"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," wrote Christopher Ciccone, who hi

The actual Nazis were all socialists - leftwingers, in other words.
No, dumbass, they were fascists, like their friends the Japanese and Italians. They hated the left-wingers about as much as you do, only they actually understood them and didn't just endless repeat dogma like you...

Fascism is a form of socialism. End of story.

They also didn't hate "left-wingers." They simply competed with them for power.
LOL. It's why hitler invaded the Soviet Union and killed millions, why communists/actual socialists were put down..

I've heard all these arguments 1000 times. They are just as lame as the first time I heard them. Vietnam invaded Cambodia. Does that mean Vietnam wasn't socialist?

You have to be a special kind of stupid to be a socialist.
Its not an argument silly child, it's a fact. Do you want me to believe the DPRK is democratic because it's in there parties name?

Do the Democrat party doesn't believe in democracy? Is that what you're saying?

You're a special kind of stupid.
Were Conservatives sore winners when the were pushing through legislation banning same sex marriage?

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In other words, exactly what I said. If the Supreme Court had ruled the other way would it then not be a theocracy? NO, you would be spouting the exact same nonsense.

Eh no, if the supreme court had ruled the other way and used the bible as argumentation then you would have a theocracy.

But don't worry about it, gay marriage is legal and you don't live in a theocracy. That's all you need to know.


Oh, we do live in a Theocracy. The Left has imposed a Secular State Religion, and forms mobs to destroy Infidels.

That's the world you have wrought.
It's a liberal, secular nation, by law. Deal with it...

No, it's totalitarian mob rule with a fake veneer of legality sanctioned by your Leftwing Religion. If you loons respected the Rule of Law, you'd respect the Clerk's 1st Amendment rights.

Her 1st Amendment rights as you call them don't exist in this case. If you respected the rule of law you'd respect the SCOTUS case law on the matter.
The actual Nazis were all socialists - leftwingers, in other words.
No, dumbass, they were fascists, like their friends the Japanese and Italians. They hated the left-wingers about as much as you do, only they actually understood them and didn't just endless repeat dogma like you...

Fascism is a form of socialism. End of story.

They also didn't hate "left-wingers." They simply competed with them for power.
LOL. It's why hitler invaded the Soviet Union and killed millions, why communists/actual socialists were put down..
Yes national socialists fought international socialists. Whats yer point?
"National socialism" is simply fascism, just because a particular group uses a buzz word to grab attention doesn't mean they adhere to that, you have yet to explain why the DPRK isn't democratic, after all, it's in their fucking name. LOL.

Fascism is a form of socialism. You'll have to excuse us if we haven't all been brainwashed with the socialist dogma.
No, dumbass, they were fascists, like their friends the Japanese and Italians. They hated the left-wingers about as much as you do, only they actually understood them and didn't just endless repeat dogma like you...

Fascism is a form of socialism. End of story.

They also didn't hate "left-wingers." They simply competed with them for power.
LOL. It's why hitler invaded the Soviet Union and killed millions, why communists/actual socialists were put down..

I've heard all these arguments 1000 times. They are just as lame as the first time I heard them. Vietnam invaded Cambodia. Does that mean Vietnam wasn't socialist?

You have to be a special kind of stupid to be a socialist.
Its not an argument silly child, it's a fact. Do you want me to believe the DPRK is democratic because it's in there parties name?

Do the Democrat party doesn't believe in democracy? Is that what you're saying?

You're a special kind of stupid.
Err, America is a representative democracy, both parties support this, well, you believe we're living under a fascist dictatorship (thanks Obama) so I won't bother reasoning with you.
No, dumbass, they were fascists, like their friends the Japanese and Italians. They hated the left-wingers about as much as you do, only they actually understood them and didn't just endless repeat dogma like you...

Fascism is a form of socialism. End of story.

They also didn't hate "left-wingers." They simply competed with them for power.
LOL. It's why hitler invaded the Soviet Union and killed millions, why communists/actual socialists were put down..
Yes national socialists fought international socialists. Whats yer point?
"National socialism" is simply fascism, just because a particular group uses a buzz word to grab attention doesn't mean they adhere to that, you have yet to explain why the DPRK isn't democratic, after all, it's in their fucking name. LOL.

