"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," wrote Christopher Ciccone, who hi

Isn't it funny how when something the RW'ers don't like gets enacted by a majority rule process,

they call it tyranny of the majority.

But when something is enacted by, for example, a smaller number, such as a judiciary,

they call it tyranny of the minority.

...using that formula we can safely conclude that the Right defines 'tyranny' as

...anything we don't like...
Eh no, if the supreme court had ruled the other way and used the bible as argumentation then you would have a theocracy.

But don't worry about it, gay marriage is legal and you don't live in a theocracy. That's all you need to know.


Oh, we do live in a Theocracy. The Left has imposed a Secular State Religion, and forms mobs to destroy Infidels.

That's the world you have wrought.
It's a liberal, secular nation, by law. Deal with it...

No, it's totalitarian mob rule with a fake veneer of legality sanctioned by your Leftwing Religion. If you loons respected the Rule of Law, you'd respect the Clerk's 1st Amendment rights.

Her 1st Amendment rights as you call them don't exist in this case. If you respected the rule of law you'd respect the SCOTUS case law on the matter.

Yes, that is exactly the totalitarian ideology you loons promote: anyone who does BadThink has no rights and must be destroyed.

What do you propose to replace the Supreme Court with?
LOL. It's why hitler invaded the Soviet Union and killed millions, why communists/actual socialists were put down..
Yes national socialists fought international socialists. Whats yer point?
"National socialism" is simply fascism, just because a particular group uses a buzz word to grab attention doesn't mean they adhere to that, you have yet to explain why the DPRK isn't democratic, after all, it's in their fucking name. LOL.

Fascism is a form of socialism. You'll have to excuse us if we haven't all been brainwashed with the socialist dogma.
You just keep dodging the DPRK point, dont you? Fascism is not a form of socialism just like monarchy isn't a form of libertarianism. LOL.
Keep telling yourself that despite all evidence.
Fascism and socialism go hand in hand. Both of them have government involved in industry and dictating what companies do. Hitler was a national socialist, Stalin an international socialist.

What system has no authority to tell companies what to do?
Oh, we do live in a Theocracy. The Left has imposed a Secular State Religion, and forms mobs to destroy Infidels.

That's the world you have wrought.
It's a liberal, secular nation, by law. Deal with it...

No, it's totalitarian mob rule with a fake veneer of legality sanctioned by your Leftwing Religion. If you loons respected the Rule of Law, you'd respect the Clerk's 1st Amendment rights.

Her 1st Amendment rights as you call them don't exist in this case. If you respected the rule of law you'd respect the SCOTUS case law on the matter.

Yes, that is exactly the totalitarian ideology you loons promote: anyone who does BadThink has no rights and must be destroyed.

What do you propose to replace the Supreme Court with?
She'll pick this...
It's a liberal, secular nation, by law. Deal with it...

No, it's totalitarian mob rule with a fake veneer of legality sanctioned by your Leftwing Religion. If you loons respected the Rule of Law, you'd respect the Clerk's 1st Amendment rights.

Her 1st Amendment rights as you call them don't exist in this case. If you respected the rule of law you'd respect the SCOTUS case law on the matter.

Yes, that is exactly the totalitarian ideology you loons promote: anyone who does BadThink has no rights and must be destroyed.

What do you propose to replace the Supreme Court with?
She'll pick this...

A set of rules that demands absolute obedience to the God of the Bible. Above all.

A system btw that is thoroughly incompatible with the American system of government.
It's a liberal, secular nation, by law. Deal with it...

No, it's totalitarian mob rule with a fake veneer of legality sanctioned by your Leftwing Religion. If you loons respected the Rule of Law, you'd respect the Clerk's 1st Amendment rights.
It's a fascist, criminal cult. Like the nazis.

Which is why the support ISIS and Iran instead of Israel.
How exactly does the left support ISIS? Fuck Israel, they shouldn't be supported.

You lack the cognitive abilities to understand, but for the benefit of others:

The Obama Administration's concerted efforts to make America "small" have enabled Radical Islam. Combine that with Open Borders, the Epic Fails in Libya and Syria, the losing of the war in Iraq, the lack of support for the Iranian Spring, the demonization of Israel...and now the Incredibly Stupid and Dangerous fake deal with Iran - and the result is the enabling of ISIS.

What you fail tor realize is that Radical Islam launched 4GW in 1979. It is now a hot war, and you morons are appeasing and enabling the enemy.
They only pretend not to understand.
No, it's totalitarian mob rule with a fake veneer of legality sanctioned by your Leftwing Religion. If you loons respected the Rule of Law, you'd respect the Clerk's 1st Amendment rights.

Her 1st Amendment rights as you call them don't exist in this case. If you respected the rule of law you'd respect the SCOTUS case law on the matter.

Yes, that is exactly the totalitarian ideology you loons promote: anyone who does BadThink has no rights and must be destroyed.

What do you propose to replace the Supreme Court with?
She'll pick this...

A set of rules that demands absolute obedience to the God of the Bible. Above all.

