Once Upon a Time, the DOJ Argued the Presidential Records Act Gave a President Massive Authority Over His Records

And 13 died in one day under Biden. You really wanna go there?
More than 13 died that day. It was 13 servicemen and like 60-90 refugees all in 1 big blast

I wanna say it was dual suicide bombers, but can't remember to stick that claim for sure.

Nope! It was 1 suicide bomber and then they started shooting from the perimeter.

I can't find the image, but it's in my mind. One big blast and solid bodies down in a circle all around that about 80 feet wide. :(

Over 100 human beings were killed right then and there, and it's directly because of Joe Biden's arrogance.
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Is he a fool because you don't like what he's saying? Because he's stated numerous times he would gladly testify under oath. Funny, he's never been called to testify by a liberal run congress the first 2 years of Bidens presidency.
Would you be ok if he came and pleaded the 5th like Trump did.

Who had 13 die in one day, vs 45 die in 4 years?

Like I said, really wanna go there?

2499 died under Obama, but you kinda fail to mention those.

But the 45 under Trump, oh yea, we'll talk about those.

You've lost all your credibility a long time ago you racist black mother fucker. Leave before intelligence accidentally slaps you in the face.
So if there would have been 13K troops there instead of 2.5K, how many do you think would have died?
So if there would have been 13K troops there instead of 2.5K, how many do you think would have died?

I have no idea, all I know is Obama killed off 2500 and you were silent. Trump has less than 50 die under his watch and you bring them up, as if you give a shit.

Faux outrage is better than no outrage I guess. Why don't you answer the following question?

Why did you ignore 2500 servicemen deaths under Obama but brought up 45 deaths under Trump?
He has no reason to. He was never accused of anything, unlike Biden that we know took money from China. We've now got audiotapes. Oh but they're fake news, I'm sure.


Funny how money from China wasn't a problem before.

I have no idea, all I know is Obama killed off 2500 and you were silent. Trump has less than 50 die under his watch and you bring them up, as if you give a shit.

Faux outrage is better than no outrage I guess. Why don't you answer the following question?

Why did you ignore 2500 servicemen deaths under Obama but brought up 45 deaths under Trump?
Pres. Obama brought the war to an end by the time Trump took office. Tell me why Trump reduced troop numbers from 13K to 2.5K.


Funny how money from China wasn't a problem before.


Because China was renting Trump owned properties long before Trump became president. Paying legal rent is far different than selling the office of vice president for money.

But I don't expect you to figure that out.

Can you imagine the butt hurt you liberals would have if Trump had stopped charging China rent to ensure no money went from China to Trump? You'd say Trump was sucking up to China.

So what exactly was Trump supposed to do? Evict legal rent paying tenants? Stop taking rent from legal tenants? I mean by all means, YOU TELL ME what Trump should have done.
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So you don't believe the transcript in the Trump case,
I don’t know if it’s credible. You don’t either.
but you believe Joe and Hunter Biden rec'd 10 million dollars and you haven't seen a damn thing other than some fool's word that it happened. Smfh.
You don’t recall saying that, either. You must be hallucinating again, Stupidbadbreath.
The crime was having them, or so they say.
But Crooked Hillary and Sleepy Joe just didn’t have the fund raising smarts to match the genius gazillionaire-erriffic smarts that businessman DJT has,so they gave them back. nf.23.06.17 #251 to mrtybgn #170
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I’ve already refuted your dishonest use of the phrase “ignore.” So, now you’re exposed as simply a liar.

Try to educate yourself:

Good luck getting a useful and meaningful tag line.

BackAgain posted this: NEW: Special Counsel Smith's indictment alleges Trump showed off a military paper that he boasted was classified "highly confidential" and "secret," but the transcript reveals Trump actually said: "like, highly confidential" and "a secret." Smith omitted the words "like" and "a."​
You damned fool! That interview took place in Florida but It is only referred to in the Florida indictment. It it is not listed as one of the crimes for which DJT was actually indicted. nf.23.06.17 #252 to bckvgn #231
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Not long ago, in what is a seminal court case, involving Bill Clinton, the DOJ sided with Clinton.

Jack Smith, the buffoon that he is, ignored this in his vendetta against Trump.

Gateway Pundit? Are you kidding?

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