Fascism is a form of socialism. You'll have to excuse us if we haven't all been brainwashed with the socialist dogma.
You just keep dodging the DPRK point, dont you? Fascism is not a form of socialism just like monarchy isn't a form of libertarianism. LOL.
Finally logic is introduced by an openly gay man.

Ciccone acknowledged that Davis is required to follow federal law before he added: "But why should she when DOJ and other civil authorities don't follow federal law when they choose not to, i.e. Washington State and Colorado (POT) come to mind...or the abstract notion of 'sanctuary cities.' I always thought that sanctuary was the province of churches."

Madonna's Brother Defends Jailed Clerk Who Refused Marriage Licenses for Gay Couples

"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," he continued. "Is it so difficult to allow this women her religion? Or must we destroy her in order for her to betray her faith. No matter how we judge, it's truth. The rights we have all fought for, mean nothing, if we deny her hers."
Did he address her religious tyranny towards her clerks? Forcing them to disobey the law and follow HER interpretation of HER religion?
In other words, exactly what I said. If the Supreme Court had ruled the other way would it then not be a theocracy? NO, you would be spouting the exact same nonsense.

Eh no, if the supreme court had ruled the other way and used the bible as argumentation then you would have a theocracy.

But don't worry about it, gay marriage is legal and you don't live in a theocracy. That's all you need to know.


Oh, we do live in a Theocracy. The Left has imposed a Secular State Religion, and forms mobs to destroy Infidels.

That's the world you have wrought.
It's a liberal, secular nation, by law. Deal with it...

No, it's totalitarian mob rule with a fake veneer of legality sanctioned by your Leftwing Religion. If you loons respected the Rule of Law, you'd respect the Clerk's 1st Amendment rights.

Her 1st Amendment rights as you call them don't exist in this case. If you respected the rule of law you'd respect the SCOTUS case law on the matter.

Yes, that is exactly the totalitarian ideology you loons promote: anyone who does BadThink has no rights and must be destroyed.
Hmm, leftists are a religious group.
Global warming? Yup it's a religion.
Gay rights? Yup it's a religion.
Other issues as well. They have a dogmatic belief that is not shaken by facts, a system of sin and redemption (carbon credits), an intolerance of dissent.
Yes, the Left are the Taliban of America.
Pretty weak argument there, even your frequent and faulty argument that the left are the Nazis of America (in spite of all the actual Nazis being rightists) has more merit.

The actual Nazis were all socialists - leftwingers, in other words.
No, dumbass, they were fascists, like their friends the Japanese and Italians. They hated the left-wingers about as much as you do, only they actually understood them and didn't just endless repeat dogma like you...

Fascism is a form of socialism. End of story.

They also didn't hate "left-wingers." They simply competed with them for power.
Fascism is any culture that rejects concepts of liberty, human rights, and individual freedom.
Fascism isn't a culture. It's general description for a political theory, a form of governance that you would mostly approve of, in you knew the damn thing, which you don't.
They aren't sore winners they aren't winners at all. What the gay mafia wanted was for Davis to violate her beliefs and apologize for having them. Until that happens they lose.
So you are a supporter of christian sharia. Not surprised.
Eh no, if the supreme court had ruled the other way and used the bible as argumentation then you would have a theocracy.

But don't worry about it, gay marriage is legal and you don't live in a theocracy. That's all you need to know.


Oh, we do live in a Theocracy. The Left has imposed a Secular State Religion, and forms mobs to destroy Infidels.

That's the world you have wrought.
It's a liberal, secular nation, by law. Deal with it...

No, it's totalitarian mob rule with a fake veneer of legality sanctioned by your Leftwing Religion. If you loons respected the Rule of Law, you'd respect the Clerk's 1st Amendment rights.

Her 1st Amendment rights as you call them don't exist in this case. If you respected the rule of law you'd respect the SCOTUS case law on the matter.

