "depravity" you just need to quit taking it personally. See to the maintenance of your own soul and leave people alone to find whatever afterlife there is on their own terms. Remember "freewill"?
Signing your name to sacrilege is commuting sacrilege. You don't dictate to us what constitutes sacrilege. Christians do not acknowledge state authority over their faith, and never will. Dumbasses should stop attempting to legislate matters of faith and religion.

You and that slut, Kim "pig face" Davis, need to worry about cleaning out the perverts in your own church. If she does not acknowledge state authority over her faith, she needs to resign.


Sexual Abuse Cases In United Pentecostal Churches

It is true, you see it as a "War on Jesus" when it is really just popular opinion turning against your sick, sad cult of wrath. Remember wrath? It's one of the 7 deadly sins but you people see it as a virtue, a clear perversion of Christ's message.
You see it through the filter of the hateful damned, and as long as that's true, nothing you say matters. Your whole purpose is evil, and we are to discount and eliminate you when necessary. I'll pray you come to Christ by then, but until then meh.
I grew up with Christ in a very strict conservative Christian family. I know your cult and it's ways intimately. At one point I was a true believer to the point that I actually read the bible and found out all those angry judgmental people were doing it wrong.
Who cares? Not me. And no matter how you criminally persecute Christians, they will not endorse depravity. I has a sad for you.
You do not have to endorse "depravity" you just need to quit taking it personally. See to the maintenance of your own soul and leave people alone to find whatever afterlife there is on their own terms. Remember "freewill"?
Gee, how about those who do endorse depravity just leave the rest of us the fuck alone?

They can't, it is how they were reared.
It's been a long time since conservatives won one
Dumbasses should stop attempting to legislate matters of faith and religion.
I agree completely, that's why people like you should never be in charge. On the other hand it is the government's job to legislate matters of civil rights.
People like you have no authority over people like me. When you attempt to exert authority over us, history has shown, people die.
It is true, you see it as a "War on Jesus" when it is really just popular opinion turning against your sick, sad cult of wrath. Remember wrath? It's one of the 7 deadly sins but you people see it as a virtue, a clear perversion of Christ's message.
You see it through the filter of the hateful damned, and as long as that's true, nothing you say matters. Your whole purpose is evil, and we are to discount and eliminate you when necessary. I'll pray you come to Christ by then, but until then meh.
I grew up with Christ in a very strict conservative Christian family. I know your cult and it's ways intimately. At one point I was a true believer to the point that I actually read the bible and found out all those angry judgmental people were doing it wrong.
Who cares? Not me. And no matter how you criminally persecute Christians, they will not endorse depravity. I has a sad for you.
You do not have to endorse "depravity" you just need to quit taking it personally. See to the maintenance of your own soul and leave people alone to find whatever afterlife there is on their own terms. Remember "freewill"?
Gee, how about those who do endorse depravity just leave the rest of us the fuck alone?

The more angry white Republican guy hates on gays, the more powerful the gay movement becomes. That's the truth. Probably time for angry white Republican guy to ease up on the hate.
Sadly, you're backwards. The more the angry, Christian hating minorities hate on Christians , the less people care about them.
Dumbasses should stop attempting to legislate matters of faith and religion.
I agree completely, that's why people like you should never be in charge. On the other hand it is the government's job to legislate matters of civil rights.
People like you have no authority over people like me. When you attempt to exert authority over us, history has shown, people die.
People like me don't give a fuck what you do in your churches, people like me only care when you try to force church into my life and try to save my soul against my will.

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