A system btw that is thoroughly incompatible with the American system of government.
She's an American in name only, so she won't care...
Don't worry about it, fascist. That's not your problem.
You are correct in that at least. I am glad that the social conservatives are starting to lose their narrow-minded moralistic death grip on social policy in this country.
If that was true you wouldn't be so hysterical, fascist.
It is true, you see it as a "War on Jesus" when it is really just popular opinion turning against your sick, sad cult of wrath. Remember wrath? It's one of the 7 deadly sins but you people see it as a virtue, a clear perversion of Christ's message.
You see it through the filter of the hateful damned, and as long as that's true, nothing you say matters. Your whole purpose is evil, and we are to discount and eliminate you when necessary. I'll pray you come to Christ by then, but until then meh.
I grew up with Christ in a very strict conservative Christian family. I know your cult and it's ways intimately. At one point I was a true believer to the point that I actually read the bible and found out all those angry judgmental people were doing it wrong.
Who cares? Not me. And no matter how you criminally persecute Christians, they will not endorse depravity. I has a sad for you.
Mr. Ciccone doesn't seem to understand that just because you've won the war, you can't surrender to those who cling to the illusion that you haven't.`
Isn't it funny how when something the RW'ers don't like gets enacted by a majority rule process,

they call it tyranny of the majority.

But when something is enacted by, for example, a smaller number, such as a judiciary,

they call it tyranny of the minority.

...using that formula we can safely conclude that the Right defines 'tyranny' as

...anything we don't like...
Where were the cries of tyranny when conservatives were pushing through laws denying civil rights to gays?
No, it's totalitarian mob rule with a fake veneer of legality sanctioned by your Leftwing Religion. If you loons respected the Rule of Law, you'd respect the Clerk's 1st Amendment rights.

Her 1st Amendment rights as you call them don't exist in this case. If you respected the rule of law you'd respect the SCOTUS case law on the matter.

Yes, that is exactly the totalitarian ideology you loons promote: anyone who does BadThink has no rights and must be destroyed.
You really are insane.
Tell that to the Oregon bakers or Brandon Eich. Both destroyed by the gay mafia.
LOL. Its the bakers fault for being bigoted morons. Let's see, you call gays a mafia for calling out bigoted bakers and one man.
Ah yes blaming the victim. Classic liberalism on display.
Isn't it funny how when something the RW'ers don't like gets enacted by a majority rule process,

they call it tyranny of the majority.

But when something is enacted by, for example, a smaller number, such as a judiciary,

they call it tyranny of the minority.

...using that formula we can safely conclude that the Right defines 'tyranny' as

...anything we don't like...
Where were the cries of tyranny when conservatives were pushing through laws denying civil rights to gays?
There were no laws denying civil rights to gays. You need to wake up from your fantasy world.
Her 1st Amendment rights as you call them don't exist in this case. If you respected the rule of law you'd respect the SCOTUS case law on the matter.

Yes, that is exactly the totalitarian ideology you loons promote: anyone who does BadThink has no rights and must be destroyed.
You really are insane.
Tell that to the Oregon bakers or Brandon Eich. Both destroyed by the gay mafia.
LOL. Its the bakers fault for being bigoted morons. Let's see, you call gays a mafia for calling out bigoted bakers and one man.
Ah yes blaming the victim. Classic liberalism on display.
They are lawbreakers in this case, not victims...
Isn't it funny how when something the RW'ers don't like gets enacted by a majority rule process,

they call it tyranny of the majority.

But when something is enacted by, for example, a smaller number, such as a judiciary,

they call it tyranny of the minority.

...using that formula we can safely conclude that the Right defines 'tyranny' as

...anything we don't like...
Where were the cries of tyranny when conservatives were pushing through laws denying civil rights to gays?
There were no laws denying civil rights to gays. You need to wake up from your fantasy world.
Marriage here is a civil right...
Yes national socialists fought international socialists. Whats yer point?
"National socialism" is simply fascism, just because a particular group uses a buzz word to grab attention doesn't mean they adhere to that, you have yet to explain why the DPRK isn't democratic, after all, it's in their fucking name. LOL.

Fascism is a form of socialism. You'll have to excuse us if we haven't all been brainwashed with the socialist dogma.
You just keep dodging the DPRK point, dont you? Fascism is not a form of socialism just like monarchy isn't a form of libertarianism. LOL.
Keep telling yourself that despite all evidence.
Fascism and socialism go hand in hand. Both of them have government involved in industry and dictating what companies do. Hitler was a national socialist, Stalin an international socialist.
What the fuck is an International socialist? Hitler tried to spread fascism, like Stalin tried to spread communism.. What's the difference?
"National socialism" is simply fascism, just because a particular group uses a buzz word to grab attention doesn't mean they adhere to that, you have yet to explain why the DPRK isn't democratic, after all, it's in their fucking name. LOL.

Fascism is a form of socialism. You'll have to excuse us if we haven't all been brainwashed with the socialist dogma.
You just keep dodging the DPRK point, dont you? Fascism is not a form of socialism just like monarchy isn't a form of libertarianism. LOL.
Keep telling yourself that despite all evidence.
Fascism and socialism go hand in hand. Both of them have government involved in industry and dictating what companies do. Hitler was a national socialist, Stalin an international socialist.
What the fuck is an International socialist? Hitler tried to spread fascism, like Stalin tried to spread communism.. What's the difference?

One world, that needs to eat, and work, and have a roof over their heads. How fuckin' crazy is that eh?

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