One academic’s pessimistic view of current events in the Holy Land

The Saudi peace initiative guarantees Israel's security. Every Arab country signed on in 2003.
And they have done nothing to curb Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah’s war on Israeli civilians. The only reason they signed in my opinion is that Israel quietly explained that before it goes under an Arab attack, it will nuke every city in the Middle East. Even Arabs aren’t stupid enough to risk that.
The Palestinians signed on too. Israel just wants to kill or expell the rest of the indigenous people.
For people who signed a peace treaty, the Palestinians have done nothing except try to kill Israeli civilians ever since. They don’t even have the courage to attack the IDF, just civilians.
You mean the one in which they were blockaded and could not emigrate from?

Hardly the definition of a state. More the definition of a Bantustan.
They were free to leave, but no Arab state would accept them. Egypt controlled a major border crossing, kept it open, but refused any Palestinian “refugees”/immigrants. That’s because the Palestinians have tried to destabilize every country that gave them refuge. Because of that, no wants to take proven troublemakers into their countries any more.
And they have done nothing to curb Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah’s war on Israeli civilians. The only reason they signed in my opinion is that Israel quietly explained that before it goes under an Arab attack, it will nuke every city in the Middle East. Even Arabs aren’t stupid enough to risk that.

Why would they? The Saudis have no influence on Israel's continued theft of land and human rights. Israel wants the US to attack Iran.

The Israelis threatened to bomb Saudi oilfields in 1973, but KSA had no part in the Six Day War or the yom Kippur war.

I'm not surprised they threaten all Arab cities.The have also threatened major European cities.

He’s serious, learned man who has made a career of studying foreign policy
Think of any pariah state which has benefitted long term from policies of Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing .

It is just a matter of time before this state which is presently clinically insane is removed permanently .

Even if the Hitler Impersonator is removed tomorrow it will be generations before Jews will be trusted .
Think of any pariah state which has benefitted long term from policies of Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing .

It is just a matter of time before this state which is presently clinically insane is removed permanently .

Even if the Hitler Impersonator is removed tomorrow it will be generations before Jews will be trusted .
You are giving us the radical secular - aka Godless - view of the situation

The only reason Israel exists is because God wills it to

Israel is a Jewish state

and it will remain so till the Messiah appears

A two-state solution will not work because as soon as the Pals have control of the West Bank it will become another Gaza inhabited by muslim militants
Why would they? The Saudis have no influence on Israel's continued theft of land and human rights. Israel wants the US to attack Iran.

The Israelis threatened to bomb Saudi oilfields in 1973, but KSA had no part in the Six Day War or the yom Kippur war.

I'm not surprised they threaten all Arab cities.The have also threatened major European cities.
Wrong, Here is an excerpt from Wikki on the various Arab armies preparing to invade Israel:
In the weeks leading up to the Six-Day War, Saudi Arabia mobilized forces for deployment to the Jordanian front. A Saudi infantry battalion entered Jordan on 6 June 1967, followed by another on the 8th. Both were based in Jordan's southernmost city, Ma'an. By 17 June, the Saudi contingent in Jordan had grown to include a single infantry brigade, a tank company, two artillery batteries, a heavy mortar company, and a maintenance and support unit. By the end of July 1967, a second tank company and a third artillery battery had been added. These forces remained in Jordan until the end of 1977, when they were recalled for re-equipment and retraining in the Karak region near the Dead Sea.[75][76][77]
The Saudis were also involved in the Yom Kippur War, from the same source:
  • Saudi Arabia had a force of 20,000 Saudi soldiers that remained in Jordanian territory since 1967 to provide support and assistance as needed for a total of 10 years.[39][38][40] Additionally, the Saudis sent 3,000 soldiers to Syria, bolstered by a light armored battalion of Panhard AML-90 vehicles.[4] One of the AMLs was later captured by the Israelis near Golan Heights and displayed to the media as proof of Saudi involvement.[1] The Saudi armor was deployed primarily in rearguard actions[1] but also performed active reconnaissance for the Iraqi and Jordanian expeditionary forces between 16 and 19 October.[426] During that time, it participated in two major engagements and the IDF claimed that most of the armoured car battalion was destroyed.[426] The Saudis acknowledged only minor losses, including the loss of 4 AMLs.[1]
The 23,000 troops serving in the Yom Kippur war were almost 20% of the entire Saudi Army at the time. So despite your claims, the Saudis were most certainly involved in both the 1967 and Yom Kippur Wars.
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