Yes, that is exactly the totalitarian ideology you loons promote: anyone who does BadThink has no rights and must be destroyed.
You really are insane.
Fascism is a form of socialism. End of story.

They also didn't hate "left-wingers." They simply competed with them for power.
LOL. It's why hitler invaded the Soviet Union and killed millions, why communists/actual socialists were put down..
Yes national socialists fought international socialists. Whats yer point?
"National socialism" is simply fascism, just because a particular group uses a buzz word to grab attention doesn't mean they adhere to that, you have yet to explain why the DPRK isn't democratic, after all, it's in their fucking name. LOL.

Fascism is a form of socialism. You'll have to excuse us if we haven't all been brainwashed with the socialist dogma.
You just keep dodging the DPRK point, dont you? Fascism is not a form of socialism just like monarchy isn't a form of libertarianism. LOL.
Keep telling yourself that despite all evidence.
Fascism and socialism go hand in hand. Both of them have government involved in industry and dictating what companies do. Hitler was a national socialist, Stalin an international socialist.
Oh, we do live in a Theocracy. The Left has imposed a Secular State Religion, and forms mobs to destroy Infidels.

That's the world you have wrought.
It's a liberal, secular nation, by law. Deal with it...

No, it's totalitarian mob rule with a fake veneer of legality sanctioned by your Leftwing Religion. If you loons respected the Rule of Law, you'd respect the Clerk's 1st Amendment rights.

Her 1st Amendment rights as you call them don't exist in this case. If you respected the rule of law you'd respect the SCOTUS case law on the matter.

Yes, that is exactly the totalitarian ideology you loons promote: anyone who does BadThink has no rights and must be destroyed.
You really are insane.
Tell that to the Oregon bakers or Brandon Eich. Both destroyed by the gay mafia.
LOL. It's why hitler invaded the Soviet Union and killed millions, why communists/actual socialists were put down..
Yes national socialists fought international socialists. Whats yer point?
"National socialism" is simply fascism, just because a particular group uses a buzz word to grab attention doesn't mean they adhere to that, you have yet to explain why the DPRK isn't democratic, after all, it's in their fucking name. LOL.

Fascism is a form of socialism. You'll have to excuse us if we haven't all been brainwashed with the socialist dogma.
You just keep dodging the DPRK point, dont you? Fascism is not a form of socialism just like monarchy isn't a form of libertarianism. LOL.
Keep telling yourself that despite all evidence.
Fascism and socialism go hand in hand. Both of them have government involved in industry and dictating what companies do. Hitler was a national socialist, Stalin an international socialist.
What the fuck is an International socialist? Hitler tried to spread fascism, like Stalin tried to spread communism.. What's the difference?
It's a liberal, secular nation, by law. Deal with it...

No, it's totalitarian mob rule with a fake veneer of legality sanctioned by your Leftwing Religion. If you loons respected the Rule of Law, you'd respect the Clerk's 1st Amendment rights.

Her 1st Amendment rights as you call them don't exist in this case. If you respected the rule of law you'd respect the SCOTUS case law on the matter.

Yes, that is exactly the totalitarian ideology you loons promote: anyone who does BadThink has no rights and must be destroyed.
You really are insane.
Tell that to the Oregon bakers or Brandon Eich. Both destroyed by the gay mafia.
LOL. Its the bakers fault for being bigoted morons. Let's see, you call gays a mafia for calling out bigoted bakers and one man.
It's a liberal, secular nation, by law. Deal with it...

No, it's totalitarian mob rule with a fake veneer of legality sanctioned by your Leftwing Religion. If you loons respected the Rule of Law, you'd respect the Clerk's 1st Amendment rights.

Her 1st Amendment rights as you call them don't exist in this case. If you respected the rule of law you'd respect the SCOTUS case law on the matter.

Yes, that is exactly the totalitarian ideology you loons promote: anyone who does BadThink has no rights and must be destroyed.
You really are insane.
Tell that to the Oregon bakers or Brandon Eich. Both destroyed by the gay mafia.

I see you've given up on the Constitution.

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