"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," wrote Christopher Ciccone, who hi

Have you people come up with a way to force homosexuals to reproduce? ...you know...do their part?
If "nature" doesn't care then it is up to man to decide. That decision, concerning gay marriage, is thus up to man according to you. Thus it is up to, or should be, as all laws, up to the majority.

The majority decided a few hundred years ago that you don't get a vote on the civil rights of others, that's why you have a constitution and a bill of rights.

But the solution is very simple, just change the constitution so that evil gay people can't marry and nutty county clerks don't have to obey rulings of the supreme court.

To be natural it certainly does.

Is it 'natural' for a heterosexual human couple to limit their family to one child?


No, actually it isn't. Birth control is very unnatural.

People do not have to choose to have sex, or sex that involves producing children. Funny you would take the position that having one child is unnatural yet having homosexual relations is perfectly natural. Interesting.

Choosing not to have sex isn't natural. Contraception is not found in nature...gay animals are.
There is no such thing as a gay animal.
There is no such thing as a gay animal.


If "nature" doesn't care then it is up to man to decide. That decision, concerning gay marriage, is thus up to man according to you. Thus it is up to, or should be, as all laws, up to the majority.

The majority decided a few hundred years ago that you don't get a vote on the civil rights of others, that's why you have a constitution and a bill of rights.

But the solution is very simple, just change the constitution so that evil gay people can't marry and nutty county clerks don't have to obey rulings of the supreme court.


You are on to something, which I have said from the beginning. Amend the COTUS as it is suppose to be. Not the way it went down.

If you want to compare the civil rights to gay marriage then consider this, for the laws to not apply equally to a black man and a white man the definition of a black man, or a white man has to be different. In reality isn't that what the whole black civil rights issue, from slavery on, was all about? Do you think that the white democrat slave master would think slavery OK if their daughter was stolen and sold into slavery? I don't think so.

On the other hand, in order for to equal gay marriage to the traditional definition of marriage, the definition has to be changed. Something the SCOTUS should not be doing, and them making law while doing it is equally wrong.
The Illuminati NWO folks have lots of plans for humanity. One of their more important plans is to destroy belief in God and create a morally corrupt Society fully dependent on the World Government. The Illuminati World Government will replace God. All will kneel and worship it.

Through the use of Media, it brainwashes the masses on violence and sexual debauchery. It starts very early on for children especially. They're being bombarded with sex and violence everywhere they turn. The decaying morals serves to better control the masses. Just throw em a few Freebies, and they'll dutifully worship the New World Order. It's all a plan folks. And you're part of it.
they change gender for what reason?

A variety of reasons. Sex Change

Are you saying that homosexuality is nothing more then population control? Really?

"Nothing" more, no...and I'm not the one saying it, scientists do. There are many theories.

The Evolutionary Puzzle of Homosexuality

Scientists Discover Evolutionary Advantage For Homosexuality
Scientists Say Homosexuality Is ‘An Essential Part Of Human Evolution’

Again, choice is being mixed with nature. If a specie changes gender it is for one reason and one reason only, reproduction, survival of the specie. Why a human being has a sex change operation is a choice.

You're confusing sexual orientation with gender identification. Two completely different things.

What sets humans apart from animals?

Natural law.

Natural law in mammals including humans does not require all individuals to reproduce to sustain and grow the species.
If 5% of humans are homosexual, that may just be a natural phenomenon with no particular impact on the species one way or another.

Who are you discussing this with? Me? You must be discussing this with someone else who made some claim I did not. Otherwise why do you keep hitting me with a red herring?
Is it 'natural' for a heterosexual human couple to limit their family to one child?


No, actually it isn't. Birth control is very unnatural.

People do not have to choose to have sex, or sex that involves producing children. Funny you would take the position that having one child is unnatural yet having homosexual relations is perfectly natural. Interesting.

Choosing not to have sex isn't natural. Contraception is not found in nature...gay animals are.

Ironically, celibacy is revered thoughout much of Christianity. Celibacy is a non-reproductive lifestyle choice.

Not ironic at all. It shows humanity to not follow carnal instinct, it separates man from beast.
Man will lay with man, woman with woman, man with beast, man with child, and so on...

One day all of those acts will be considered the accepted norm. It's all part of the Illuminati NWO plan. The World Government will replace God. It will be worshipped instead. That's what's goin on. When will people wake up and see?
Good America is beset with fools: anti-Godists, NWO freaks, evangelical and fundamentals religionists.

God preserve us!

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