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Once again, the media shows it's class


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Is the liberal media stupid?(wait don't answer that.)

I thought they were low, but this takes the cake. Call this a low blow, a cheap shot, a sucker punch or what have you. But I am very pissed. The media establishment thought it would be okay to out the name of Darren Wilson's wife and post pictures of his residence. Don't get me wrong, this isn't the first time a newspaper has done this. Back in 2012, after the Sandy Hook massacre, a newspaper in New York published the names of gun owners in Westchester County, New York.

Yes you heard me right. This kind of classlessness could get him killed. But this media is too affixed on dictating a false narrative that they seem not to care who gets swallowed up along the way. I'm calling on the leftists on this board to condemn this lack of journalistic integrity, because I seriously doubt you would like your personal information outed by a major newspaper.

I hope Darren and his wife files a lawsuit; I hope they put these comic book rejects out of business. These people knew better, and they disgraced the journalistic profession. I am purely outraged. They have put the lives of this man and his wife in danger because they still think Wilson is or was a murderer and a racist. I'm mad as hell, and I hope you are too.

First, the New York Times (they have since edited out the photo of Wilson's residence):


Then Slate.com (who still has the photo displayed with the article):

Darren Wilson married Recently wed fellow officer Barbara Spradling.

And CNN.com (who comes as close as they can to revealing the address without doing so):

Ferguson shooting Where s Officer Darren Wilson - CNN.com

Yeah, this is the media. This is the media taking sides. It is high time it stopped.
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From International Business Times:

Wilson received death threats after he was identified as the officer who shot Brown, and as community members and activists plan to protest if he is not indicted, the location of his home could potentially endanger him, his new wife, and his property if the protests result in violence, some of his defenders say. Wilson’s home address is a matter of public record, and it has been published in numerous media reports beginning in August.

But printing his street name in the nation’s most influential newspaper on the day the grand jury is expected to hand up a decision on the indictment could reignite interest in — and awareness of — the location, and some critics worry that it could result in protesters descending on his home. Slate even went a step further than the Times, publishing an article featuring a photo of the modest, red-brick house on Monday.

A number of Twitter users — some of whom have identified themselves as planning to protest the grand jury decision — have tweeted the location of Wilson’s home as they gear up for rallies. The house number was not printed in the Times, but the street in the St. Louis suburb of Crestwood where it sits is only about two blocks long, and the house number can be easily located via online sources using only the street name and Wilson’s name.
"Once again, the media shows it's class"

Once again you only exhibit your ignorance and stupidity, as this fails as a straw man fallacy, where there are no 'liberal media,' it's a moronic contrivance of the right.
Journalism in this country died years ago, now it's all opinion and propaganda. Most are left wing and like most leftist integrity is just another word to be batted about when it's convenient.
"Once again, the media shows it's class"

Once again you only exhibit your ignorance and stupidity, as this fails as a straw man fallacy, where there are no 'liberal media,' it's a moronic contrivance of the right.
That particular meme, that there is no "liberal media" is completely unfounded. The major media outlets are sunk in liberal bias.Their kid glove treatment of Obama for years demonstrates that pretty conclusively.
Yeah, I read this. Each day there is another reason to despise liberals. They deserve ZERO respect. They will never get it from me.

I hope we are preparing for the revolution they are calling for and have been planning since the 60s.

We will have to fight for our country. The writing is on the wall.
Yeah, I read this. Each day there is another reason to despise liberals. They deserve ZERO respect. They will never get it from me.

I hope we are preparing for the revolution they are calling for and have been planning since the 60s.

We will have to fight for our country. The writing is on the wall.

No fight is needed.

The GOP is looking straight into an opportunity to dramatically increase their minority vote.

But it will require far better messaging than they're currently offering, so that opportunity may go to waste.

Yeah, I read this. Each day there is another reason to despise liberals. They deserve ZERO respect. They will never get it from me.

I hope we are preparing for the revolution they are calling for and have been planning since the 60s.

We will have to fight for our country. The writing is on the wall.

No fight is needed.

The GOP is looking straight into an opportunity to dramatically increase their minority vote.

But it will require far better messaging than they're currently offering, so that opportunity may go to waste.

Mac, the tea party has a great message. There is absolutrly nothing wrong with their message or the way they present it. What happens? The main stream media, Hollywood, the liberal education, attack the tea party relentlessly. They equate the tea party to the kkk.

You ever read what the tea party stands for? I happen to believe the truth is enough. The truth is sufficient. No "packaging" will help the truth. That is just manipulation. It does help when a good person speaks well though.

This is irreleveant. The liberal media will not allow any message to get out that disrupts their socialist messaging. You disagree?
Yeah, I read this. Each day there is another reason to despise liberals. They deserve ZERO respect. They will never get it from me.

I hope we are preparing for the revolution they are calling for and have been planning since the 60s.

We will have to fight for our country. The writing is on the wall.

No fight is needed.

The GOP is looking straight into an opportunity to dramatically increase their minority vote.

But it will require far better messaging than they're currently offering, so that opportunity may go to waste.

Mac, the tea party has a great message. There is absolutrly nothing wrong with their message or the way they present it. What happens? The main stream media, Hollywood, the liberal education, attack the tea party relentlessly. They equate the tea party to the kkk.

You ever read what the tea party stands for? I happen to believe the truth is enough. The truth is sufficient. No "packaging" will help the truth. That is just manipulation. It does help when a good person speaks well though.

This is irreleveant. The liberal media will not allow any message to get out that disrupts their socialist messaging. You disagree?

Yeah, I disagree.

First of all, yes, the media is liberal, it reports from a liberal perspective, and that's not going to change any time soon. I was in it for many years, I know how the game is played, and you're right. So the question is, how does the GOP deal with this fact? Do they just give up, throw their hands up in the air, and just talk to their base, hoping that will be enough? That appears to be the strategy. If that's what the plan is, okay, this conversation ends there.

If, however, they are interested in attracting people beyond their base, they need to improve their messaging, most specifically the way they communicate with the media. The ACA was a perfect example. I keep hearing, "well, the media just didn't cover the GOP plan". That's a weak cop-out.

All they had to do was (and I'm not being facetious here) come up with a clear plan, give it a nice, snappy, easy to remember name, print it up in a nice-looking booklet, and hold it up every last goddamn time they were being interviewed on teevee or refer to it for print and radio interviews. Cram it into every last conversation. Include it in every last commercial, where the media cannot control the message.

They can do the same thing on virtually any other issue, and right now they should be doing it on race.

Somehow, amazingly, I don't think they see this.

Mac, the tea party has a great message. There is absolutrly nothing wrong with their message or the way they present it. What happens? The main stream media, Hollywood, the liberal education, attack the tea party relentlessly.

Never ending excuses with folks like you.

Hate to tell you dude. It ain't the "messenger": that is giving you all heartburn.
It's is the fucked up "message" you all are sending out that is giving you heartburn.

But I got to ask; is FOX also "liberal media"? LMAO. You all got your "mouthpiece" aka FOX News. Maybe you should be pissed at them for doing such poor messaging.

But really, people just aren't buying the bullshit you all are selling. And your excuses are funny.
"Once again, the media shows it's class"

Its class asswipe. Learn English.

So you're the internet spell and grammar checker! Dude, I've been looking everywhere, I finally found you. I just wanted to tell you what a suck ass job you're doing. You're making no progress at all.

Personally I'd give you an infraction for trolling. What an asshole.
The media in the United States is more controlled than Pravda before the break up of the Soviet Union.

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