Once the Butthurt Left Gets Trump impeached/removed, ways Hillary can be POTUS:

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017
The least-likely scenario would be Pence appointing Hillary as head of homeland security to replace John Kelly, then the left moves to impeach/remove Pence, Paul Ryan, Oran Hatch, Tillerson's replacement, Steve Mnunchin, James Mattis, Jeff Sessions, Ryan Zinke, Sonny Perdue, Wilbur Ross, Alexander Acosta, Tom Price, Ben Carson, Elaine Chao, Rick Perry, Betsy Davos, and David Sulkin.

That's right, folk. RICK MOTHERFUCKING PERRY is closer to POTUS than Hillary.

I suppose a more likely scenario is for Hillary to replace one of the cabinet members, like Ben Carson, and be the lone survivor of a huge terrorist attack. Maybe that's why the Dems want all the terrorists to get visas so quick.

Pence could get crazy and appoint Hillary as Sec. State to replace Tillerson, then the left can move to impeach/remove Pence, Paul Ryan, and Orin Hatch., boom. POTUS Hillary.


Hillary runs for a NY rep. seat, the dems take over the house, the left gets Pence impeached/removed. That may be the easiest, most likely scenario.

Keep at it. I think there is hope.

Some things that would happen before Hillary becomes POTUS:

- Civil war statues come to life and kick some Antifa ass
- Kapearnick plays QB again
- Monkeys fly out of Nancy Pelosi's butt
There is no scenario that makes a 2 time loser part of the line of succession unless everyone in the country dies and Hillary is the only one left. then appoints herself.

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